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9:20pm Sep 16 2010 (last edited on 9:21pm Sep 16 2010)

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Posts: 2,963
Medieval RP!!1!!!one
Big nough? XD
Or....a renaissance faire one.....X) Because I win like that.
This rennie faire runs all summer. It is located in the wetter part of the U.S. state of Oregon, close to Washington. It's located in a secluded area in the woods. There are booths and shops that line the main path as well as side streets that lead farther into the faire.
Main Event: Morning and evening tournaments (Ring grab, cabbage slaughter, and jousting....with sword play)
Rules! Yay!! Joyousness!
Be chivalrous
No duels out of character
No bio needed, but please include whether you are a roving player or a traveler from a'far in some way
Elves and tree folk permitted. X)
Just not too many. one or five at the most.
Be ye a royal knight, a peasant, a rouge, or rascal?
A faire lady, mayhap?...
To join, tell me how much fun you think I had at shrewsbury this year.

Resident mounted archer

10:39pm Sep 17 2010

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Posts: 2,963
((Well....I thought it wouldve been fun...))

Resident mounted archer

12:06pm Oct 2 2010

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Resident mounted archer

12:21pm Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 2,648
I guess i'll...join

12:23pm Oct 2 2010 (last edited on 12:43pm Oct 2 2010)

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Posts: 2,648


I'ma Elvin


Rouge/rascal and a bit of a Faire lady




12:38pm Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 2,963

((Yay! Fun! :D))

Name: Jai
Gener: Female
Traveler/player: Player
Runs an art shop at the end of the path, beside the herbalist
Costume: White tunic, grey legging, bracers, black leather boots that go to her thighs. Shoulder-blade length hair

Resident mounted archer

12:43pm Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 2,648

12:53pm Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 2,963

((Well, I'll start...))

The heat of the day rode into Jai's shop on a breeze. It was wet, humid, in the shop and she had thrown plastic bags over her paintings and drawings-all with fantasy beings and places-to keep them from curling in the dampness. The prints she didnt worry about, safe in their plastic or gl*censored* wrapping already and displayed on a shelf.

Sick of the heat in her wooden building, Jai ventured out, fingering her tasled white tunic as she looked up the path at the travelers. 

"Good morrow!" She called to one of the players; an old man in a kilt and tunic. He turned.

"Good morrow yourself! Pardon, Las, but might I interest you in a partially decomposed egg?"

The petite girl made a deal about thinking on it, much to the dismay or joy of Travelers.


Resident mounted archer

1:08pm Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 2,648
Ayoua walked in the heat her head getting woozy, she closed her eyes so she could relax as she grabbed her water bottle and took a sip to her dismay only a little drop came out ,but as she saw a town up ahead she ran towards it as fast as her dainty Elve legs could carry her.When she got to the town she was huffing for her breath.She saw a man selling water for a cheap price and sh e baute a bottle ful.She was going to buy another bottle of it but she thought she should taste it first."Yuck"she exclaimed'now I know why it was so cheap.She was glad that she did'nt regreat not buying two.She walked up through the senter of the town then fainted infront of a shop full of paintings.A few secounds before she slept she herd cackling.   

1:15pm Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 2,963

Jai turned at a solid thump behind her, thinking something had fallen. Something had indeed fallen. She rushed forward and knelt at the girls side, checking. She's fainted... "Daft girl," she mumbled, rolling her over and picking her up, surprisingly stong for her height. The unknown girl was surprisingly light herself, but that didnt matter as Jai carried her into her shop, which was cooler than the outside tempurture, and positioned her on the fur lined couch in one corner.

She then turned, brushing light brown hair from her face, and faced the crowd.

"Unless you plan to buy anythin', off with ya!"

A few curious bodies entered and took a look around. They asked about the jar of lavender lemonade on teh counter and, after paying a dime, took a cup, grateful for the coolness.

Resident mounted archer

1:31pm Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 2,648
Ayoua woke up smelling Lemons she licked her top lip.Suprisingly she loved lemons asecialy lemonade but to her suprise her body was numb.She sat up but it took her a wile then she had a coughing fit.Tears filling up in her eyes,she jently brushed them away,quickly grabbing something from her pockit.A buitifull pendend it was blue and red and gleamed it shined in her eyes as she sighed glad that it had'nt been stolen.She kept it in her pockit because she was scared that if someone saw it on her neck they would steal it. 

1:46pm Oct 2 2010

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3:29pm Oct 2 2010

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3:36pm Oct 2 2010

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(What about you're charecter sees the pendent grabs it but just to look but my charecter is some how intimadated by that jesture.)

7:53pm Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 2,963

((Sorry, I got a chance to drive a car andd couldnt p*censored* it up. XD

Aaaand...I dont think my character would do that...))

Jai turned at the sound of the girl coming to. "Afternoon," she called and walked ovver with a cup of sweet water. "Id give you some lemonade, but I dont know how your stomach would handle it." She caught sight of the necklace the girl had in her hand and tilted her head. "Thats pretty. Did you get it at the faire?"

Resident mounted archer

8:53pm Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 2,648
"No it's it's"she stuttered then finally said"it's a pendent I got at birth it's the only thing conecting me to my family"tears filling up her eyes again but this time with sarrow.Then she litened up and smirked "nice paintings" she said noticing one that was out of the ordenairy the others had spring,summer and winter colors but this one had fall colors.It caught her eye and she walked towards it stifally as her body was still a bit numb, she grabbed the water on her way,.Thanks" you she said sipping from the cup as she examined the painting closer and asked cuorisly"why is this one different".  

9:38pm Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 2,963

Ah. Family.  Jai nodded. Her youngest sister, age 9, had just gone home with her parents for the week after staying for a weekend...as she always did while Jai sold pictures at the faire.

"Welcome." She said, turning to watch the girl. She shrugged at her question. "I just felt like doing an autumn painting. I like the colors autumn brings. Plus the summer, you might want to have a bit of winters promise." She grinned. "But like I said. Mainly the colors, even if I cant tell half of them apart...thats why a lot of these are in pencil." 

Jai crossed to the opposite wall, where canvases lined up neatly on shelves and touched the top of one. "This is my latest. I drew it about three days before school let out"

((This is the drawing http://art-bandgeek.deviantart.com/art/Unexpected-179614171 I was planning on painting it, but decided I'd rather not chance ruining it. XD)) 

Resident mounted archer

10:08pm Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 2,648
"So I'm Ayoua and you are"Ayoua asked britely.She looked outside of town and saw men and weiry travelers all around."So are you going to leave the shop after the Faire"she asked yet another question.Waitin for the answers she sat down and asked for lemonade."Wait I think I have some money in here she said rumiging through her pockits."Aww...no way" she exclaimed then said sorry, but wile looking for the money her hand got poked by a sewing needle."Ow"She said sticking her finger in her mouth. It must have slipped out of my paoch when I fell good thing it's still here though she thought to herself.  

10:29pm Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 2,963
"Im Jai. Nice to meet'cha!" She too looked out the door, waving in a few young kids and their parents. "Come in, take a look 'round. Enjoy the shade!" She grinned at the kids, both in costumes, as they made their way over to her, gave her 40 cents, and waited as she gave them 4 cups of lemonade. She then took one cup over to Ayoua and hanged it to her. "On the house."

Resident mounted archer

1:15pm Oct 3 2010

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Posts: 2,648

"Oh thank you" she said still sitting."What is this place called" she asked.She drank a bit of the lemonade and said"ahh"feeling relaxed.From her food paoch she pulled out two cookies suprisingly not crumpled up they were choclate chip and she gave one to Jai smiling as she did."Theire good try some" she said taking a bite afterwards.She took another sip from the Lemonade and said"So I guess bisness is low huh"."Do you need some help I could do addvertisments and stuff"she said.

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