6:37pm Aug 1 2011
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To pass the time, Kentanu began to write, he wasn't doing homework or anything but he loved to write. It was the only reason why he got so many good grades on essays, writing was a way for him to express himself through words on a page. He got lost in his writing and when he looked at the clock, he laughed. "It's 6:40, now I'm fashionably late!" He got up and left his papers and notebook where he had them, making the room seem like home already, unorganized. He walked down the stairs, slowly, wanting to kill some more time. Maybe I'll be so late that they called off the meeting.., he thought with a smile. He finally reached the office and he frowned when the principle smiled at him. So much for my attempt to tick her off.. She motioned him to a room and the rest was just a blank, he wasn't paying attention before everything went black. [O-O lolol xD Kentanu is knocked out]
6:57pm Aug 1 2011
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Avalia woke up strapped to a table with a white coat standing over her. He was holding a syringe. She looked at her with blurred eyes that suddenly widened when she realized that it was the principle standing over her. "Ummm... excuse me, what am I doing here?" She asked, staring at her principle with a sense of confusion and fear. "A place that I know you, you will never find out. Now, answer my questions and this will soon be over. And remember, I know if you lie." The last statement was said as her eyes flashed with what looked like fire and made it seem like a threat. Avalia shivered in her wrappings. "What is your name." "Avalia Orikani Sazus." She said, her voice shaking with fear. "age?" "16" "Parents?" "Mary and Gus Sazus" Avalia yawned and stretched uncomfortably on the table. "Alright, yes. Thank you." "May I go?" "No." The woman answered, pouring blue liquid into a syringe. Avalia glanced uncomfortably at the needle. "Yes, she'll do nicely. Of course, she might not survive, but its all in the name of science." The woman muttered to herself. Although, it was loud enough for Avalia to hear. And then, for the 2nd time tonight, Avalia blacked-out as the needle slid into her arm. Avalia felt a searing pain go down her left leg and her entire body lifted up in her bindings a fire flew through her body. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as she expierenced the worst pain anybody could ever imagine. Wet tears rolled down her unconcious face and the woman watching laughed loudly as she watched the younger girl go into a painful sleep. Suddenly, the fire dissapeared and her tense body relaxed onto the table. A cool soothing water coursed through her veins turning her blood a silver color. Suddenly, her body dissapeared and then reapeared dozens of times. Finally, she felt her body compact into what felt like a million shapes. First she felt as if she fight with the strength of saber-toothed tiger. Then she could fly as high as a raven and she could swim and never come up for breath. Her body grew cold as ice and for a moment, to the scientist, her skin turned blue and scaley. Then her body felt as if she was as agile as a kitten. Then it was over. She was no longer breathing and two pointed fangs felt sharp against her bottom lip. She awoke, her eyes the color of blood... ((Ya, okay, she may be a vampire, but whatever, I got carried away. The vampirism is a side affect XD))
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1:00pm Aug 2 2011
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1:53pm Aug 2 2011
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[[Lol it's okay, vampires are cool xD]] When Kentanu woke up, he felt utterly irritable, more than ever before. Especially when he found himself strapped to some sort of table. He looked up, expecting to see the principle but it was some other guy[since the principle is with Avalia xD]. He was in a room seperate from his sister. Usually, Kentanu is very silent but when he's irritated, nothing keeps him from speaking. "Hey, punk! Would you mind telling me why you knocked me out and then strapped me to this table?" The man just starred at him with a grin on his face. Kentanu tensed, he didn't like that ex pression at all. "When I get out of here, you're going to regret it", he grumbled, strugling to break free of the metal rings that held him to the table. The man began asking him questions that, of course, Kentanu answered sarcastically. "Name?" "Ben Stiller" "Don't mess with me, I'll just make the pain worse! Now... age?" "42" "You must be really stupid to still be in highschool" "And you must be extremely stupid for strapping me to this table, if you think you can get away with it" The whole questioning went on like this, no way was he going to give his information to this guy, especially since he was being threatened. The man in the white coat let out an exasperated sigh, making Kentanu smile as if he had won this arguement. The man glared at Kentanu and said: "Forget it, I'll just inject you and hope for the worse". Kentanu gritted his teeth, this wsn't how he expected it to end. The man stuck the needle in his arm and Kentanu was thrown into chaos. He felt like he was on fire, yet it wasn't painful...it almost felt normal, except for the heat that made him sweat terribly. It was worse than a fever. Then he started to glow, light began to flash all around him, brighter than anything he had ever seen. it was so bright that his eyes began to burn and so he had to close them. And then he began transporting with the table, ending up in different locations in the room. When it was all over, Kentanu could feel a cool liquid go through his veins, it chilled him to the bone. Then.. he opened his eyes and they were the color of ice.

2:02pm Aug 2 2011
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Avalia looked aroundwith her sharp new vision and then looked at the scientist. She barred her teeth, but the woman seemed unfazed. "You're a monster." she snarled, breaking away from her bonds. The woman's smile faltered and she scrambeled to find another needle. When she found it, her smile returned as she plunged it into Avalia's pale arm. "No, you are." She said as Avalia fell to the ground. The woman dragged Avalia's unconcious body towards another room and stuck her into the dark, slamming the door. She ran to the next room as the man in the next room did the same to Kentanu. The man walked over to where the principal was and smiled, giving her a kiss on the cheak. "You did well Cam." The woman said, kissing him lightly back. Avalia came to a few minutes later in pitch black, but, it wasn't. Hre eyes didn't even have to adjust, it was as if she was made for the darkness, she could see every detail of the room. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and crawled over to her unconcious brother, shaking him. With her new found strength, she forgot and shook him so hard that the blood rushed to his face. She leaned back and bit her lip, tasting blood flowing into her mouth. "Kentanu, please wake up." If she could cry, she would be, but she couldn't for some strange reason... ((Sorry for powerplaying))
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2:32pm Aug 2 2011
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[[It's alright, I wouldn't have known what to do next xD lol]] Kentanu awoke, not being able to see anything at all. He blinked twice and his eyes changed to a white color, for some odd reason he could see now. He felt weak and tired, he had a headache; not the best condition for speaking. He grunted and sat up, and his eyes opened wide when he spotted his sister. He backed up into the wall, feeling a little scared but he pushed his fear away. He knew that she was undoubtedly his sister, she was the only one who gave him that faraway look. "Avalia? Are... are you.. okay..?" Every word took some effort, and left him gasping for air. He took a few deep breaths and looked around. Obviously, they were trapped. "How did we.. get in here?" he asked. Kentanu wasn't scared anymore, he had to brave for his sister.
2:47pm Aug 2 2011
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"I suppose they put us in here." she pointed to the opposite wall wher eht etwo sceitnists were gazing at them through thick glass. They looked surprised that she could see them. "TEST 1- SPEED" A booming voice said that seemed to come from a phantom loudspeaker. Avalia looked around wildly, searching for the source of the sound. Instead she found a row of spekes lined up in front of her. She looked at them strangely for a few moments before realizing that they were coming straight for her. "RUN!" She shouted to her twin as she wove through the spikes quicker than the human eye could see. She arrived at the other end and searched for her brother while the peoplebehind glass jotted down something while smiling...
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2:59pm Aug 2 2011
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Kentanu glared at the scientists. How dare they do this to me... someone's gotta pay. He would've continued glaring at them but the urgency in his sister's voice made him turn to look at the spikes that were speeding towards him. His eyes opened wide when he spotted his sister at the other side, she was very quick and agile. If only I could... and then the next thing he knew he was standing right next to her. "How did I..?" He had wished in his head that he was safely on the other side with her and bam, here he was, safely away from the spikes. "That.. was awesome", he smiled to himself, forgetting about his anger towards the scientists.
3:00pm Aug 2 2011
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[[I'm going to poof, I'll brb (;]]
3:22pm Aug 2 2011
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((Kay)) "TEST 2- STRENGTH" The voice said and suddenly the ground moved and rocks started dropping from above around them. Suddenly, a few mere moment, the two of them were encased in rocks. Avalia tried to move, but was stuck. She looked up where one rock was teetering above the others. She smiled. If she could move that rock, the rest of fall and they wouldn't get hurt. She pushed up with her hands, expecting to get lots of return pushing from the rock, but it didn't. It moved as if it was a feather and not a rock. The rest of the rocks came tumbling, but at least they were out...
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3:53pm Aug 2 2011
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Kentanu was now up to any challenge that they could give him. When the rocks tumbled down all he had to do was transport out, he wasn't sure that he had the strength to move them but he gave it a try anyway. He put up his hands and concentrated on the rocks, light surrounded his hands and the rock started floating in the air. He slammed it against the glass, hoping that it would shatter on the scientists but it just bounced off. They're lucky.., he thought with a frown. If the glass broke, they could've escaped. So much for that thought.... He decided to just do what he did best, taunt. "Is that all you got? Show me something a bit more difficult"
4:07pm Aug 2 2011
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The woman grimaced and pressed a button on her control pannel. "FINAL TEST- FIGHTING" The voice announced and a stadium suddenly filled the room. Lights turned on and Avalia backed into the darkest spot, suddenly hurt by the shock of light. It didn't really burn her, just made her really uncomfortable. She clenched her fists as the voice announced that she ahd her brother had to fight eachother. "What!" She shouted at the people behind the glass. "I AM NOT FIGHTING MY TWIN!" As she spoke, as she got angrier and angrier, her body started to grow. Scales appeared on her skin. At first it was just a faint outline, but then they were actually there. Her face shot out and her nose split and moved forward. Her eyes shrank to a beedy size. Horns appeared on her head and her tongue elongated and the ends cut in half. A tail stretched from her bottom as her body grey longer and fatter. Wings jutted from her shouklder blades and her eyes, oh, those glorius eyes, grey the color of black holes. And then she attacked, she attacked everything in sight, including her brother. She ahd lost control...
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5:31pm Aug 2 2011
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Kentanu gasped and punched the glass. "If you think this is funny, it's not! Watch when I get out of here, I'm gonna kick your-" he was cut off as he watched his sister transform. He found himself backing up. This can't be happening.. my twin sister... nooo. When she came to attack him he braced himself for a beating. He only blinked and found himself on the ground, he could feel pain in his side. I don't want to do this buut... Kentanu got to his feet and opened his hand, suddenly he was on fire and he smirked. This is so unreal... haha Dragon Ball Z style, he thought as he dodged his sisters next attack, throwing well-aimed fireballs at her. He found that while he was in this fire form that he could move more quickly, and that his aim became more accurate. The thought of hurting his sister made him feel bad but he didn't want to die. Maybe I should just dodge all of her attacks...?
5:34pm Aug 2 2011
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"Yes, do it now" Avalia vaguely heard what was going on. It was as if she was a prisoner in own bodyand she didn't like it. She roared in pain as her brother attacked her. Sudenly, she roared again, but it wasn't her brother, the lady with the needles and stuck yet another pokey thing into her hide and she fell to the ground, back in her human form...
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5:41pm Aug 2 2011
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Kentanu called off his fire and returned to normal. He starred at the scientists, and watched as his sister fell to the ground. "If you think you're going to inject me with another needle, you thought wrong" he growled, not being able to hide his anger. Kentanu was done with these freaks, not only had they altered him somehow, they also put him against him sister and that was unforgivable. He just stood his ground, his hands curled into fists and his ex pression was a glare of hatred. He had to get out somehow, he and his sister had to escape.
5:46pm Aug 2 2011
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"You're going no where." The lady said, slamming the needle into his side and running out the door. She waited until they were both unconcious and tghen dragged them into cages. She put the cages in the room. ---------- "Avalia, you okay?" I hear a voice. "Ugh..." Avalia groaned and tried to stretch out, but banged her head on the cage she was in. "Here, I'll get you out." A bright light flashed and Avalia was lying on the floor of her dorm with her roomate crouching over her. "Are you alright. I take it that you were changed?" She said in a calm voice, with a hint of nervousness. "Ya, I'm fine." She tried to sit up, but failed and her roomate carried her to her bed. She lay on it and then feel into a deep and dreamless sleep... ((/shot))
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5:59pm Aug 2 2011
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Kentanu awoke only to the sound of loud rap music. He blinked and found himself in his room. "What..gah those scientists! I'm gonna kill-" "Hey, you're awake! Let me see if I can get you out of there..." There were a few clanking noises before the door of his cage opened and he crawled out, feeling intense pain with every move. "They're gonna pay for this!" he grunted, gasping with pain. His roomate helped him up and Kentanu sat down on his bed. "So, you got your powers now? How'd it go?", his roomate asked curiously. Kentanu just starred at him. "You make it sound like a good thing! Those people are crazy! I'm in a lot of pain, man.", he growled. This guy just didn't get it, huh? His roomate just sighed and said: "Look, you need your rest. Hit the hay and we'll talk in the morning". Kentanu nodded and fell asleep, he ws too exhausted to think anymore and the pain in his arm just continued getting worse.
6:03pm Aug 2 2011
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((Time Skip)) Avalia woke up and glanced at her schedule. Now the classes made sense. She needed to learn how to use hre powers so that she didn't hurt anybody with them. Her throat felt dry, but she wasn't hungy, not for food, she was thirsty, but not for water. She yawned and went to her first class, maybe she could talk to her teacher to ask why eating breakfast hadn't helped her... ((/shot))
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12:31pm Aug 3 2011
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12:31pm Aug 3 2011
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