8:26pm Mar 25 2010
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As I was wandering around, a blind man in a black and white world, she walked through the door one day, and ever since then I've never been the same. She streaked across my blackened sky like a comet, Shimmering in all the different colours of the rainbow. Finally I could see what I was missing in my life. Her. After a long, unforgettable summer with her, I don't think I can erase the image from my mind. It came so quickly we were both unprepared. It all started when she took me to the doctors, after I'd told her about recurring pains in my stomach, and dizzy spells.
"You're going to die in three weeks." The news shocked me, and I could only sit there in numb silence as the doctor explained my condition. "You have cancer," he explained. "It's spread from your lungs, to your pancreas and liver. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do." She clung onto me all the way home like I was going to disappear that second. Tears streamed down her face, and her nails bit into my skin and drew blood. But I wasn't paying attention to her, I was driving slowly, trying to regain some feeling. I was going to die. For days after that, we searched for cures, and ways to fix my condition, but there was nothing, and eventually she stopped coming around. I stayed in my apartment, the pain growing with each p*censored*ing minute. I could almost imagine feeling the cancer inside me. Then I got her text. I love you a lot, Jace, I do. But because you're going to die, well, there's no reason for me to stick around any longer. A clean break is what's best for the both of us. Rest in peace, my love, and never forget me, for I shall never forget you. - Lucy. After laying in bed for hours, sobbing uncontrollably, I finally willed myself to turn on the computer, and check one more time for something to save me. That's when I came across the add. Dying? Know someone who is? Send them here, to Isle Nyx, and be sure they will be treated like royalty until they pas$ on. Nobody is left out, and everyone is treated the same. I stared at the phone number for a minute, then picked my phone up with a hollow feeling in my chest. I dialed slowly, and listened as is rung. A woman picked up.
"Hello?" That's the moment my life changed forever. But for better or worst? Depends who you ask. ___________________________________ {Welcome} To Isle Nyx. We offer the greatest care to the dying, the sick and the elderly. Each guest gets a five-star room to themself with maid service. There is a beautiful veiw, a tennis court, vollyball, soccer, swimming and a spa for all your needs. The only thing you don't get? A chance to die. __________________________________ In Isle Nyx, dying people go there to pas$ in peace, but for some reason, nobody is dying. Their sickness retreats and they are returned to full health in almost no time flat, no matter how close they are for death. Nobody knows why, but it's suggested that the Isle is magic. But nobody is allowed to leave.
Only one Girl knows the secret of Isle Nyx, and it could be the worst secret in the existance of human kind. Or, well, all living things.
_______________________________ :Rules: Humans Only. I play Jace and Poppy. Poppy is the girl who knows (Poppy is also a vampire). No PP or GM. o__o Food is good. :Bio: Name: Age: Gender: Sickness: Personality: Looks: Other:
wuss poppin jimbo
8:35pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Might join. ;P
8:52pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Great plot. Might join in a moment. ))
9:06pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( *bounces* I'm so joining. x3 But tomorrow. o3o I have no time today. :P )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:07pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Awesome plot! I think i will join.XD))
9:28pm Mar 25 2010 (last edited on 7:05pm Mar 28 2010)
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Name: Katherine(Kitty) Griffin/ Aurora Hawk/ Ash Hawk/ Hunter Griffin Age:15/ 16/ 19/ 18 Gender:female/ female/ male/ male
Sickness:Unknown(The doctor couldn't figure it out)/ Infection/ Lung Cancer/ Unknown(It is the same as his sister's) Personality:Kitty may seem very calm and collected but she is really a volcano ready to explode at any second. She have a very big opinion that can sometimes get her into a lot of trouble. She loves to argue and almost always wins an argue. Kitty is very good at lying. She doesn't have any emotions towards anyone so she doesn't show pity towards anyone./ Aurora is very gloomy. She has no emotions towards anything and always seems to have the same mood towards everything. She always acts bored even if she is doing the most exciting thing in the world. Aurora doesn't care if she hurts others feeling and she doesn't care what other people think of her. If they threaten her she will just laugh. She thinks all emotions and love are weaknesses./ Ash like to joke around. He can be very tricky sometimes but loves to tease other people. He is the opposite of Aurora and can almost always make someone happy even if he isn't. Ash doesn't like to be around people who can only see the bad side of things. He can sometimes get rude and snappy if you get on his bad side./ Johnny is a very difficult person. He is always arguing and hardly ever gives up. He is very sarcastic and love to prank. Johnny is always snooping around. He has a way of getting everything he wants when he wants it. Looks: Kitty: NOT MINE
Other:None/ Is blind/ None/ None

9:47pm Mar 25 2010 (last edited on 9:55pm Mar 25 2010)
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Name: Shadow Xylander (Real name's Jaydev, but no one knows that. *shifty eyes*) Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sickness: Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Personality: Roleplay it out? Looks: -Height: A bit taller then the average 15-year-old boy. -Skin: He's pretty pale -Build: Skinny, very skinny. -Hair: Jet black, a bit choppy. Bangs fall over his eyes. -Eyes: Acid green cat eyes, extremely bright. -Clothes: Just regular jeans. Plain black T-shirt which is a bit big for him. A thin black and grey striped hoodie. Plain black shoes, no laces etc. Occasionally wears a black spiked collar and a tag necklace with an 'X' ined on it. Black fingerless gloves.
Other: None Name: Crisis Kisaine Age: 11
Gender: Female Sickness: Sepsis
Personality: Roleplay it out? Looks: Average height for her age, but she's quite underweight. Her skin is extremely pale(Not paper pale) with minimal colour. She has choppy, black hair that falls a bit below her shoulders, uneven bangs fall over her forehead and slightly cover her pitch black eyes. Usually, she wears black and white striped leggings and a black short-sleeved dress that falls a slightly above her knees. She always wears a pair of black slip-ons. Other: None
9:48pm Mar 25 2010
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Name: Angel Dehart Age: 17 Gender:Female Sickness: Pancreatic Cancer Personality: Angel always tries to see the bright side of things, always trying to be upbeat. She is quiet almost all of the time. She always wants to have a good time but usually doesn't on acount of the doctor's orders. She does try to live life to the best she can though. Angel loves the dirty and cruel jokes and is usually the first person to laugh when no one expects, or gets, it. Angel also loves to play video games, mostly fantasy. She does care for the somewhat gruesome war games, and Bioshock (1 and 2). Looks: Angel is about average height, 5' 5", with a slim, athletic figure. She has long, black hair that seems to gleam a hint of dark blue in the sun. She has pale skin and hazel eyes that seem to change shades from whatever she is wearing. Angel has long legs, and very long fingers. Almost everyday does she wear jeans and a printed T. (Yoshi's her favorite) Other: She's color blind.
8:45am Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((All accepted.)) ((Sorry I'm late, been busy, and now I'm sick. x__X))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:52am Mar 27 2010 (last edited on 3:20pm Mar 29 2010)
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Name: Jace Willowspring
Age: 17
Gender: male
Sickness: Cancer. Personality: Jace used to be fun and outgoing, but now he's more quiet and withdrawn. He's not as social any more, and avoids speaking as much as possible. Looks: Jace is tall and slim, with pale skin. His hair is a shimmering silver colour that falls in front of his eyes and forehead occasionally. His eyes are a bright silver also. He wears gl*censored*es now, even though he never did before. They are square, with black rims and such. Other: He is almost always reading. Has a british accent. Name: Poppyseed Banks (Goes by Poppy)
Age: 15
Gender: female
Sickness: vampirism None. :D
Personality: Poppy is sweet and caring, but clouded with shadows of mystery and doubt. Despite her outgoing appearance, she hardly tells anybody anything of importance. Looks: Poppy is short for her age, with long silky black hair. It goes down to about her waist, with bangs that cover the curious scar on her forehead. Her eyes are a deep, hawk-like gold that are hard and guarded. The scar on her forehead is shaped like a butterfly. She can't remember how she got it. Other: She runs Island Nyx, but doesn't own it. She works for somebody else. She's a vampire. Poppy can also speak fluent Spanish, as her entire famile was spanish.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:43am Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Name: Nathaniel Hawthorne Age: Seventeen Gender: Male Sickness: Skin cancer. It spread to his lungs and liver. D: Personality: Nathaniel generally seems like a jerk to most people, and he really does act like a jerk sometimes, but it's only because he'd rather be left alone than talked to. Especially now that he was in a place for people who are supposed to be dying. Might as well wait to die, after all. Looks: [LINK] Other: Noneee.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:17am Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Okay, so when can we start?8D))
5:58pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((Accepted Kira 8D)) ((Whenever you want. Now would be good. xD))
wuss poppin jimbo
5:59pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Okay! I am not good at starting though, but I will if no one else wants to.))
6:01pm Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 6:10pm Mar 28 2010)
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((There.)) Jace shifted uncomfortably again, back rubbing against the scratchy bark of the tree he was sitting against. Light winds ruffled through his pale silver hair, making it float in front of his eyes and distract his reading. He let out a little sigh, moved his hair, and adjusted his glas$es, trying to consentrate on the scratchy print that he was struggling to read. _______ Poppy frowned, picking out a small boy from the bollyball court. "Come with me please," she said quietly, with an impish smile. The boy blushed, obviously taking a liking to her, and started to follow her to some stone stairs near the edge of the large building. She said quietly over her shoulder, "Watch your step." She flitted down the steep stairs gravefully, the boy gasping as he tried to keep up. She turned around a corner, and smiled at him seductively. He stepped closely to her, eyes trained on hers. "Now that we're alone..." she whispered, smirking. She wound her fingers through the boy's hair, and made it look like she was about to kiss him. But at the last minute she twisted his head to the side; she heard the bones in his neck snap with quiet satisfaction. Throwing the boy's body over her shoulder, she walked into a small cave with dull gold eyes. Guilt gnawed silently in her stomach. "Master Dragon!" she called, tossing the carcas$ on a marble table. "I have another sacrifice!" An old weathered man stepped out from the shadows and greeted her. "Leave now, Poppy. We cannot let suspision arise." She nodded, and left the man and the dead boy alone, dancing up the stairs with a straight face. Master Dragon needed fresh blood every three weeks to keep the healing wards around the isle strong. She wondered faintly why the old wizard needed the blood, but shoved it off and forced a smile. She walked away from the stairs, eyes scanning the vast area for her meal. She could feel her fangs digging painfully into her gums.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:03pm Mar 28 2010
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Aurora's eyes closed and almost looking like she was asleep. She had some earphones tucked behind her midnight black hair. She was listening to 'Paint It All Black' one of her favorite songs. She heard someone click and scroll through the pages on the internet. "Here we are, Isle Nyx." She heard Ash said sounding very pleased with himself,"I knew I saw this some where." Aurora turned off the music and walked over to the computer,"What does it say?" She asked. Her voice was deep and sounded very bored. It had a coldness to it that would make anyone who didn't know her shiver. "Dying? Know someone who is? Send them here, to Isle Nyx, and be sure they will be treated like royalty until they pas.s on. Nobody is left out, and everyone is treated the same." Hunter read to Aurora. His light blue eyes skimmed over the words. He reached for the phone only to find that Aurora had already picked it up. "What is the number?" Aurora asked listening as Ash read the numbers. She dialed them and waited as the phone rang for a few second and then someone answered it. "Hello." The person on the other line said answering the phone. Aurora and Ash arrived at 'Isle Nyx'. Aurora opened the door and got out. She felt for the back door and pulled it open to be met by a herd of bags. She grabbed as much as she could carry and started to walk towards where she saw people sitting. ~ Kitty sat quiet in the car seat as Hunter drove towards where this 'Isle Nyx' was. She wasn't too happy to be going here and thought that she would be better off dying in the comfort of her house, but no. Hunter had to drag her off to some strange place. Hunter laughed,"Come on, Kitty! I mean, I am sure this place isn't going to be half as bad as you think." He set a hand on her shoulder and frowned when she nudged it off. Kitty humphed and looked out the window at the landscape. Hunter turned on the radio and found some music he knew Kitty would like. He hummed to the beat tapping his hand on his lap. He stopped as they pulled up to the place they would be living for the rest of their short lives.

7:55pm Mar 28 2010
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Poppy put a smile on her face and danced over to the people just arriving. "Hello," she chimed, gold eyes sparkling falsly. "Welcome to Isle Nyx. Shall I show you to your rooms?" She locked eyes with Ash for a moment, then looked away.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:04pm Mar 28 2010
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Nathaniel sighed, scratching the back of his neck as he walked along. There was nothing to do on Isle Nyx. Nothing! He'd been here for three or four weeks already, and he was actually wishing he'd die soon. Life was boring without anything to screw up on or in, and without anything to mess around with. And, his friends weren't there, so what was he supposed to do all day? Read like that one silver-haired kid? Ew. All he wanted to do now was die.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:38am Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Ash smiled ,"Sure." He said looking over at Aurora didn't look happy or sad. Aurora unfolded some sun gl*censored*es and put the on to cover her blank aqua eyes. Ash said that he was always freaked out when she looked at him like she could actually see and Aurora didn't want to freak people out too badly. Ash let out a small giggle as he watched Aurora do this. He put a hand on her shoulder and felt her tense up. Wow. You could at least act a little happy in font of these people. Ash thought. Aurora was the onlywho could put him in a bad mood or make him sad. He was able to cheer many people up but never Aurora. Aurora had just started to act like this when both of their parents died in a car crash. The family had been very rich until this, but instead of staying in a fancy house with some other relatives they where put in a dirty home in the middle of nowhere with their uncle and his wife. Aurora snorted pushing Ash's had off like it was a dead animal. She picked it with the tips of her finger and gently picked it up with a disgusted look on her face. She dropped his hand and shivered a little bit then turned her attention to the girl,"Yes, that would be great." She said trying to sound as friendly as posible. She could hear many things...Someone turning the book page, another person walking by, someone listening to music...It seemed like everyone was pretty layed back and calm except for the girl next to her. Kitty turned her music up louder and started to pace around franiticly, like she already wanted to be out of here even though they hadn't even gotten in yet. She looked over at the girl she was standing by and smiled,"Hi, I'm Kitty Griffin." She said. "I'm-" Aurora paused trying to take the darkness out of her voice"-Aurora Hawk." She said still not sounding too friendly. Kitty smiled,"The Hawk family? I think I have heard of them before..." She said trying to remember. "Eh..." Aurora didn't want to really share who her parents where to strangers. Johnny yawned blinking his eyes. It had taken him a long time to drive here and he hadn't gotten much sleep. He smiled calmly at Poppy and looked around to see who else was here.

3:00pm Mar 29 2010
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Jace peered up at the gathering crowd near by, trying not to look annoyed. Why did everyone always have to be near him? All he wanted to do was read, be alone, and die. But lately, he hadn't been doing that much. _____ Poppy continued to smile, even though there was a guilty lump in her throat. "This way, then.." She mumbled, turning around gracefully. She was shorter than everyone around her, making her feel like a dwarf. She frowned a little, and trained her eyes on the building she was walking into. "Follow me.."
wuss poppin jimbo