1:43pm Apr 18 2010
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(( I can't really post..... ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
1:59pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Kiri really was an ignorant girl. Nalik sighed softly and shook his head. "Fine," he called. "I'll join you." His voice was quiet, as if reluctant to let her hear him. A little embarr*censored*ed by his decision, he immediately took to the rooftops and left, going home. He was planning to join her all along, really, since long ago he'd realized that he wouldn't be able to do anything alone, not these days. Especially not taking down organizations...
4:50pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul walked through the corrridor, her feet making echoing footsteops on the hard stone floor. An organization....she thought, amused by the thought, it must be complicated to run one, or be in one....not for me, she decided, though she was intrigued by the notion. She stopped at the end of the tunnel, a blank wooden wall facing her. Raising her hand she drew a pentagon on it, making it slide open like the last door/wall had.
9:38am Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 632
((why not wolf? Its hard for me to post too, my computer shuts down the posting box so I have to open a word document and cut what I write, refresh then paste before it freezes :P)) Kiri froze mid-step when those magic words left Nalik’s mouth. She heard him as he left, smiling to herself. Now that wasn’t that bad she thought to herself, all it had taken was a wad of cash and a tantrum. She snorted with concealed laughter before calling out to Nalik. Even ‘gone’ she knew he was around, waiting for her to leave so she couldn’t cause anymore trouble in his town. “So call me then.” she shouted sarcastically toward the roof tops before tiredly making her way home. “We’ll need to discuss the plan, tomorrow then...” Anyway she needed to find out more about this Soul character, any new as.sas.sins in this town could be a threat now. Especially one that knew their faces.
9:40am Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 632
((hey wolf, you could bring in your character, since he’s a friend of Nalik’s he could come to his house the next day when he and Kiri are meeting. They’d have to be like WTF y arn’t u kidnaped?!?!?! but it would put u back in the story :) ))
12:10pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 1,097
As if. Nalik sighed softly; he hated submitting to people. Even if it was something like this, it embarr*censored*ed him. At least now he'd have time to regain his normal personality. He made his way to his apartment to crash; the day was already starting to drag on. He was tired and ready to relax a little, play video games... if only he had a girlfriend he wouldn't be such a loser.
4:42pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri woke from her bed, she had sunk down in the soft mattress, her face covered with blankets and her feet freezing on the end of the bed... she always had been a weird sleeper. With a sigh she rolled out from under the warm covers, wincing as her feet hit the freezing wood. She hated mornings, but there were more important things to think about now. Sparing a quick look at the clock she saw that it was already around 9:00, Nalik was probably up by now anyway. She got dressed quickly, grabbed some breakfast and headed for the door. I don’t really need weapons, she tried to convince herself as she jogged out of the building toward Nalik’s apartment. If he hasn’t pulled anything yet why should he now? Anyway she had an important plan she needed to check with him. It was so weird now, she thought the herself. I’ve mostly worked alone, its so much..easier with someone else to help you out. There’s not as much pressure, she repeated this to herself as she walked. Trying to convince herself that that was the answer and this was the right thing to do.
8:39pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 1,097
As it was, Nalik was up and simply lazing around. He was watching t.v. in his pajama pants, not a modest man. He'd taken care to unlock the door so he didn't have to get up when Kiri came knocking. Anyone would think he was a normal teenager, a bag of potato chips already in his lap and a coke near at hand. The only thing strange was that his apartment was kept clean instead of trashed like so many other young men.
10:17am Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri opened the door when she heard Nalik inside. He sat infront of the T.V. in only his p.j. pants. Kiri averted her eyes politely for a moment before she realized that would most likely change nothing with Nalik. “Hardly professional.” she teased, sitting uninvited next to him. “What kind of chips? Plain? Salt and vinegar or the best, barbeque?” she said teasing him, though there really was no teasing Nalik. Whatever he thought he kept locked tight in his mind, nothing shown through his face. The man would be a master at poker, she thought to herself. “Would you like to hear my plan or do you have any ideas yourself? My ideas have some holes in them so you might want to go first.” As she sat there she noticed how well built Nalik was. His clothes mosty hid it but he had some fine muscles. Kiri blushed, refocusing on the matter at hand.
12:00pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik raised an eyebrow at her blush but said nothing about it. "If we went with my plan there'd be an entire building full of dead leaders," he said. "Let's hear yours." He took a sip of the coke and popped another potato chip into his mouth. "And if you want food or something feel good to go get some, I'm not getting up." It was his day off, after all. His clients knew that well.
1:37pm Apr 21 2010 (last edited on 1:42pm Apr 21 2010)
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Posts: 632
"No, I'm fine, I've already eaten." she said smiling, swirling what he had said about a building full of dead leaders around in her head. That was something she had misplaced in her plan too, Nalik was sure to be an excellent fighter. "My plan involves some breaking and entering...a few dead leaders and some stolen information." It was laughable to think of Nalik or any as.sas.sin for that matter being swayed by the thought of breaking the law. It was pretty much the base of the job they all shared...killing. "Most organizations have their data in computers or in one big storage unit. I as.sume that they are the same in this way. The smart thing to do with this kind of valuable machine would be to guard it..with your or in this case, someone else's life." she waited going through the plan in her head. Getting to the next step she reached into her bag, pulling out a large roll of paper which she unfolded across the nearest table. "Through a few close friends and some other as.sas,sins that I...persuaded to help me I got the building they are storing this computer in. These are the blueprints I found from reasearch online from when the building was built." she pointed toward a large room in the center of a mas.s of pas.sages and floors. "This is where they keep the computer. It will be heavily guarded which will make it very, very dangerous. I have a scanner to hook up to the main unit that will gather all of the organization's information stored there. From there we head home, from the first stage of my plan. The rest will be explained later if we make it through." she re-rolled the blueprints and handed them to Nalik. "You can look over these on your own time, it seems you're taking today off? Anyway this will be dangerous. If you want to take back what you said about helping me now would be the time." ((WOAH!!!.....lloooonnnngggg pppaaarrraagggrrraaappphhhh!O_O hey wolf, if ya want to come in you could do it now before kiri has to leave...))
2:38pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik listened quietly. Dangerous? He didn't know the word. He took the prints and set them down next to him. "It's unhealthy to work every day of my life," he said. "I'm probably gonna head to the gym anyway, I don't eat too well." He shrugged. "I suggest you relax a little before we pull this off; too much stress can cause you to mess up." He ate another few chips and chugged the rest of his coke. He ate terribly, but he had discipline enough to go work off whatever he ate. "Actually, I'd suggest taking today off to relax yourself. When this job comes I don't want you freaking out on me."
3:26pm Apr 21 2010 (last edited on 3:29pm Apr 21 2010)
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Posts: 632
"Ha, me freaking out? I havent freaked out since i was 6 and got a new bike. And that was worth the excitement." she said, the mood in the room lightening considerably. "You really should eat more than chips and junk food, get something nutricious into your body." Kiri suggested. "How about you come over for a picnic later? I wasn't planning on making a move on the organization for a while, leave us some time to prepare. I'll make sandwiches?" It was turning out to be a great day. Already the sun was shining full down on the darkened roofs. She hadn't had a picnic in years, it seemed like the perfect way to relax. They could also discuss tactics for breaking in to the organization HQ.....
5:29pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik blinked at her, surprise scrawled across his face. "Picnic?" he asked. "What... what brought that up and why the hell do you want me to come with you?" He coughed, recovering the non-readable ex pression he loved so much. "I'm not usually the talkative type, and we're not gonna discuss plans. Hence relaxing."
8:54am Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri rolled her eyes. “You know if you stopped being so skeptical and pessamistic you might actually have some real fun! Meet some new people, make some connections that could help you later!” Nudging Nalik with her elbow she adjusted where she was on the couch, she had to tone down the insults she thought to herself, she hadn’t come here to bash him some more, she had come to make a freind. “Just think it over, unless you have something else you were super intent on doing to day you can meet me in the town park. It’s a pretty big place...but I think with your skills you can find me.” she said winking. “Any allergies?”
9:41am Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 632
((hey I know this is supposed to be all fighty and as.sas.siny but could there be a romance between my charry and urs? Also you know how its so annoying to write as.sas.sin? Cause of all the as.s’s? I suggest we just scrap the word as.sas.sin and replace it with the batman signal ;D jk ))
11:44am Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 11:44am Apr 22 2010)
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Posts: 1,097
"Excuse me for surviving because I'm skeptical and pessimistic," Nalik muttered. "And no, no allergies..." Though he kept a blank face, he couldn't help but wonder why she was so intent on... well, being around him in general. A picnic? If it was just the two of them then the proper name was a date. He sighed softly, scowling a bit and rubbing his face. "The town park is too open to other people," he muttered. "I'd prefer to not have the chance of someone finding and fighting me. I know place in the woods, a small clearing; just come back when you're ready to go and I'll show you." [Sure, lol. Have fun trying to break him ;3]
8:05pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 632
“Great!” said Kiri. Her day was really looking up. Though she might not seem like the type she loved to cook. She had tons of new ideas for sandwich fillers.... and the perfect person to try them out on. “Ok, I’ll see you there. Bring a blanket to sit on and I’ll make some food. You said the organization was making a move in two days right? We’ll go scope the place out tomorrow, that’ll give us some material when we move in.” She smiled brightly at Nalik before standing and walking out the door. She had to head home to start, now WHERE THE HECK COULD SHE GET A BASKET!
9:14pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik growled softly; he wasn't going to discuss work today. He returned his attention to the t.v. and finished off the bag of chips. He'd go ahead and go to the gym since he didn't really foresee himself getting away from Kiri when the picnic happened. Grunting, he got up and got dressed, putting on a white short-sleeved shirt and jeans. Shorts got in the way so he never wore them. He grabbed his wallet and left, heading for the gym.
9:41am Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri stopped by some shops on the way home, gathering supplies. Back at the appartment she started, putting together the sanwiches each with a different combination. She was thinking of Nalik. Why the heck had she invited him on a picnic!?! It didn't really seem like her, but when it came to him....ugg, she never new what she was going to do. Its all buisness, she tried to convince herself as she worked...but then there was someting else too...