2:06pm Apr 23 2010
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Nalik hadn't worried himself with the picnic. He was focused on working out, but soon enough he was showering, once more back home. The picnic would be rather awkward and uncomfortable if they couldn't find some topic to talk about, one other than work... He sighed and got out. Glancing at the clock he decided he had enough time, so he wrapped a towel around his waist and once more sat on the couch to watch t.v. [Hehehehe... I've set you up for a really embarras.sing scene for Nalik. ;3]
2:36pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 632
((meanie :P ill get u for that >.> <.< anyway i miss being all as.sas.siny. how about their date gets....interupted >D MWA HA HA! )) Kiri paked the food neatly into the basket she had bought. Reaching over and opeaning her desk drawer she pushed a button, popping a secret compartment in the bottom. As an as.sas.in she tried to never be caught unprepared. Carefull of the tips she scooped her darts out of the drawer. Now to find Nalik, she thought. She grabbed the basket and her coat and headed toward the door... god I hope this isn't awkward...
2:52pm Apr 23 2010
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Nalik was still sitting on the couch watching t.v. In a towel. Naturally he'd lost track of the time, watching the news intently for any reports that a body might have been found. Nothing so far, but that didn't mean there was nothing. [;D It's gonna happen, you can't get around it. Nalik needs to be humiliated, it's about time...]
4:11pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 632
((WOOO! well it was sorta humiliating to be squashed by kiri from a couple strory building ;P u gotta admit that was satisfying. ( geez! i fell like such a bad speller XO )) Nalik wasn't hanging around the outside of his building like usual or wandering around the streets near so she walked up the stairs to his appartment. You better have a good reason for this Nalik, she fumed as she lugged the basket up the flights. 223..224... there, she knocked on the door to his appartment waited. When no one came she inched the door open.
5:45pm Apr 23 2010
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"What?" Nalik asked, hearing the door open. He didn't look around, eyes on the t.v. The cops were starting to get a little suspicious, but thankfully it wasn't for any of the as.sas.sinations around; some animal was going around infecting people and there was gonna be an investigation. He sighed in relief.
7:37pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 632
“I’m here for the picnic?”said Kiri “Are you? You said to come around this time.” she folded her arms across her chest and leaned across the doorway, swinging the door fully open. “Say hello to the world, we’ve missed you!” she said sarcastically sauntering into his apartment basket in hand. “I don’t care where we eat, in an unusually clean apartment or a green woodsy spot.” she flipped open half of the basket lid, reaching in a taking out two sandwiched. She had prepared this too well to be ruined by some bad timing and a numbskull boy. She smiled sweetly and handed him a sandwich.
8:28pm Apr 23 2010
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Nalik flushed a bright red and bolted into his room, slamming the door. "Damn, kid, why not ask if it's okay to come in?!" he demanded. His hair was still a little wet, even... He got dressed quickly and strode back out, face still red. "What's your problem?" he muttered, taking the sandwich from her. "I may not be modest but that doesn't mean I'll sit here in front of you with just a towel on..."
8:19am Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri’s eyes widened at seeing Nalik blush. Woah! There really is a first time for everything! As she gloated about finally embarr*censored*ing Nalik she felt slightly guilty about it too. She had never meant to freak him out like that...she *censored*umed he was being usual Nalik, forgetful and arrogant enough to make her come up to get him. Giggling she looked at him, hoping he’d lighten up and take the joke. “Sorry, I expected you to be a little more...prepared. What are you watching anyway?” she peered at his TV trying to see what a top as.sas.sin would watch. News. “Woah! Is that a pig running around a parking lot?!?” she asked peering at the screen.
12:56pm Apr 24 2010
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"I was watching out to see if the cops had found anything since there were so many deaths yesterday," Nalik replied. "Just a few minutes before you came in they started mentioning weird disappearances, but it's just some animal; they found the people, none of them any of the ones we killed." He bit into the sandwich and stalked toward the door. "Come on, we're leaving," he mumbled. He wasn't going to stay around the house and eat, that'd be more awkward than simply going to the clearing. Besides, the clearing had a lake he'd be able to swim in, the day was pretty warm.
8:56pm Apr 24 2010
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Posts: 632
“So many deaths yesterday?” she questioned, freezing. “Where were the kills! What if it was the other organization?” Kiri was freaking out! They had to make their move soon, if the other organization began their as.signments first then their plans would be ruined! She shook her head, trying to clear it of all the new worries that had just come up as she followed Nalik out the door. Today was a day to relax and have fun.... with Nalik. God I hope nothing goes wrong, she thought to herself as she headed after him.
9:13pm Apr 24 2010
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Nalik locked his door before leading her through the city and toward the woods, ignoring her question. By now he'd recovered and his face wasn't red anymore. For him, it was all too soon before they were in the space he'd mentioned; it was a fair-sized clearing with weeping willows surrounding the lake. It was peaceful, romantic even, but that last part was lost on him. "See? Out of the way," he said.
11:23am Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 632
“Oh, Wow!” Kiri exclaimed breathlessly. “This place is beautiful, what a lovely scene.” she said, awe written on her face. She always had been a sucker for scenery and this just took the cake! “Do you have a blanket to put down? Or should we just sit in the gr*censored*?” she said setting down the basket. It seemed Nalik had already eaten his sandwich...good thing she had made lots of them. ((u can choose when they get attacked and by who :) does it count as powerplaying if someone that’s not a character is attacked by 2 people who are? Like could u kill them or only the person who wrote them can kill them?!?! blah! So confused, I have no idea what the rules are, this is my first RP :D ))
11:24am Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 632
((what happened to Soul?))
12:38pm Apr 25 2010
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[No idea, and I go by if the character is simply a background one it can be killed by whoever.] Nalik glanced at her. "You didn't tell me to brink a blanket, so we sit in the gras.s," he replied. He glanced up at the sun; a black shirt was a bad idea. He took it off with a small sigh. "How much food did you pack? Nothing heavy, I hope, that wouldn't be good if something or someone showed up..." He glanced over at the lake. "There are some pretty big rocks over there if you wanna use them." He gestured to the small group of large, flat rocks that sat beneath the willows, in the shade.
5:05pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 632
((whew! K thanx :P )) “Sure.” said Kiri eyeing Nalik warily as he took off his shirt. Well, if he pulled something she was prepared., she thought feeling the razor tips of her darts in their pack. “I packed a lot of food, I used to have brothers. Great life lesson on how much guys eat!” she joked with Nalik, letting go of the loss of a proper picnic basket as she followed him to the rocks. Maybe they could go for a swim later, it was a warm day after all....
5:39pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik raised an eyebrow at her. "You think that I, of all people, would try something?" he asked. He got himself two more sandwiches and climbed into one of the willows. "Don't be so uptight. I brough you out here to relax." He bit into a sandwich, turning his attention to the lake. There was a light wind blowing, the surface of the lake just barely disturbed. He sighed softly in frustration; pants were a bad idea too, but he wasn't going to take them off if he wasn't swimming yet. [I'm thinking they'll get attacked right when they decide to leave.]
6:35am Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri sighed and pulled out her own sandwich, smiling. Nalik might not be perfect in the manners department but he was sure in what he said and did. Kiri took off her jacket feeling the cool wind on her back as she ate. ((sry, no time to write/cant think of anything O.O back at school!))
7:58am Apr 26 2010
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Nalik wolfed down his sandwiches, thinking. Well, he was out here... "You won't laugh if I do tai-chi, right?" he asked, lowering himself to the ground. He folded his arms and leaned aginst the tree, waiting for her answer. If she was he'd simply go swimming instead, but he felt like he had to do something out here. The place was too nice not to.
10:10am Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 10:11am Apr 26 2010)
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Posts: 632
"Sure." she replied, interested. Kiri had never seen anyone do Tai Chi. Didn't Grandma use to do someting like that? Thinking back sadly she looked at Nalik, refocusing her mind. It was bad for the soul to look back on dark times. Better to look forward, toward someting bright. Walking over to Nalik she offered her hand to help him up. "I've never seen anyone do Tai Chi before. Can you teach me as you do it or will I just make it difficult." She would go in the water if he didn't want her around. Or explore the glade, it really was a great place...
11:50am Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 1,097
"I'm not the best teacher, but you can try to follow along, I suppose," Nalik said thoughtfully. After all, it was a way to calm down and that's why they were here. He stepped close to the water's edge and pointed to a spot near him. "Stand there," he said. "I'll try not to do anything too difficult. Remember, measured movements, control them, and breath smoothly." Without waiting for her he moved into the movements, moving carefully