3:27pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri moved slowly into the spot Nalik was pointing to. When he started moving she did too, trying her best to follow along with the complicated yet smooth movements. Already she was feeling more relaxed. Closing her eyes for a moment she enjoyed the feeling of floating on air as her muscles stretched into the basic positions, her breathing regulating to the new rythem. She looked at Nalik as she balanced, he looked like he had practice with this. He moved smoothly from one stance to the next with hardly any effort. So graceful, he probably was a great as.sas.sin, she hoped she would be around long enough to see him in action.
4:55pm Apr 26 2010
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Nalik continued with the Tai Chi until he felt relaxed enough that he wouldn't freak if she mentioned work again. Which was a good half an hour. He finally opened his eyes and returned to his starting position. He was sweating a lot by now because of the sun. A quick debate ran through his mind; soon enough he was pulling his pants off and diving into the water, wearing only boxers. Surfacing, he sighed and smiled; the water was nice and cool.
7:16pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri opened her eyes to check what Nalik would do next, she was really getting into this Tai Chi stuff. Her eyes widened as she spotted Nalik swimming in the crystal clear water, the small waves he was creating did nothing to disguise the fact that he was clad only in his boxer shorts. Well...she though...now we know what kind of undies Nalik likes! Blushing she walked over to him, stopping when the water came up to her ankles. Crap...she was probably going to regret this.... Kiri stripped until she was wearing only her cami and underwear. Thankfully she had briefs not a thong like some.... Here it goes, she thought as she plunged in after him.
7:17pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 632
8:42pm Apr 26 2010
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"Brave girl," Nalik observed. Probably the one time he was willing to smile and have fun was in the water. He smiled at her before diving beneath the surface, swimming toward the deeper middle of the lake. He surfaced again a good ways away since the lake was pretty big. Something shiny winked at him from beneath the water; again he dove to find what it was, and came up with a piercing. "That's where I left it," he muttered. He'd have to put that one in later...
6:32am Apr 27 2010
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"EWW!" she shrieked at Nalik as he surfaced with someones...something ring! "You can't put that in?!? Thats gros!" she laughed, tredding water, going slowly deeper. The pond was beautiful, what she could see of it at least. The water was clear enough to see right down to the bottom which was covered in colorful rocks. Wait..Kiri stopped above a dark spot in the murkey bottom. Something shimmered. Smiling she dove under to grab it. When she closed her hand over it a sharp pain laced up her arm, stifiling a scream underwater she pushed up to the surface, ob ject in hand... it was a dagger.
7:13am Apr 27 2010
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Nalik blinked. "Hm." He swam over to her and took the dagger, examening it. "And for the record, this is my piercing and the water's clean," he mumbled. "This might be mine too, from way back when I was clumsy." He threw it hard, burying the tip into one of the willows near the basket. "Worry later," he said, "Work doesn't cross the mind at all, got it?"
12:20pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 632
"Ow." Kiri whimpered as blood stained the water, dripping in rivults from th gash on her palm. "Alright, I'll be right back." she said, wading to the shallows and climbing out. Her hair was plastered to her head and shoulders. She put it up with a band before tearing a piece of cloth from the blanket and bandaging her hurt hand. The dagger had unnerved her, the peircing might have been Nalik's but she had a feeling the dagger was not. Someone else had been here, someone dangerous...
12:33pm Apr 27 2010 (last edited on 12:33pm Apr 27 2010)
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Nalik remained in the middle of the lake, frequently diving under water and surfacing. He finally swam to sh.ore, the far side, and climbed out. His purpose for being far away? His boxers clung to his skin. He stretched, feeling much better and relaxed. With a sigh he laid on a few more flat rocks that were in the sun, drying off and still a bit away from Kiri. The young man's eyes snapped open. He seemed to appear in front of Kiri, blocking another dagger with his own. "Hurry and get dressed," he muttered, eyes searching for the source. Not fair, this was his day off...
3:42pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri had heard movement and was partially dressed already. Uncovering her pack she removed her darts, all with poison tips. Crap, she knew this would happen! There couldn’t be just one day where an as.sas.in could just relax! Their attackers seemed to know that ariel darts would just be dodged or blocked by the skilled pair. One by one they lept from the trees and began to advance. There were at least 6 that she could count and more coming. Hearing a hiss near her left ear she swung her torso, the dart barely missing the soft target of her eye. Turning the spin offensive she flung her darts with chilling accuracy. Three as.sas.sins fell but the rest kept coming...and she was running out of darts! Where the heck was Nalik!
4:21pm Apr 27 2010
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Nalik leaped into the who mess of them, dagger spinning. He flipped and carwheeled and did all that smooth jazz, all the while letting his blade slice through his prey. They fell easily beneath him, unable to keep up with his movements. He was so much faster without all his gear on. A few moments later there was only one standing, struggling to get out of Nalik's vice-like grip. "Talk," he hissed. The man swallowed something and died almost immediately. Nalik swore and dropped him; he was covered in blood.
8:09pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri looked at Nalik, her clothes drenched in blood, some hers but mostly others’. Bending to retrieve her darts she looked toward the treetops where the few as.sas.ins that remained were hurriedly retreating. Bleeding from a dozen cuts she looked at Nalik before walking slowly in the direction of their fleeing enemies. “I’m going to follow them, see if I can find out who sent them...” she knew this was a stupid move, the blades she had been nicked with were almost surely poisoned. She had a high tolerance for poisons thanks to prior training as a child but one person can only take so much of a toxin. Picking up the pace she grabbed onto a thick branch swinging onto the treetops and out of sight, in pursuit of an almost invisible enemy.
8:26pm Apr 27 2010
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Nalik watched her leave. With a sigh he put his clothes back on, though he took his time. He went ahead and put the stud back in since Kiri was gone, then picked up his weapons and stashed them. The basket could stay here, he'd get it later... Idiot. He was such an idiot. What was he thinking? A picnic on his day off, how could he have thought that was a good idea? Grunting, he followed after them, following their messy trail.
6:35am Apr 28 2010 (last edited on 6:36am Apr 28 2010)
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Posts: 632
Blood leaving a noticible trail on the bark, Kiri persued them relentlesselty. Only feeling slightly off from the effects of the poison she was quickly catching up. Ahead of her one of the three she was following stopped as she neared..obviously sent to stall her for the others' escape. Poor man. As he lunged toward her she reached down, skillfully removing his dagger from the sheath on his hip before he could make a move. In one smooth motion she drew the blade across his stomach before finishing him quickly, stabbing the dagger into the soft spot of his temple. Freeing it she moved on quickly, armed with her new weapon and the determination of a bloodhound on a scent.
7:05am Apr 28 2010
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Before long, Nalik had caught up to the kill. He p*censored*ed it, not taking time to look at it. A little bit longer and he was beside Kiri. Without a sound he released his dagger, catching one of the three in the back of the neck; before the man fell Nalik had retrieved his dagger and was past him. Just one more to go, the others were dead... it'd be interesting to see which of them got the kill.
2:08pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 632
“Wait!” Calling to Nalik usually didn’t work so she ran. Barely behind him and losing ground she caught his arm before he could throw another dagger. Catching up quickly she whispered in his ear as they ran. “We have to leave one alive. Even if he waites a while before returning to the one that sent him, it’ll be a message. A very important message that can be sent no other way.” she tried to stress this but was already becoming slightly winded from the chase. Her breath came in short gasps but she continued, not slowing. “If, by chance, this recruit is new he might try to return to his master. Even if he doesn’t, instead of killing him, his return with out us or the rest of his number...would be a warning to stay away. I know it’s risky but it’s a 50 50 chance!” Slowing her pace she waited to see if Nalik would stop too, it was up to him what he wanted to do. “Look, he’s already bleeding, if we don’t follow him now his trail will lead us to wherever he goes later. Lets go back and search the bodies.” she suggested, trying to reason with Nalik.
2:13pm Apr 28 2010
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Nalik let fly his dagger, slicing the man's side. At that point he slowed to a stop. "Hmph. Don't you have a brain, kid? Letting any of them return means that they'll send even more; the blood trail could lead them straight to us. Being a good as.sas.sin means not leaving any enemies or targets alive." He turned to face her, his aloof feeling from earlier clearly gone. "He should be dead within a few minutes either way, that wound is fatal." He started walking back toward the glade, not even breathing hard.
6:02pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 632
“Why do you keep calling me kid! I’m just as old as you are, and don’t give me any of that ‘ohh..but I’m wiser’ crap! Leave that to the bald old monks!” she said, spitting her words at him. “They can’t follow the blood trail to us if we’re not there at the end! Fine just walk away like you don’t care, act all superior, I’ll clean up the bodies myself!” Walking over to the man bleeding on the ground she knelt by him violently yanking the hood away from his face in her anger at Nalik. She felt a twinge in her heart at what she saw. The as.sas.sin lying on the ground in front of her was only about 12, 13 at the most. Whatever monster had conned him into joining them...no whatever organization was...well. This was why the other organization had to go, something this evil....well it had happened before and would happen again. They kill the family and take the youngest child to train. They had to be stopped before they could destroy more lives. Talking soothingly to the boy she examined the wound Nalik had made with his knife, the gash spread across his side and already he was gasping for breath. Nalik had been right, the boy would be dead soon anyway. Against all of her instincts she stood, leaving him lying on the ground to collect the remaining bodies to dispose of. When she came back the boy was dead.
6:16pm Apr 28 2010
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Something didn't seem right with this girl. He'd meant to clean up the bodies near the lake; and him calling everyone kid was simply something he did, even if they were a year older than he was. She was also starting to get to him, normally he wouldn't be reminding himself of these things. As for the boy, what did he care? His life, his normal life, had been stripped away from him when he was nine. Nalik frowned and continued walking. "You don't know the half of what I know," he said quietly. "You've no right to judge others like you're judging me." Ten years he'd been an as.sas.sin. Well, six years he'd been a good as.sas.sin. Something was really off about this girl, but he couldn't place what it was... [XD Poor Nalik, hasn't figured out he's starting to crush on Kiri. Lol, there's nothing wrong with her at all, it's him.]
12:29pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 632
((AWWW! i think its cute :3 my sister started reading this cause she likes that its romance and i like that its killing and as.sas.iny (ohhh...that sounds bad and not really girly doesn't it....) were'd soul go by the way? we cant really rag on people for not posting since the guy that started it sorta dropped out but still....))