12:36pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri began heading back. The bodies taken care of she was beginning to feel quilty about the way she had treated Nalik. He was a man and could take it she was sure...but it wasn't great to treat anyone that way, especially after he had helped her. She sighed, walking into the clearing where Nalik was pacing. "Hey..." she fumbled with her words, she had never really apologized to anyone really, "I'm..I'm sorry for what I said back there. It wasn't your fault. I was just upset about, well alot of things. I hope this doesn't change our plans for tomorrow?" she said, walking up and putting her hand on his shoulder in a friendly way. Hoping show how sorry she was. "Meet me by the building showed on the blue prints. I think today shows us who we're really dealing with. Bring weapons and the blue prints. Please?" Starting to walk away she stopped after a few feet. Turning she smiled at Nalik "Besides the obvious disturbence, I had a really great time today. Enjoy what's left of the sandwiches."
1:55pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik was skipping rocks across the top of the lake. Their enemies must not be all that good if he was able to kill them all. "Take the effing sandwiches," he muttered. "I'm not gonna eat them." It would take him a while to calm down now. "But fine, I'll bring the plans. Supply your own weapons, I only have so many." He felt a little better now; what slight friendly feeling he'd felt toward her was gone, or so he thought, and that made him feel better.
2:30pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 632
"I know, I am an as.sas.sin you know. Weapons are in supply." Walking out of the clearing she made her way back to her appartment, making only a brief stop to wash away the blood that caked her clothing. When she walked through her appartment she was suprised to find her roomate waiting for her. "So.. what happened?" she asked "You don't look so good so I'm guessing the date was a fail." she said sympathetically. "Thanks but I don't really want to talk about it." Kiri said, changing into dry clothes. "I'm going to get to bed now, have an early start tomorrow. Job interview." she said, dodging any other questions that might follow. Sleep wouldn't come easily, with thoughts of their ruined date and the young as.sas.in trailing eachother through her head.
2:41pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik remained in the clearing a while longer before finally going home. He changed, then played video games until it was late. Only then did he go to bed; he fell asleep rather quickly, having learned a long time ago to sleep even though he was troubled. Not sleeping was bad.
7:02pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 632
Nalik really wasn’t a bad person, she though, the darkness emanating from the window by her bed. The only light came from the half moon in the sky, it illuminated Kiri’s face as she lay in bed. She couldn’t get it out of her head, the sight of Nalik throwing that dagger, the poor boy lying, bleeding on the ground. It couldn’t wait. Nalik could wait tomorrow, she would be there, but right now she had to do some investigating herself. Her conscience wouldn’t let her sleep.
((hey, you know how usually we’re on at different times posting? Would you want to get on at the same time so we could just post back and forth sometime so we don’t have to wait inbetween?))
7:38pm Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 1,097
[What time zone are you in? I'm on Res time...] Around four in the morning Nalik woke up and began his day. He started with a shower, then shuffled into his kitchen to get breakfast. After that he went back into his bedroom and donned all his effects, sword and all. He flipped his gun into its holster. What time did Kiri want him to meet her? Whatever. He picked up a sleeping bird outside his door and untied the note from its leg; scanning it, he moved off. One job before day broke, he could do that. He leaped off across rooftops, getting closer to his client. Good money like this he couldn't refuse.
6:31am Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 632
Well right now its 7:27 here and im at school :) U.S Eastern time, what about you? we could try on the weekend for like an hour or something :) )) Kiri waited outside the building. The night had been rough, she had searched the building's exterior, looking for a point of enery they could use. She had found the survailence cameras and defense weapons and cut them off. A few as.sas.sins might have gotten in the way but she had taken care of them with only a few cuts and scrapes to show for it. Nalik should be coming soon, here or not though she had to leave at exactly 9:00. That was when the weapons and cameras would short out, after that they only had a few hours...
6:32am Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 632
((so like the res. time is an hour behind the time here.))
7:54am Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 1,097
"Pay attention," Nalik said, separating from the shadows. He'd had more than enough time to take his target out. "Next time I might warn you I'm here by holding a knife to your throat." He tossed the blue prints at her, having scanned them earlier. "Whatever your plan is, lemme know now. I think I've found a place we can enter."
12:34pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 632
"I knew you were there you know, your knife never would have reached my throat. I'm not as simple as you think." Kiri said, aiming a pointed look at Nalik, catching the blueprints an unfolding them on the ground. Kneeling she pointed to a spot on the roof. "I searched the outside of the building last night, this was the only point of entery i could find that was't heavily guarded or spring trapped. There will be guards that will need to be taken care of obviusely." she said standing and walking over to one of the bricked up doors, preparing to scale to the roof. "One more thing before we leave...no mercy, if they escape they will bring more guards to catch us. We only have a limited time anyway." Pressing a button the cameras around them began to spark and the red light of the siren on the side of the building dimmed to nothing. "There, they'll be coming now. Try to make this quick, I don't want any casualties."
12:34pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 632
((could we try for 5:00 your time and 6:00 my time tonight?))
1:41pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 1,097
[I can't tonight, I have a party to go to.] Nalik slid his unblinking gaze over to her. "Do whatever. I'll make sure no one escapes; the other doors are locked." He forced his way into the building, moving silently. There were a lot of nice things here... they wouldn't miss anything if they were dead. Playing pirate he pilfered a few valuable items before setting off. [Scared? No. Bold? Maybe. Rash? Yes.]
3:00pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 632
Once on the roof, Kiri slid in through a skylight. There were only a few trip wires around this area, a few motion sensors but those were down thanks to her. Carefully easing her way to the ground she checked the room for traps before sliding the door open without a sound. She crouched down after a few feet behind a wall to check the blueprints. The computer was just a few rooms away, she felt her pocket for the precious drive before slinking through the rest of the hallway toward the room. She got maybe halfway before she heard voices bouncing down the hall. It was a group of guards and from the sound of it, a large group.
3:04pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik stood still for a moment. He swung his sword, smashing a vase. "Intruder!" he yelled. "Someone's breaking the vases! Quick, get him!" He ran around the hallways, making as much noise as he could. He found the group that was threatening Kiri; grinning wickedly, he threw himself at them, blade spinning. "Intruder," he snickered at their surirpised faces.
3:40pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 632
While Nalik took care of the guards Kiri ran into the tech room, all care to be quiet gone. Nalik had taken care of their cover pretty well... Hurredly she plugged the drive into the large data computer. The entire hard drive was p*censored*word protected but her drive could get past that, it just took some time. Kiri watched the screen as the file she needed downloaded, she just needed 10 minutes. Ten minutes was about all they had, her wiring of the cameras and weapons had been over ridden. The cameras blinked back to life and the sirens began to wail their allert.
4:25pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik couldn't help but laugh. They were putting up a fight; he hadn't had so much fun in a long time. The blade whirled in his hands, unseen but whistling with the song of death. Guards went down in threes and fours, none of them able to take on the elite as.sas.sin. Bodies lay strewn about the hallway, and they were piling up pretty quickly. He'd make a wall eventually, and hopefully get them at least some protection...
8:26pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 632
With the information downloaded Kiri spun quickly and ran to help Nalik. Slipping the drive into her pocket she ran down the hallway, darts spinning from her hands almost unseen. Burying themselves in their as.ailents neck as quickly as they were thrown she was soon out of darts. Unsheathing a short sword from her back she began skillfully slitting throats and decapitating guards. Her heart sunk as she spotted another guard squadron at least 10 men strong. It was going to be a long night.
7:33am May 1 2010
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Posts: 2,046
(( I have no idea.... what to do...... You guys lot me...... in my own RP....... ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:57am May 1 2010
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Posts: 632
((sry wolf its a really good rp, we didn't want it to die :3 you could come in later, just randomly jump in! like be one of the guards with your own plan to take down the organization that we just crashed or something, like you were never kidnapped at all. Just anything...))
9:58am May 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 632
((i feel guilty...u said ur compter doesn't work? mine doesnt really either so i use a library computer. u could try that? ))