2:32pm May 4 2010
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"No, no one else knows and I doubt Revin knew what exactly I was, and would you have believed me if I told you?" Nalik asked. Now that he was almost a full-grown incubus, he was more prone to showing emotion than he would've liked. He sighed softly and looked at her, eyes betraying the smallest bit of worry and despair. "You can't tell a soul, got it? No one."
7:28pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 632
“Why would I tell and like you said before, who would believe me.” she looked away for a moment, trying to hide her hurt under a mask of indifference. It was no use, she gave up looking Nalik....or the incubus, directly in the eye. “So what do we do, is there any way to get you back to normal?” She was getting worried, besides that once, Nalik had never shown this much emotion... now he just looked like he might cry.
7:38pm May 4 2010
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"No," Nalik muttered. He looked away, not liking this. "An incubus is a demon who has sex for souls," he added softly. "They're demons controlled by emotions. I'm gonna have to get used to them. Worst part is that I don't even realize if I show emotion." He looked up at her, eyes soft. "Don't look like that. According to normal humans demons don't exist, so you can see my reluctance to tell you." He blushed and rubbed his face. He'd have to get use to stuff like this... He didn't wanna be less intimidating than he was... "See what I mean? Emotion."
6:37am May 5 2010
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Posts: 632
"Oh gross...so your going to....with who!" she said, blushing fiercly at Nalik before looking at the floor with a sudded ceriousity. ((i gtg, im late. ill post more later :) ))
7:43am May 5 2010
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[Lol, I can work with this. ;3] "With anyone who's willing to give me their souls," Nalik muttered, turning his face away. Thoughts ran through his head; why now? Why did it have to happen now? He thought back to the past few days and suddenly blushed brightly. The strange feeling he'd felt around her had been a crush. But why her? Most likely it was because she wasn't willing to give up on his stubborn attitude. "Oh my god... oh my god..." he murmured.
6:40pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 632
((geez, whats this ropleplay rated xD pg X! Nice :P by the way a couple of questions, how old r u? and more random have you ever read the book ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’ ?)) “So what does this...giving up a soul mean? Like what happens, do you die?” she moved over sitting down on the bed, her mind whirring furiously. “What are you planning to do about this exactly, it’ll be sort of difficult to go out in public with horns and a tail! Now would be a good time to tell me more of the side effects that might suddenly pop out of you. Are you going to grow hooves and fangs too?” Now she was just being sarcastic. There were only so many ways to cope with a surprise this big. She wasn’t really the breaking down type so that left her limited options really... As more and more thoughts went through her head about their current situation she began blushing furiously. Nalik seemed to have the same idea and thanks to his new...incubus state he was showing quite a lot of emotion. God she was going to have to get used to that too. He seemed to be having some trouble himself. At the current moment he was muttering to himself, seemingly having forgotten she was there.
6:48pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 1,097
[I don't see why it matters how old I am, and no, but I've seen it. X3] "It can be anything. Dying, eternally loyal, another chance at life or something for a short period of time..." Nalik replied. He hissed softly as her tone turned sarcastic. "And no. Hopefully I'm stronger and faster now, but other than this new appearance nothing else will happen. Except for that I'll heal quickly without scarring; my scars disappeared." He got a control of his visible emotions and turned back to her. This really wasn't going as he'd planned. "As for going outside, I can't do anymore jobs during the day." He sighed and glanced in his mirror; he'd forgotten what his unscarred face looked like. It wasn't bad, he supposed...
6:53pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 632
((ohhh... ur on, stay on and maybe we can rp for a while :) ))
6:58pm May 5 2010
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[Yes. Now reply. X3]
7:00pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri watched Nalik turn toward the mirror. His skin was smooth, unmarred by the numerous scars he had acquired through his past jobs and he looked very...nice. She wished it were the same for her, she could feel every scar on her body, especially the most recent. The wound in her side was starting to bleed through, she had been moving to much and it hurt like fire. Hoping to cheer him up she scooted over, tapping his tail to get his attention. It had been writhing on the ground with a mind of its own for the past few minutes so it took her a while to catch it. “We can still do things other than jobs, maybe we could go out sometime. Believe me, this isn’t the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.” she said lying through her teeth. This had completely psyched her out...
7:05pm May 5 2010
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Nalik blinked, yet again taken off guard. "Go out?" he asked, struggling to regain the blank look. He glanced at her side. If that didn't stop bleeding... "Hold still," he said, grabbing her shoulder with one hand and placing his other on the wound. His eyes took on a faraway look as a soft blue glow surrounded his hand and her side, healing it. After a minute or so he sat back, looking satisfied. "There. Much less painful than Revin's way," he sighed. He grabbed his tail to keep it from lashing like it was, flinging as he felt the strange feeling. He glanced down at it like it was the most interesting thing in the world; it was gray, just like his horns. Big surprise there.
7:12pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 632
“Yeah, I don’t know...just do something together sometime. Like the picnic but with out the messy ending. Or we could just hang out if you don’t want to. What I mean is that even with the horns and...soul stuff.... I don’t really care. I’ll still be there to watch your back.” she said, she was surprised her wound had any blood to bleed with since it all seemed to be rushing to her face. “Now you’re going to have to explain more about this soul stuff. I meant what does it do to your....victim, you can’t just go around raping people. Anyway, never do that glowy healey thing with me again. It’s creepy, I don’t mind seeing all this magic suff but I don’t want it...touching me.” She said, cringing at the idea.
7:21pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 1,097
"Sorry. But that wound would've kept bleeding," Nalik said. He bit his tongue and glanced away, realizing how much he sounded like he cared. "As for the going out thing, it sounds... nice. I don't think anyone's ever been this persistant to befriend me. And I wouldn't be raping people. I'd go to clubs and such, people try to summon demons all the time... and I don't know what it does, I've never tried it before. There, satisfied with my answers?"
7:26pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 632
“Well... I guess as satisfied as I would be. I’m still uncomfortable with the whole clubs thing, but whatever.” she patted the empty space next to her, inviting him to sit down. “I brought the drive if you have a computer to hook it up to. Revin is gone for the moment so you don’t have to worry.” Looking at Nalik she studied him. He was so different than her first impressions had led her to believe... ((hey I gots to go soon, my computer has dial up so my parents don’t let me on alot...one more post though.))
7:30pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik sat next to her a little hesitantly. "Well, I can't rely on people to summon me, and I won't starve myself," he murmured. "I don't like it either; I hate clubs, in fact, but what can I do?" He sighed. "And unfortunately I don't have a computer. They're useless to me," he added. He let go of his tail since it had stopped twitching wildly. "Damn. This is not at all how I planned for the day to go, but on the bright side you get to see a different side of me..."
7:35pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri laughed, startled. This was the first joke she had heard Nalik tell. At least she as.sumed it was a joke... “Well we can’t really waltz into a library with you looking like this and we need a secure laptop to open this drive.” she thought for a moment before standing and grabbing the drive off his bed where he had left it. (( she threw it to him before)) “I’ll head over to my appartment quickly. I have a laptop there we could use, I’ll be back really soon. Any supplies you need while I’m out? It would be more convenient now than to wait...” she walked over to the door, she would just get some food and maybe some movies and things to keep him busy. (( I gtg now, ill go on again tomorrow :) ))
7:43pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 1,097
"No. I'm fine," Nalik said. He was feeling a little funny, like his personality was being reset or something. He remembered incubi were very outgoing creatures... great. Just great. He had to refrain from showing much more than his slight confusion. More than likely he'd have a freakout when she left, p*censored* out, and wake up with a completely new outlook on life. Hopefully not, though. That would suck if it did.
12:40pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri jogged back to her apartment, searching for her laptop. While there she grabbed a couple good books, a gaming system and some video games and the laptop. She wasn't stupid enough to forget that. Leaving the apartment, and locking it she had another great idea. Nalik, being a jerk and all probably hadn't had much need of a cell phone. He did now for sure. She stopped by the store on her way back, buying him one in a color she thought he'd like. Crap, this was going to be a long day...
1:36pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 1:37pm May 6 2010)
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Posts: 632
tle="Cool" />
2:16pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Just as he'd thought, Nalik was freaking out. He was scanning the books he had on demons, specifically about incubi. Yup, demons driven mostly on emotion instead of thinking and whatnot. He needed something to keep his emotions in check or else he'd become vulnerable just like Kiri when she'd seen that boy in the woods. He growled softly and threw the book away, grabbing another. Maybe there were spells he could learn or something... Or, maybe not. He let out a frustrated sigh.