2:53pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 3:02pm May 6 2010)
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Posts: 632
Kiri sat thinking outside Nalik's door. The light was already fading outside and soon it would be pich black. She was afraid to leave Nalik alone for the night in his new...unstable condition. If she was going to stay she would have to make up her mind soon, it was dangerous for an as.sas.sin to wander this city at night unprepared. There was too good a chance you would run into old enemies. I'll stay the night if thats ok with Nalik, she thought. Unlocking the door she headed inside, setting the supplies onto the bed. After a moment she looked up, scanning the room for Nalik. God she hoped he hadn't had a breakdown... Her mouth fell open as she noticed the books strewn across the floor, all on demons she noticed. Many of the mauled books had pages ripped out, she read some of those littered on the floor closest to her. Nudging one with the toe of her shoe she moved slowly over to Nalik's small library where a seemingly endless suply of books were being thrown. Steeling her nerves she called out to Nalik before entering.
3:03pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 632
((hi :) could we try something like we did last night again except for longer?))
3:05pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik growled and threw another one aside, taking no notice of Kiri. He looked at the books left on his bookshelf, his eyes catching sight of one in particular. He pulled it out slowly, blinking. He'd never seen this one before... Opening it up, he scanned the pages. Even though they were written in a different language, one he was sure wasn't human, he could read it anyway--and it was all about the incubus way of life. "Welcome back," he muttered, settling himself against the wall to read.
3:05pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 1,097
[I would, but I'm really busy today. Art lesson and then tutor comes at 7...]
3:05pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 3:06pm May 6 2010)
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Posts: 632
((woo! ur still here :D can u stay now? ))
3:07pm May 6 2010
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[Yup ;3]
3:08pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 3:09pm May 6 2010)
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Posts: 632
"Well thats one way to find a book." she said, leaning against the door frame smiling. It was one heck of a mess to clean up but she was glad Nalik was ok. He seemed to need constant supervision or he would flip! Kiri was ok with that, she really did like Nalik, horns and all. It was worth it, if nothing else then just to spend the time with him. Walking over she tried to read over his shoulder. The words were a jumble, she couldn't make out anything but Nalik seemed to be doing ok. "Find anything interesting?"
3:09pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 3:10pm May 6 2010)
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Posts: 632
((sry if i post then edit. i have to do that or the computer will just erase everything i type randomly DX ))
3:12pm May 6 2010
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"This entire book is what I've been looking for," Nalik said. "Strange I didn't see it before... what'd you get?" He didn't look up from the book, able to multitask. A relieved smile suddenly crossed his face; according to this book he didn't need to steal souls to keep living. He'd grown up human, or close to it, so his body could still process the human food. He turned the page, keeping in mind to tell that to Kiri.
3:12pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 1,097
[That's okay. I forgive ya. X3]
3:18pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 632
((aww! thanks :3)) "I brought you some video games, some food and books. Though I'd appreciate if you could leave mine intact." she said motioning with her head toward the torn books lying around on the floor. " Thats not what I meant by the way, about the book. Just asking, is there any way you know of tho get back to normal?" she asked, the sarcastic ring in her voice did nothing to disguise her desperation.
3:22pm May 6 2010
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"Normal? As of now this is normal," Nalik replied with a sigh. "But I just read something that said since I grew up on human food I don't need souls to survive." He glanced at her and frowned a bit. "And there's no need to sound so... I dunno, desperate? Yeah. Get used to it or stop hanging around." He shrugged and continued reading, smirking a bit; he sounded a little more like his old self.
3:29pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 3:32pm May 6 2010)
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Posts: 632
(( i gtg soon, im at school now and there kicking us out :) my dads out right now so i cant go on the computer till later. maybe after 6:00?)) Nalik's words bit into her, she was just worried about him. And truthfully, the whole demon thing would complicate things pretty badly too. He was a pain but she wasn't quite ready to ditch him yet. Looking on the brighter side of things she sighed with relief when he mentioned the fact that he didn't need human souls to survive anymore. That had been nagging at her since he had told her. "I'll just shut up and wait here with you then." she said, sitting on the ground next to him. Taking a book, one of the less damaged ones she began reading on the floor. The least she could do was come into this prepared...
3:32pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 3:33pm May 6 2010)
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Nalik sighed softly. "Tell me. It's pretty late, are you planning to go home eventually?" he asked, setting the book down and standing up; he grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet since she seemed determined to stay with him. He was feeling slightly hungry so he headed toward the kitchen. [Alright. And I won't be back on until 8 res time, or somewhere around there. :/]
6:47pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 632
((k :) I can only stay on for a while but ill try. I love this rp :P its gotta be the best (funnest :D) one I’ve done yet. )) “Well I was hoping I could stay the night. I could sleep on the couch...and I don’t snore if that helps at all.” she said sheepishly, it was always awkward to invite yourself over. “I brought chips too by the way, since you seem to like them.” she held up a bag before grabbing the corners to open it. “I would feel bad about leaving you here alone. No one should have to go through...something like this by themselves.” Thinking back to her own bad experiences she remembered wishing someone else had been there for her. Whatever it was in the past, everyone had their own ghosts. Nalik at the moment could be helped. She set her shoulders before following him into the kitchen.
8:06pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 1,097
"On the couch? Why not sleep with me?" Nalik joked. He coughed. "Sorry. Involuntary joke. I'll try not to make those. But thanks for the chips." He went to the kitchen and pulled a coke from the fridge. "I guess since you're staying here for the night you can make yourself at home. I wouldn't get you anything anyway..." Which was a sudden lie because he was sure if someone asked him to do something he'd do it to be... nice. He shuddered slightly at the thought.
6:37am May 7 2010
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Posts: 632
"Thanks, but I'm ok. You should keep reading up on this incubus stuff. Me too, I feel like a kid, knowing nothing about it." she said joking. She wasn't that hungry anyway. ((i got nothing to write about :) what should they find on the info drive anyway? i have some ideas but there not that good...))
7:03am May 7 2010
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Posts: 1,097
"I didn't hear no to sleeping with me." Nalik smirked, then scowled, tail lashing. "Please ignore me when I do stuff like that. It's like an involuntary reaction." He stalked back into his room and picked up the book again. Damn mood swings... he had a sudden disinterest for reading the book now. "Eh." He wandered back into the t.v. room and turned it on, sitting on the couch. [Maybe intricate plans for dominating the world?]
12:51pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 12:53pm May 7 2010)
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Posts: 632
((sure, but they cant be all in one place...how about they have different military bases around the world. like they teamed up with a forein gov. to dominate the world :D MWA HA HAAA!!!!!!!!!)) Kiri was amused with Nalik's frustration. He deserved it, he now had emotions like everyone else, no more bottling it up and shoving it away. Though the idea of sleeping with Nalik was...well....she wasn't quite ready for that idea yet! Walking over to her bag she took out her video games, only her favorites. "Hey, I brought you some games if you want to play. A second controller too." By now it was pitch black outside and she could feel the faint memories of past sleepovers with friends. She shook her head, those times were over. But that didn't meen she couldn't start over with new people. Nalik for exampel. Smiling she shouted into the other room, before following him. "Hope you don't mind being beaten by a girl!"
2:04pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 1,097
"Never played video games," Nalik replied. "They always seemed a little pointless to me." He knew they were meant to p*censored* the time, but he'd never found them interesting so he'd never played them himself. He was content to watch t.v., though, since it could sometimes be informational. He ran these thoughts through his head and realized something. He didn't have video games, he didn't have a cd player or ipod or other means to listen to music, he didn't have a car, he didn't have a cell phone, he rarely watched t.v... It was like he was an old man, one who refused to have technology. That was weird to think about, but it was all unnecessary to him.