10:28pm May 8 2010 (last edited on 10:29pm May 8 2010)
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((ok, here i come... :) )) Morana was wandering the streets after dark...she was on her way to an address she recieved ((the address of Nalik's apartment :3)) knowing that some of her fellow organization members were there. She heard of Revin's injuries and wanted to check in. Looking at the slip of paper, she went to the apartment complex and went up the stairs, knocking on Nalik's door.
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11:03pm May 8 2010
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Revin's hand jerked, as if he was clenching the hilt of a knife, when the knock on the door came. He gritted his teeth in pain and his back lifted slightly off the couch as he tensed, waiting for the pain to p*censored*. When it did, his body relaxed back onto the couch.
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11:03pm May 8 2010
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Nalik let out a frustrated sigh and strode to the door. He opened it and frowned at the girl in front of him, not bothering to hide horns or tail. "Who are you and what the hell do you want?" he asked, tail flicking. "Speak up, and it better be good or else I'll have to kill you."
11:05pm May 8 2010
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(( Night guys. It's way past my bedtime. I'm so tired. I'll be on as soon as I wake up tomorrow. ))
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6:52am May 9 2010
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(( Hello. POst something.... ))
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10:03am May 9 2010
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Morana cocked her head..."thats not a very kind way to introduce a fellow organization member." Morana smiled calmly. "I heard Revin was injured and I was just checking in, the real question is...who, are you?" she smiled. -oh mega fail xD-
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be back tonight
12:06pm May 9 2010
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Nalik kept his cold look. "I'm not part of your organization, so who I am isn't really of consquence to you. However, yes, Revin is here." He stepped aside to let her in. Maybe she could take care of him and let Kiri and him sleep... "Since you're here, you're in charge of making sure he doesn't get a fever or something. He's on the couch in the t.v. room."
12:13pm May 9 2010
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Rev in opened his eyes halfway to Nalik and Morana's voices. "Lay off.... Nalik...." Revin rasped from the couch. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, tensing with pain. When the pain faded, he let out a hiss of a breath. He pasted out again.
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3:44pm May 9 2010
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Morana smiled "Thank you..." she anwsered in an unamused tone, and she walked in. She entered the t.v. room and saw Revin.."Revin, my friend, what has happened?" she whispered sitting beside him on the floor. She knew he was out cold but sat beside him and waited.
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be back tonight
4:04pm May 9 2010
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((sry guys, went to m*censored*achusetts for mothers day :) back to school tomorrow D: )) Kiri moved out of the room looking once again distastefully at the mat on the floor. Crap, what was all the commotion! She scowled as she walked into the T.V. room to find Nalik standing with another girl. They were talking in low voices and the girl seemed to be saying something to Revin who was once again p*censored*ed out. “You idiot, why did you try to move! Your not just ok, you still need to rest like a normal person!” she seethed to the unconscious as.sas.sin. “And who the hell are you!” This was directed to the strange girl in the apartment. God, she couldn’t leave them alone for even a couple of minutes and they drag in strays! What she was more worried about though was how she’d react to the new Nalik...
4:18pm May 9 2010
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Morana rose an eyebrow..."the question is...who are you?" she spat uninterrested, ignoring the other girl. She was uninterrested and knew if the girl got on her nerves, her temper would flare and a fight may occur...but she decided it best to just ignore the rude girl because she obviously wasnt worth morana's time
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4:25pm May 9 2010
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Kiri gave a sarcastic laugh, she really didn’t appreciate more people barging in uninvited. “Who I am is none of your business but since you asked, my name is Kiri. Now it would be polite if you could reveal your name and explain to me why the hell you’re here!” she said, spitting her words at the new girl. She really hated when people acted so superior. When you came right down to it we’re all buried in the muck at the bottom of the barrel. All as.sas.sins at least. ((sorry my charry is being so mean, no offense or anyting...))
4:38pm May 9 2010
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((talilah: no i understand! its not u its your charry's personality :) and same for my charry.)) Morana rolled her eyes, she didnt appreciate the tone that this Kiri character gave. Without looking up she anwsered unamused and coldly, "Show me some respect and I'll show some to you. I never said I was polite." she smiled to herself, she knew she might make an enemy today.
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5:36pm May 9 2010
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"Shut the hell up!" Nalik hissed at them. "If you don't shut up, I'll toss you out! This isn't your place, and if either of you--" he looked pointed at them "--decide to fight, I'll end it. Kiri, if you don't wanna sleep on the floor then fine, you can have my bed, I'll sleep on the floor." He moved around to stand in front of the new girl, glaring at her. "Why don't you both shut your mouths about being rude to one another, then maybe I won't be so tempted to drag you out of here. Revin needs rest and he can't get that if you're fighting, not to mention it's abhorrantly rude to come into someone's home and just start arguing with someone else you don't even know." Now he looked back at Kiri. "Better yet, Kiri, just go back into my room and let this girl take care of Revin, that way you two won't see each other to make rude remarks."
5:51pm May 9 2010
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Morana smiled at Nalik, he was right... she dosnt want to sleep on the floor...high maintanence for an as.as.sin... Morana thought unamused. she then rolled her eyes and stood up, "no no, your right...I suppose I am causing more harm then good, if you want to drag me out, I'll make it easy for you, I will just be going then." She stroked Revin on the head and pulled a list out of her pocket and crossed the name Morgen Shinly ((name i made up xD)) off it... "Besides I have some other errands to run.." she anwsered calmly but politly..."Thank you for your hospitality..." she said politly, she smiled slightly before picking her cloak off the ground.
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6:14pm May 9 2010
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Kiri raised an eyebrow at Nalik, she had never mentioned anything about not wanting to sleep on the floor. It seemed like Nalik had more to say on this topic, if he really wanted to sick his neck out like that that is. Smiling grimly to herself she grabbed Moranna’s elbow. “Wait, I was being rude...” she said, spitting the words out through clenched teeth, a sickly sweet smile plastered on her face. She wasn’t used to swallowing her pride and it didn’t go down very well.... “We need someone who can watch Revin while we get some sleep. There’s important buisness we need to discuss in the morning so we need sleep. I’d appriciate it if...” she paused looking at Nalik for help. When none came she continued, breath hissing out as her nails bit into her palms. “I’d appreciate it if you stayed to help.” Turning back to Nalik she hissed in his ear “There I said it! Happy!” before storming out of the room and back into the quiet of the bedroom where she beat the pillow on the floor.
8:03pm May 9 2010
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Nalik let out a low hiss. "You'll have to excuse me, dealing with non-targets isn't my specialty," he muttered. He took a breath, calming himself down a bit. "But Kiri is right. Are you willing to watch Revin through the night? I haven't slept much lately, so it's important I try to. Er, you can help yourself to anything, bathroom's over there..." He sighed softly. "If you could stay the night I'd be grateful." With that he walked back into his bedroom, reguarding Kiri with a calm look. "Kiri. Listen. I'm trying my best to keep things calm, okay? Fighting in and around my apartment might tip people off, and I don't need that. I'm terrible at dealing with other people. I'm trying to keep you happy by offering you two choices to sleep." He ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes, trying to remain calm. It was rather difficult. "I can't read minds. I can sense emotions, but not read minds. Tell me why you immediately hated her and why you're suddenly so mad at me for making a stand for my apartment."
12:02pm May 10 2010 (last edited on 12:03pm May 10 2010)
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Kiri's mood softened when she was alone with Nalik. "I was just mad because nothing seemed to be going right today. Finally we get a break and Revin comes in all ripped up trailed by a new rude girl with absolutely no manners." she said looking away. She knew she hadn't handled the situation very well but it takes two to start a fight. Her forhead wrinkled with frustration. "I have no problem sleeping on the floor, I would sleep with you but I think I'd like to get to know you a little better first." she said sarcasticall, regaining her sense of humor as she joked with him. Calming down she smooted out the blanket on the ground. "I already apologied once, I'm not doing it again." she warned him, holding up her hands in surrender. "But no more fightes tonight, I promise. I'll just stay in here and be good, but I wont sit by if she..." Kiri cut herself off, blushing. She would never finish that sentance infornt of Nalik, that would just make more drama. Sighing she lay down in his bed, putting her headphones in her ears as she tuned out the world.
1:33pm May 10 2010
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Nalik raised an eyebrow at her, but felt re*censored*ured. He left the room with a soft sigh. "Okay. New girl, please tell me your name and I'll tell you mine. I really would appreciate you staying to watch Revin, since you seem to know him. Everything should be fine now, Kiri is staying out there." He tugged on a horn, thinking. "I guess if you need anything you can ask me. But make it soon if you're going to, I'm gonna go sleep soon."
1:41pm May 10 2010
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Revin's face contorted with pain, and the nsomething else. Anger. utter, complete anger. Then it vanished and his face was that smooth mask once again that revealed nothing.
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