5:31pm Feb 14 2010
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Nalik scowled. "You know perfectly well I hate dayjobs." He stalked back to the scene, and in a few seconds there was no evidence that he'd been there at all, having changed pants as well. He walked back to Riven, an eyebrow raised. "Why are you here, anyway? I don't usually see you around here. Something wrong, or something?" He folded his arms and leaned against a wall.
5:35pm Feb 14 2010
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Riven sighed. "Students." He said simply. "I'm looking for some. The car that was riving them to the HQ was destroyed and the blasted kids ran off." he said. His voice was cold and his eyes held no emotion except for the fact that they were as hard as ice. "One just happens to have been found near here and I figured he would return here." Riven said.
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5:43pm Feb 14 2010
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"Haven't seen anything usual," Nalik shrugged. He disregarded the comment about HQ; Riven was always talking about it, yet he had no idea what it was. Nor did he really care to find out. "If I see a kid who looks lost I'll let you know. Even if I don't have anything else to do today I'm gonna head off."
6:04pm Feb 14 2010
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Posts: 305
Asteri snuck up quietly behind the two. “Day jobs are good practice, don’t complain Nalik.” She punched him in the arm, and pulled her long blonde hair into a sloppy bun on the top of her head. She looked over, “Still no new students? You have got to be kidding me. I’m so bored. You really need to be setting us up with jobs to get kids recruited, I’m sick of killing on my own. I have too much free time.” Asteri tended to be a little co.cky when in cam to be killing. She had been in the business so long, nothing came as too much of a challenge to her. But she always made sure she didn’t sound like she thought she was better than anyone else, she did have a lot to learn, even if she was skilled at what she already knew.
6:09pm Feb 14 2010
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"Why don't you kids leave me alone, eh? Three and two years younger than I am, and for the record I have no idea why you're worried about students. Some organization you're in? Don't bother explaining." He sighed softly, running a hand through his hair. "And the reason I don't do day jobs is because hardly anyone is willing to pay during the day, not to mention it's hard to move around."
6:16pm Feb 14 2010
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Revin growled at both them. "Shut it! Both of you!" he growled. His eyes were riveted on the other side of the street. A shadow flickered in his peripheral vision. Suddenly, he was running down the street, a shadow running parallel to him. Revin jumped, but the shadow kept running. Revin leaped and tackled the shadow. With blinding speed, he pinned the shadow down and stuck a needle in it's neck. Slowly, the body stopped struggling and lay still, cold dead. He sighed and stood up. He noticed a car coming by. He crouched beside the man, pretending o check his vitals. "Hey!" he called to the driver. The driver pulled over. "This guy needs to go to the hospital immediatly! He's not breathing!" Revin cried to the driver, looking like a distressed 16 year old. The driver hopped out, put the man in the front seat, nodded at Revin, and drove towards the hospital. Revin's face instantly went cold and he put his hands in his pockets. he walked back over to the two. "Vladmir Pike. A nasty little man who happened to be listening in on our conversation. he also happens to be on my target list today." Revin said in a cold voice. "I charged an important but deadly vitamin into his veins that, if you have to much of, would kill you instantly." He said, shrugging.
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6:21pm Feb 14 2010
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"You have a target list?" Nalik asked. He shook his head. "Nevermind, I'm not gonna ask. Whatever you two are involved in, leave me out of it." He shoved his hands in his pockets, and started walking away. "Oh," he said, turning around. "Revin, just so you know, that footprint wasn't mine, but the blood on my pants was. I cut myself on accident. Just thought you should know." He turned around and started walking again, annoyed that a younger man had told him to be more careful. He'd been an as.sas.sin for many years now, and as far as he knew was one of the best around town; no one had any idea he worked in such a dark trade.
6:29pm Feb 14 2010
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Revin actually chuckled at that. "Shame. I'm a Master and he's a Senior. I wonder why." He said, still chuckling. He had known the blood was his and that the footprint wasn't his. The edges had been wrong and the blood had been old, but not so old that it was a dark red. He sighed.
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6:38pm Feb 14 2010
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Nalik scaled a wall, pulling himself onto a flat roof. He was quite annoyed; he needed to stop doubting his abilities. He sat down against another wall of a taller building. He was always doing that, always doubting his own abilities. He blamed his brothers for that. He wished he could do something else, something besides killing people for a living, but he couldn't.
10:28am Feb 15 2010
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Felix crouched low in the shadows, watching Nalik as he scaled the wall. His amber eyes never leaving him. His ears attuned to everything. His sense of smell keen. He prowled closer to Nalik, seeming to be invisible. He froze, blending in with the background and entirely disappearing.
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2:40pm Feb 15 2010
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Something didn't feel right, like someone else was there. Nalik closed his eyes, just barely, gathering a general area of where this disquiet came from. He didn't say anything or do anything except open his eyes. Yeah, there was someone here, someone besides him, but he wouldn't do anything for now.
4:38pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 305
Asteri was quiet for most of the time that they had been talking. She followed Felix, "You know, even with the attitude he's pretty good. With a bit of training, he could be a skilled as.as.sin. You should consider recruiting him. We ARE short you know." Asteri had a big problem with interjecting her own ideas where they obviously werent wanted. That was what had gotten her in trouble most of the time. She had alot to learn herself, but she made sure not to get too much under Felix's skin. He was the stuff, and Asteri knew she should be learning from him. He HAD tought her everything she knew.
8:42pm Feb 19 2010
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(( His name is Revin. Felix is a six year old kid. Revin is the one she's talking too. )) Felix realized that his presence had been found out. A slight twitch of the head and the instant yet barely noticeable change in the way he walked told him that. Felix bared his teeth and, making no sound, eerily enough, he withdrew a bow and a small quiver filled with silver arrows fletched with raven feathers. He nocked one arrow and aimed at Nalik, but didn't fire, his eyes sharp and narrowed.
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11:20pm Feb 19 2010
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Huh. Whoever was following him had a weapon pointed toward him, he felt the sense of danger. However, he didn't do anything to protect himself. He didn't even turn around to acknowledge the phantom presence; he simply leaped onto another roof, stalking toward a place he'd found to simply relax. It was secluded in a close-off alley, and he'd cleaned it up to make it look rather nice. No one else ever knew about it.
9:21am Feb 20 2010
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Felix followed him silently. Then, when he was a good distance, he released the arrow. it thudded into a wood frame, centimeters from Nalik's face.
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1:25pm Feb 20 2010
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Nalik plucked the arrow from the frame, not having flinched at all. He twirled it in his fingers as he dropped into the closed-off square, into his secret club house. If whoever had fired the arrow wanted it back, he'd be hard-pressed to hand it over nicely. Arrows couldn't catch him so he had no worries. He'd have to figure out why an arrow was shot at him later.
1:30pm Feb 20 2010
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Felix growled in frustration. That had been his second favorite arrow. He moved forward, intending to follow, when something hard struck the tip of his spine. Felix's light's dimmed and he sank to the ground. Before he p*censored*ed out, he felt someone catch him. Then darkness. ~ Revin caught Felix's slumped form before he fell. He sighed and he slung him over his shoulder. "Nalik. Give the arrow back. This is one of the students." he called out, knowing Nalik was there.
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1:45pm Feb 20 2010
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Sighing softly, Nalik chucked the arrow up and toward Revin. "Kid needs to learn not to let his presence be known. Any reason in particular he shot an arrow at me?" he asked, appearing suddenly beside them. "Tch. Lucky kid, if he'd tried to get it back I can tell you he wouldn't have survived." He folded his arms, looking quite annoyed. Even though he could outrun arrows, he still killed most people who shot them at him.
2:10pm Feb 20 2010
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Revin smiled. He grabbed the arrow and slipped it into Felix's quiver. "He didn't know who you were. He considered you a threat." Revin said, shrugging. he winced slightly and he hid his wrist behind his back. "I wouldn't have wanted to kill him. Only because he would of slipped away. Even from you. Even from me. He's very skilled. It was only by chance that I stumbled upon him." Revin said, grinning wolfishly. A small bead of blood rolled down his arm beneath his cloak and dripped from his wrist which he hid behind him.
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2:51pm Feb 20 2010
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Nalik raised an eyebrow. "What did you do this time?" he asked. "Don't think I don't see you bleeding." He didn't care much, more like interested. Caring about people wasn't his style, even if they considered him a friend. A whole hosts of thoughts ran through his head but he said nothing.