2:56pm May 10 2010
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Morana looked up at Nalik... "Thank you, I will watch Revin...however, please tell Kiri that I am truly sorry, lifes been pretty rough on me lately, and Im sorry I took out my problems on her" she said sincerely. Usually Morana was not the type to back down or give in, but she spoke the truth, her cold and hard nature was relaxing a but..."And my names Morana Silas..." she smiled. She turned and looked at Revin. Her heart raced as she saw Revin's face contort, but it slowed down once Revin relaxed. "Sleep well, you deserve it." she nodded in the direction of his room.
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3:10pm May 10 2010 (last edited on 3:10pm May 10 2010)
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((lalala..dont know what to write....*kicks brain!* :P lol ))
4:00pm May 10 2010
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"My name's Nalik," the incubus replied. He gestured to a hall closet. "If you get cold or something there's extra jackets and blankets in there. Um, kitchen obviously, bathroom's over there..." He blinked and shrugged. "That's about it. Good night." He walked back into his room and sighed. "Kiri, if you're fine with sleeping on the floor then get off my bed, I'm going to sleep."
4:14pm May 10 2010 (last edited on 4:14pm May 10 2010)
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Kiri sighed and rolled gracelessly off the bed and onto the floor. She was done being an as.sas.sin, now she just wanted sleep. God she really hoped she didn't start mumbling... Taking off the head phones she stared at the dark ceiling before mumbling a goodnight to Nalik. Wrapping herself in the thin covers she huddled up. It would be a cold night, especially if the temperature droped any more. She thought about sleeping on the other half of Nalik's bed but shot down the idea. The cold was one thing, she didn't want to make her stay more awkward than it had to be. Especially with that b-witch as.sas.sin in the other room... ((no offense....))
4:17pm May 10 2010
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Nalik stripped his shirt off and changed into pajama pants. "And Morana says she's sorry," he said, turning off all the lights except for the lamp beside his bed. "She told me her life has been rough and she didn't mean to take it out on you." He crawled under the covers with a satisfied sigh and turned the lamp off. "Night."
4:22pm May 10 2010
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"Night." kiri was already feeling guilty for the way she had acted. Crawling out of bed she walked quietly out the door to where Morana was tending to Revin. Not wanting to disturb Nalik, tired as she was she needed to talk to the new girl. ((gtg home now. i'll try to go on later.))
4:27pm May 10 2010
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"Don't do anything stupid," Nalik said with a yawn. He closed his eyes and fell asleep surprisingly quickly. He wouldn't mind being an incubus if it meant he'd be able to sleep like normal people... And it was sort of nice to have other people around.
5:09pm May 10 2010
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Morana smiled as Nalik went to bed..."thanks again." she said, pulling her cloak around her. She watched and took Revin's temperature every few minutes... she heard Kiri enter the room... and tried to ignore her, hoping a fight would not occur, she thought it best to hold her tounge.
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7:16pm May 10 2010
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“How’s Revin doing?” Kiri asked seeing a thermometer in his mouth. There was always the chance that he wouldn’t make it. She felt strangely little remorse at the thought. “So, I think its time we had a little talk... Who are you and how do you know Revin.” she said suspiciously. It wasn’t a fight, just more of an interrogation. Anyway Nalik wasn’t really the best one to be preaching about rudeness and manners. She chuckled and sat down on the couch by Revin waiting for an answer.
8:41pm May 10 2010 (last edited on 8:41pm May 10 2010)
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"Hes doing well actually." Morana smiled. "Temperature is up a little bit, but nothing serious...I've been dabbing his head with a moist towel to cool him down a bit." she replied. "My name is Morana Silas... Revin and I met a while ago and we chat every now and then. My father knew Revin's father, Ansk. Although Revin and I were never really close, we still see each other around and know each others names." Morana anwsered returning the suspicious tone, should I be telling this stranger about myself? she thought... But I suppose if Revin knows them I should be fine...she decided. "Why so suspicious?" Morana asked, it was her turn for questions. ((just to tell everyone...im kinda making this up as i go, so if u have a problem with anything I post, tell me, and I'll change it :) ))
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2:48pm May 11 2010 (last edited on 2:49pm May 11 2010)
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((don’t worry, wut do u think the rest of us do ;P )) Kiri turned, “Its usually good to know who is in the room next to you while your asleep. Pardon my curiosity.” She said sarcastically. “I’ve already introduced my self but my name is Kiri. I’m with Nalik if you’re wondering about it.” She said politely a slight threat on the subject disguised in her tone. “I just wanted to come to redo our first meeting, first impressions are the ones you remember and I didn’t make such a good one. I need sleep though. Nalik and I have important business to attend to in the morning. Revin isn’t exactly in top condition either so count him out. You can stay here to take care of him tomorrow too if that’s possible.” Kiri spun, standing suddenly and walking into Nalik’s darkened room. “Goodnight.” She said curly before shutting the door. Laying on the floor she covered herself in the thing covers, wrapping them around her shoulders, leaving her feet exposed. The temperature was already down around 50 and would only get colder in the night. She sighed as the soft rythem of Nalik’s breathing lulled her to sleep.
3:24pm May 11 2010
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Morana smiled "Very true..." she said "And Im sure Nalik told you, Lifes been rough on me, and you must forgive my first impression as well..." she said sincerely. Morana chuckled softly..."dont worry he's all yours." she said amused. "We'll see, I have a tight scheduale and was only supposed to stay a few hours...but I suppose...umm...my friends will understand." she smiled, "sleep tight..." she whispered as the door closed...
She ignored the cold, besides shes faced worse...she pulled her cloak around her, and tended to Revin the rest of the night
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3:52pm May 11 2010
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[I wish Wolf could get on to approve this, but I think now is a good time for a skip to morning...]
4:43pm May 11 2010
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((me to spiked, im improvising every word i type xD and alright, morning it is))
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5:04pm May 11 2010
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[Okay. Wolf, I figured it's okay since Revin's p*censored*ed out.] Nalik woke up around six, always having been an early riser. But that didn't mean he wanted to get out of bed. He stretched a bit, tali curling as he did so. Not even opening his eyes and tugged the covers closer around himself and curled into a small ball; part of the reason he slept with the temperature so low was because he was surprisingly fond of simply laying in his warm bed for a while.
5:27pm May 11 2010
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Morana tended to Revin for the rest of the night, without falling asleep or getting tired at all. By morning she was still wide awake, but she was used to it...she was more of a "nocturnal" as.sas.sin and was used to being awake a lot of the time...and she hasnt been able to sleep very well lately
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10:00am May 12 2010
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The night had been fridged. After huddling under her covers for a couple of hours she had finally surrendered and crawled into the other side of Nalik's bed. He had already warmed the air inside the small folds. Resting her head on the pillow she fell back asleep. ((hummm dee dummm..nothing to write O.> ))
10:49am May 12 2010
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[Hm... time for awkward] Nalik rolled over so that he was facing Kiri. At this point he was half asleep again, so he wasn't in control of his actions: he put an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him, muttering something about warmth. Unfortunately it was his incubus side that was acting, not his human side.
5:46pm May 12 2010
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((very awkward.....)) Morana took out her notes and took a look at the list of names... great... why must the homes be so spread out? she sighed heavily taking another look at Revin's temperature, it was normal again and she felt relieved, perhaps he was getting better?
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7:51am May 13 2010
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[XD That's my favorite thing to do, make things awkward... bump.]