1:14pm May 13 2010
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((umm...help! O.O )) Kiri rolled over slighly, laying her arm on Nalik's. Wait, Nalik's?!? Her eyes shot open to see Nalik asleep with his arm draped over her waist. His face was more relaxed than it had ever been and she lay her head back down. He wasn't threatining, just sound asleep. Anyway, it was kind of nice...Sneaking a glance at the clock she found it was already around 8:40 in the morning. Sighing she rolled out from under his arm, gently returning it to his side. She quickly changed and moved to wake him.
1:55pm May 13 2010
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Nalik jumped a little and sat up, rubbing an eye. "Morning," he mumbled. "I hope the floor was okay?" He grunted and stood up, tugging his pants up a bit so they wouldn't fall down. "8:40? Ah, it's late..." He must've fallen back asleep. Was there time for a shower? He stared over at the bathroom for a few seconds, running through the day in his mind. A little bird tapped it's beak on the window; a job already? Sighing, he let it in and took the note, scribbling something down on it quickly before tying it to the leg again and sending the bird off. He grabbed clothes from his closet and walked into his bathroom without another word, shutting the door behind him.
4:00pm May 13 2010
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Morana glanced at the clock mounted on the wall..."almost 9." she stated, wondering why she wasnt asleep or even tired...if it was 9 in the morning now, she has been awake for almost 70 hours straight. She stood up and looked in the mirror, she imagined herself with dark circles under her eyes but her face looked well rested. did i fall asleep during the night? she wondered, knowing halfheartedly that that was not possible. She checked on Revin one more time and pulled a small food bar from her sack. She ate it quietly and awaited her hosts to awaken
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
8:17am May 14 2010
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[bumping this. X3 Can't do anything yet, Nalik's in the shower.]
11:52am May 14 2010
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Kiri walked out of Nalik's room, reaching blindly around in his cubbords for coffee. Nothing, he didn't even seem to have a machine for that matter. ((uggg! gtg be on later tonight...))
2:22pm May 14 2010
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Nalik was out quickly, half dressed with his shirt slung over his shoulder. "What are you looking for?" he asked, walking over to the fridge. He pulled a coke out and downed half of it; it was too early for alcohol. "Don't have anything caffinated other than coke if that's what you want."
2:54pm May 14 2010
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Morana heard the others stir. She looked up and decided it best not to bother the two... Revin was fine and she knew she must be going soon. She decided just to wait for the others to finish their mission before she left.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
5:20am May 15 2010
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(( Guys. I can't post on school days. >___< ))
Revin's eyes fluttered open. He stared at the wall, his half ope eyes different. FInally, it was noticeable. His eyes were all black with gold flecks in them that seemed to burn. But quickly, the color faded to be replaced with his normal eye color. SIlently, he hoped no one saw that.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
6:23am May 15 2010
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Morana noticed they eyes shift but didnt want to make conversation about it, unless it wasnt to be seen. "So what have you got yourself into?" Morana stated at Revin as he woke. ((Aw ok wolf))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
9:09am May 15 2010
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Revin flinched at the sound of her voice. He waited for a few seconds before trusting his voice. "Hello Morana...." She said in a slightly raspy voice.
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11:07am May 15 2010
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Morana smiled, Revin's voice gave her the signal he was feeling somewhat better. "Rest your voice, you need your strength." she said calmly, checking his temperature one more time
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
11:33am May 15 2010 (last edited on 11:34am May 15 2010)
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((I can only post on school days and once on sat. if im lucky :) can revin wake up soon and ill try to get Morana into their organization plans.)) "My god you need coffee." she said glaring exasperatedly at Nalik before moving to Revin's side. Giving him a hard look she offered him a glas.s of water. "Welcome back Revin, how was your rest?" she said sarcastically. He seemed to be doing fine and now was as good a time as any for some answers. "So, enlighten us! How the hell did you get f***ed up so fast!" she said, anger seeping out of her voice. It wasn't his fault but truly the last thing they had needed, so close to making their next move, was to find a mauled as.sas.sin on their doorstep. Especially when he'd brought baggage, she thought sending a fleeting look in Morana's direction.
12:07pm May 15 2010
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Revin saw the look and his eyes narrowed. he drank a sip of water and he sat up, wincing. His hand wrapped around his torso, as if to keep the pain away. " I'll tell you. I was jumped because of you two waltzing into the enemies hideout. Also because I have a bounty on my head that could last you a lifetime..." he growled. But the growl was to hide the pain that he was feeling. But he couldn't hide it very well at the time. Pain stayed sharp and clear in his haggard face and narrowed eyes.
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1:25pm May 15 2010
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Nalik couldn't help but chuckle as he walked into the room as well. "Don't you know? That's what I'm famous for, being able to mess with my enemy and get away," he said. The only reason he was never jumped was because he was careful and managed to always find an escape route, however, he wasn't sure how long that luck would last. "I told the girls last night, but don't start any fights, verbal or other," he sighed. He was silent a few moments before saying, "Oh. And the horns, tail, and fangs? All because of that fancy healing of yours." [At least we're not doing anything major, though. I'll try to keep a watch on that.]
4:24pm May 15 2010
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(( Lol ))
Revin grimaced. "Horns, tail's.... and fangs?" he said the last part with slight hesitation. Suddenly, pain flared in his face and he dropped back onto his back, teeth clenched and eyes shut tightly as pain like lightning flared through his body.
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4:34pm May 15 2010
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Nalik stared in surprise. "I would've thought the pain would subside," he said. He walked back into his room, rummaging around for more bandages and such. He growled softly when he couldn't find any and started his search in whatever closet he had in the apartment.
4:42pm May 15 2010
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Revin opened one eye halfway. "It won't....... Fade easily....... They used........ a special....... blade that......... increases....... the pain....... and makes...... it last....... longer......." He gasped through clenched teeth. No need to tell them that the blade had a special metal that made him nearly killable. It was a good things he was immortal. (( huge plot twist. He's a type of creature I created. Their called Immortals. They feel pain, but cannot die. If it's a level 1 wound, the wound heals extremely fast. if it's a level 2 wound, it heals slower and takes a bit of time. If it's a level 3 wound, they sort of go into a death state for whatever time needed to heal the wound. They don't move, see, hear, smell, taste, touch, or even think. There's a special metal that's fused with a special poison that can actually kill Immortals. The metal harms them and it becomes something close to a level 3 wound. But the poison itself, in it's pure form, is like death in a small gl*censored* vial. It's the only thing that can kill them. Revin, being a skilled A ssa ssin master, rarely ever gets anything higher than a level 1 wound. Only one person knows how to concote the poison. Their is no antidote. Once it's ingested or injected, that Immortal is as good as dead. Only three Immortals live in the world at a time. Basically, that's all you need to know about them for know. They can shapeshift as well. They can shapeshift into anything. Mythical or not. ))
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4:51pm May 15 2010
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Nalik flicked his tail as he returned empty-handed. "Sorry, but I don't have any more medical supplies," he sighed, running a hand through his hair in exasperation. "Anything we can do to help?" he asked, not really wanting Revin to suffer like he was.
8:22pm May 15 2010
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Revin finally relaxed, breathing hard, sweat pouring down his face. "It will p*censored* over night. I apologize if I cry out. I'm sorry, but there truly is nothing you can do..." Revin said. He clenched his teeth and he closed his eyes, taking small strangled breaths as pain continued to flare through his body once more.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
8:50pm May 15 2010
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Nalik started pacing, starting to worry. He tried to p*censored* it off as agitation, but he had a small doubt that he wasn't doing a very good job. His tail lashed as he moved. Having someone laying there, being tortured by wounds was surprisingly difficult to watch. "Okay, Revin, I'm gonna leave you here. I've got things I need to do. Morana, if you want you can stay here with Revin, and I *censored*ume you're coming with me, Kiri..."