6:15am May 23 2010
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Revin grimaced, but sat down willingly. As he rubbe dhis arms and shoulders, trying to relax his stiff muscles, he thought of his father, the elader of the whole organization. He groaned. "If dad get's wind of this, I'm doomed...." Revin said with a chuckle. INn reality, everyone thought the father and son hated each other. But in actuallity, the two had to act like they hated each other when at work. At home, his father cared deeply about him. No one knew that of course.
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8:26am May 23 2010
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Kiri stepped off the train behind Nalik, the sights here were even better than at the park...if that was even possible. “We’re all just strange, except to each other. Being constantly surrounded by weirdos makes you sort of immune to it don’t you think? Well except for you, the whole having a tail and horns sort of takes the cake for that.” she mused, watching as the train pulled away slowly. She wondered where it was going. “You can probably take you stuff off now, there’s no one around.”
9:56am May 23 2010
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Nalik pulled his hood down. "Well... let's get to the clearing first," he said, heading off into the woods. When he was absolutely sure no one else was around, he shrugged out of his cloak and pulled his shirt off; the day would be hot and he didn't wanna get his clothes sweaty. So, as soon as they got to the willows, he'd be taking his pants off and taking a swim. "I almost wish you'd brought food again," he sighed, placing a hand on his stomach.
7:41pm May 23 2010
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Morana chuckled lightly, "Revin...if anyone in the organization hears of this...were both doomed." she said, for she was supposed to be on an as.signed mission but instead was staying with Revin while he recovered.
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1:07pm May 24 2010
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Kiri smiled and shrugged off her clothes too. She had thought ahead this time, bringing a swimsuit. "Hey, don't worry." she said, rummaging through her bag to reveal a cell phone. "I'll just move farther away from here and order a pizza." Winking at Nalik she started toward the road, about a mile down was a bus stop. No one would suspect a pizza order from there and she could run that distance in only a few minutes. "Enjoy you'r swim. Try not to get killed while I'm gone." she joked, heading away.
2:16pm May 24 2010
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Revin smield grimmly. He rubbed his temples, pushing back a migrain for later. He coughed and something hit the back of his hand. he looked at it and grimaced. it was something oilly and purple. He realized, that tiw as the poison. "Must of slipped it into my drink...." he muttered to himself, staring at it.
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5:03pm May 24 2010
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Nalik sighed and shook his head. He debated whether or not she'd be gone long enough to where he wouldn't have to get his boxers wet, but if he misjudged that could be catastrophic. He left his boxers on and dove into the water, immediately feeling better. The water was cool, good for days like this; the only weird thing was that he could feel the coolness on his tail. He took his chance to examine it: it was sort of like a cats, long and gray like his hair, but at the end it had a spade to indicate what type of demon he was. He sighed.
8:09pm May 25 2010
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Morana strode over..."what is that!" she said worried. She sat down next to Revin..."Are you going to be ok?" she asked her green eyes looking at him. -fail-
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11:34am May 27 2010
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[Bump of great justice!]
12:58pm May 27 2010
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Kiri walked faster taking out her cell and calling the well known number of the local pizza place. "Hello?" she said, speaking into the fuzzy connection. Not that great of service out here. ((idk what to wright XD we need like a distraction.....how about someone powerplayes the pizza guy getting attacked and another *censored**censored*in coming to fight them :D idk....FAIL POST TOO! *kicks brain* its too hot to write!))
3:22pm May 27 2010
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[I feel like we need more awkward. XD But I always feel like that. Humm.... What if something scares Kiri after the pizza arrives and she runs to Nalik even though he's wearing only boxers? >:3 And then someone attacks them but it's only on person so they're able to kill him quickly?]
3:35pm May 27 2010
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(( Shall I make a distratcion? ))
Revin grimaced. "Poison. But it's only lethal to us Immortals." he said with distate, wiping the poison on a paper towel and then thorwing it away.
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10:12pm May 27 2010
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Morana gave a sickened look, "Poison..." she rolled her eyes... "The loop hole for anyone afraid to fight another head on." she grumbled... then she looked at Revin, "Did you drink it?" she asked, suddenly worried...when she saw him throw the paper towel away.
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10:41pm May 27 2010
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Revin grimaced. "At the bar. Yes. I drank it. But I didn't drink enough of it to kill me. Only make me in pain for about a day and a night. The side effects are incredible stiffness and lack of motivation." He growled, sitting back down.
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6:35am May 28 2010
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((i love awkward XP how about revin and moranna come instead of an as.as.sin to kill and see Nalik and Kiri right after she got scared? MWAHAHA! AWKWARD!))
12:27pm May 28 2010
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Kiri waited patiently after calling the number. When she finally saw the small dark van drive up she, like anyone else, as.sumed it was the pizza delivery man. Letting down her guard she walked up, money out to pay. The door hissed open and a hand shot out toward her. Her scream was cut short as a thick muscled hand closed aroung her throat, pulling her into the van. There were three men inside, all dressed in black armed with knives. "Now. I think you know why we're here, our organization cant have rats like you chewing at our cover. People will get suspicious." His voice was like gravel, grinding its way into her head. "Now how are we going to do this? Will you stop like a good little girl," he grinned malovently at his buddies "Or are we going to do this the messy way? Most as.sas.sins walk better without broken legs." he said, applying a crushing weight to her left shin.
1:38pm May 28 2010
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Nalik heard the scream. Immediately he grabbed his blades, figuring there was no time to put pants on. He sprinted there, arriving rather quickly, and let his chaos break loose. He sliced off the man's arm who was holding Kiri and managed to kill all three with only two daggers; he immediately shut the door before they could bleed all over the ground. "Kiri, are you all right?" he asked.
9:35am May 29 2010
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She stood frozed, moving in to Nalik. It would have been one thing if she had been prepared but for only the second time in her life she had been caught with her guard down and no way to defend herself. Unarmed and alone she was no match for three top as.sas.sins, she didn't even know what they had wanted. Information maybe, or possibly it was just a warning...step off their trail. Tears pooled in her eyes and she buried her face in Nalik's shoulder. She knew she would get hell for it from him later but all she wanted now was to be held by someone she knew she could trust. It didn't even bother her that he wasn't wearing pants....wait. Wasn't...wearing...pants?!
12:05pm May 29 2010
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"Um... Kiri, I know you're traumatized and everything, but maybe now isn't the best time for a hug," Nalik said, sounding slightly uncomfortable. "I mean, I'm in my boxers..." He placed a hand on her shoulder, actually feeling really awkward. He wouldn't mind giving her a hug, but not wearing pants was weird.
11:22pm May 29 2010
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"what cowards..." she growled... rolling her eyes but she went over to Revin, "Is there anything I can get you? Water or something?" she asked. Morana didnt want Revin standing and getting anything for himself in case he slipped or got even more hurt on her watch... she cocked her head, "didnt you learn in your years not to drink anything that could have been tainted?" Morana asked.
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