8:24am May 30 2010
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Revin smiled at her. "Hun.... Immortal poison is odorless, tasteless, and invisible. You don't know you ate it until you've actually swallowed it. Then it turns a purple color, taste like metal, and smells like death." Revin said, chuckling.
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12:47pm May 30 2010
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((hey guys, I wanted to let you know that after Tuesday I wont be able to RP for at least a week, maybe a week and a half. My school is going on a DC trip and there really isn’t any time for computer (and to be honest I don’t even know where a computer would be O.O) I know it’s a lot of time but could u try to not go too far with out me? This is my favorite RP and I don’t want to be left behind on it :( Sry.. Its up to you though.... *would do puppy eyes if I hadn’t outgrown them in kindergarten >.<* ))
Kiri’s face flared red and she stepped away from Nalik, trying not to look down. Funny thing, she didn’t really see Nalik as the kind of guy to wear checkered boxers....NO! NOT GOING THERE! Righting her mind back to the topic at hand she knelt down to check the men on the ground. The one who had grabbed her had no identification of any kind. The other two were just as puzzling.
12:35am May 31 2010
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Morana chuckled, "If it happened at a bar, lesson one is always watch your drink." she smiled.... she had almost been poisoned a few times, but she either recovered, or caught it before it happened. Her father had taught her many tricks, but she usually didnt use them wisely.
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3:22am May 31 2010
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Nalik was quiet, trying to resist. Now really wasn't the time... No, had to resist... He placed his hands on his hips and puffed his chest up. "See something you like?" he asked, snickering. His snicker turned into a cough and he deflated. "Sorry. Somethings I can't help, you know. Let's get them into the car and leave them." He picked one up and frowned when he got blood on himself. "Damn it," he muttered, tossing the man into the van. [<3 It might be wrong but I'd love to see Nalik in only boxers with a bit of blood... So damn sexy...]
10:48am May 31 2010
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Kiri laughed wiping her eyes and pushed Nalik, not too hard (though she probably should have) in the chest. She was glad to see him in a good mood, at least this didn’t ruin their evening like the other. “Come on, we need to get these guys out of here.” she really was in a good mood now, this was the perfect thing they had needed to spice up their evening. “We need to put the car somewhere before the pizza guy shows up. Thanks for coming by the way...I don’t think I’ve ever been scared like that.” she said, her voice dying down into a quiet whisper as she expelled a breath.
10:51am May 31 2010
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((oh wow spike, thats great xD)) and bump for morana
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10:57am May 31 2010 (last edited on 10:57am May 31 2010)
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((i have to agree X3))
1:05pm May 31 2010
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Revin grimaced. "Yea. I did. It smelled fine. And I tested it a bit too. But that poison is dang hard to trace." he growled. he rubb ed the back of his mouth and smiled grimmly.
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4:37pm May 31 2010
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[*Bows* Thank you, thank you. :3] Nalik chuckled. "There's a ditch on the other side of the rode," he said. "Let's get these guys in and then push it over the side." He picked up another bleeding man and put him in the car. "And I figured we've had enough of things interrupting us. I have a new outlook on life and I figured we might as well try to keep... well, positive." He shrugged, smiling kindly at her.
10:13am Jun 1 2010 (last edited on 10:21am Jun 1 2010)
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"A ditch? We'll I guess it's far enough away that no one will suspect...." she moved over to one of the bodies, pushing it toward the side of the road. Grunting with the effort she stopped half way. Kneeling down she filpped up half of the mans jacket. Underneath was a bullet proof weapons vest, fully equipted. Her mood darkened. "Whoever sent these men was preparing them for a huge threat. THey'll send more people which means they know where we are." Sighing she rubbed the worry lines from her forehead. Grabbing Naliks hand she smiled at him, pulling him back the way they came. "We can enjoy our day here but we need to check that laptop when we get back...as soon as possible!" ((why dont you guys get your charractors back to the appartment and ours will come too later. They can talk about plans for what is on the laptop :D bye guys! goin to DC today tty on monday! try not to go too far without me!))
1:44pm Jun 1 2010
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Revin sighed and sat down, closing his eyes for a few seconds. Than, faster than normal, he whipped a knife out and shoved it into the back of his hand. He bared his teeth in a snarl of pain as the knife sliced through his palm. Blood started to well. It was streaked with purple posion. "I have to get it out wuick before it actually starts." He muttered. "That was just a side effect." He leaned over the sink, letting the wter run over his wound. When the blood ran red, no longer with purple streaks, he yanke dthe knife out, cleaned the wound, and sat down, proceeding to stitch it. When he was finishe dhe wrapped his hand in gauze. He flexed his fingers, gazing at the white bandaged hand. "Done." he growled through his teeth. His hand stung like fury, but the wound was already healing. it had only been a Level 1 wound.
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2:32pm Jun 1 2010
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Nalik followed her with a smile. It would be nice to rinse off when they got back to the lake, not to mention he was pretty sure the pizza guy didn't want to see him in his boxers. "You know, I'm still convinced that you like me best when I'm only wearing boxers," he said casually, trying hard not to laugh. Though it was mean, he wanted to mess with her a little bit since by now he'd picked up on the fact that she liked him.
8:18pm Jun 2 2010
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((oh i fell behind... ok i will try to catch up...)) Morana saw what Revin did to get the poison out, even though shes seeen blood and poison before it still worried her. She cocked her head at Revin, eyes unusually filled with worry, "Is there anything you need?" she repeated...trying to remain calm.
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1:48pm Jun 3 2010
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Revin glanced at her, his eyes narrowing slightly. His shoulder muscles spasmed and his hands clamped over them. he grunte din surprise and anger. "No. I'm fine. Just.... Be carefula round me for the next few minutes. Alright?" he whispered through clenched teeth. "You might see some odd things. Just pray you don't see the real me." he grunted. "If you do, call my father." He grunted.
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7:43pm Jun 3 2010
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Morana's eyes widened... Revin didnt scare her like he did most, but she was frightened for his safety. Her eyes looked suspiciously at him, "alright, I'll try." she anwsered calmly but with suspicion. Morana cocked her head before starting to walk back to the TV room. She pulled out a book from her sack and read quietly on the sofa.
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5:35pm Jun 5 2010
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[Bumping to keep this up]
7:16pm Jun 5 2010
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Revin rubbed his temples and started pacing. But his footstep's made no sound. Another warning sign that he might change. He growled and the growl came out raspy. Almost like a reptiles. Another sign. He stopped and sat down. He breathed deeply, and evenly, closing his eyes and trying to calm his racing blood.
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10:04am Jun 6 2010
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Morana glanced up at Revin every few seconds... she was curious and worried. Part of her told her to approach Revin, but her instincts said to stay put, and wait for the strange behavior to p*censored*. She closed her book but remained on the sofa.
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6:36am Jun 7 2010
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((WOO IM BACK! cant rp now but ill try later today :) ))
1:29pm Jun 7 2010
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Kiri's brow furrowed as she tried to think of a resonable response to that. "I do like you better in your boxers actually. You tend to hide in your clothes like you hide in your head, you use them as a wall to keep everyone else out. I like you much better this way." She said, running her hands along his shoulders pushing him back in the direction on the lake.