2:31pm Jun 7 2010
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Reven opened his eyes and breathed once, twice, then his whole body relaxed. His faint trembling ceased. "I have two hours. Maybe less. Before I change. Then, I will call my father." Revin said quiety. His face was scary calm.
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2:39pm Jun 7 2010
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Nalik snickered softly. "I knew it," he said. "Any other reason? Like my body maybe, you like it?" He fell back beside her and placed an arm around her shoulders. He steered her toward the lake, smirking. "And now I have a reason to hide in my clothes. Before I was just modest, but if you want I'll be sure to wear less clothes around you." [X3 He's so mean.]
1:33pm Jun 8 2010
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"Maybe I do and maybe I don't." she said evading the question "You'll just have to stick around long enough to find out then wont you?" she followed Nalik, walking with him until the bloodied bodies were far behind them. "What about me?" she had been wondering about what Nalik thought of her. Why someone as shut away as him would be interested. "What do you think of me? Besides the obvious!" She joked, striking a model pose and batting her eyes. ((which i cant do by the way XD have you ever tried batting your eyes!? it looks like your twitching. It involves more skill than i have....wah!))
2:32pm Jun 8 2010
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Nalik shrugged. "Why do you care, first of all?" he asked. "I mean, I guess I can consider us as friends, buuuuut I'm not sure," he added, looking thoughtful to tease her a bit. "And also, how do you want me to think of you?" He smirked. He really didn't know exactly what he thought about her, but she didn't need to know that.
5:50pm Jun 8 2010
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Morana cocked her head at Revin, "Perhaps you should call your father now, just as a heads up?" she said calmly, "And what was that about? Are you still not feeling well?" Morana was very curious of this behavior...before Revin changed? Like shapeshifted? That was her gift but she didnt know there were others...
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10:10am Jun 9 2010
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Revin shook his head slightly. "No. This is not my true form. This.... human form. My true form is much more lethal and dangerous and I do not wish to change into it. But I will not call him unless I am positive I will change."He said fiercely.
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3:19pm Jun 9 2010
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Morana's eyes went wide..."But you can still control yourself...right?" Morana asked confused... hoping his anwser would be 'yes I can' but this might not be likly.
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3:44pm Jun 9 2010
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((is anyone else getting weirder out by all the supernatural stuff?))
“Maybe as more than a friend?” she said softly, pinching her bottom lip between her teeth. It was a bad habit she thought she had kicked years ago. Closing her eyes for a moment she slowly sat down in the shade of a large oak, pulling Nalik down beside her as she rested her head on the cool bark. She had been wanting to tell him for a while how she felt, obviously he was to thick for the subtle signals she had been sending. Smiling she rolled her eyes, she should have expected that, it was Nalik after all and that was one of the things she liked most about him. When he locked on to something he stayed focused, blocking out the little details she was so good at catching. Like how he had a soft spot for girls like her and Moranna. How, even if he tried to hide it, he was a loyal friend to Revin. Subtle details that made him who he was and shaped his character into someone she couldn’t keep away from.
5:40pm Jun 9 2010
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(( No. Immortals I created a while ago. Their incredibly smart, can shapeshift into humans, usse magic, and are immortal. I'm writing a book about them. )) Revin rubbed the back of his neck and then shrugged. "I don't know. It's been a long time since I shifted into that form and my memory is not the best" Which was true considering he was going into a death state when he had shifted. Death state is when the wound is so sever that the Immortal goes into a death like state. Depending on how sever the wound, depend son how long they ar ein the death state. When they wake, their memories are very strict and valid.
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6:03pm Jun 9 2010
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"I figured as much," Nalik chuckled. "Otherwise you wouldn't be calling our outings dates. And don't think I haven't noticed you blushing, either, I'm not completely oblivious." He sighed softly, watching the water. It was weird to think that she liked him more than a friend. "You know, the only reason I first agreed to go on a picnic was because I figured you wouldn't be around long. It's weird having a friend after being alone so long, and you liking me as more than a friend is a little hard to swallow for me," he admitted. [*Giggles* Kiri is so close to having Nalik, but he won't make a move. ;3]
6:33am Jun 10 2010
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Kiri groaned. She knew where Nalik was coming from, being alone so long. It had to be like a bucket of water to his face finally having someone to talk to. She could wait, she had too. "It's fine, take as long as you need. I'll wait for you, if you want me too." She said, face turning pink. Man she wished she was the kind of girl that didn't blush. Right now, everyting she was feeling had to be laid out on her face. At least she could see some subtle signs from Nalik now too. Since he became an Incubus it didn't seem like such a one sided mirror. She had some leads to what he was feeling too.
3:52pm Jun 10 2010
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This response from Revin was not the one she looked forward to. She turned away and nodded slowly, however she was unafraid of Revin's gifts...she was nervous that he may injure himself in the process of transforming.
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5:00pm Jun 10 2010
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I'll wait for you. Nalik looked at her, surprised. It was safe to say that no one had ever told him that, and frankly it made him feel weird. He leaned over and kissed her lightly. "That might be a while," he said softly. "But thank you, no one's ever told me that before."
8:18am Jun 11 2010
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Reven sighed and stretched his muscles, groaning from relief. "Let me tell you something. being drugged, captured, then stuck in a car wreck is not good for your back muscles." he teased, grinning slightly. he knew she was worried. Admittedly, he was worried as well. But he tried not to dwell on that fact.
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11:52am Jun 12 2010
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Kiri melted but kept her face. This was the moment she had been looking forward too and she wasn't goeing to mush it up. The quiet was interupted suddenly when a shout came from the woods. "Hello? Anyone there?" and a much quieter. "God I can't believe I had to come all the way out here. I better be getting paid overtime for this..." The rest was lost in muttering as Kiri smiled and stood. The pizza was here. "We're over here!" She called, walking over to the pimpled teenaged pizza guy. "Thank you." she handed him his payment with a generous tip and watched as he left. Carrying the steaming pizza back to where Nalik sat she set the box on the ground and flipped the lid open. "I got one of everyting since I don't know what you like."
12:45pm Jun 12 2010
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Morana forced a smile, even when injured Revin always tried to make a joke of things...."Dont tease me, if you died on my watch Kiri and Nalik would have my neck." she replied.
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2:15pm Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 3:18pm Jun 12 2010)
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Nalik took a piece of pizza and bit into it, all too happy to change topics. "I like everything, so good call," he said, taking another bite. "And that guy's face looked like a pizza. It's amazing how some people don't take care of themselves." So maybe it wasn't the best statement, considering he had scars on his own face, but still. [Hey, just so everyone knows I'll be gone for a week starting tomorrow.]
3:35pm Jun 12 2010
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Revin considered this. "I'm sure if I died, Nalik and Karin would kill me. My father too..." he grimaced. "I would not want to get my mother mad either...." His face grew sad and weary. He had not seen his mother for a very very long time.
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6:33pm Jun 12 2010
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Morana put a hand on Revin's shoulder trying to comfort him. She looked towards the ground...this was not the path her mother would have wanted for her...but she couldnt complain now. Her mother had p*censored*ed a long time ago, no one knew besides her father and herself. And her brother wasnt heard from for many years.
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8:11pm Jun 12 2010
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Revin smiled sadly at her. "Don't worry. I'm fine." he said quietly.
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