8:49pm Feb 20 2010
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Revin shrugged and he drew his hand to his side, holding it up slightly so it bled less. "I was stabbed. By this boy. Apparently, he heard me. How, I have no idea. But he did and before I could register that he was moving to harm me, he stabbed me in the shoulder." Revin said flatly. As if he didn't care. "I have a feeling our young student here is blind. only a blind man would be able to hear me." He said in a cool voice.
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9:55pm Feb 20 2010
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"It's possible. He somehow noticed that I noticed he was following me," Nalik said with a shrug. "However, I didn't change how I was walking. I simply closed and opened my eyes. It's also possible that my footfalls were lighter, since I tend to go on guard whenever I feel someone following me." He let out a soft sigh and ran a hand through his bangs. "Okay, fine. Tell me, why in hell do you have students? What could you possibly be teaching, where, and for what purpose? I admit I'm finally interested enough to want to find out, but still leave me out of it."
10:19pm Feb 20 2010
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Revin just stared at him for a second. "I don't know." he said truthfully. "The chief just told us they were coming and ordered us to train them. This one was set under me, which surprised me. No student under my care would live through the first stage." he said grimly.
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10:23pm Feb 20 2010
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Nalik let out a long sigh. "Idiot. Chief? What chief? You're obviously in some organization. What is it? You're an as.sa.ssin, so I as.sume it's for those of our profession. But why? What's the point of it?" he asked, glaring slightly at Revin. "You know, the one I'm not apart of 'cause I have to make a living? I've been glared at several times, I think because I've killed some of the targets of this group for a reward."
10:26pm Feb 20 2010
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Revin let a chuckle at that. "Yes. An Organization call the Organization. The chief I obey, by command of my father who created the Organization and founded it. The point is, a.ssa.ssins like me, are trained their, so we can make more money, creating more a.ssa.ssings to carry out the dirty work no one else wants to do. But sometimes we get paid very nicely. More than anything you can imagine I'm sure." Revin teased.
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10:40pm Feb 20 2010
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Nalik rolled his eyes. "Sure you do. Well, keep the little brat away from me because the next time I see him alone he's going to die. Just thought you should know." He turned around and stalked back toward his cube, as he called it. Before he dropped into it he turned around again. "I also think you should know that you should watch your back; some people are suspicious of you. If they hire me to take you out I won't hesitate to."
11:46pm Feb 20 2010
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Asteri had wandered off, but quickly come back only in time to learn that people had caught onto them. "Looks like you were right Revin, my dirty slice jobs have gotten us into the public eye. Humphh. I guess I'll have to follow some rules for once." She looked around, listening to the conversations around her while paying attention to the two men right in front of her very own eyes. She paced just a bit, feeling uneasy. "Who's talkin now? Hopefully we wont have to make our job any harder than it already is." She winked at Revin, she almost never had a hard time taking a victim out, but the fact was, they tended to be a little hard to find, unless they were the stupid ones.
1:59pm Feb 21 2010
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Revin sighed and shrugged. "You can try." he said lazily. He turned to Asteri. "I forgot how arrogant rouge a.ssa.ssins are." he said, grinning slightly. He moved Felix's limp form to a better position. "Shall we?" He said in a cool and calm voice.
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2:07pm Feb 21 2010
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Asteri got a laugh from it too. "Revin, what are you planning to do with the kid? I see major potential...You really shouldnt get the kid killed this early."
She looked Felix up and down, He looked pretty tough, he could make a good as-sas-sin once he got used to the life. She looked around, and made a motion to Revin. One that said That person is listening. "Do i have permission to kill the innocent? You did say something about the Organization." She gave smirk, she loved the thought of taking out a pedestrian for hearing the wrong thing. She hadnt had a kill for days.. darn slow times. The kill was everything. Her sly smirk turned into a grin as she noticed the pedestrian becoming a bit frantic. It would be an easy chase if she got to kill them. A small snicker escaped her lips at the thought.
2:13pm Feb 21 2010
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"Unless you want suspicious confirmed, kill him," Nalik said. He glared slightly at Revin. He opened his mouth to say something rather rude, but a bird landed on his shoulder. He glanced at it then back up at the three. "You'd be surprised," was all he said before simply disappearing. Nalik knelt down in front of his client, head bowed. He was in uniform, unable to be recognized. "Ten thousand," he said softly. "What?!" the man shouted. He stood, ready to strike him down. In the bl ink of an eye the as.sas.sin had a blade to the man's throat. "Ten thousand," he repeated softly. "No lower." "Fine," the man growled, though he was obviously terrified. Nodding, Nalik disappeared once more to find his new target.
2:27pm Feb 21 2010
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Revin shrugged. "Sure." he said lazily. he watched Nalik disappear and sighed. "I wouldn't be surprised if he hated being told he was arrogant by a 17 year old. but I mean, come on. I have killed more than him." he said, grinning teasingly. He was just playing with Nalik. Then he sighed seriously. "I hope he doesn't die. But his first mission is to kill a man already." He said in a taut voice.
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2:52pm Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 305
"well, hopefully it works with the kid. Too many quick kills due to being short on little killers, I wanna have fun. Not rush. I always feel less satisfaction." She smirked, the female was intently watching now, she was going to make her move soon, but not too soon. She wanted to play with the emotions of her victim first. Make her feel ultimate fear. She was not an evil person, she was just blood thirsty. As any as-sas-sin rightly should be. At least, to get a better kill rate.
"We have all had moments of being an over-confident jack-a-ss. Cant teach him any better... Forget about him." she sighed, growing very curious about what the others had been talking about in this small town. Hopefully the curiosity hadnt been proven.
2:55pm Feb 21 2010
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((Join? I'll send you my bio now.))
3:11pm Feb 21 2010
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Nalik's target had been ready for him, surprisingly. And by the looks of it, he was an as.sas.sin as well. A skilled one. Steel rang out against steel as they engaged in battle, both intending to win. Neither one said a word as swords were dropped, moving to fight with their hands to keep the noise down. They moved quickly, fight ranging all over the place. It was with a dirty trick that Nalik killed the man. A brief moment had pushed them apart, and in that instant Nalik had plucked a throwing dagger out and flung it. It caught the man in between his eyes, killing him instantly. He dragged his kill deep into the alley ways; that *censored*ured no one wold find him quickly. Without a trace he left, retrieved his sword and payment, and changed. Arrogant, huh? Of course he was, but he'd been an as.sas.sin since he was twelve. Well, a good one, anyway. Let them think what they would.
5:48pm Feb 26 2010
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Revin smiled. "Jack a.ss huh? That's amusing." He drawled. (( Gah. Braindead. ))
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5:55pm Feb 26 2010
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[That as.sas.sin he killed should be an ally of/in the Organization. ;3 Just to spice things up a little.]
5:58pm Feb 26 2010
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(( huh. Nice. ))
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6:01pm Feb 26 2010
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[-Nods- You can have it where there's a meeting called or something with the grave news that someone killed a valuable ally/member.]
8:17pm Feb 26 2010
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(( Alright. Maybe a bit later. ))
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8:51pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 305
Asteri giggled. "Well, that's his attitude, let's call it what it is." She grinned at Revin. Asteri was deffinetely one that you would call a jack a.ss, that's why it was so amusing to most people when she seemed to be judging. She couldnt stand incompetence...or even her own co.ckyness, but she could let herself get away with it, she knew she had skills. She was just fed up with the way that there was never enough time, never enough people. Things tended to get out of hand. "Seriously, I'm going to die of boredom."
Asteri was always bored with being too over-worked, because she never had enough time to enjoy her own kills.