10:18pm Mar 12 2010
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"Clients find me, my reputation p*censored*ed through word of mouth," Nalik muttered. "I'm not the best person to be connected to at all. Find Revin. He knows." He shrugged and turned, starting to walk away. It was dangerous to talk to people since he'd just killed someone he figured was important.
11:54am Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 632
((sorry if i cant go on alot, i cant use the computer at home cause its too slow so i can only respond from a library/school computer :( )) ((bump))
12:00pm Mar 13 2010
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Posts: 632
Kimi turned and walked back the way she came. If she kept looking in dark alleys she was bound to find him she joked to herself. "Revin." she called slowely. "Reevvvin." She took a turn, walking down a narrow, dimly lit street. "Hmm.. not to many people down here are there." she whispered to herself. But there, a shadow flickering across the road. She picked up speed, walking faster after the shadow. If she couldn't find Revin she could find someone who knew where he was.
6:27am Mar 16 2010
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Posts: 632
((Bump)) ((hello?))
6:27am Mar 18 2010
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Posts: 632
((Bump)) ((is anyone there at all?))
6:27am Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 632
7:04am Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 1,097
((Well, the actions of my character sort of depend on the others, so... yeah...))
12:28pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 632
((OHH!WOOO! i thought ya had ditched the thing :D we can just kee RP ing till wolf gets back :)) ((bump)) ((i gtg now cause im at school but ill try to go on again at home ;))
6:34am Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 632
((Bump)) ((box wouldn't load at home :( ))
6:58am Mar 24 2010
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Posts: 1,097
((D: Maybe we can somehow keep Nalik interacting with your charry. *Thinks*))
12:47pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 632
Kiri followed the shadow for some time before it finnaly entered a brick building. she slipped inside after it as it headed toward the elevator. moving quickly she stepped inside just as the doors were closing. there was a man next to her. he was tall and quiet. the elevator binged at the top floor but as the man leaned forward to step out she slid in front of him. the doors closed behind her. "What, you want to leaving so quickly?" she asked him, steppin closer and grabbing his arm. she lifted his hand up to the flickering lights in the ceiling. "You think i didnt notice the blood on your sleeve?" he looked at her his eyes widening... he was obviousely new to this. "What do you want?" he asked his voice shaking.
12:12pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 632
"Just to ask you a few questions. you will answer me." she said sliding a knife from her sleeve and putting it up to his throat as she cornered him. "What do you know about the organization? Revin and Nalik, them too." her arm flicked to the side, pinning his to the wall as he reached toward the alarm button on the elevator. "Don't even bother, you think i'd be stupid enough to get caught like that?" she hissed "none of these buttons work, i dissabled the elevator. right now its like the whole building had a power surge. nothing works, including the cameras." she said snearing at the terrified look on his face. "i dont know anything about the organization, they just sent me a letter to meet them on the top floor a few minutes ago. the blood is mine, i cut myself sparring with my friend." he rushed "I swear i dont know anything!"
12:12pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 632
((Bump.)) ((do you think revin is coming back?))
2:14pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 1,097
((I doubt it. Let me think a bit and figure out how to get Nalik into this..))
1:59pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 632
((whenever you go on say ((bump)) my friend says it bumps the RP to the top of the list for a while. she says then more people will join :) )) ((oh yeah! nalik could meet my charactor outside the elevator when she gets out. its up 2 u though :P ))
4:53pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,097
((I guess, and she'd be like 'WTF how'd you get here?!?!1' XP Okay. And you don't necessarily have to say bump, any time you post it goes to the top.))
6:31am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 632
(( O.O i did not know that :D that makes it so much better cause i dont have to look like a weirdo saying bump!))
6:57am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,097
((;3 Yup. And if you want me to be able to reply, lol, better post that she's gotten the elevator running again and is getting out.))
6:34am Mar 31 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 632
(( im at school now but ill try later :D my computer at home doesnt really work so it might take a while... We have a half day today so not to much time.))
6:38am Mar 31 2010 (last edited on 12:32pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 632
Kiri looked hard at him for a few moments. "fine. i believe you." the man looked relieved. " but if i find out you are lying..." she paused threatiningly. "i need your name and adress. now." she said. after he gave it to her she leaned back and pushed the button to opean the doors. "by the way, i was bluffing about the elevator not working, you can see the lights cant you?" she said smiling before walking out, leaving a stunned man behind.