7:01am Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik glanced over his shoulder and frowned. "Harr*censored*ing people in the elevetors isn't allowed, I don't think," he said. "Even if you aren't working here. Last time I did they threw me out." He watched her carefully for a few seconds before turning around and continuing what he was doing. He was simply filling out a form to talk to someone about a death...
12:46pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 632
"And what are you doing here? if you got kicked out i mean. She said smoothley, recovering from her shock of seeing him here. "last time i saw you you walked away pretty fast." she moved around till she was standing next to him. "what do you have there?" she asked leaning over his paper to read the print. "or is it secret? so much to keep the clients happy..."
12:46pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 632
(( hey, do you do any other role plays?))
12:59pm Apr 1 2010
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:II My Characters II: :II Name II: Soul Ito
:II Age II: 16 :II Gender II: Female :II Rank II: None Given Yet :II Personality II: She is an anti-social, loner who enjoys spending her time alone rather than being with others. She tends to blend into the background when in crowds and most people don't notice her until they virtually walk right over her. When she has to talk with someone, she is generally mean and seems unpleasant, though in reality, she is a caring and generous girl who is very shy. :II Other II: When Soul fights, she often uses hand-to-hand combat or a sword/dagger. Her dagger is poisoned with a very deadly poison from the poison dart frog. :II Student? II: Yes :II Looks II: 
2:02pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,097
[Yeah, I do.] "I have no idea what you're going on about now," Nalik muttered, conitnuing to fill out the form. "I need to inform this place of a death of a possible member, no secret. Stop being a pest, I'm not above hitting you upside the head," he added, glancing at her. "Be careful around me. I don't hesitate to act on a whim."
6:35am Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 12:16pm Apr 2 2010)
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Posts: 632
(( what are they called? YAY SOMEONE ELSE JOINED! WoOoOoO!)) "member? is this a meeting building?!" she asked suprised. "who was killed and why do you know?" she backed away, looking at him uneasily. "i can leave if you really want me to, i know where im not wanted but i could use some information first." she said straightening up and looking him in the eye.
12:24pm Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 12:25pm Apr 2 2010)
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Posts: 1,097
"This is a normal work building," Nalik said calmly. "I don't know who was killed and I know because I saw the fight happen. Depending on the information you want I can give it to you, but I need some form of payment. Otherwise fine someone else on this floor and ask." He stared back at her stoically. [I'm in the Gang rp, What is her decision, this one, Redwall (warrior mouse rp), um... I think that's it at the moment.]
10:48am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 632
" alright. im stayin a a friends house, she doesnt know what i do so we'll have to be carefull she doesnt hear us and catch on." she takes a pen and paper from the desk in front of her and writes down the adress. "meet me there at 6:00 she usually goes to work at that time, we have plenty of time because she works till 11:0O. until then ill try to figure out how to pay you." she replied, handing him the paper and walking away.
12:56pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Do I need my BIO to be accepted fisrt?))
5:38pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik looked down at the paper then back up at the retreating girl's back. "Are you really sure you wanna deal with me?" he asked softly. "I'm incredibly dangerous, you know." He slipped the paper into his pocket nonetheless. He wouldn't p*censored* up an oppurtunity to be paid, no matter in what form.
7:07am Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 12:35pm Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 632
((idk, the guy who looks at them isnt here. you could probably start now and send it later if he comes back :) )) Back at the apartment Kiri was talking to her friend she needed to secure the meeting. "so youre going to be at work from 6:00 to 11:00 like usual?" she questioned. "yeah, why?" her roomate asked. "well i was going to have someone over if you dont mind, we could use some privacy." she said smiling. "ok, fine by me. i have to leave soon anyway so i dont really care. have fun." she waved at kiri and walked out the door. ((i gtg, school :) ill try to go on again after :D HAPPY EASTERsallreadyover >.> <.< ))
11:28am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 1,097
A few minutes later Nalik showed up. He knocked on the door, incredibly wary of his surroundings. He wasn't quite so familiar with his part of the town, so he didn't know whether people here would be hostile or something. "Open up!" he called.
12:41pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 632
kiri rushed to the door, not wanting anyone else to see them meet. she hurredly ushered Nalik inside so they could talk. "i've gone over everything i have, even with all my money pooled i wouldnt have enough to pay you along with what i need for other plans." she said shrugging. "i have another offer for you though. i could take over some of your jobs, the dangerous ones or if you dont have enough time to complete one." she watched him for any sign of an answer. " i wouldnt be paid and no one needs to know im helping you take care of these jobs, i just need some information on the organizations. both of them." (( i have an idea for fixing that revin isnt there. if ya want to hear it (you dont have to ) there could be 2 organizations competing for the town there in, the 'jobs'. since revin is one of the better as.sas.sins in the organization they took him as a hostage. :D like it?))
12:49pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 12:49pm Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 1,097
"How much money do you have?" Nalik asked. "I have no interest in being helped with my jobs. I don't have so many jobs that I need help." He narrowed his eyes slightly. "Depending on how much money you have I'll answer some questions for you. Otherwise think of another way to pay me since I know the city better than anyone." [Sounds good to me. And lol, what a surprise Nalik isn't in either one.]
11:16pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 22
(( hey guys! Christ you got far. My old Account isn't working at the moment and I was really busy! What I miss? ))
6:35am Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 632
"Just a couple hundred, but im saving that to rent a place to stay." she added hurredly "i cant just keep living with my friends, kindness only goes so far before you overstay your welcome." She sat down in a chair across the room motioning for him to sit across from her. "All i have so far is that there seem to be two organizations, both competing for the clients and students in this town." she looked over to see how Nalik would take this information before continuing. He had the ex pression of a rock, she sighed before continuing "im really not sure but my sources have told me that they have takin revin to bargin. they want his organization to leave if they want him back." she stood and walked over to the sink. she took out two gl*censored*es before filling them with water and setting one before him on the table. ((we have an idea that there are 2 organizations and revin is kidnaped by one. ist that ok by you? he is ur charactor. the rest you can probably get from reading the posts :) ))
7:09am Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 1,097
"What do I care? Revin got himself caught," Nalik mumbled. "As far as I'm concerned, he can get himself un-caught." Despite his looking rather stoic, his mind was reeling. Two organizations? That sounded about right... And naturally they'd be competing with each other... and him, as well. He simply leaned his hip against the chair, arms folded across his chest. "What information do you want from me? Comfirmation on whether or not Revin was taken? I wouldn't doubt it, the kid isn't very careful when it comes to his surroundings." [Wolf~! I thought you left. :3 Nothing big has happened, don't worry.]
8:40am Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 22
(( Sure But Revin doesn't get kidnapped easily.......... I didn't leave. I go to my dads every school day. My other account, WolfMoon96, is not working, which confuses and irritates me. ))
11:00am Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 1,097
[I see. *Pets* Maybe than can just think Revin got kidnapped but he didn't really, like he got away or something. XP]
12:07pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 22
(( Mkay. ))