6:09pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 9,641
(What's happened? I just joined and stuff...))
6:31am Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 632
((ya can get what happened from reading it. just add in. ohhhh, would you want to be an as.sas.sin from the other organization? its up to u though. anyway i cant use my computer at home so i just go on at shcool which is why all my posts are in the morning :) ))
6:34am Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 632
"we dont know for sure what actually happened. All i know is that there has been some unusual activity from the other organization. if im not mistaken there about to make a move." she leaned back on the couch, studying Nalik's face. "i know revin is your friend even if you dont like to admit it. i need all the info you have from your clients. any unusual hits that you've done or seen happen. i know your the eyes in this town."
6:58am Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 1,097
"Well well, looks who knows quite the amount," Nalik said. A pleasantly creepy smile p*censored*ed over his face. "I won't tell you a thing until you've paid me. That's how it works. Think of some way and then call me back, otherwise I won't say a word." He moved from his spot, heading toward the door.
12:30pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 632
"fine!" she called after him. "if you change your mind you know where i'll be!" she stood, closing the door after him, she needed a way to pay. maybe if she robbed someone, no, a store. someting with cash handy. she slipped on her coat walking calmely out the door. she knew exactly where she could go. no matter what she needed that information, she had to do everything she could to get that money.
12:30pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 632
"fine!" she called after him. "if you change your mind you know where i'll be!" she stood, closing the door after him, she needed a way to pay. maybe if she robbed someone, no, a store. someting with cash handy. she slipped on her coat walking calmely out the door. she knew exactly where she could go. no matter what she needed that information, she had to do everything she could to get that money.
4:13pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 1,097
"If you find me payment, contact me," Nalik murmured. "I'm not hard to find." With that Nalik set off through the streets, looking unconcerned about the world around him. He was living quite nicely these days; he just hoped his use wasn't ended quickly.
4:14pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((You mind if I change my charrie's name to Raithe?))
5:05pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
7:10am Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 1,097
[I guess that's fine. I mean, I don't have say, but I don't mind...]
12:46pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 12:48pm Apr 8 2010)
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Posts: 632
((its your charactor :) ya, i didnt know about the bump thing. a friend told me about it but it doesnt work :P )) Kiri slipped silently down the street, no more noticable than the child walking next to her or the buisness man hurrying by. Scanning the streets she looked for possible targets. Not to kill them, no, that wasnt her objective. She paused as a man with a fancy suit and bulging pockets strolled by. Perfect, she followed him closely, slowley herding him into a dark alleyway between buildings. He turned and, seeing her following, picked up the pace. Smiling to herself she followed, closing the distance between them in a few long strides. As she grabbed his shoulder wrenching him around to face her he paled, holding up his hands in a gesture of helpless surrender. minutes later Kiri walked calmely out of the alley. She now had a rolex and $200 cash. she had also taken his bankcard which she could probably get a nother $300 from before he shut down the account. she thought to herself how easy it had been, now all she had to do was make a bank stop. then she would have to find Nalik.
12:49pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 632
((rrreeeeevvvvviiiiiinnnnnn...r u still there? O.O ))
8:39pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik sighed softly. He had nothing else to do today. He made his way toward the small hangout he'd created, planning on just relaxing. [Lol, writer's block.]
6:35am Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 632
(( you could mug an elephant... it always helps me :) )) Kiri now had the cash but where was Nalik? ((ya know you can join in anytime Detneth right? come on! :D ))
8:41am Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 1,097
[O: She should like 'drop in' on him by falling into the alley and landing on him ;3]
1:02pm Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 1:12pm Apr 9 2010)
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Posts: 632
((if my works bad its because this computer keeps deleting it all >:( im soo mad i had a whole bunch and it got rid of it! why does it feel like were the only ones rp on this? did't we have 4 people but were to only ones posting. anyway since hes ur charactor make sure you dont let him get squashed like a waffle!)) Kiri scanned the streets, looking for Nalik. The wind was blowing like crazy! Jeez its freezing. she thought to herself. There! She saw him cross the street a few blocks ahead of her. She started walking but he was already too far ahead to catch. He's more trouble than he's worth she grumbled to herself. Outside public veiw she started to scale the building closest to her. At the top the wind ripped relentlessely at her. Her teeth chattered as she moved quickly to the other side of the roof. There he was walking below her. She leaned over the edge but just as she was about to call out to him a gust of wind caught her clothes. Before she could regain her ballance she found herself falling toward the cold concrete below.
1:11pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 632
((we should like all make double charactors to fill the awkward gaps :) this is probably the most fun ive had writing online anyway (which is pretty sad but whatever ;3 )))
2:11pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 1,097
Nalik, on instinct, bolting forward to catch her. The wind had sharply picked up, though, and blasted against his back; he fell forward, breaking her fall. He coughed a bit, unused to have weight fall on him. "Any reason you decided to drop in?" he gasped.
10:59am Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 11:06am Apr 10 2010)
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Posts: 632
Kiri, speechless and winded, just sat for a moment before responding. "sorry for landing on you." she said apoligetically standing, helping him up after her. "i have your money, is 500 enough?" she looked at him, absently dusting herself off. "i know we cant really talk here. theres an abandonded building a few blocks away, would you mind if we went there?"
3:27pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 1,097
"Yeah, that's fine. And abandoned buildings are often crawling with spies or something; we're going to my house." Nalik turned, still struggling to get his breath, and headed back toward his house. It wasn't too far away, thankfully.