Welcome to {Assassin's RP} Your Worst Nightmare

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6:34am Apr 12 2010

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Posts: 632
"Where do you live?" Kiri asked suprised. He had to live somewhere she knew but she had always just pictured Nalik wandering the streets. Having a home somewere here was just to....normal! "sorry again for landing on you. Hope this makes up for it."

7:02am Apr 12 2010

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"In a apartment," Nalik replied. He led her to the stairs and bounded up them, pausing just to the left of the top of the stairs. He took his key out and opened the door, stepping back to let her in. Even though it didn't seem like it, he had manners enough to charm a bird from its nest if he wanted.


12:27pm Apr 12 2010

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Posts: 632

Kiri followed him through the door and into a suprisingly average appartment room. He had all the usual devices, a coffee maker, a toaster and not suprisingly a blank calander hanging on one wall. Of course he wouldnt list his jobs on a calander in plain view, but why was it there. She puzzled as she looked carefully around the room. She wasn't stupid, she would see a trap if it had been set.



2:26pm Apr 12 2010

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Nalik rolled his eyes. "Don't worry about snares or anything. I don't booby-trap my own room, that's too careful," he said. He wandered into the kitchen and pulled a beer out of the fridge. "There's a difference between being careful and paranoid after all." He opened the bottle and walked back into the den, sitting on a chair and gesturing for her to sit in the one across from him. "First things first. Put the money on the table and I'll tell you what I know about what's going on."


3:26pm Apr 12 2010

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Posts: 632
“Tsk Tsk, drinking?” Kiri teased. “Anyway here you are.” She pulled a wad of bills out of her pockets, more from the sleeve of her shirt and finally the rest from her shoe. “You can’t be too careful she said smiling. “Here is $500, will that be enough?” She handed him the money, staring him dead in the eye. More seriously she added “I need to know everything you know about Revin, the organization, both of them if you know, and this city. I need to know the ‘busiest’ areas’ if you know what I mean.” she hinted. She paused then curling her fingers around her wrist she unclasped the Rolex and laid put it on the table. “I don’t know if you’re the watch type but this should bring in a good profit.” she inched it closer as she spoke “ I have a mission to drive out this organization. Personal reasons if you’re wondering. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I might need some backup. If you’ll help me I’ll throw the Rolex into the deal.” she watched him for a reaction “It’s real too, not even a fake.” she said drily.

5:59pm Apr 12 2010

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Nalik stared down at the money and the watch. A small smile appeared on his face. "Very well. How stupid that kid Revin is, I tell him I know nothing about his organization. Well, it's sort of true if you consider I don't know where it is. Anyway, he's one of their top as.sas.sin leaders, if you can believe it. Valuable ally. If you run into him in battle, though, be incredibly careful. He's not the type to get caught easily, so I'm wondering about that. Whatever. His organization takes out people who's dangerous to the world in general, like they're getting rid of people trying to take the world over. That other organization..."


He slowed down a bit, smiling broader. "Yes, they think they're so smart, think they're hidden. They  intercept jobs and if the person is who they're looking for, they help them out and eliminate the as.sas.sin from Revin's place. They're trying to erase the other, completely put them out so that their goal can be completed. A corrupt group; neither one take profits, though. And as far as anyone knows, no one dies around here. No one goes missing. Everyone who's killed is never missed. This entire city circulates with rumors, though. Too bad no one knows the truth. This entire city circulates with people wanting others dead, and so as a whole is the busiest area. Now, what do you want more detail on?"


6:39pm Apr 12 2010

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Posts: 9,641
((Umm....where can I oof in?))


6:35am Apr 14 2010 (last edited on 6:36am Apr 14 2010)

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Posts: 632

((would you want to be from the organization with us or  the one we're fighting? fighting would be more interesting cause then there could be both sides with charactors :)  its up 2 u though ))

"Thats interesting, it sputs a bit of a spin on the idea i had. then again any good ideas can be manipulated." she mumbled thoughtfully. "you havent answered my question though, will you help me get rid of the other organization? over all i think they are a threat to your income. With both batteling, soon no one will be safe in this town. When two groups that powerful come together...well its going to get explosive. literaly." she sighed, rubbing her temples. These new circumstances wern't leaving her much room to work. If they were going to make a move it would have to be soon. "We have to find some of their members, that would need your as.sistance. You know the faces in this organization, to take them down we need to be inside. I know you pretend like you dont care but i know you really do. this is how you live. without that what would you live on? i know you'll make the smartest desicion." she waited while he absorbed this new info. "you can always come to my appartment if you have something to discuss. Here's my number, its untracible so you dont have to be worried." she handed him a small square of paper before waiting for his answer.


8:14am Apr 14 2010

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Nalik couldn't help but snicker softly. "While you have good theories, you fail to see all the possibilites," he told her. "Think carefully about why I do what I do. I do it for money, right? Because people pay me high amounts of money to finish other people off. Because of it I've gotten skilled and therefore much more valuable. Now put yourself in the shoes of one of the heads; if you'd hear about me, you'd pay an incredibly large amount of money for me to help. Personally I have no preference either way; whoever pays the most. Give me one good reason to forsake the money, because either way I'm still gonna have jobs in the end." He was sure this wasn't what she wanted to hear, but it was the truth.


2:29pm Apr 14 2010

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Posts: 632
“You’re not seeing the big picture.” Kiri argued, trying to keep her temper under controll. “This other organization, have they given you an offer yet? What makes you think they will, what makes you different than all the other skilled as.sas.sins they’ve killed? Mine might be the best offer you get.” she glared “What makes you think you can trust them anyway, they might just stab you in the back once they get what they want from you, I can always get someone else for the job so think carefully.” she stood scooping up the money as she did so, “Call me when you make up your mind, just remember I won’t wait forever.” she walked out, shutting the door behind her. She knew she had been rude leaving so suddenly but she had to get out of there. It would be too hard to find someone else to do the job now, if he was with her or not they would have to act soon.

7:11pm Apr 14 2010

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Posts: 1,097

Nalik seemed to appear just in front of her. He was smirking. "Hold on, kid. I'm not seeing the bigger picture?" He snorted softly, catching her shirt in case she tried to get around him. "Of course I am, I just choose not to care. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other. And you won't find anyone else as good as me, I can garuntee you that."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, a scowl taking over his face. "I've been offered money by both the organizations, both much higher than what you brought. Tell my why I should help you specifically, and while you're at it hand over a wad of cash. Information isn't free you know. You've got two days to think; the organizations start moving in four."


7:12pm Apr 14 2010

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Posts: 9,641
((Could I be with you guys?))


7:25pm Apr 14 2010

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Posts: 1,097
[You can see what's going on and interject. :3]


7:33pm Apr 14 2010

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Posts: 9,641


Soul hid in the shadows, her black clad body blending in easily. Her breath was quiet, almost non-existent, as she waited for her target. She pulled a small dagger from the sheath on her belt and held it loosely in her left hand, other one going for her sword, just in case. There, she thought apprehensively, watching a scruffy looking man cross the street, hands in his duster's pockets. He looked around quickly, but seemed not to see her. Still, no need to be stupid and rush in, she thought, a still as a statue.The man drew nearer and nearer, his figure blocking the light in the alleyway. "I know your there," he called out in a falsely brave voice, fright cracking it slightly.Soul laughed, "Well, seeing as you know I'm here already," she said, throwing the dagger expertly, "There's no need for me to be here any longer." she stopped by the man's corpse, pulling a small bag from his jacket. "Perfect," she breathed, sheathing the cleaned dagger.



8:12am Apr 15 2010

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Posts: 632
Kiri glared at Nalik, slowly prying his fingers from her shirt. Jeez, the man had a grip like a iron clamp!  "I know that you have other offers but i also know you despise the organizations. Both of them, their money might as well be poison to you." she seethed. "Dont treat me like a child." she threw the money toward his feet, with the rolex payment. "Take your money, if you change you're mind you know where I'll be." she angrily walked away, brushing her hair from her face as she walked into the cold outside air. It had gotten dark while she had been talking to Nalik. She started walking toward her home when she saw a shape lying on the ground. Changing direction she started to move over, as she got closer she saw a figure leaning over what looked like a person unmoving on the ground. She picked up her pace running toward them. The shape over the body turned and ran as she neared. She kneeled down and felt for a pulse. There wasn't one. Kiri smiled to herself, this was getting interesting. She turned and ran after the moving figure, now just a shadow infront of her. Time for some fun!

3:38pm Apr 15 2010 (last edited on 3:39pm Apr 15 2010)

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Posts: 632

4:35pm Apr 15 2010

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Posts: 1,097
Nalik smirked and picked up the money. How wrong she was; when he killed for a living he didn't care where the money was coming from. He snickered softly; it also wasn't very hard to convince him if she knew the right method. "Your loss, kid," he muttered as he turned to walk back toward his apartment.


6:48pm Apr 15 2010

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Posts: 9,641
Soul heard footsteps echoing behind her, causing her to tense, Oh for goodness sakes, just what I need, someone else to kill, she thought irritatedly, grabbing her sword out of its sheath. She turned in midstep and drew back into the shadows, a small figure outlined by the sunlight streaming in from the other end of the alleyway. She hefted her sword, holding it ready. There was no choice but to fight, it was a dead-end alley, not the best place for an as.sas.sination, but...


6:34am Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 632

Kiri heared the sound of metal on metal, the sure sound of a weapon being drawn. Never breaking stride she brought out her darts, if there was going to be a fight she would be prepared. ((ill write more later i gtg!))


7:05am Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 1,097
Up to now Nalik hadn't been paying attention, but he heard the sound of a weapon being drawn. He didn't like that; fights around the city had to be watched carefully because otherwise they could be noticed. He changed course, heading instead for where Kiri had gone off to. Just before finding the ally, though, he leaped onto the roofs and stalked along them silently, keeping out of sight.

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