Welcome to {Assassin's RP} Your Worst Nightmare

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10:01am Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 632
"I know you're there." she purred softly. "Run little rabit, there's no where to hide." Kiri scanned the street, looking for any hint of where the opponent was hiding. They must be good, she thought to herself, she couldn't see anything. There! Up on the roof. Forgeting herself momentarily she sighed irratably. Nalik, somehow he just kept getting into her buisness! "Nalik! Nalik get your butt down here." she hissed up at his immoble form. Her mistake was that she had kept walking. Before she could slow or turn she ran strait into a figure infront of her. It had to be the one she was chasing. As she went sprawling her weapons went flying across the ground. She was now lying vaunrable and weaponless infront of an armed possible threat. 

12:34pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 1,097
Nalik dropped to the ground, brandishing his sword. "Idiot," he growled at Kiri. He turned to the other girl, eyes narrowed. "You know you have to clean up your kills, right?" he said. "Otherwise people get wise and start searching, and then where would we be? I've seen your face before. Come on, speak up and state your name and which organization you work for, if you work for one."


1:52pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 632
“Owwww...” Kiri complained as she stood. Way to make a good first impression she thought to herself, she looked so clumsy now. Rubbing the back of her head where it had hit the ground she started asking questions. “What’s your name?” she asked skeptically “I saw you take something from that man too, what was it and why did you kill him?” she angrily glared at Nalik. “And you! What are you doing here!” she seethed at him, eyes flaming. “I thought we had finished our discussion. I really didn’t think of you as the kind of person who sticks his nose in where he’s not especially wanted!” She knew she shouldn’t be this mad but her temper was gaining control over her sense. She sighed, rubbing her forehead when she finished. As soon as she had started talking she knew she had been unreasonable but she was not the kind to apologize.

2:22pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 1,097
Nalik let out a harsh laugh. "Stick my nose in where it's not wanted? This entire city is my business, I know what goes on no matter what. Otherwise what use would I be to others? I'd talk more carefully if I were you, kid. It's dangerous to get me mad." The entire time he didn't take his eyes off the person in front of him.


3:04pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,641
((Did you knock Soul down? If so, that's powerplaying))


5:15pm Apr 16 2010

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5:30pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 1,097
[No, she didn't, her own character fell over. That's all.]


5:33pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 5:48pm Apr 16 2010)

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Posts: 9,641

((Oh >.>))

Soul turned to face the girl who had smashed into her moments before, her eyes narrowed with anger, "Little rabbit? Looks like I'm not the prey anymore," she snarled, watching the man in front of the impertinent girl. "And who are you? I don't need to kill more than I have too, I have a schedule you know,"


5:40pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 1,097
[*Pokes* Nalik is standing between them, blocking them from each other...]


5:47pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 9,641

((Huh? Ok then...*edits post*))



6:05pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 1,097
Nalik smirked. "Spunky, ain't ya," he said. "Unfortunately you won't hear anything from me until you answer my questions. Who are you and why do you just leave your target in the open? It's dangerous, like I said, and I don't need cops sniffing around." He twirled his sword idly, watching her with a calm face. "But, if you want to try and kill me, by all means go ahead; you'll be dead before you can even move."


9:17pm Apr 16 2010

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Posts: 2,046
(( Soo lost but whatever. ))

Reven grinned as he slipped into the shadows of the forest, leaving the burning wreckage of the carriage in the middle of the road. He had been kidnapped along with Felix and they had been driving in the middle of nowhere to someplace unknown when for some strange reason, the carriage exploded. Reven smiled and he hefted Felix a bit higher on his shoulder. it was a long walk back to the city. he sighed wearily.

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

10:28am Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 10:32am Apr 17 2010)

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Posts: 632

"You know you're not the only dangerous one Nalik?" she teased, controlling her emotions with dificulty. "And you..." she looked a Soul "I saw you kill. I have to agree with Nalik, you should be more careful with the...remains. Never underestimat your opponent." she said carefully examining Soul. "Even if i had fallen, if it had been my motive to hurt you I could've slashed your legs so you would've never run again. Slightly important part of our job deion if you've noticed." she said, clearing the smug ring from her voice. She didn't need to make unnecicary enimeys ((wooaahh! can anyone tell me how to spell that? pease?)) , though it seemed she already had, she thought sighing. "And for god's sake Nalik! Stop baiting the girl, it seems like your just itching to kill someone. Anyway you don't know what this girl can do, we don't even know her name." she turned, pointedly eyeing Soul as she spoke.

((jeez! its so much faster with more people! :D i've been off for what, like a day and ya guys did so much. I agree with u wolf, but u can probably find out whats going on by reading the stuff... i feel bad about doing so much on ur RP while u were gone:(    sry....  )) 





10:32am Apr 17 2010

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Posts: 9,641
Soul snorted derisively, "what do think I was going to do when little miss clumsy ran into me?" she retorted calmly, "and who I am is of no conseuence to you, I don't need my name bouncing around the city by dawnbreak," She sheathed her sword, the metal raspng lightly against the leather sheath.


10:53am Apr 17 2010

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Posts: 1,097

Nalik let out a sigh; he didn't know whether it was females in general or just these two, but they were getting difficult. "Listen. What good would it do me to tell everyone your name? Everyone knows my name but none of my clients have seen my face; those people who know what I look like are in the same business and don't mess with me." Seeing she wasn't going to attack he sheathed his own blade. "I don't know what it is about female as.sas.sins," he muttered. "So aggravating..."

((It's 'unnecessary'))


1:08pm Apr 17 2010

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Posts: 9,641

Soul sighed, "Listen, I wasn't always an as.sas.sin so my face can be recognized by old friends and enemies. Besides, I'm a lone as.sas.sin, I don't want whatever group you numbskulls are part of the hunt me down," she grabbed the corpse stll ltterng the ground and heaved into the shadows, "So leave me alone," she said softly as she faded into the darkness of the supposedly dead-ended alleyway.

((How do they get rid of the bodies?))


1:40pm Apr 17 2010

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Posts: 1,097

[Lol, Nalik just kinda hides them in a dumpster or something.]

Nalik shook his head. "Me, in an organization? I'm insulted," he muttered. He faced Kiri. "And you, it's not very hard to persuade me to do something." He didn't try to hide his smirk. "Like I said earlier, you're a smart girl." He walked past her, back on his way to whatever he was doing.


1:43pm Apr 17 2010

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Posts: 9,641
Soul sighed as she heard the man's footsteps fade away. Dumping the body into a garbage can, she rapped on the wall at the end of the alley. It slid open, revealing a small corridor. Walking trhough quickly, Soul closed the door/wall behind her, effectively locking anyone out.


1:41pm Apr 18 2010

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Posts: 632
“You sexist pig!” Kiri snarled in his face confronting him before he could leave. It was obvious Soul was gone now so she could speak her mind to Nalik...she had a lot to speak. “It’s not female as.sas.sins who are aggravating! It’s their thick skulled male acquaintances!” She also sheathed what weapons she had and bent to gather the rest. “I didn’t ask you to interfere in my business anyway! Did you even follow me with an answer to my proposal or just to be annoying!” she seethed. “What will it take to persuade you to help me, I already offered you money! Are you going to take it or just follow me around forever.” All at once the anger left her, worn out she began to walk away, not waiting for an answer. She had had a long day, the last thing she needed was to but heads with a stubborn jerk!

1:42pm Apr 18 2010

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Posts: 632
((sorry guys, I’ve been sick :( still am..... anyway Kiri dumps them in a lake or leaves them in a morgue....she has some past partners that take care of the bodies from there. Woah! I just realized how creepy and serial killery this sounds :P lol ))
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