10:14pm May 20 2010 (last edited on 10:15pm May 20 2010)
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Posts: 554
"Damien."He muttered, and frowned at them."Plus, if you're so awesome Lucas, why are you starting to blush?"Damien joked, with a small smirk glad to be able to get in a bit of teasing.At least he woulsdn't laughed at the whole time if he could get some of the attention drawn Lucas and not himself.Definitely not in a good way though.
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
10:19pm May 20 2010 (last edited on 10:21pm May 20 2010)
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Posts: 46
Griffin was smirking. "Hmm, if you want to see it with your own eyes, sure. Although, I guarentee that we should be no where near it when we actually light it." Bad ideas were starting to float around his head. "You hotwire, I'll drive, and we jump out before we end up getting wet." Moving his hand around his bag, he pulled out two bottles. One of black spray paint. The other of silver. "Gotta wait until dark to do this. Same with the car. Actually, lets just do everything at night!" Laying back, he set the cans of paint under his pillow. "You like the night? I do. Conceals the presence of naughty children, my father says. Naughty children who steal cars, spray paint buildings, and just stay out without getting caught," he smirked still, at Alyx. "Now, I have a serious question for you." The boy sat up again, staring at the candle. "What is up with you and limes.....?" Lucas glared at him. "I am not blushing! And certainly not because of you!!" His friends just laughed, and Lucas glared at Damien harder. "You will shut up. Now."
10:25pm May 20 2010
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Posts: 554
Damien smiled, and rolled his eyes."Hey, you picked me.I had no say in this.Should've known I could totally be like this."He said shrugging."So, I'm not your puppet.If you want me to be quiet try and make me.See how well it works out."He told him crossing his arms, as he merely defended himself verbally before turning and walking to the cabins without another word.
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
10:27pm May 20 2010
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"You're serious?!" Damon exclaimed. "I'm as serious as a heart attack."
10:39pm May 20 2010
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Alyx's smile grew with Griffin's every word, until an almost inumaly creepy grin stretched across the boy's face. "Oh, the limes? They smell nice." He stataed simply, ligthing another maatch and blowing it out as it touched his fingertips. "We could always start with the frogs now, though." He produced a lage, ornamental silver box from his bed, with several long, thin perforations. "Air holes, see!" He said, his smile still in place. "Oh! Can I use my green paint, or would that be to obvious?"
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:46pm May 20 2010
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Posts: 46
"I don't mind. It'll be obvious it's me with the spray paint, so if you don't want to be tied in with it, then no." Hopping off from his bed, he smirked at Alyx still. "You know, I like you. Seems we can be friends without me faking it." He never would have expected that. "Oh no! First day and we're making friends. Quick, act like mortal enemies." He threw the blanket at Alyx, laughing a bit, before reaching up to grab the box from him. Lucas ran after Damien, grabbing his arm before he made it to the cabin, and pulled him around it. He slammed him against the wall of it, pinning him by putting his hands on either side of him. "Listen, whatever your name is," he started. "You and I will not be friends. You will not talk to me like that, tease me in any way, or whatever it is you do. You will listen to whatever I say, or I will make you pay once we get out of this place." He glared at him. "Understand?"
10:51pm May 20 2010
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Alyx laughed as the blanket hit his face, then reached for the box with a happy, "Hey!" He hopped down from the bunk, then froze as a loud thud was heard. "What was that?" He asked, grabbing the still-lit candle from the bedside table, and a parasol from the drawer, Sunday, and moving outside, poking his head around to see Lucas slamming Damien up against the wall. "Oh no, not you again, Lucas." Alyx's face hardened, and he drew his arm back and pitched the silver candle holder as one would skip a stone, smacking Lucas in the thigh, producing a large smack wich would probably leave a bruise. "Shove off, Lucas." He said, holding the umbrella in one hand and using the other to flip Lucas off, sticking out his peirced tounge. If you looked closely, Alyx's tounge was studded with a shquare doamond, which caught the light and glittered coldly.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:52pm May 20 2010 (last edited on 10:54pm May 20 2010)
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Posts: 554
Damien frowned and moved out of Lucas' grip."Look, I don't know who made you king of your little world but I could care less what you do, and therefore I'm not going to help you out.So, I would say you should and I should at least try to get along if you expect me to do anything."He told him very frustrated."i already can't stand you Lucas.No wonder everyone pretends to like you."He told him honestly wishing he just leave him alone for awhile.
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
10:57pm May 20 2010
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Posts: 46
((Heh..I laugh at him..)) Griffin poked his head out after Alyx, sighing. "Aw, Alyx, just leave the idiot. He can get suspended later. We got frogs to catch!" The silver haired boy pulled along the emo child, going down towards the waters, that they weren't supposed to be near yet. "Oh, see one!" He called, diving for it. The frog evaded him, leaving Griffin on the ground with empty hands. Whining, he sat up, and looked around. "I lost the frog!!" He proclaimed. Lucas groaned, rubbing at his thigh where the candle hit it. Picking it up, he glared at both Griffin and Alyx, before shoving past them and into the cabin, just missing what Damien said. Pushing him out of the way, he walked to a bunk, claiming the bottom one and sprawling out across it. There was no way he was going to befriend his partner.
11:06pm May 20 2010
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Posts: 554
(( Laugh at who? )) Damien sighed and went inside the cabin before tossing his bag onto a bunk.Quickly, he went back outside, and began to look around the camp.Maybe there was someone else he could talk to."I highly doubt there is anybody though."Damien said to himself finally settling to climb a tree, and sit on it's branch."Nice view up here..."He said to himself as he watched others from his 'perch'.It was better than being in the cabin for sure.
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
8:12am May 21 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Alyx gave weak protest as he was dragged along, but stopped as Griffin lunged for the frog and missed. The boy smiled and whipped his head around, lunging for a large, brown frog and grabbing it with both hands. "There we go!" He said, examining the fat animal before dropping it into the silver box and closing the lid, pointing to by the dock. "There's another, Griffin!" He yelled, the box still in his hands. He blinked his ggreen eyes and looked around some more, covered in mud up to his elbows.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:44pm May 21 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Wow...I don't really feel like reading all those posts right now so I will worry about it later, I guess.))
2:34pm May 21 2010 (last edited on 3:46pm May 23 2010)
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Posts: 15,067
Damon growled, pacing around the man. "You cannot make me do anything I don't want to do. I am a legal adult at 18. I don't care if my Uncle signed that damned paper." ((There, edited to 18))
11:13pm May 21 2010
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Posts: 1,943
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:01pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 46
((First of all, Chance..Damon is not supposed to be older then 18 if he's a student, unless he got held back like, 4 years..And that would be embarr*censored*ing. Can you change that please? Momo, I laugh at Lucas. xD Also, sorry for the long weekend break.)) Griffin jumped at the frog at Alyx saw, and missed it. "STUPID FROGS!" He proclaimed, and as if the frogs were taunting him, one jumped right past him into the water. Griffin jumped in after it, the mud disappearing into the water. "Aw, cmon!" He groaned, forgetting that they probably shouldn't get wet. Pulling himself out of the water, he laid on his back, sighing. A frog jumped into his open palm, and he wasn't even thinking when he trapped the little thing by closing his hand around it. Smirking at it, he walked over to the bucket, dropping it in. "A few more, Alyx. Then we can go take a bath or something...If they even have baths." Lucas sighed. Why did not one listen to him? He could get them power in the school, and shoot their social status up sky high. Seemed no one wanted that, though. Why not? He found Damien's stuff, and moved it to the top bunk, claiming the lower bunk to himself. He sat on it, crossing one leg over the other, just thinking for once.
3:07pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Alyx laughed as he dived for a madly croaking frog that was booking towards the water. He yelped as he landed on the gorund, which was really only a pit of mud, and his entire head submerged. He gasped, driping with grey-brown mud, wiping his face to enable him to see."Ahh!" He yelled, his torso and arms completly covered. "OI'm at least going swimming after this!' He said, dropping the squirming animal into the lage box. Alyx spat out mud, his hair hanging over his pale, mud-coated face. "Ew, ew, ew." He muttered, shakign his head and splattering Griffin. "Sveeen!" He yelled, his hand by his sides. "I need a showeeeer!" Alyx said, dripping mud onto the gras.s.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:44pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 46
Right when Griffin heard the name of his father, he jumped up, covering Alyx's mouth with a muddy hand. "No way, don't call him! We'll get in trouble! We'll have to go into like, solitary confinement, and our little froggites will get taken away!" He whined, moving his hand away from the others mouth. "Cmon Alyx, a few more and we can go swimming." He walked around, trying to get more frogs into the container.
3:46pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 15,067
3:57pm May 23 2010
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"Mmmm! Mmm!" Alyx struggled as the taste of mud filled his mouth. "Mmkay! mmkay!" He said, and sank his teeth into Griffin's hand while raking his long nails down Griffin's wrist, leaving bloody trails in his muddy skin. When Grifiin let go, he gasped breath and nodded, diving under the dock, leaving a muddy cliud under the water. He resurfaced with two frogs, one in each hand.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
4:00pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 46
((Thank you Chance.)) Sven sighed. "Look, I'm just telling you what you're supposed to do. So please, do it." Sven didn't want to argue with the boy anymore. Looking around, he thought he heard someone call his name, but decided it was just a figment of his imagination. Griffin winced, looking at his hand. "Alyx! You jerk!" He hissed, glaring at the boy now. A long string of curse words left his mouth when mud started getting into the cuts, and he ran over to the water, trying to get them clean. "Alyx, I'm going to hit you." He hissed.