7:39pm May 17 2010
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( * changing crush status* There we go!)
7:40pm May 17 2010 (last edited on 7:43pm May 17 2010)
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Posts: 554
(( Hate to say this kira but I think this was aimed to be a no anime thing?I dunno.It just seems like a real-life kind of roleplay.*shrugs* nevermind that.I don't really mind at all actually.I normally would choose anime but am going to go for real-life this time.Okay.Nevermind.Maybe I shall gow ith anime.can't decide Dx ))
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
7:41pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 46
((Actually, I honestly prefer anime style pictures over real-life based, but you can use either. Dx I'm using anime styled, so I'm completely fine with it. owo;))
7:44pm May 17 2010 (last edited on 8:23pm May 17 2010)
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Name: Damon Salvatore Age: 21 Gender: Male Looks: Above Personality: Damon is well.. Damon. Very unsocial at times, though people tend to flock around him. He likes to get what he wants, and he always does. Ever so the popular kid, he has everything - money,the cars, the girls, the younger brother. Clique: The pops(ular) Sexual Orientation: Straighter than an arrow shot by Robin Hood himself. Other: He = Vampire
8:13pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 554
(( I feel dumb when I was copying the charcter sheet I like wait....waht does subject mean?Then I realized I had the teacher AND student copied xD What clique should Damien be in Dx?)) Name: Damien Temme Age: 16
Gender: Male
Looks:  Personality: He's gentle,and kind-hearted but can be protective, and sometimes can be quiet.Can be stubborn and loud when he wants to. Clique:...((to be edited in a moment.)) Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Other: He's pretty tall.Stands at about 6'1"
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
8:35pm May 17 2010
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((I stalk the Rp forum so yeah. xD)) Name: Kyle Sanchez Age: 18 Gender: Male Looks: At the bottom Personality: Uhh... Jock-ish. xD Clique: Jock Sexual Orientation: Straight Other: Uhmmm.... Nah. o-o ((Finding my pic in a second. xD))
8:38pm May 17 2010 (last edited on 8:49pm May 17 2010)
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Posts: 46
((Momoko, I'm not really sure what Clique he would be with. Dx Really, I think I'll make one that's considered 'normal' or 'loner'? Chance: Uh, can you please take out the part about him being a vampire? Dx This is supposed to be a teen roleplay with the exception of a few teachers. Everyone else is fine. xD I'll be posting my characters now.)) Name: Griffin Coldwellder Age: 16 Gender: Male Looks: tle="Click">Click
Personality: A prankster who enjoys his solitude, but comes out and cracks a joke or two when he wants to. When it comes to pranks, Griffin is more of the ‘vandalizing’ type of person. Clique: Prankster Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, male preference Other: Father is a teacher at the school. Teachers Name: Sven Coldwellder Age: 41 Gender: Male Looks: tle="Click">being added Personality: Sven is a serious individual, never taking crap from any of his students. You must always have your work turned in on time for him to count it for credit, and you must always raise your hand to speak, or not at all. He cares a lot about his son, Griffin, though, and would do anything to have him stay out of trouble and away from the cops. Subject: World History Sexuality: Straight Other: Currently not married; Not a pedophile.
8:44pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 15,067
((So, Damon Salvatore the Vampire can't be Damon? Nevermind then, I'll delete his Bio.))
8:50pm May 17 2010 (last edited on 9:12pm May 17 2010)
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Posts: 5,835
((I guess I will make another character.)) Name:Alice Hawk Age:16 Gender:female Looks:Coming... Personality:She is a very positive person that doesn't like to be around people that are sad and depressing. She hates drama even though all of her life is made up of it and always tries to see the bright side of things.
Clique:Um...Normal type thingy.
Sexual Orientation:Straight. Other: When she was young she ran away with her brother because her father had killed her mother and was abusing them. He has haunted her life ever since then by killing a lot of her friends. Her brother just died a few days ago. She is Destiny's friend.
9:05pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 554
(( Oi, Loyal can we start?Oh, and by the way everyone can just call me Momo ))
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
9:07pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( LOL. "Currently not married; not a pedophile." Niiiice. I wanna start, yeah. 8D )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:08pm May 17 2010 (last edited on 9:08pm May 17 2010)
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Posts: 46
((Alright, I believe we're all ready to start. =3)) "Wake up!" A voice screamed next to his ear, causing him to jump up in his bed, eyes wide. His silver hair fell into his face, messy from not being messed with after his night of tossing and turning. Head turning quickly to the left, he groaned when a man with a m*censored* of blackish hair stoof up from his squatting position, adjusting his tie. "Hurry and get ready, Griffin. We have to be at the buses before most of the others, you know." "I told you, I ain't going!" Griffin complained, laying back and covering his face with his blanket. A sigh came from his fathers mouth. Reaching out, he grabbed the blanket, yanking it off and walking away with it. "No!" Griffin called after him, running to catch up with him, to reclaim his stole warmth. "Get dressed, and ready, and I'll give it back before we leave," his father responded. Pouting, Griffin was done in 15 minutes, and stood in front of the door with a backpack of belongings. When his father saw this, he sighed. Sven walked back upstairs, and took his own time packing his sons things, before going back to the door. "Out." He said. Griffin obeyed with a grumble. "When am I getting my blanket back?" "You aren't." Sven said, as he drove them away. Griffin kept complaining the whole time, but shut up when they saw the buses. Other teachers, and a few students, were already there waiting. As was the principle. Walking over to the big man, Griffin dropped his luggage, and sat down on the ground. He stared at the sky, barely at the break of dawn from the looks of it, and waited for something interesting. This whole idea was stupid. No one would ever become friends with anyone else, he was sure of that. Everyone would go on hating each other, even through his whole 'working together' ordeal. ((sorry Kira, didn't see that. ;~; Dx And yes, he is not a pedo. xDD; Had to list that, for if anyone wanted to make a female teacher or something.))
9:19pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Kyle heard his alarm clock and groaned loudly. A pounding on the door told him to get out of bed immidiately or his a** was going to get kicked. "I'm up dad," He yelled quickly, scrambling out of bed as fast as he could. "No need to come in." "Hurry up," A loud voice yelled, the words awfully slurred. "Don.... Don't m.. make me come in there!" The loud voice shouted again. A loud thud was heard just outside Kyle's door. "Pa.ssed out again," Kyle whispered to himself, sighing in relief. At least he could escape quickly this time. Kyle pulled on a pair of jeans, making sure they were clean first. He had to keep up his image, without it... He would be nothing. Kyle walked into the bathroom, grabbing his hair jell. He put a small amount in his hand and mixed it with water, not wanting to make his hair hard and pointed. "Kyle!!!" A shrewd voice below called. "Hurry up or so help me God...!!" The voice was hoarse, chapped, dry. Like the throat had graters in it. "Coming Charolet!" Kyle yelled back, grumbling as he did. He absolutely hated his step mom, but he could never say anything. Strapping his bag on his shoulder, Kyle ran out the door, hopping in his car as fast as he could. "Bye," He shouted at the house as he sped off towards the bus he was getting on. "Let's just get this trip over with," Kyle said to himself as he walked towards the bus. He noticed Griffen but made no hurry to go and start a conversation. He had to keep his cool mentality.
9:25pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( Uhhh. I'll intro tomorrow. :U Sorry. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:27pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 554
Damien awoke with a groan only to see sunshine pouring into his room.He pulled the blanket back over his face, but knew he had to get so unwillingly pushed the covers off himself.Standing up, he sighed and stretched before grabbing a white button-up shirt, jeans and quickly changing.He had already packed a bag a few nights before and quickly ran downstairs grabbing an apple and heading outside.He hopped into the car where his mom was waiting in the drivers seat.It wasn't very long until they had arrived where everyone else was, so he got out of the car with his luggage and went to go stand by some of the other teens that were there. (( Gosh I can barely type this quick reply thing on res makes it go sooo slow I resorted to typing in notepad then copying and pasting.Like it's so annoying how slow it's being right now.Dx dumb ol firefox probably. ))
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
9:27pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 1,588
((joinage as a Bookworm/nerd ))
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
9:42pm May 17 2010 (last edited on 9:47pm May 17 2010)
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Posts: 46
((Go ahead, Jemi.)) Griffin watched his father, who was still talking with the principle. Plugging earphones into his ears, he blared his music, loud enough for his father to mouth 'Turn it down!' before turning back to his conversation. "I will do my best, sir." Sven said, finishing up his conversation. The principle nodded. "My main concern here, Sven, is that no one gets hurt. Whether that be from physical activities, or just being around each other. Also, make alsolutely sure no one switches cabins, and that there are no different sexes in the same cabins." "I know, sir." Sven said. "You can count on me." "Good. Now, let's wait for all of the other students to show up..Shouldn't be long now.."
9:45pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 554
Damien overheard this and was surprised."No guys in teh same cabin as eachother?This is ridiculous."he muttered spinning around and bumping into a boy with headphones and was surprised."oh.I'm sorry about about that."He said a bit calmer now that he wasn't as surprised from bumping into him. (( Might as well talk to someone lol. xD ))
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
9:53pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Destiny sat at the table. She looked up at the girl in front of her not saying a word. "Thanks for letting me stay over. I don't like being in my house without Hunter." Alice said. She looked up from from her food and saw Destiny stuff a bight of pancake into her mouth. She frowned. Destiny looked up at the clock. "We need to go." She said. She got up and took her plate to to sink dumping her left over food in the garbage. She looked outside as her older sister yelled at them to hurry up. She growled grabbing her clothes and started to walk outside not waiting for Alice. She sat down in the p*censored*enger seat and tapped her foot impatiently as Alice dragged a large bag outside and stuffed it into the back seat. Alice looked out the window as they drove to the bus that she was going to be on in a few minutes. She pulled her bag out of the car and started to head towards the bus. Destiny grabbed her bag and started to follow Alice. Her eyes flickered from person to person as she tried ot figure out everyone that was there.

10:05pm May 17 2010
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Name: Alexa Thorn
Age: 16 Gender: female
Looks: Long dark hair, pale skin from spending far too much time inside. Blue eyes, usaully wears jeans and a t-shirt with some tv show character or scientific formula on it
Personality:shy,quiet, spends far too much time reading, Intelligent, but gets in trouble for falling alseep in cl*censored* due to severe bordom and losing homework. other intrests include rescuing stray cats, online rp forums and D&D. Clique: bookworm/geek/nerd Sexual Orientation:errr straight i guess Other: none
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment