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6:23pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 6,165

( Oh, otay! I just wanted to know what to post.)

Angel rolled her eyes at her picture and crumpled it up and threw it in her back pack. She turned her Ipod to a different song. Solo by Iyaz. She hummed the lyrics softly as she doodled herself in shackles and chains. It looked surprisingly like her.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

6:47pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 5,835


 Destiny pulled a book out of her bag. Her eyes flicked from word to word as she felt herself almost being drawn into the book. She flipped to the next page and began to read again.


6:50pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 6,165
Angel glanced over, then back. She kept drawing, then her pencil broke." Oh, gosh" she mumbled, getting a new one.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

6:52pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 5,835
 Destiny growled as the sound of Angel breaking her pencil distracted her from her book. She let out a annoyed hiss before trying to find where she had been reading.


6:57pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 15,067
Damon argued with the teacher, finally slipping him a hundred and stalking back to his Impala. He revved the engine, the powerful hunk of metal purring to life.


7:14pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 6,165
Angel growled a little before looking up. She shook her head and threw her journal in her bag.She took out her phone and started texting.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

7:19pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 2,927
Kyle walked over to the tree where a few girls were. One was readying a book and the other was listening to music. He leaned on the back of the tree, away from the other two. He slid down, not caring that his football jacket was getting dirty. He closed his eyes and sighed quietly, not wanting to disterb anyone. Looking back at the bus, he watched to see if any of HIS group was here. He didn't recognize anyone. He noticed the girl reading the book, he tried to read the ti
tle from where he was, finding out that he couldn't.


7:21pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 2,927
((Rawr... I would edit that post, but I'm too lazy. xD Let's just say he was trying to snoop and see what type of phone she had. :p))


7:33pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 6,165

Angel didn't notice him, so she kept texting.

Okay, I'll meet you there. XOXOX, Angel

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

7:34pm May 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,165

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

7:38pm May 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 46

Griffin opened his eyes, taking in the scene around him. People were drawing, reading, messing with their phones, checking people out...Groaning, he just stood up, walking to his father. "When are we getting this hellish trip over with?"

"I'm sure hellish isn't a word, Griffin, and don't curse. We're getting this trip on...Now." The principle turned to him, nodding.

"Alright students!" Sven called. "Everyone, single file on a bus!" He looked around, motioning to the area where the buses sat, now turning on their engines. "Also, everyone pair up with someone to sit with! This is will be your partner through the entire experience!" He called, and heard many groans. He knew a lot of them didn't have a friend to be with, which made it all the more better. Different cliques would be put with each other, and learn to be kind. Whether they liked it or not.

Griffin stared at him. "You're kidding me, right?" He asked. He, himself, didn't see anyone he actually hung out with. "Ugh! I hate this soooo much!" He whined, turning on his heel and stalking into a bus, after putting his stuff in the side compartment. Charter buses were always good for these kinds of things. He took a seat in the very back, staring out the window.


7:39pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 2,927
"Who are you meeting where?" Kyle asked the girl suddenly. He shoved his hands in his pockets, smiling at the girl, even though she hadn't looked at him yet. He shook his long hair out of his eyes; it was bothering him.


7:39pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 12,418
Annabeth put her music playing. it was pretty loud so she couldn't here anything. then she saw a shadow comming towards her.

(Banner made by Kina)

7:41pm May 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 46
((Kink, go ahead. xD You can make up to three characters, if you wanted.

7:45pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 12,418
((can i make another one?))

(Banner made by Kina)

7:47pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 5,835

 Destiny got up. She closed her book and started to walk towards the bus. She felt a small tap on her back and turned to see Alice smiling at her. She frowned. "Um...Sorry, but I am going to sit with someone else." She lied.

 Alice sighed. "I wish Hunter was here." She said to herself. She walked past Destiny and onto the bus. She sat down in a random seat not really caring who sat next to her.

 Destiny walked over to an empty seat. She didn't want to sit next to anyone. She just wanted to read and do what she usually did.


7:49pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 2,927

Name: Sarah Ferrer

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Looks: ~Coming

Personality: Uhh... o-o

Clique: Goth/normal.
(She just wears chains and black a lot. xD)

Sexual Orientation: Straight all the way

Other: Uhh... Nah. :p


7:50pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 12,418
Annabethh hid her head in her jacket hood. hoping that it was just her imagination. but who knows?

(Banner made by Kina)

7:50pm May 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,927
((Sorry that bio's so bare... xD I always try to keep things rather short so I can have a bit more fun Rp'ing. xD))


7:54pm May 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067
((Wow, I'm so lost.. can we time skip to the camp grounds?))

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