12:35pm Aug 13 2010 (last edited on 1:32pm Aug 13 2010)
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((Romoved. Nevermind, I'm in to many roleplays))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:39pm Aug 13 2010
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((Mary's the boss.))
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12:39pm Aug 13 2010
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((I*ll do my bio for Rel, the shapshifter in a moment.))
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12:41pm Aug 13 2010
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12:51pm Aug 13 2010
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Eowyn heaved a sigh, stretching happily as she looked around her. 'Best. Treehouse. Ever.' And indeed it was. She'd formed it herself, using her 'gift' to take the largest oak she could find and shape it into an almost den-like structure. There was enough room for herself and a guest, warm furs lining the area that was her 'bed'. Of course, she'd only killed sick animals, ending their lives painlessly to end their suffering. Gently she touched the small hole that was the door, and ladder-like steps formed the way to the earth below. She walked to the crystal spring that ran close to her tree, glad for the secluded location of her tree, as she was bare as the day she was born. The birds knew to whistle if anyone came near, so she'd have time to cover herself. In the cold water she cleaned herself, and back in the den she used her only commodity, coconut oil, to tame the frizzies and put her fiery red mane into its soft, shiny waves. Dressed all in tanned leathers she walked to school, a few creatures of the forest trailing along with her. The leathers that she'd stretched, tanned, dyed and sewn by herself were soft against her skin, the top skimming off her shoulders, stopping just under her bust to reveal the fair skin and lithely muscled stomach. The bottoms she wore came to her knees, riding low on gently curved hips. A wolf appeared at her side, nudging her hand with its cold nose. She obeyed the silent command with a giggle, scratching behind its ear as she came to the school entrance. Turning to her lupine companion she crouched, meeting his eyes. "As much as I'd love to take you to clas.s with me, you aren't allowed. They think you're dangerous." He whimpered piteously, proving them wrong by flopping onto his belly. "Now now, none of that. Go on. I'll play with you after school."
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1:06pm Aug 13 2010
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"Nice wolf you got there." A 15-year old walked up to Eowyn and the wolf with a cat in his arms. The cat glanced up at him with a smile and he shook his head as he put it down. "I wish I could bring her, but for some reason, unless you are deaf or blind, you can't have an animal." The cat frowned and sniffed, lookign at him with round eyes. "Mew?" It was gving him the look. "Now, now. None of the Niame." Niame looked heartbroken, but trudged out of site, back towards the den he called home. Rel shook his head and glanced at the girl, the wind blowing the robe he had to whip his bare chest. "I*m Rel." He has, holding out his hand to shake hers. His dark blue eyes gazed at her with confusion. What was her power...
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1:10pm Aug 13 2010
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When Haji and Hanari got to school,the two walked inside.They both were exellent students with A's in some of their cl*censored*es.Hanari headed to her first cl*censored* which was English Honors.Haji head for his cl*censored*,which was Math.
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1:14pm Aug 13 2010
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The voice caught her and... well, he needed a name. Starjumper. That was a good name. Starjumper rolled to his feet at the sight of the boy, ears flicking back as a low growl came from deep in his chest. Pursing her lips Eowyn turned to Starjumper, shaking her finger. "Be nice. This is why they won't let you in. You growl at everyone who isn't me." Instantly he quieted, rubbing his face against Eowyn's hand as he started whining again. "I forgive you. Now go. I'll play later." He obeyed, running off to guard the tree-den. Now Eowyn rose, straightening herself before facing the boy. Harsh blue eyes darted from him to his outstretched hand, her stnace not unlike that of a wolf facing another. Being with animals so long had affected her body as well as her mind, muscles twitching at random as her ears pinned back as much as human ears could. That pulled her skin in certain places, making her already sharp features wild and savage. Finally she shook his hand, though only briefly. Her entire body was crackling with tension, like any minute she might bolt. "Eowyn."
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1:26pm Aug 13 2010
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"I love animals. What's your power?" He asked with a small smile. The girl seemed nervoucse and that was understandable, after all, school hadn'tt been in sension for that long and he was still a nervous wreck about honors Geometry. She let out a breath of air and his body shifted. Wings sprouted from his body and his hair slurped back into his body. His already skinny body shrank even more and blue scales spread over his body. He shrank and became a dragonfly. He perched on Eowyn's head. He smiled as much as a Dragonfly could and shifted back, getting off ehr head. "Shapeshifter, nice to meet you." He said...
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1:36pm Aug 13 2010
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His shift had her paralyzed with fear, eyes wide. Now more than ever she wanted to run. Why did she have to be at this school anyhow? She was a perfectly functioning teen. Sure, she was a nature child and believed her abilities to be the blessing of the goddesses Epona and Danu, but hey. That was just how things were. She reigned in the urge, though her body gave a shiver out of effort. "I have an affinity with flora and fauna. Please, never do that again. I prefer to think of my gifts as blessings. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to cl*censored*."
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1:46pm Aug 13 2010
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((Haha. XD)) Acario sighed softly, rubbing that back of his head as he walked towards the school, hand-in-hand with his sister, Marie. He looked over at her and used his free hand to fix the big blue bow-ribbon she constantly wore in her hair. His sister moved away with a soft whine, her bright green eyes focused inot her brother. "Don't do that! My bow is fine!" she whined, huffing softly. Acario laughed, shaking his head as tendrils of shadow began swirling around her sister to reach her bow, fixing it without her brother even having to touch it. "There. /Now/ it's fine," he stated, then let go of his sister's hand to run ahead as she chased after him, yelling threats of sending her legions of the undead after him. Just another normal day for those two. ((Yup. ;D))
1:50pm Aug 13 2010
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Dusk swore under her breath as she felt Rel shift into a dragonfly. She walked up to the girl, feeling a bit uncomfortable that she was at this school. She was normal, nor was she powered. Unlike Eowyn, she thought of her 'gift' as a terrifying curse. she could control water, yes, but it was more than that and she had killed her family with it. When she was 5 years old, a local dam had burst and water had come. Dusk didn't know about her powers at this time, but the water was atracted to her. Her family drowned and she blames it on herself because not one of them survived...
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1:51pm Aug 13 2010
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(sorry Guise i'm kinda braindead at the moment)
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1:52pm Aug 13 2010
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((update??im to lazy to read everything))

1:53pm Aug 13 2010
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(Hanari and Haji are inside the school and the others are talking)
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1:58pm Aug 13 2010
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((okayy.)) Kiona walked up to her school and entered. She looked around. Not many people were around. She walked up to Hanari and Haji. "Hi guys!" she smiled.

2:00pm Aug 13 2010
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"Hey Kiona!"Hanari said,smiling."How's it going,Kiona?"Haji asked,smirking.
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2:03pm Aug 13 2010
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he shrugged. "Okay i guess" She smiled. She brushed a strand of her white hair out of her face.

2:03pm Aug 13 2010
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Eowyn watched the brother and sister with a giggle, lifting her hand. A root broke the pristine concrete walk, positioning itself to trip Acario. She stepped toward them, giggling. "Oops." With that she walked into the school, finding her dance cl*censored*. She'd chosen to take all her core cl*censored*es online over the summer, so attending school now was merely a formality that her parents had insisted upon.
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2:07pm Aug 13 2010
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"Thats good"They said smiling.Soon the bell rang,telling the students to get to cl*censored* before they where tardy.
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