6:55pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 854
((what'd i miss?))
6:56pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 2,931
((nothing much. Its lunch time. About to be the clubs. :D))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
6:58pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 854
((ok,but Randie is going to want some friends.)) Randie's stomache growled heading to the lunchroom(?)she got a sandwich,a milk,and one cookie.(lol)
7:04pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 2,931
Chris was still sitting by himself. "Of course no one wants to sit with the nerd." He whispered to himself. Things like this always happened to Chris, even after he won a writing competition. No one liked a kid who was different in this day and age. All the people liked where the pops, and the sight of them wanted to make him puke sometime.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
7:18pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Well,the only place around here that humans can get to,"Damon finished,laughing lightly "How about,the beach?"He offered,as they strutted over to his Mustang
7:22pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 2,931
"Ok." Solarus said. She didn't care about missing Glee Club. She would be ready to cometition even if she learned the songs the night before. Whitelighters learned fast. She smiled.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
7:24pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 854
Randie walked with her handful of food and asked Chris"do you mind if sit here?,".Yeah her rank was semi high but it didn't matter to her.
7:28pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 2,931
"No. Go ahead." Chris smiled slightly. He went back to staring at the tree outside.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
7:29pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 6,800
7:29pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 6,800
(( what in the world can i do now? ))
7:31pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 854
Randie sat down next to him. and neatly placed her lunch in front of her picking up the sandwich she began to nibble on it eventually taking small bites.Noticing Chris was staring at something she followed his eyes to the tree outside.
7:32pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 2,931
((go to lunch...then to the clubs. Competitions are coming up soon, so there should be some more action soon.))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
7:33pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 2,931
A squirell popped out of the tree, and went down to some nuts that were sprinkled on the ground. Chris smiled. So my plan worked. Now I can see how the squirell moves. Perfect for writing.He thought to himself.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
7:35pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Damon slung Solarus over his shoulders,before taking off with inhuman speed.The things around him were a blur,as he picked a steady pace to run with.
7:35pm Dec 10 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
((You should make a music club,I'd so join it XD))
7:35pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 854
Randie watched the squirrel with interest.The furry animal was cute and looked soft but she found its behavior more interesting towards whatever was sprinkled on the ground.Perfect for drawing.
7:39pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 6,800
(( My charachter is at lunch, just bien ignored. -pouts- :c s'okay, i guess. ))
7:42pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 2,931
Solarus had never moved at speed this fast before. She thought her eyes would pop out. But it was strangely fun... ((Chance, if you want to, you can start the music club. You think you could play the teacher? :D)) Chris had planned it perfectly. He could here the words in his mind. Man is drawn to greed such as a squirell to nuts. Its unresitible senses make it vulnerable to temptation, such as greed. That is an experience I have come by in my life.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
7:45pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 854
Randie pulled a small sketchbook from her bag and began drawing the squirrel.Completeing it in a few moments she sat it down to decide whether she'd liked what she'd drawn.
7:46pm Dec 10 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,931
((Ok..... Why don't you make your character come over to Chris and Randie?))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?