7:52pm May 18 2010
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((Rawr... I kind of want to start! :DD))
8:16pm May 18 2010
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(( I want to to :D))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
8:19pm May 18 2010
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((Me three.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:22pm May 18 2010
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((Alrighty! So... We'll start with them all at the school and everything... It's not really a school though... More like a hotel. o-o xD))
8:30pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((ok. I think you should start it Kink))
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8:32pm May 18 2010
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((Me too, I don't know your RPing level.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:34pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Ahh... Okay. xD I'm not good at starting but I'll give it a go. One moment.))
8:41pm May 18 2010
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Kylie rolled about the hallways of the dorms, or, at least the area where the bedrooms were. She opened her door slowly, praying that no one else was in there. Sighing, she was thankful that there was only one bed, meaning that the room was all hers. After a few moments of checking out the room, Kylie noticed her bag next to the bed. She figured that when she came to the 'school' that they would take care of her luggage. She unzipped her bag and started shoving her clothes in the drawers they had in the room. She figured that they would be here for a while. Kylie walked out of her room, looking at her watch as she did so. It was noon, lunch time. Though she wasn't hungry in the slightest, Kylie decided starving herself wasn't the best way to go. She stalked off to the cafeteria, looking unaproachable and strained, like every other student at this school did. ((Fail!!! xD))
8:47pm May 18 2010
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Annabeth went to her dorm. hopefully i don't have to share with people. cause they find a way to make me made!she thought. she opened the door. it was empty. Yes! ((sorry i have writers block))
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9:52pm May 18 2010
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Kira had been laying against a wall, her nose in a gorey horror book. She slowly lowered the book so her green eyes could look around. Other freaks scarmbled around the halls to get to the cafeteria, but she didn't care to eat in the slighest. She sighed as she marked the page in her book and closed it shut. She stood up, her long black hair trailing behind. She zipped up her jacket and looked around for her room. Dorm number 253 was her's. She stepped over to her room and stepped in, but her jaw dropped and she snarled in annoyance. There was a double-bunk bed. The bottom bed at the tail 'Eithen' On it, and the top Kira. She growled to herself and set her book back in her bag. She threw it onto the top bunk and climbed up after, laying back on the black and red blankets. 'They knew my color.... Dammed stalkers.' She hissed in her mind, but didn't care at the time.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:56pm May 18 2010
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for her luck it was a one bed-room. yah! i can do what i want!!!
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12:43am May 19 2010
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((Bump~ Oh, Tribecka, I would appriciate if you could use capitals and such when posting. And try to make the posts a little longer and more in-depth. ^-^ Thanks~))
10:47am May 19 2010
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Posts: 632
Venn stepped off the train, greasy smoke blowing against his face as he strmbled into fresh air. The trip had been hell, his thoughts and emotions had torn him up from the inside out and he felt a desperate need to lie down. Seeing a looming building in the distance he started toward it, almost at once swallowed by the shadows cast from the tall rooftops. He was no longer in a small town, he was far from home. Sighing he hefted his bag up higher on his shoulder, feeling his laptop jam uncomfortably into his spine. Grunting he made his way to the large entry door. Keeping a cool facade he looked at the map he had printed. Not too many people around now... climbing the stairs he unlocked the door to his dorm. There was a double bunk, he as.sumed he would be rooming with someone. This was going to be interesting, he thought eyes gleaming as he fingered the blade in his pocket, a cruel smile playing on his lips before disapearing as he entered.
2:10pm May 19 2010
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Silvie strolled up the emptry hallways...it was the lunch hour so the walkways were clear. She looked at the piece of paper with her dorm number as she pulled her bag behind her... she stopped outside and jiggled the handle, she walked in...emty...Silvie gave a sigh of relief, her dark green eyes glanced around the room as she unzipped her pack. She sat on the bed and layed back, her hands behind her head.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
2:27pm May 19 2010
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Destiny pulled her hair up in a ponytail. She brushed the straight silver hair. She smiled as she saw small red eyes staring at her in the mirror. She reached up and grabbed the snake on her head. She snake wrapped itself around her arm as she started to brush her hair again. Destiny sighed. She put the snake in its cage and heard a annoyed hiss. "Sorry." She whispered. She walked towards the door and poked her head outside to make sure no one was looking. She stepped outside of her room and looked around for a little while. She turned back around when her snake let out another snake. "Calm down." She said. Her eyes turned a blue color as she messed with the snake emotions.
4:27pm May 19 2010
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Silvie heard a strange sound echoing through the hallway...her eyes flew open as she gracefully made her way to the door. She turned the handle and the door clicked open, she peeked out only to see that the hallways were empty. She gave an annoyed look and went to her pack, she started to unload its contents. She put her clothes into the closet, and allowed them to hang. She pulled out her pillow and tossed it onto her bed, she eventually unpacked a few extra blankets, which she stored on the floor, underneath her clothes, and next to her favorite sneakers. She nodded satisfied and returned to her bag, she pulled out a few of her favorite books and put them on the empty bookshelf in the far corner of the room. She then made her way to the bottom of the bag, and pulled out a photo frame of herself and a few of her close friends and family. She placed this on the nightstand next to the lamp. She gave a look at the bare walls...I'll decorate these later...she thought and put her empty sack underneath her bed... the extra belongings went in a drawer on the far side of the room. She took a look in the mirror, and brushed her long brown hair... she nodded and left her dorm, locking it behind her as she went to explore her new 'school'
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
4:57pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Annabeth went to they cafeteria. she ate. that's good she hought
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6:19pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 632
Venn smiled as he unpacked. His roommate wasn’t here yet but he could wait. Removing his laptop from his bag he lovingly set it on the his desk to charge. Well it was his only valuable possession from home, thinking back fondly he remembered his dad giving it to him on his 15th birthday. He had used it to order his first gun, honing his skills he had managed to become a master at hacking. He dumped his clothes before walking out the door. They meant nothing, just a petty cover for people to judge, they had no real meaning anyway. Not bothering to lock the heavy oak door he silently began down the hall. It didn’t matter if anyone broke in, there was nothing to steal. They would be in for a surprise too....he had brought his ‘collection’.
6:34pm May 19 2010
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Kira sighed softly, her deep emerald eyes gazing around the room. Sh glanced at the plate on her bed again, and realized that it said 'Kiba' And The one that said Eithen was actually 'Eteni' She smacked herself and grabbed her bag again, jumping off the bed with ease. She stretched and stepped out into the hall, looknig for her REAL Room. She found it and walked in, the door slamming behnid her. She snarled to herself again. It was another bunk bed! Sje noticed there was already clothes in the drawers and a Laptop was charging on the desk. She growled and put away her things. she left her i-pod to charge next to the laptop. She flopped on the top bunk of the bed, the beds weren't plated to a certain person. She pulled out her sharp knife she had snuck into the school and began lightly pricking each of her fingers, enjoying the pain.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
6:52pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 632
Venn had seen the girl go into his–– their room–– out of the corner of his eye. He was too uninterested to care. There were few chances that she’d touch his laptop, pretty bad planning on the school’s part though, he thought smirking. Yeah great, place the girl sychopath in the same room as the boy sychopath. That’s always a good idea! Still writhing in his head he slipped into a dark room for a sudden second, drawing his knife smoothly over the skin on his arm. Not his wrist, that was too risky. There was the risk of the scars being seen and the risk of bleeding to death. No, only one risk. The other wasn’t so much a danger as an annoyance, a spot on his record– both of them. He thought chuckling at the thought of his already stained record. Thinking of it bleeding red. His head cleared for now he strolled down to the mess hall, knife hidden and cut patched. Grabbing a tray and a semi-edible meal he sat down next to a girl. Not to many people here yet, he thought. Time for his first meeting of another student at this school...how messed would she be?