7:04pm May 19 2010
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Kira had tried to relax, but her stomach rumbled. "Why am I always hungry at these times?" She hissed in annoyance, narrowing her green eyes. She hit the knife back in her pocket, not caring if her fingers were still bleeding. As if this would be anythng bad. She already had 2 suicide attempts, 4 homicide attempts and 2 homocide sucsesses. Pricking her fingers was noting. She giggled insanely and jumped off the bed, scooting over to the door and opening it. It slammed behind her was she walked to the mess hall. She grabbed a plate of food. 'Better then food at home' She laughed in her mind. She giggled Maniacally and sat down, unfortunately right next to Venn. She growled at him and then smiled, her teeth now razor-sharp fangs.
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7:05pm May 19 2010
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((Fwee... I shall pull my charries in in a sec. >w>))
6:33am May 20 2010
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"Hello." he said, his eyes watched her but he kept a detached calm. So she had fangs. Smiling he imagined cutting her....or maybe her cutting him. He really didn't know how sick she was, maybe as sick as him. "So what are you in for?" he asked, keeping his voice on the polite edge. Not suspicious, just cerious. They were all in the same boat now, slowly sinking as it was.
10:16am May 20 2010
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Kira gave him a devilish grin and let her figernails form into claws. She took a quick bite of food, Laughing like a maniac in her mind at Venn. "Suicide and murder attempts." She said with a twisted grin as she rached into her pocket for her knife. She almost liked this boy. Haha, He would be easy to killl. "What are you in for?" She replied back, poking at her knife under the table.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
11:04am May 20 2010
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Destiny walked into another room. She saw people sitting at tables and eating. Aw, good. I was starting to get hungry. She though. She smiled sitting down next to another person. Her eyes turned dark black as the person screamed and ran away.
12:32pm May 20 2010 (last edited on 12:33pm May 20 2010)
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Venn looked up as the girl next to him screemed and ran. Beside her sat a girl with unpenetrable black eyes. He stared her down unflinchingly before looking back at the cerious girl with claws. "Interesting talent you got there." he said, slowly chewing a bite of sandwich. "I usually don't tell people but since you asked." Rolling his eyes up to the ceiling he began to tick off the offenses on his fingers. "I murdered in my basement for a few years before I was found out. After that I escaped a mental institution and killed two cops while they tried to bring me to jail. Interesting story actually but not someting for lunch." he said grinning coldly back at the herl. "So what's your name?"
1:08pm May 20 2010
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Destiny's eyes changed back to a depp purple. She heard a loud hissing sound and felt something crawl up her leg. She looked down to see her snake. "How dod you get out?" She asked. The snake crawled up her back and up onto her head. It sat there and glared at Venn for a few minutes before it turned its attention back to Destiny. Its tongue flicked in and out and it let out another hiss. Destiny hissed back. "I told you to stay. You never listen though, do you?" She asked taking the snake off of her head. She sat it back down on the ground. "Go back to my room and into your cage. If I don't find you there when I get back then you are only going to get one mouse instead of two." She said sternly. She snake hissed again before slithering towards her room almost as if it understood her.
2:28pm May 20 2010
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Silvie walked silently in the empty hallways, her emerald green eyes like venom to anyone who glanced...shewandered down a corrider and out into the courtyard. She looked to the sky and imagined the things she had done, the suffering she had cause made her eyes glint wickedly...she turned quickly back into the building and wandered to the mess hall, she wasnt that hungry but sat at an empty table...
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4:25pm May 20 2010
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Kira laughed at the boy. He was odd, and insane, just like her. no sanity left except for what they both faked. Her eyes seemed to turn a much deeper green as she shoved her food away, not hungry. "Your A faker, aren't you? I can tell you are insane, just like me...." She whispered, then her eyes returned to normal. "Kira. And you?" She replied and shoved the knife deeper into her pocket to avoid it being seen. She played with the zipper on her Camflauge Jacket and looked back at him. Her long black hair was pulled back in a braid, her green streaks criss-crossing throught it. Her nails and teeth returned to a human form and she lay back in the chair, chuckling to herself as she touched the cold linolium flooring with her bare feet. "So, I'm supposing you are my Dorm partner?"
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4:40pm May 20 2010
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Silvie put her head on her arm... she could tell that this school was for the insane...people like herself dwelled within these walls, this thought made her smile. She wondered when her other friends would be found out, and sent here to stay with her. Her green eyes cast a gaze amound the mess hall's inhabitants, she was curious what these people were in for.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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6:34am May 21 2010
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Venn chuckled, this girl had seen right through him. He even suprised himself at how little he cared; he was done hiding. Looking back at this strange girl in front of him he saw her fingering something in her pocket. "My name is Venn. So what do you have there?" he said, his eyes darting down for less than a second. Pushing his lunch away too he focused his attention. This was much more interesting. "So, you're my roommate huh?"
2:21pm May 21 2010
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Kira thought. 'Venn.... Hmm, An odd name. But that fits his insane mind.' She thought, and then looked up. A mischevious grin crossed her face at his question and she pulled out her sharp pocketknife, letting him see it, but quickly shoving it away so she wouldn't get caught. "If you have a laptop then yes." She replied and yawned, a smirk on her face. "I can tell that you are insane. You like to play with knifes, murder, and more.... like me." She whispered as her black hair covered her left eye. She noticed she had accidentally prickd herself and blood was oozing out of her fingertip. She watched it intently, as if it was a Television.
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2:24pm May 21 2010
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((Uhh... Guys. I would prefer that the roomates were the same gender, otherwise it just causes trouble and the school wouldn't like allow it in the first place... o3o))
2:52pm May 21 2010
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((But why? XD I just thought it would be fun to Have Kira matched up with Venn.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
2:55pm May 21 2010
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((aww but then i wouldn't have a roomie D: can someone else wanna make another charry to be my roommate?)) "Well yes, I as.sume everyone here has some sort of problem." Turning he slid around to face the strange girl next to him. "And you are?" he asked. This other girl, Kira might be his roommate for now but it was mostlikely against the rules to have a boy and girl together. He had seen the seperate wings, one for girls and one for guys. Chances were that she'd be moved soon anyway. Then he'd get a new roommate or maybe he'd be on his own. The first would undoubtedly be more fun.
2:57pm May 21 2010 (last edited on 2:59pm May 21 2010)
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((I can... I have Kylie and I can make Ian. o-o He's insane... Like... You don't even know.. xD And it's like... Never going to happen at any place. o-o Like, an insane girl paired up in the same room as an insane guy? No one in their right mind would trust them...))
3:00pm May 21 2010
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((Well then who will Kira be paired up with? D8 Maybe Kylie...?)) Kira looked at him and sat back in her chair, Soon getting up and heading back to the room she was staying in, in the girl's wing. She noticed that the laptop was gone. She shrugged, thinking she was hallucinating again. ((Fail. Dx))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
3:02pm May 21 2010
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((Uhh... I guess. xD Fine by me. :3 I'll post in like a moment or so. o3o))
3:05pm May 21 2010
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((Mkay.)) Kira sighed and grabbed her phone, even though it wasn't done charging. She began to text her sister back at home and hopped onto the top bunk. She yawned and clicked the 'Send' Button, then stuffing it in her bag with was still not unpacked nd was on the top bunk with her.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
3:44pm May 21 2010
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((oh gosh...brainfart xD))
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