6:10pm May 21 2010
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You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
6:52pm May 21 2010
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((I don't know what to post right now...My character feels ignored.D8 Just kidding. Trying to think of what to post though.XD))
6:59pm May 21 2010
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((I'm waiting for Kink.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
7:14pm May 21 2010
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((idk wat to post...my charry hasnt met anyone yet xD))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
7:41pm May 21 2010
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((Neither has mine...I know! Where is your character? I will have my character meet yours so that we then might have something to post!8D))
9:35am May 22 2010
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((ssather: sounds great! she is in the mess hall, sitting by herself xD))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
3:57pm May 22 2010
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((Okay, cool.XD)) Destiny got up. She was bored and thought that she better make suer her snake wasn't scaring anyone. She walked out of the room and saw her snake making a run for it. It made a sharp turn heading for a hall. She ran after it to nearly crash into a girl sitting alone. She quickly grabbed her snake and looked at the girl. "Oh, sorry." She said.
7:39pm May 22 2010
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Posts: 632
((umm did both of you guys just leave my charry? I thought I was with destiny....?))
8:19pm May 22 2010
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((Venn is being paired up with one of kink's characters, if she gets online.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
10:18pm May 22 2010
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Silvie glanced at the newcomer, almost shocked that she was almost run over. She smiled, "No its fine." she anwsered glancing at the snake, "Your companion?" she asked, not wanting to say 'pet' because she didnt think it was right to say that an animal was a pet.
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8:14am May 23 2010
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Venn sighed as the two people at his table stood. They always left before the fun could start. Rolling his eyes he stood, dumping the rest of his hardly recognizable meal in the garbage. Seriously, no matter what school; school for the insane, for teens, for preps, for druggies! Really the food never changed, always awful. Smiling he walked out of the building to meet some others, he should be getting a new roommie any time now. He was already starting to feel at home here.
8:55am May 23 2010
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((Sorry. I was bored and couldn't really think of anything else to do.)) Destiny looked at her snake. "More like an annoying child that I need to babysit." She said flicking the snake on the nose. "That's it. Only one snake for you for three days." She said.
11:57am May 23 2010
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"I see." Silvie stated staring at the snake..."Oh and Im Silvie." she smiled lightly. -fail-
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
10:27pm May 23 2010
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((Okay, so apparently Kink lost intrest And I'm now owner. So, We still doing Kira with Venn sinvce Kink isn't here?))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
12:52pm May 24 2010
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((where is kiri?)) Venn walked slowly back to his room, looking around he froze midstep. "Hello, what do we have here?" he said, amused his voice tight. "I've always loved snakes..." he mused, his eyes lost in a memory. You could see the change as he snapped back to the present, his features hardened and he reached into his pocket slowly. Pulling out a small dead rodent he tossed it to the serpent. He knew with it's honed reflexes it would catch it before it made a mess of the carpet. It was missing most of its pelt after all.... better in a snake's stomach than found on him. It would just raise suspicion and probably just get his knife taken away again.
2:25pm May 24 2010
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((Kira is in Venn and Kira's room. XD on the top bunk.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:39pm May 26 2010
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You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
12:35pm May 28 2010
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((hello? anyone gonna post? I cant till u guys do....))
3:19pm May 28 2010
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((Tal, Post. XD I've been waiting for Venn to go to his room to find Kira is his roommate. I've been waiting for days. Lol))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:29am May 29 2010
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((ohhh! )) Without waiting for an answer from either of the two Venn moved along the halls. He couldn't remember the way back to his room, he was never good with directions. It was at least a half hour later before he finally found his door, by then he was in a truely bad mood. It only got worse when he opened his door to find his roommate pacing the room. He was in no mood for games. "What the hell are you doing in here?" he asked though he knew perfectly well, half the question was designed to see how she would answer. He waited.