7:42pm Jan 4 2013
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[[ If you ever feel like joining in, feel free to do so, Rabbit. <3
Also, accepted guys! c: ]]
7:50pm Jan 4 2013
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Posts: 4,873
[Vin, mind if I join?]
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:53pm Jan 4 2013
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Not at all. ^^ Just post up your bios!
Also, just so you know, your banner is stretching the page by about half an inch. |D It just kind of... bothered me. o3o ]]
8:39pm Jan 4 2013 (last edited on 8:10am Jan 5 2013)
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Posts: 1,557
[[...You make me wanna join :u ]] [[Edit. I should probably ask if I can be a/the ticket boy before I just go ahead and make a bio for him]] Name: Jake Yemin
Age: 18 Gender: Male
S.O.: Homosexual
Power: He smells really good. The smell is sort of like fruits and it, gods know why, somehow attracts people (Not like love attract, more like interest/cannibalistic attraction). He isn't really sure how to turn it off, but it seems that people around him a lot gets 'used' to it, so it doesn't affect him.
Position: Ticket boy. He helps out with odd jobs, and doesn't mind cooking as well.
Personalty: Jake is pretty laid back when he's not working at the ticket booth. He enjoys walking around and chatting to his fellow circus freak. Jake is calm about most things, unless a lot of blood or hacked off body parts is involved, which he will start to freak out if he sees. While on job, Jake tries to act energetic and that he absolutely LOVES his job while watching out for anyone who happens to be under the influence of his stupid power.
Other: He would rather actually be a part of the circus, but Jake believes that being at the ticket booth is probably the best place he can be in regards with helping the circus.
Appearance: Jake has light brown air and eyes. He is about 5"5ish in height and skinny for the most part. He's tried to work out to get muscles before, but it didn't really work out, so he gave up on it and he is now just skinny. When Jake isn't working, he just wears 'normal' clothes like jeans, a short-sleeved shirt, and a jacket two sizes too big. When he is working, he dresses up in fancier clothes and wears a deep reddish brown long shirt with puffy sleeves and a red vest with golden thread on it over the shirt. ~~ Name: Agatha Nimpx
Age: Old. Gender: Female
S.O.: n/a
Power: Agatha can 'see' about a year into the future. She is pretty accurate.
Position: Sideshow. She has a fortune telling tent/booth right next to Allyn's.
Personalty: Grumpy. When the circus is not open, Agatha can usually be seen stomping around, grumbling to herself and anyone who cares to listen. She is not exactly a mean person, but she is very harsh and honest for the most part. Agatha loves lilies because they remind her of her home before she joined the circus.
Other: Agatha doesn't like most people.
Appearance: Agatha is old and wrinkly. She looks like the stereotypical witch with long, white hair in a messy bun and a hunched back. She leans on a walking stick, but, in reality, she can walk just fine without it. She only carries the walking stick around so she can hit annoying people with it if she is in a super grumpy mood. Agatha wears long, dark colored robes (that are never black).
[[I see that one of Pokey's characters is also a sort of fortune person, so I can do something else with Agatha if needed.]]
[[And finished~]]
9:21pm Jan 4 2013
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Yes, yes you can. c:
And glad to see you're joining! <3 ]]
3:24am Jan 5 2013 (last edited on 10:19am Jan 5 2013)
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Posts: 76
((Since we still seem to be gaining men in large numbers, I also added another female to my bios. I have not finished her yet because my body is betting for sleep, so please bare with me ^^;;))
*Edit* Finished!
4:07pm Jan 5 2013
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Having two of one act is certainly no problem. ^^
Also, you guys are accepted. c: [Poke's new character as well] xD <3 ]]
4:46pm Jan 5 2013
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Ohkay, guys. I was thinking about posting up my intro!
Users are STILL welcome to join, even after we've all started. ^^
Also making ANOTHER character. He won't be very active, but I feel he is needed. o3o ]]
5:37pm Jan 5 2013 (last edited on 5:39pm Jan 5 2013)
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Name: Spirit Marie Fawn Age: 21 Gender: Female S.O.: Straight Power: She can create glowing and shadow creatures with her hands and mind in under 5 seconds, unless she can't think of an animal or mythical creature. It's in color and everything. You can touch it, and ever ride it because what she makes is solid, but you can't tell it's only an illiousion. I have no clue what to call it.... I guess Image Creator? Position: Animal Act Stampede and amazon/forest/plain's animal acts Personalty: Spirit can be nice at times but she is rather quiet and much of a mystery person, but when she is bothered, and most of then time when she even talks, she is rather rude and mean. Other: =P Appearance:
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
6:00pm Jan 5 2013 (last edited on 6:33pm Jan 5 2013)
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Posts: 698
Name: Cell Thomas Age: 20 Gender: Male S.O.: Straight Power: Magic, but is best at teleportation Position: Part time pick pocket Magician Personalty: True to his job, Cell is very mysterious and loves to play tricks on people. He enjoys messing around, but has a feirc temper and hates being wrong. Other than that, Cell is very: proud, loyal and refuses to give up. Other: Cell has a pet monkey, which is almost always found in his shoulders. Appearance: Faint stubble always races his chin and cheeks, but it never grows to more than that. His hair is raven black and shaven very short at the sides, only getting to 2 cm on the top, which is as long as it gets. Conterary to his job, Cell wears heavy black cargo shorts and a grey tee shirt when not on stage. When on stage, Cell wears a tight fitting black shirt, rumpled black skinny jeans and a trench coat. He stands at around 6'3 and has a semi muscular build. Bright blue eyes stare out from copper tanned skin. Cell goes bare foot no matter what weather and often wears sunglasses off stage.
6:05pm Jan 5 2013
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Your image isn't working, Wulfey, both otherwise accepted. c:
I'll add him to the list~ ^^ ]]
6:16pm Jan 5 2013
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Posts: 1,255
((So excited to see this start!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
6:35pm Jan 5 2013
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Posts: 698
Done! And he image is not For the RP.
7:02pm Jan 5 2013
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Posts: 1,786
[[ .... LOL -knew that- ><
Anyways! It seems everyone who has decided to join, has. Everyone ready to start? c:
I was thinking we could start pre-show, maybe half an hour before curtain call on the main show? ;D ]]
7:04pm Jan 5 2013
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Posts: 1,557
[[ /ready to start :D ]]
7:05pm Jan 5 2013 (last edited on 7:05pm Jan 5 2013)
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Posts: 4,873
I'm so readdy, I just accidently squirted Perfume in my eye! No lie bro....
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:31pm Jan 5 2013 (last edited on 9:15pm Jan 5 2013)
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Posts: 827
[[How did I not notice this RP earlier? This seems like a very intriguing RP, and one that is attracting a large group of people. Which is rare these days. I think I am going to have to join, if that is alright. I will have a bio made some time tonight. However, don't let me slow you down with the intos :)]]
Name: Akuti Iris Age: 18 Gender: Female S.O.: Straight Power: Hypnosis Position: Newbie/Hypnotist Personalty: Tricky and deceitful, this one is. You never know when she is playing you. Lies seem to be the only language she can speak, never telling the complete truth or always twisting words around. Akuti acts like a mischievous little boy, always trying to push people to their emotional limit and never fully listening to anyone. She is very stubborn and likes to see people explode with anger at her expense. There are many ways Akuti can get under people's skin, but one way she cherishes over the others is to play tricks on them. This is the reason she has turned to hypnosis. Once asleep, she can control their minds and make their fears or deepest desires arise, although, while she remembers the fun (for she can see what they see), her victim's mind cannot. The reason for her passion for hypnosis and her personality combined seems to prove how black her heart truly is, however, her appearance fights to disagree. It is almost as if Akuti is crossed with herself, acting one way and appearing another, but that isn't true. She isn't one to be lost in her emotions and crossed about who she is, Akuti knows who she is and is well aware of the person she has become, and truth be told, she doesn't care. She likes the way she is, the world would be dull and boring other wise. Akuti truly is a woman with a twisted mind and a little insane. Other: Akuti's hypnosis is one you will want to take precaution of, she like to run a little wild with it. Though, no matter how intense the performance is, the victim's mind usually can't handle it, making them forget everything, leaving them with a lingering sense of the intensity that will leave them in awe. [Is this okay? I can dial it down if need be] Appearance: She is simply elegant and beautiful. Lushes white hair tumbles down her head in magnificent soft curls. These curls seem so pristine and timeless as they bounce about her round, baby-doll face, finding peace at the small of her back. Akuti's white hair isn't the color of old age but, the color of snow. Meanwhile, a crystal blue eye gleams bright on the right side of her face, while on the left sits an eye patch made out of a strange material; leather perhaps? What is under the eye patch you ask? Well its a face of a small pocket watch! The small face that hides behind the strange eye patch is gold rimmed with a blood red face and bright white hash marks, marking time. The hands that point to the hash marks are also white, however they never point to the right time. No matter how many times it is set right, it always springs forward to a latter time. You see, without noticing the eye patch, her looks would be simply alluring, like the voice of a siren. Even so, there is still something about Akuti that draws you to her. Perhaps it is the crimson red eye patch, that is strangely shaped in the form of a heart. It does gives her a mysterious glow that one couldn't help but be curious about. Or maybe it is something else? Aside from her alluring features, she is tall, standing at 5'10", and is a tad bit lanky. She wears a white dress that has long flowing sleeves. It cuts into a scoop neck and is very figure forming, well at least the top half. After her hips, the dress poofs out and gives way to ruffles and bows that seem endless. The dress stops knee high as red socks run up her legs to meet up. Akuti also wears a red waist coat with gold buttons in shape of tiny locks.

8:20pm Jan 5 2013 (last edited on 10:25pm Jan 5 2013)
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Sounds good, Unique~ <3 And starting my intros now. c: ]]
There was something amiss in the dark, abandoned building. It could have been the rotting floorboards, the molding walls, perhaps the ripped seat cushions. But, no, it wasn't that. The old theater looked exactly as it should for being left alone for the last two decades. The once beautiful setting was decaying, dark, and the perfect place for something that doesn't want to be found.
A loud laugh, following by a sharp smacking sounds filled the silent void. A spotlight flickered to life onto to show Vincent rubbing his face, scowling at a grinning Kat. He hissed at her before quickly changing into his 'other' form and disappearing into the rafters. Kat just scoffed at his disappearance. He was being such a baby... again. Besides, it was HER job to laugh maniacally, not his.
"Hey, Xavier. Go save your brother from the scary kitty tamer," Kat tossed her mocking words at Vincent's brother, who was testing out the backstage lights and curtains, which both seemed to be working just fine, thankfully. The man moving at the sound of the younger girl's voice, and turned to peer at her from the corner of his eye.
"Again, Kat?" He said with a heavy sigh. "He's but a child, and prone to making rash decisions." Xavier eyed the girl, his last statement meaning as a warning, and it obviously wasn't getting across since the animal tamer just waved him off and was already walking away to bother anyone else that she could find.
"Ah, Cyrus," Xavier said, hobbling towards the beaming ringmaster who was center stage. The ringleader didn't turn around, but merely cocked his head to the side, indicating that he was listening. "I was wondering if you could have another lovely chat with Ms. Lombardi. I fear that Vincent might run off again."
Just as Cyrus opened his mouth to say something, the spotlight stopped flickering and blasted pure white light into both Cyrus' and Xavier's eyes. A cheery Jayden popped his head over the light and waved, not that anyone could see him from down there.
"The lights are working!" He said with great optimism and a wide smile. "We got blue, yellow, ohh! A black light! No? Okay, okay. Red it is? Gets that nice, creepy setting we like to go for, nyeh? Red it is!" Jayden man giggled happily and turned the light off, replacing the film with the red covering that was hidden underneath some seats. He flicked the light on and directed it towards the stage, adjusting the dials until it left an ominous glow over everything.
"Perfect, Jayden!" Cyrus called to the boy. "Now, go help Jake at the front door taking tickets, see if you can get anymore people." He was, of course, referring to Jayden's power, and finding people to fit the show. They still had two openings for newbies to hop on board, and they had been needing some new shows anyways.
"And you, Xavier. I understand your concerns, but show's about to start. I'll talk to Kat afterwards. Now, get in position in the aisles. You know what to do."
[[ o3o
So, I have 5 characters, so this may look long to you guys, or short. I tried to keep it short. |D Yeah. c: ]]

9:11pm Jan 5 2013
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Posts: 1,255
Piercing high notes fell like crystal in a wordless melody as Aria finished her preparations on her look before she stepped outside. She smiled as she regarded her reflection in the mirror. She had pulled the blue streaks in her hair up into what Wen had always called puppy ears, pigtails that sat high on the front of her head. Her eyes were shadowed with a bright white shimmer and her lips were soft and pink. Her dress was the same black and blue as her hair, with a childishly full skirt offsetting the cerulean laced corset that graced her upper half.
"What do you think, Aria? What colors of ribbons do I want to use tonight?" Kalima asked from nowhere, startling Aria from her song. The blonde was all but standing on her head in a massive trunk, buried in long, wide swaths of silken cloth in every shade of the rainbow. She emerged shortly, with her pale hair still tied into a bun and her costume, an emerald green body suit trailing sheer fabric patterned like peacock feathers, amazingly neat. She was holding two of her ribbons in her hands, one in a faint lavender and the other in a rich peacock blue. Aria gave her best friend a shy smile and stepped forward to pull the lavender ribbon from Kali's hand. She shoved it back into the trunk and searched for a few moments before emerging with two ribbons, one emerald green and the other an almost grape purple. She silently handed the new ribbons to her friend. "Oh! So I shall be a peacock tonight? Fabulous!" Kali exclaimed, grabbing her friend into a little dance, before flying skyward to begin hanging the ribbons from the secure hangars on the ceiling.
"Do you want me to pull Kat aside, sweetie?" Tanwen's voice spoke out of the shadows left by the fluctuating lights overhead. She became visible as the light steadied, regarding Xavier with smiling eyes. She stood, hip planted against the row of seats, with the poles she used for her act leaning against her side. She had let her cocoa colored hair flow free to her hips, with only the top portion braided into a coronet and fastened with a scarlet ribbon. She wore a tight, brown leather vest as her only shirt, with her assets showed to her best advantage. Her legs were covered by tattered orange tights and paired with a very short yellow pleated skirt. She folded her arms over her ample chest and crossed her ankles in their knee high stiletto boots as she watched him.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:25pm Jan 5 2013
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Posts: 4,873
Spirit sat in the back, staring down at her hand as a small Ball Python snake slithered between her fingers. Her ex pression was blank as it started to slither up her arm. It soon disapeared as she took her attention from behind the stage curtains in a nice little room she calls her own, through the door, and the the main room backstage. She made in illiousion deer and made it take it's horn and pull the curtain open slightly so she could see through it. She let out a snort as the deer dissapeared and she stood up.
She took out her ear phone from listening to music. She walked into the main room in the backstage area and plopped down into a large couch in a small corner and imagined a shark in the middle of the backstage stage. She smirked as she waited for someone to walk by so she could quickly make it appear so she could scare them.
She had a second though and a smirk came acrossed her face. She ran out side quickly and started yelling. "A bear! A bear!" she yelled. "A bear is chasing me!!!" she yelled even louder. Seconds latter, a large Grizzly Bear appeared out of the curtain and chased her around the stage.
"Help! Someone!" she called out and ran crawled from the stage and up the stairs, the bear still following. She quickly ran around in the stands while her bear was chasing her.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33