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9:44pm Jan 5 2013

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Posts: 827


9:44pm Jan 5 2013

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Posts: 1,557
[[ :u You mentioned Jake, Vin /feelspoud ]]

Jake could feel his heart thumping as he watched the people in front of him wait impatiently for the ticket booth to open. His eyes flicked over to a clock that was hidden from the customer's view. In less than three minutes, Jake would have to take down the 'close' sign hanging off of the side of the booth and allow the waiting people to buy tickets to enter the circus. His job of selling tickets wasn't so bad, but what bothered him was the fact that he was sometimes alone with the customers. Those people were absolute freaks; it was disgusting how they paid money to view the rejects of society.

But then again, if it wasn't for those freaks, god knows where Jake would be. The circus was his home; it was his life. If it had never been made in the first place, he would be on the streets or something. Another glance at the clock. Only a few more seconds before it was time. Jake watched the second hand click and finish the minute. The teen sighed. He reached across the booth and flipped the 'close' sign over to 'open.' People started moving forward, eager to get a good seat at the freakshow.


Agatha looked up, hearing one of the kiddos freaking out about something. She couldn't see the person, she had been in the middle of inspecting her colorful tent, but it sounded like Spirit. The girl was calling for someone. The old woman grumbled and shook her head. There was no way she was going to go and help the kid, someone else would go and help the youth.

The fortune teller turned back to her colorful tent. All of the signs she had made seemed to be in the right place and fairly secure. There was nothing more she could do other than to enter her tent and wait for the customers to arrive. That good-smelling boy, Jake, should be letting guests enter around this time, so Agatha headed back inside her tent to wait for customers.

[[I decided not to have my people together. I hope that's alright.]]
[[What should one call someone who pays to watch a circus?]]


9:50pm Jan 5 2013

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Posts: 1,786
[[ Uhm... o3o 

I would call them... Audience to the big show, spectator or customer. 

Or anything else you can think of that sounds nice. xD ]]


9:52pm Jan 5 2013

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Posts: 1,009
Cain growled as he stood next to Cyrus. "So...we're in the first act. Right? Tell me we're in the first act. We're the best out of everyone of those performers. We have to be first." he commented as he he paced back and forth. "And couldn't you have hired a BETTER animal tamer. This girl isn't anything new. She's old fashion. How did she even get a hold of you? Why did you even accept her?! She shouldn't be in this circus." he growled as he thought back to Kat, and how Vincent had gone running off. "And she had no right to hit Vincent with the whip. NO. RIGHT. That was uncalled for. She needs to get that through her head, that she doesn't hit us with the whips." he snarled out.

Roslyn watched as Spirit was being chased. She shook her head as she took the flaming stick and shoved it into her mouth. She slowly pulled it back out, the fire out. She nodded as she put the stick down and went to get another three. "Okay...ready for stage time." she said softly, as she looked at her appearance. She decided maybe she could use some eye shadow, like Aria did. She opened up a small case and took some red shadow that glittered and placed it above her eyes. She nodded as she walked back into the tent.


11:15pm Jan 5 2013

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Posts: 827
Noise started to fill the building, but not just with the entering audience, the performers, too, were being quite loud and rambunctious. It was some what ironic, how the 'professionals' could act so childish right before the show, but on the other hand they were circus freaks, so what more were expected of them?

Akuti sighed, bored out of her mind. She was new here so she was hardly familiar with anyone, thus not being able to play any tricks on them, for she the lack of knowledge of who they were. It might sound strange, but Akuti likes to observe her victims before she makes a move, like how a predators stalk it's prey before they pounce. This way she can get a better sense of the easier targets and the harder ones, she can learn their what pushes their buttons and what their weaknesses and strong points are. It's a messed up world Akuti lives in, but she doesn't mind, so long as she gets her fun out of it.

Akuti had been standing in a corner enveloped with shadows watching people get set up for the show. Though she is dressed so brightly, it would seem as if the shadows had enveloped her too. No one noticed her standing there, she wasn't even sure if they knew that she was part of the circus, but it didn't matter, all the better for her. Her one good eye, the crystal blue one, watched a boy and a girl attentively through the darkness. It wasn't dark for long, however. The bright light followed the sound of a menacing laugh and a loud crack that ran through the building. Once the light was on Akuti could see the situation better. The boy was now rubbing his face and scowling while the girl stood proud and smiling. Before too long the boy changed into a feline and scurried off.

A devious smile crept into Akuti's features, she had just spotted her first victim. The boy, or more like the feline. He seemed like an easy target, his temper seemed short and he was agitated at the moment, all the better. She sunk further in the shadows, making sure the brightness of her appearance wasn't reflecting off the spotlight. Then, Akuti made her way up to the rafters. Her plan was to observe him a little longer before she made her move, which she was thinking of doing after the show, or maybe before. Although it would be interesting to see what would happen if she made her move during it, though she knew she had to be cautious, she wasn't familiar with the others just quite yet.


12:13am Jan 6 2013 (last edited on 12:25am Jan 6 2013)

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Posts: 1,786
Xavier nodded to Cyrus before heading towards the seats. A voice caught him by surprise, and even though he felt like he should have known the person belonging to the voice, but it just didn't ring a bell. He brought his free hand to cover his eyes as he made his way down the stairs and out of the light. Ah, Tawen, he should have known. She was the only one who would ever call him 'Sweetie' around these parts. 

"As much as I'd like to see Kat be taught a lesson, I think Cyrus and Lazarus will take care of the problem," Xavier replied simply, heading over to the seat on which the girl was leaning. He plopped down, not really excited for the show to start. His leg was hurting, he was tired, Vincent was pissed off, and Kat was being... well, Kat. 

"Show's about to start," Xavier said, looking up at Wen from his seat. "You should be behind stage by now."


Cyrus messing with his suit in the light, trying to figure out what looked the best. His tophat was on crooked, his black eyeliner was smudged and messy, just how he liked it. He pulled Zane out from his pocket, and put the albino rat on the rip of his hat, and a red handkerchief to replace the bulk on his vest. And just as he was about to practice his opening, a cry for help interrupted him. 

"Spirit," He yelled, his mood going from cheery to pissed in a second. Both the girl and the shadow bear passed him and followed into the stands. "Knock that crap off right now. We're 5 minutes from the show and you're goofing off like it's nothing!" He rubbed his jaw in frustration, not even bothering to help the girl. "Honestly... She's the only one who makes those creatures, don't know why she'd think she'd confuse us by pretending an attack." He muttered to himself, turning his back on the seats, and the girl. 

And, just as Cyrus thought he would get some peace, enter Cain. He sighed, fixed his outfit once more and didn't even look at the man as he ranted. "Cain," He started, voice calm and almost sweet. "You're in the animal act. You know that's the last act. You know we always start out with Aria, with Kalima doing the aerial ropes. Then the fire acts, followed by Issac, THEN finishing with the animal acts. And Kat has the right to whip you in human form all you want. Just don't be a baby about it. Now. Off. The. Stage." Cyrus wasn't playing around anymore. Show was about to start, and he was on edge. "We'll finish this later, Cain."


Jayden practically skipped his way to the ticket booth, a smile growing wider on his face as he went. Jake had a very intoxicating scent, very powerful too. He was rated a three on the scale, and for just having that scent... It was impressive. He stopped right by the crowd, scanning it for any auras or ratings that popped. There were a few that had just auras, meaning they had potential, or carried a possible gene that could be passed on to their children, but was nothing of use to them. 

Jayden flashed a quick smile at Jake before the boy flipped the sign over. Show time. 


Kat laughed as she watched Cyrus shut down Cain's complaints. The two had never gotten along, ever. She just found it funny that she was the one in charge, and the one who got all the credit on stage for... taming these horrible beasts. Ah, wasn't she just lovely all of the time? Hah, she'd never been accused of THAT one before. 

"Kitty's all hiss and no bite," The girl called to Cain, winking at him in a very mocking manner. "Kitty can't handle the whip, it seems," She said with an almost demonic grin. She gave him a flirtatious wave, knowing it would only infuriate the man further. 


Vincent watched from the rafters as the people started filing in, heading towards the very front row. Bad idea... He liked to bite. He watched with large, yellow eyes as his brother got up, with a wince of pain, and fell back into the shadows, allowing people to approach the stage. He shifted himself to get more comfortable, seeing as he was the bast act tonight instead of the first. He was going to be there for a while. 

Just for fun, Vincent let off a wild, angry sounding yowl, making several of the 'customers' jump and look around, but he was too hidden to be seen by mere humans. He gave a chuckle, as much as you could call it that in his form. And, before he knew it, a sound caught his attention. Without any quick movements, he slightly turned his head towards the noise. His cat eyes helped him see into the darkness, and though he could see the outline of a figure, he didn't know who it was. 

Vincent let of a hiss towards the newcomer, but only loud enough for her to hear. He was guessing it was female by its scent. 

[[ Also, guys, get up your intros when you can. x3 With this many people, I have a feeling that it will be a fast moving rp~ ]]


12:52am Jan 6 2013

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Posts: 4,873

Spirit smirked and looked at him with only a serious look. The bear turned its attention to Cyrus as well. " Well, art you a smart guy." She growled with a smart attitude. She was board and really couldn't wait very ling. Even though she was 21, she acted like a teen.. possibly even a child. She had a bit of a mental illness though. And you could tell..... She walked down to Cyrus with a smirk on her face. " Can't a girl have some fun? What if I'm just dieing or bordness?" She laughed and placed her are plugs in her ears and turned her iPod on,  her crimson eyes looking at him coldly. She then walked to the room she called gee own. She then began to think of a way to get back at him.

( yep.... she has a mental problem,.. and she's about 25% bipolar... so...)

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

12:58am Jan 6 2013 (last edited on 1:01am Jan 6 2013)

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Posts: 1,255
     Wen smiled at him again. She noted the pained look on his face, but chose not to mention it. "You know I'm here to help if you need me, darlin'," she said quietly, looking out over the auditorium contemplatively for a moment. "Looks like it'll be a good crowd tonight."  She stood quietly and fumbled with the leather pouch she wore tied at her hip. Locating her goal, she pulled out a bottle of aspirin and shook out two pills, then opened her bottle of water and took them quickly. "The lights always give me a headache," she said offhandedly. "What about you? Do you want a couple to head it off like me?" She proffered both bottles with a smile.

     Aria was laughing quietly as she strode up the stairs back stage. Kali joined her, giving the quiet girl an odd look. "You ok girl?" the dancer asked. Aria just gave her another of her shy smiles and  nodded her head.
     "You make me laugh," she whispered to her tall friend. Soon, could hear the sound of Cain's rant. They shared a quick look and stepped quickly forward, just as he was finishing up. Aria frowned slightly at Kat's comments to the departing shifter as Kali moved to Cyrus' side.
     "Everything ok, Boss? We're ready to go when you are!" Kali was saying brightly as Aria approached them, dismayed to hear the other girl's response to Cyrus. Kali was as oblivious as ever, but Aria was protective of the man she felt had given her a home.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!

1:33am Jan 6 2013

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Posts: 1,009
Cain just gave a growl as he glared at the girl as she walked off stage. He turned on his heel as he walked away as well. He sat down on the sidelines and glared at Cyrus, pouting and fuming angrily. He hated that girl with a fiery passion. He looked out at the crowd and heaved an angry sigh, as he waited for it to start.

Roslyn sighed as she got ready for her act. She knew the show hadn't started yet, but she knew she was after the aerial act. Which was the first act of the night. She looked at Cain, then watched as Kat walked off the stage, waving to Cain and giving him a smirk. She sighed shaking her head. She didn't really like many of the people here. They were too stuck up or weren't very friendly. Which is what the circus is. It's like a family. She looked down and sighed again. Having had left against her mother's will just to join this circus, so she could be happy, doing the thing she loved.


2:43am Jan 6 2013

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Posts: 76
((Hrmmm. You weren't kidding about moving fast. I have guests over for the weekend so I couldn't really check till now ^^;; I'll try and slip myself in real quick even though it's almost show time.))

Allyn grumbled as she set up her stand in the entrance room of the abandoned theater. She absolutely hated it when they changed locations. It meant that she would have to spend the whole first half of the day walking and counting and reasoning and recounting while trying to avoid it looking like she was doing exactly what she was doing. Being a rather small enclosure though, the theater wasn't very hard to figure out. There were two large rooms, the atrium and the theater, and not very many small rooms off the sides of those which she was probably never going to go into.

Carefully and with much practice the young fortune teller unfolded her table and started to set it up in front of her. First she laid a multi-colored cloth on top of the table to hide it's shabby quality. She fanned out her Tarot cards in front of her and placed a completely useless crystal ball in one corner. The crystal ball, like Allyn's outfit, was just for appearance's sake. Apparently you aren't a legitimate seer without one. Once he chairs were set up, one on each side of the table, there was nothing left to do but to add the finishing touch. Allyn proudly propped up her sign against the table, her bangles jangling like crazy as she did so. Allyn loved that sign, it was a piece of art, and she could some times see it on her good sight days. It was also bright and multi-colored with a lavish border and curling letters.

With everything set up, there was nothing left for Allyn to do besides to sit and wait for Jake to flip the open sign over. She could feel the presence of many Auras outside the door with a whole range of emotions. It seemed all too soon that they were entering and flooding her mind with them even more.

"Hello there my pretty," Allyn called into the crowd for the off chance that someone was paying attention to her. "Would you like your cards read? I can tell you things that you couldn't even dream of."

As usual, she didn't get a lot of takers. There was never a large demand for sideshows before the actual show started. The customers where always too nervous of being caught here or too stupid to care at first. It isn't until after the show when they were all hyped up on adrenaline and the vibe of the circus that they felt safe to linger.

Allyn was just feeling a nap coming on when a familiar Aura banged their way through a side door into the atrium. It was Elliot and Marion, they were always together. The dynamic of their Aura's interested her more than anything else. By all logic, Marion shouldn't even had an Aura, but there it was shimmering around her. And when Marion is in her puppet form it is almost as if her Aura was one and the same with Elliot's, like it was now.

"Sorry," muttered the boy sheepishly. "I slept in."

Without another word Elliot carefully placed Marion on the ground. She stood perfectly still, waiting for what her puppet master would tell her to do. Elliot raised his arms up so they were level in front of him and with eyes closed began to rotate his wrists slightly. At first the movements were slow with Marion obeying with equal slowness. As more people passed by the movements became more dramatic. Marion was now walking up to members of the crowd and tugging on their pant leg or skirt to try and get them to come watch her own little show too.

3:06am Jan 6 2013

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Posts: 827
It was even darker in the rafters. With the stage lights half illuminating the whole place, giving it a eerie look to it, it was hard to see anything here. While she searched for the felines outline, she heard a tremendous howl. Anger dripped from it and Akuti's lips curled into a demonic smile. She allowed her blue eye darted to the place where the sound was came from. She saw nothing but darkness. bl
ink. bl
 very faint outline was all she could make out and with one bl
ink it would be lost and her eye would try to find it again. 
Even if she couldn't see him, her eyes lingered on the shadows where he was consumed. 

Stupidly, Akuti took a seat on one of the boards, there was a small creek, and she knew that her presence was made aware of. Even so, she continued to stand her ground, she was unwavering from where she sat. Her mind slowly started to piece together this feline when a soft hiss was thrown at her. She had heard his threat loud and clear, though if anything, the effect it had on her was doubting herself and her choice of prey. It was obvious now that he was stubborn also, and she wondered how long he would stay secluded from the others. There was no use in observing him is all he was going to do was stay up here.

Akuti shook her head slightly, her curly while locks sprang up and down. She was very disappointed in herself and in her choosing, Ah, well, at least from up here I will be able to observe the others better, and maybe pick a better person. She thought to herself, giving up on making her move on the feline tonight. It would have to wait till another day, when he wasn't being so immature and hiding in the rafters, though Akuti had no room to talk, she was just as bad. Whatever, I guess I will continue my observation and put the knowledge to good use another day. She sat on the board, her eyes narrowed and studying the faint outline she refuses to lose. She was curious what the feline was going to do next.


5:18am Jan 6 2013

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Posts: 698

Cell heard the rumblings and grumblings as the circus was getting ready. He sprung up, swearing a little, before getting into his show gear. Deciding against the black trench for today, he looked rather plain compared to others. But it helped with his act, being able to disappear and reappear didn't work so well in bright orange. Making his way to the stage, he snarled to himself and teleported straight to backstage. "When do we start already?!" He said, as always, agrivated before the show. He watched a white haired girl he didn't know, before spinning round and shouting, 

"What act am I?" And rubbing his hands together. This could be fun, Cell thought, weaving through the mass of people. He bumped into Kat and growled. "Can't you look where you're going?!" He said fiercely as he walked off, towards the stage curtain. Swallowing angrily rolled up his sleeves and looked down, checking his uniform. A spotless black, untucked shirt with rolled up sleeves and rumpled, worn skinny jeans. Perfect.


9:59am Jan 6 2013 (last edited on 10:00am Jan 6 2013)

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Posts: 1,557
Jake thought he could see Jayden out of the corner of his eye. That was good; at least he wouldn't have to face all of the customers himself, even if the other man was usually backed off from the crowed. Jake didn't mind Jayden; the man had been the one to recruit Jake a year and a half ago. They talked sometimes -

Jake's attention snapped back to an impatient customer in front of him. The man had smacked his hand on the booth. "Excuse me, kind sir. Forgive me for spacing out." Jake smiled politely. "How may I help you?" The teen asked, even though he was fully aware that the man wanted a few tickets.

"Four tickets. Make it snappy." The man ordered. Jake tried not to glare, but it was difficult not to. Rich people were just so irritating; they thought that because they had money, everyone would just bow down to them. The teen named a price, and the man handed the money. Cash, of course. Never take credit or checks; Jake knew that well enough. The price for admission into Cirkus Gothica was steep, and Cyrus would probably be more than ticked of a checked bounced.

Jake counted the money twice before handing the man four tickets. He grumbled, but he walked away, his trophy wife and snot-nosed brats trailing after him. The teen turned back to the next person in line. They were two girl. Young, probably still in school. They had dyed black hair and more than a few piercing. The two were giggling to each other about all of the hot guys they had seen last time they had been to this circus.

Jake smiled at them. He had gotten used to strange women freaking out about the looks of his coworkers. "Good evening. How may I help you?" The teen asked the girls. They giggled and cooed before the taller one stepped closer to the booth.

"Two tickets please." The girl said. Jake nodded and told her the price. The girl set her purse on the table and pulled out a wallet. She counted out the money before handing it to Jake. He took it and counted it twice. "You smell nice." The girl said, her eyes dazed. Her friend stepped closer and smelt the air, and started chattering agreement.

Jake set the tickets the girl had bought onto the booth and slid it to them. "You can enter the circus over there." He said with a smile, nodding towards the entrance. "You should go now, or you might not get good seats." The girls seemed disappointed, but they still had a dazed look and weren't thinking normally, so they went ahead and left. Jake looked back at the crowed. It seemed to be thinning, thank god.


Agatha could hear Allyn setting up her table. The old woman never understood why anyone would just have a booth; she preferred to have a seven foot miniaturized circus tent around her table, mostly for the privacy and because she found it amusing. Agatha touched the crystal ball on her table, and the glass started to fog up. In truth, she didn't need it to make predictions, but her audience loved it.

The old woman could hear people passing her tent, chattering about how excited they were. None of them stopped to enter her tent, of course. No one ever did in the moments before the main event. She always got customers afterwords, though.

Agatha picked up a book on the corner of her table. It was Dicken's A Tale of Two Cities, one of her favorites. She flipped to where she had left off, around chapter eight, and started reading.

[[This is my 2,000th post~! /flails ]]


10:33am Jan 6 2013 (last edited on 12:13pm Jan 6 2013)

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Posts: 1,789
((LOL. Okay so. I'd recommend a posting order, Vin. xD;

There are a LOT of people in this roleplay, and it's going to get hectic. xD I have twenty posts to read already and it's been only a day LOL. Just a thought. c:

Intro coming.))

Just another night. No different to the others. Hectic, fast paced, unruly. Well. That was to be expected, Rene supposed, when you grouped together a good number of... "Interesting" human beings. Really... She should have been used to this by now. She had certainly been here long enough.

Almost as soon as the lights started up, the noises began. Circus members talking, planning, preparing, and, going by what she was currently watching; Getting into a bit of a confrontation on a few fronts. Perhaps she should tell the Ring-Master. Although, there was probably little need. No doubt he knew about all of this already.

The woman sighed inwardly, closing her eyes and leaning her dark-haired head lightly against the wall behind her. She currently stood inside the building, within range of the entrance doors, watching the preparations with no real interest. She listened idly to the subtle sounds of the shadows around her, the darkness as black and inpenatrable as the black of the clothes she wore. She knew full well she was not the only person taking refuge in the darkness, a couple of the other members of the Circus having settled themselves beyond the scope or skill of anyone's eyesight. One of which took advantage of the situation to scare the audience as they slipped through the doors.

The shadows recognised the being as Vincent, and Rene snorted quietly through her nose. Well that figured. His sudden hissing aroused her curiousity, and she looked off towards his general direction in the darkness, eyes opening.

She couldn't see him, naturally. He was quite some distance away, and the shadows covered him well. Her affinity for the darkness however informed her of his exact location, as well as that of the white haired newcomer at whom he was hissing. Ah. Well. None of her business.

The dark haired woman exhaled quietly through her nose, pushing herself away from the wall. She idly pinpointed every member in the building, and just outside, within mere mili-seconds, before heading out of the doors and out of the main performance area. Her only real job was to act more as security, as well as provide certain information if and when needed; Both of which she was very capable of doing, and doing very, very well. Very little was able to escape her notice.

Stretching an arm as she went, Rene made her way swiftly out of the building to stand in the cool air of the outside world, pausing to watch the crowd as people obtained their tickets, then strolled past her and through the entrance doors. She watched them idly, then turned her attention to the ticket booth, Jayden and Jake of which both stood nearby. Well. Looks like the night was well on it's way.

Inhaling, Rene ran a hand lightly over her eyes, then dropped her arm just as the shadows cast by the building became an almost physical force, surrounding the woman in twisting ribbons until she was no longer visible. darkness reformed on the roof above the entrance doors, before dispersing to reveal Rene, sat with her legs crossed and her dark eyes on the crowd below. Her dark hair fell freely over her shoulders, one eye hidden by the dense dark strands.

A few of the crowd were suddenly looking a lot more apprehensive about the whole thing, the shadows around them convulsing slightly and causing a few of the more timid people to back away from the areas of darkness as they stared at the peculiarly dark figure now sat above them.

The woman smiled slightly, beautiful, but incredibly unnerving, as a soft, dark voice penetrated the darkness to speak to every single person stood awaiting their tickets, the musical, eery sound almost emanting from the darkness of the night.

"...Welcome to the Circus."

((I apologise for mistakes. There was a lot to read. xD; Also. I hope I got the time of day right. 8I))


10:38am Jan 6 2013

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Posts: 176
"SHOWFREAK!!" Kimo yelled as he looked for is blue furred friend. showfreak had been missing the whole day. Kimo usually had a good  sense of where his rival maybe but today it seemed showfreak had vanished. Kimo know it would not be long until the show started, everyone was already in their positions. Kimo was leaving to look when he caught a sweet smell, he wondered up to the ticket booth and pulled the young ticket taker aside.
"Did you see showfreak leave?"  Kimo whispered. the boy shook his head and went back to work. Kimo gave up and turned around to see showfreak tormenting an old women.

Showfreak was having so much fun watching everyone set up. he noticed a little old lady sitting with a book. perfect. he walked up to her, making sure to go against the wind to give his cape and outfit the desired dramatic effect.
"hi there little lady." he said. she ignored him. "mind if i practice a little magic on you?" 
she didnt even look up. 
"ok so for my first trick, i shall give you something you want. now tell me what do you want?" 
 showfreak pulled up his cape as if he was about to do magic. When a dark hand grabbed his arm.
"Save the magic for the show!" The dark skinned boy said. He looked more dressed up than usual, wearing  his nice green and yellow shirt. Kimo pulled Showfreak around to the back of the tent to his area.
"Stay here!" Kimo instructed.
"But its no fun here." showfreak pouted. He sat and mopped till Kimo left.
Time for more fun.

(also im working on a group picture of all of us in chibi)


12:18pm Jan 6 2013 (last edited on 12:40pm Jan 6 2013)

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Posts: 4,873
-Edited- she muttered as she looked at Cain She watched as he was only getting slightly angry[er]. She smirked ash all the sudden a large wolf appeared from the shadows and to her side. Just because they were made from shadows.. Didn't mean they weren't deadly... Another wolf appeared at her side, the large maned wolf let out a growl and walked to the door and sat down. Growling at everyone who passed, while the larger wolf sat at her side. 

She smirked once more once Cell appeared. She listened to his complaining and rolled her eyes. "Cell.. Always complaining!" she said loudly then grabbed a book and threw it at him, hitting the back of his head.

"You need to learn to shut up and wait.. It's not like your gonna freaking die while your waiting!" she growled and stood up. The maned wolf sitting at the door stood as well, while the second wolf faded into to the shadows. 

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

12:32pm Jan 6 2013

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Posts: 698
Cell snarled as the book hit him, looking at Spirit with a murderous ex
pression. He clapped his hands, teleporting to her, before shooting a pulse of air at her. "What's up Spirit" he growled and spun back around, flicking what appeared to be nothing, but solidified into a coin as it hit Spirit. It was his calling coin, imprinted with a monkey on one side and a repeated coin symbol on the other. Smirking he sat on a chair, kicking his feet up.


12:35pm Jan 6 2013 (last edited on 12:37pm Jan 6 2013)

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Posts: 1,789
Spirit. Be careful of your language, please.


1:28pm Jan 6 2013

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Posts: 4,873
[Thanks for warning me.]

She smirked as the coin hit her. Once it hit her, it fell to the ground. She picked it up and walked to him  and sat in a chair next to him. From out of the shadows appeared a violent looking creature. It's four red eyes stairing at Cell evil-ly and let out a loud growl as the bone's sticking from it's back clattered to gather. It walked to him and sat at his feet. 

"Make a move.. I dare ya." she said with a smirk. She looked to the animal then at Cell. "You think a shadow wont hurt?" she asked, still smirking. She glanced down at her fingers and the ball python appeared again. It sunk it's teeth into her finger and she began to hold her breath. 

She was a bit use to it biting her. She used it many times before for examples to people, thinking her shadow creatures wouldn't hurt. After it pulled it's teeth back out, blood began to rush from her finger. She let out a puff of breath and the snake decended to the shadows. 

She smiled at Cell and looked at the dog. "Example." she said and held up her finger, proving they could injure, or even kill a person. She stood up and walked over to the dog, she rested her hand on it's head. 

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

1:38pm Jan 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
[[ Okay, before anyone posts again, I am definitely taking Nyght's suggestion of making a posting order, just so we don't get out of hand. 

[as I did last night because I was so excited to start. x3]

I will edit/new post with the order soon. c: ]] 

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