5:59pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 6:00pm Jun 11 2011)
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Jethro looked at the stoplight expectantly waiting for it to turn green. He grinned under his helmet, they has fresh blood coming in, new recruits, he was going to have fun with them. When the light turned green he revved his motorcyle and speed of. The bright lights of New York made his leather jacket glow different colours as he manuvered between bright yellow taxi's and angry driver. He remembered how he had hated going through the sleepless city's busy streets, the hustle and bustle was something he hated with a passion, but now that was something he had grown used too, maybe even enjoyed. He smiled again as he though about the the city was deserving of its nickname. There was never a quiet moment, car horns always blaring, people getting mugged, drunk kids singing s they walked up the street. People thought that stuff was bad. Obviously they knew nothing of the secret world Jeth knew. How there were scarier things in alleys and in the shadows than dirty rats. Things out of nightmares, things that people don't dare talk about if they value their lives. Jethro made a sharp turn making some lady scream as if she thought he was trying to hit her. As if she was worth his time. He continued to ride until there were much less cares and not as much noise. He rode until the smell of water reached his nostrils and the sounds of the odd horn or druken sailor reached his ears. He stopped his bike as he neared a large fence. A large sign saying 'Private Property', as if those sign's actually kept people out. He stepped off his bike and walked over to the gate, grabbing the chain the kept them closed. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a key and quickly unlocked the gate, throwing the chain into the bushes. He opened the gate slightly and got back on his bike and rode in quiety, being careful not to attract attention. He walked into the large abandoned building. He couldn't even remember what it was anymore, it was once some sort of steel plant, power maybe? Some sort of industrial building. He walked down the long corrider, following the lights. He felt at home in the old building, as if he oowned. Which of course he did but not under his name, and it wasn't all his. He turned his head and looked at the shadows seeing figures move hearing soft whispers, it was the kind of thing that might freak someone out. The darkness was a little too dark, and the shadows moved a bit to quickly for the human eye, and the whispers seemed almost snake like. He smiled and pushed open a red door, and entered a room. Now this was set up like some sort of movie. The room was grey and dark except for a single light which shone from somewhere high up directly in the center of the room. There were chair lines up, perfectly spaced in a semi circle and he could see other members already there in position, in a circle some leaning against the wall but muscle's tensed ready to jump into action at anytime. Jethro looked over and saw his right hand man leaning against the wall, a cigarette between his lips. When he saw him he nodded in greeting before talking to the person next to him. Jethro walked through towards another door in the back. He opened it and walked into an office a single desk in the center, not a thing was out of plae. Along the walls where photos, newspapers clipping and a large map of the city on a cork board. Markings all over it. "Time for a new one." He though aloud as he dropped a bag onto the desk. He looked out the dirty window, he could see the city in the distance and the boats in the harbour. He turned back to the desk and pulled out the chair. He leaned back in it and looked at the ceiling where there was a large painting of the Dragon Trinity knot. Their logo. He closed his eyes for a moment as decided how things where going to play out. After a few minutes he opened his steely blue eyes and looked around the room his eyes resting on another door. He got up an opened it revealing it was just a closet. He pulled out a black pinstripe suit and a dark red tie. He quickly changed and stepped out the room a few minutes later but stayed hidden in the shadows. "Whats with the suit?" his friends voice piped up from beside him. He looked at the shorter male. "They need to know that we mean buisness. This isn't your typical gang." The other guy nodded understanding what he was saying. "Well maybe next time you can change your shoes." he said motioning down to Jethro's black hightops before laughing and walking away. JEthro rolled his eyes and took out a cigarette and lit up, waiting for any others. He checked his rollex watch and saw the time, it was 11:30 the recruits were set to show up at Twelve sharp. ((I lost my train of though halfway through because I was mad XP ANd for some strange reason my C wasn't really working so if a word is missing it I an sorry XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:05pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 11:18am Jun 12 2011)
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Night. It was the time when most sensible people were asleep and happy in bed. But "sensible" wasn't what people called most New Yorkers. The city was still alive with clubbers and drunks. Not that it did any good. Clubbers and drunks were around during the day; if one knew were to look that is. And it told the truth for one apparmtent seeming made out of glass whose transparent windows let the light shine out without any hindrences. Inside the appartment, lights were on in most of the six rooms it held. Suddenly, a scream rang out and it was followed by the loud beat of a drum. After a few seconds of that, the lead singer began the song. "Caught up in this madness too blind to see Woke animal feelings in me Took over my sense and I lost control I'll taste your blood tonight
You know I make you wanna scream You know I make you wanna run from me baby but now it's too late you've wasted all your time
Relax while you're closing your eyes to me So warm as I'm setting you free With your arms by your side there's no struggling Pleasure's all mine this time" The music was coming from a rather large room that had a complete drumset, a ba.ss guitar, an electric guitar, and a rhythmic guitar on one side of the room. The other side looked like an art studio with a giant speaker connected to an iHome dock. In the dock was a black encased iPod touch set on Scream by Avenged Sevenfold. And as the music continued to bounce loudly around the room, the lone figure hummed the lyrics under her breath as she worked a pencil over tightly drawn canvas. Her long black hair was back in a ponytail but part of her bangs hung down over one side of her face. Hazy crimson eyes followed the movement the point of the ticonderoga pencil. Leaning back, she took the pencil off the canvas to admire what she had so far. It was a faint outline of a two-tailed wolf that looked larger than normal. The wolf was half-crouched and facing outwards. Its twin tail looked like they were lashing out behind it. Very incomplete as it was, the wolf looked like it could jump right off the page and attack without warning. "Ariskye turn that off and let's get moving!" a voice at the door called. The tone was rather annoyed and on the verge of being in the 'pissed' range. The female, known as Ariskye, turned her head to face the male leaning against the door frame. His arms were acrossed against his chest and he did look rather annoyed. She smirked as she set her pencil down before moving to pause the Avenged Sevenfold song. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. Mind repeating it?" her voice seemed to purr through her smirk. That drove the male into the 'pissed' range. His dark crimson eyes narrowed as he took a few threatening steps forward before he was stopped in a vine of corporeal shadows. Looking at the shadows wrapped around his feet, he glanced at Ariskye, who shrugged and didn't look too worried about it. Then the shadows rose up from the walls of the room as the unnatural nature of them darkened the lights and encased the two of them. After a while, the shadows melted away to reveal a much darker landscape than the one in Ariskye's appartment. A half-open fence gate stood to one side of the two. The male glanced at it and nodded slightly before he turned back to look at Ariskye. "You coming in?" he asked. Ariskye shrugged. "I'm techniqually not a member, Draek. I am an as.sas.sin for hire," she said, using the male's name. She saw her half-brother stiffen slightly before his gazed turned into a glare. "Your a mercenary?" he asked, though the tone was more accusing. She nodded. With a sound of supreme disgust, he stalked through the gate with Ariskye following slowly afterwards. But, a faint breeze played with her black hair as she stopped to look for its source. Her brother just kept moving; muttering about something in Korean under his breath. Hearing a footstep behind her, her ears pricked before she turned around to see an albino boy whose crimson eyes were glowing brightly in the night. "Ariskye? Ti káneis edó̱?" the boy asked in Greek. Even as he spoke, she could see the four fangs in his mouth. "Geia sas, kathó̱s, Márkous. O adelfós mou sérnetai edó̱. Ochi, periménete. Esfalméni̱ óro. Ton éferan edó̱ kai sti̱ synécheia apofásise na anasteílei gia na parakolouthí̱soun ta prágmata. Eímai polý períergos na do̱ ti symvaínei," Ariskye replied in the same language as the words rolled off her tongue. She kept her tone neutral, but a bit of curiosity crept into her tone near the end. The albino -- Markus -- nodded slightly and spoke. This time in English; "Follow me then, if you wish to see what happens this night." Then he walked off after Draek, knowing the other male was waiting for them. Ariskye followed and crossed her arms against her chest. The shadows murmered to her from where they lay against the building; not daring to detach if they wished. Ariskye smiled slightly at the words and murmured something back; which caused them to chuckle before they fell silent. [[ This is what they are saying; Markus; Ariskye? What are you doing here? Ariskye; Hello to you as well, Markus. Brother dragged me here. No, wait. Incorrect term. Brought him here and then decided to stay to watch things. I am highly curious to see what happens. I just forgot to put that in last night. I was tired. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:04pm Jun 12 2011
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The thumping bas.s sent vibrations through her entire body, the music engulfing her in a world in which only she and the lyrics existed. She could still feel the presence of those around her, but she tuned them out like they were nothing more than a fly buzzing about the room. Sitting as still as a statue, the young girl ignored the rowdy males and drunk females that occupied the space. The music hit a note and almost immediately slid into the beginning notes of the next song, a quick but fluid transition. She slid her eyes open to reveal two blue gems hidden beneath her eyelids. She looked around her, scanning the whole area of the club she took refuge in. She had no need to look around, she could still feel and hear everyone even when she didn't want to. She was a strange girl indeed. She swung her feet down from the ledge she had been lounging on, gracefully landing on the ground. The edge of her black trench coat followed, as if she were in fast forward and the fabric in slow motion. The moment her feet touched the ground she was walking, making her way for the exit. Her long hair flowed behind her, silky and smooth, as perfect as one could get in the real world. Even for her it was hard to keep her hair nice. No ex pression was present upon her face, each feature as neutral as can be. She dodged body after body in the crowded place but still her ex pression stayed the same. She stopped before the door, her arm extending out to turn the knob so she could leave. She froze. Having amazing senses she felt the woman before she heard her. "Hey there missy. You got a problem with the way I dress? Ya my friend over here said she saw you staring at me with a dirty look. Step up here and apologize to me reaaal good or we gunna have some issues." A drunk. It was obvious they both messed up, the one confronting her as drunk as hell and the mentioned frined reaked of drugs. Slowly the young girl turned around, the same blank look she usually wore finaly breaking. Her mouth curved into a slight smile, innocent and harmless. "I am afraid you are mistaken. You are drunk and I suggest you go and rest a while before you do something you really regret." Her voice was calm and cool, a warning tone hidden underneath the sugar-coated smile. "You really sure you want to talk to me like that. I will give you one more chance to apologize missy." Her speach was slightly slurred but still very understandable. A few people around them noticed the tension and stopped to stare, whispering to their friends who stopped to watch as well. "No." It was then that the DJ heard the news and cut the music, interested in the quarrel that was taking place by the door. Anger flashed across the woman's features as she took a few steps forward and swung. For a drunk woman she had good power and might actually had done some damage, had the girl not ducked. She lay crouched, her form moving slowly to the side while the woman processed what had just occured. Humilation and a drunk woman does not mix well, nor does having a bar next to her create a better enviornment. The woman grabbed the closest beer bottle and smashed it on the bar before throwing it at the girl. The girl, who had miscalculated the distance, felt the glas.s slice a thin cut across her right cheek just below the eye. With her eyes shut, she felt the wound with her finger, smelling the blood that came off on her finger. Her eyes slid open once more, but they were no longer the beautiful blue they had been. The maroon was trying to show through, creating a haunting purple color that terrified the woman who threw the bottle. "Who are you? Freak." The girl merely smiled, though now it was devious and full of malice. Without any further hesitation, the girl lunged forward. She swung her left arm, wide and high so it was easily ducked under by the woman. A big mistake on her part for the momentum the girl carried with that swing pulled her body around into a powerful wheel kick. Her foot connected with the woman's face knocking her to the ground, unconcious. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, the smile still present. "You can call me Jade." With that she turned around and left the building, not caring to check if the woman was alright. ~ In no time at all, Jade had reached the wearhouse where some meeting was supposed to take place about some new recruits. She pushed open the door and walked in, not caring for the other persons in the room. She spotted a familliar face, nodding in respect of his rank. Hello Jethro. She thought to herself, her face still trickling a slight amount of blood. "Woah, what happened to you?" A voice sounded from beside her. She looked over at a girl who was dressed in a summer dress and combat boots. Odd sense of fashion. Jade shook her head to say she didn't want to talk about it, dismissing the event as nothing more than a little practice. The girl shrugged her shoulders. "What ever. Like your outfit by the way. Very Matrix like." The small girl winked, referring to Jade's choice of outfit. A black tube top with black shorty shorts and a black trench coat. Maybe the other girl wasn't the only one with a different fashion sense. "Thank you Shakira. Do you know if the new recruits have arrived yet?" Jade asked, looking back over at Jethro. She was trying not to laugh at the suit, she got the meaning behind it but she still found it funny. Shakira shrugged again, wondering the same thing. ((Sorry for the late failure... I don't know what else to post. I will post for Jake in the next post and he will be coming in for this meeting or whatever. XP))
3:29pm Jun 13 2011
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((Hmm, I forgot to add something... I will just add it here with mini bump to keep it on the page. ;) )) Jade chuckled and walked swiftly past her friend, making her way up to where Jethro stood. When she had reached him she leaned against the wall closest to the man. "Bonjour, Jethro. Comment sava?" She nodded her head again, a smile spreading across her face. She was quite proud of her French accent, she had been practicing it for a month now. "Say, when are they supposed to arrive? And do we get to mess with them a little?"
3:53pm Jun 13 2011
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((Its Commence ca va. Not Sava XD)) Post will be edited under here, once I get around to it. Exams next week XP
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:18pm Jun 13 2011
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((Hehe, you see I failed French. :P Actually she never taught us the spelling for that... Oh well. XD Ya... Headed off to dance rehersal for recital this weekend. ))
10:25pm Jun 15 2011
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((Lol, I love how I post then people leave. ;) Good luck with finals... This is a bump so I can keep track of it.))
8:13pm Jun 16 2011
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OoC:// Hey, teh Dragon bumps too!
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:20pm Jun 18 2011 (last edited on 1:15pm Jun 19 2011)
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Jethro looked up when he saw Jade walk in casually, she nodded in a hello. He smiled slightly and nodded too. He shook his head at the weird look she had given him. Obviously everyone was surprsied that he was in a suit. They definately weren't around in the fifties and sixties when suits where all men wore and smoked cigars. He rolled his eyes, it wasn't even odd for him to be in a suit he wore them to all buisness meeting but them again most members weren't their soit was probably weird that oneof their resident bad boys was dressed that classy. He had felt Jade walk towards him but didn't bother looking up until he heard her voice. She asked him something in french which of course caused him to smile, Jade didn't speak french so he figured the girl probably worked on that line for months. "Say, when are they supposed to arrive? And do we get to mess with them a little?" She sounded so eager. He just had to squash it. "Soon. And you won't be doing anything to them. I'm just gonna tell them who we are then once initiation starts then we can have fun." ((Fail, thats actually it for Jethro.)) Ellowyn was stretched out across two of the chairs in the room. Butt on one, long legs sprawled across another two. She sighed and looked around the room, she had no idea why she had even come, she was no longer expected too seeing as her boyfriend was gone. She clenched her hands at the thought of the abusive jerk. Normally the Trinity had members girlfriends bumped off when boyfriends dumped them or died, but they thought she had what it took and kept her around. PLus they knew it was no accident there was no idea an elite member like him would have an accident like that. Stupid Jerk. She thought anger flaring in her blue eyes. She sighed and turned and her eyes fell and rested on Jethro talking to another member. She smiled slightly at the sight of him in a suit. It wasn't the first time she saw him in one but it always made her smile. He was the type of guy who jeans and leather jackets. Not the type to wear suits, but he was the type to know how incredibly good he looked in a suit. She then looked down at her own ensemble. She had tried to dress classy but that had all failed once she put on her black skinny jeans. She had changed her blouse and pulled on a white ruffled shirt and a sequined cardigan and combat boots. She was happy that jerk wasn't hanging around other wise she'd be wearing some slinky dress. She sighed once more and ran her hands through her golden brown curls before fiddling with her silver owl necklace. ((Fail there too. I give up))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:53pm Jun 18 2011
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OoC:// Do you want me to post something to help you out?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:16pm Jun 19 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Alright, post finished. Bump))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:55pm Jun 19 2011
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Markus walked into the room then. His silver hair glowing slightly as the locks reflected the crimson light from his eyes. The albino vampire paused slightly and tilted his head in the direction that Jethro was in. It was true that the Greek was older than the other in terms of the years they had been a vampire. But the son of the leader was older than the albino when he was transformed into a blood-sucker. Still, the ancient Greek snorted as a soft breeze circled around him before he muttered something unintelligible in his native, ancient tongue. His fangs flashed as he spoke. A slender hand rested lightly on his shoulder, causing him to stiffen and glance behind him at the person it belonged to. It was just Ariskye. The Shadow-bound. Just like the male who glanced around wearily behind her. They were similar to him, except he was Bound to the Wind. Or Wind-bound. Memories suddenly came up in his head about his parents. Except he couldn't see their faces. But their voices told stories of people Bound to the Elements. How they were human or some other creature of myth. Her sweet voice cut through the memories as she spoke in Greek, but he couldn't make out the words just yet. It took him a while to figure out that she was asking him if he was okay and that if he had fed recently. He nodded to both, not trusting his own voice to answer her. Though, he spoke to the wind a message to give to Jethro. When he was done, the light breeze around him vanished before taking up a slight whirlwind around the man in the pinstripe suit. "The mercenary Shadow-bound, Ariskye Siome is here. As her Shadow-bound brother, Draek." Spoke the wind, gently and whispering in the male's ear before it dissipated all together. Ariskye moved off to a corner when she was reassured the albino vampire was alright. The shadows of the corner welcomed her with whispers of delight as she leaned into them. Two, long tendrils of corporeal shadows curled around her like arms giving her a hug. She smiled slightly and whispered back. They spoke again before another pair of shadowed tendrils enveloped Draek in the same embrace. He smiled and let his fingers run lightly over the tendrils, whispering his thanks before he moved to join his sister. "How long are you staying?" he asked. Ariskye shrugged before answering; "Until the meeting is over." Draek bared his canines before he let out soft growl. Oh yea, she was being very helpful. But if she didn't want to give up any more information, then he just wouldn't press her for more. He wasn't like that. Unlike others in his sister's tormented past.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:59pm Jun 21 2011
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Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:02am Jun 24 2011
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((Bumping for Emmie XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:51am Jun 24 2011
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Jade frowned slightly, pulling out her favorite pout. She couldn't help but smile at herself though. Looking again at Jethro's attire, her smile grew. "I have to admit, I didn't expect you to wear suite and tie but I rather like it. You remind me of some old Mafia leader." To some, Jade included, this gang was like a family with Jethro as their head. Ofcourse she couldn't consider him as a father figure, but more of a big brother that was really bossy. One you couldn't help but to love. Suddenly, the smell of blood regestered in her brain. It took her a moment that her cheek was still bleeding. She gently touched the cut with her fingers, staring at the maroon with a hiss. "Damn woman, she is next on my list." She hissed, mostly to herself though. A sound outside and a movement at the door caught her attention, her eyes flickering to the entrance. Her eyes were not alone but still many paid no mind to the sound. A lone boy, thin kid that looked no older than 17. Ofcourse Jethro had to have known that this kid was older than that because he didn't enjoy kids very much. He had a walk about him that suggested he had some authority where he lived, but not here. That walk would have to go. "He one of them? He looks rather small, don't you think?" Jade wondered, watching the dark headed boy. Faintly she could see blonde strands which suggested he regularly dyed his hair. What got her the most was the striking blue eyes that almost matched her own, during the daytime that is. "What's his name and he is mortal right? How on Earth does a mortal get eyes like those." The second question was more to herself, more of a thought than an actual question, but she was still really curious to know.
12:40pm Jun 24 2011
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((The he'll is Jade talking about? Did I miss a character introduction...?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:45pm Jun 24 2011
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((Lol, I think that is a character intro. Sorry I am really tired, absolutely no thought process. I haven't introduced Jake yet so... O.o))
12:50pm Jun 24 2011
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((Psh alright. I can wait for his intro. I'll type up a post and keep it on hold XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:03pm Jun 24 2011
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((-Lurks- o3o))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:08pm Jun 26 2011
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.