2:09pm Jun 26 2011
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((Hey, don't lurk. Join!))
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1:41pm Jul 2 2011
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((Bump, Fien, I shall post what I have to get this thing going XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:47pm Jul 2 2011
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"The mercenary Shadow-bound, Ariskye Siome is here. As her Shadow-bound brother, Draek." Jethro looked up as he heard a whispery voice near his ear. He scratched his chin and looked up at the new arriavals, the ablino and his friends. He nodded in greeting to the three before he turned his attention back to Jade. "I have to admit, I didn't expect you to wear suite and tie but I rather like it. You remind me of some old Mafia leader." He rolled his eyes at that. "Well thanks, you know there was a time when I always dressed like this." He grinned slightly before he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and placed one in his mouth. With his other hand he pulled out his silver lighter and lit it. Taking in a drag he looked over at Jade who was muttering something to herself and wipping some blood off her cheek. He grinned and shook his head. "Hey want one?" he showed her the pack of cigarettes before she started talking again, this time checking out a boy who had just walked in. "He one of them? He looks rather small, don't you think? What's his name and he is mortal right? How on Earth does a mortal get eyes like those." He raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? My eyes are blue Jade." He said grinning deep dimbles showing. "And so are yours, and Miss Princess over there." he motioned to Ellowyn who was sprawled across the chairs texting like she really was the Princess or something. ((Fail XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:35pm Jul 2 2011
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Jade smiled, thinking of times when suite and tie was the real way to show you had power. It was but so many people tried to copy the look that it just didn't fit anymore. Unless you were in a gang like theres. You always dressed a certain way, but when you change that dress code, it shows that you mean business. "Ya sure, why not." She picked out one of the cigarettes and placed it in her mouth, pulling out a lighter of her own. She didn't necessarily smoke often, but a lighter could be used for far more than just lighting up. Like Jethro's lighter, hers was silver but it had a dragon design that wrapped around it. The colors starting at blue and fading beautifully into purple. She took a drag and let it out in a puff of smoke, admiring how it swirled free of any ties yet still sticking to whatever it could. Looking down at the boy again she shook her head. "The key word being mortal. My eyes were always blue but I found that since becoming immortal, they seemed to have gotten a slightly deeper shade but a more vibrant color. His are naturally so." She watched as he stayed near the door, unsure of what to do. He was just a little early, obviously nervous about something. Who wouldn't be if you were coming to meet one of the greatest gangs in the area. There were others, smaller ones that claimed they were the best but really we were the ones in the shadows pulling the strings. "This ought to get interesting." She said, blowing out another puff of smoke. ~~~ Jake opened the door, not really sure of what he was going to find. He walked in and looked about the room, expecting someone to stop him and ask what he was doing there or anything like you would see on TV but nobody really paid him much mind. Looking around, he became aware of someone watching and he looked up to see a black haired girl standing beside a man wearing a suite. She was smoking but even through the haze he had to notice her brilliant blue eyes. They made him think of his own, being the normal blonde hair blue eyes child. Many times he had dyed his hair to break that pattern in his family. He thought being dark haired with bright eyes was cooler. At this point, the knowledge of being surrounded by criminals put him on edge and he really wished that he could have his gun right about now. He sighed, wondering why he was put on this case to go under cover in the first place. Leaning up against the wall near the door, he waited to see if any others showed up... He knew he was rather early. The thought of this task made him drive faster than he would have liked and he ended up arriving before any of the other's did. ((Mine is more of a fail. :D))
3:54pm Jul 7 2011
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((Bump. I'll post soon enough.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:58pm Jul 7 2011
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OoC:// -doesn't know what to post- No interaction with teh charries.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:21pm Jul 7 2011
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((Doss a certain lady want to be harassed by Jethro?))0
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:24pm Jul 7 2011
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OoC:// Me/Ariskye; Yes/No. YESH! XD
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:21pm Jul 8 2011
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Jethro raised an eyebrow, he still didn't understand what the girl was talking about, they were blue eyes, pretty much most of the people he knew had the exact same eye colour. Hell, I'll never understand girls, he though shoving on of his hands into his pocket. Scratching his chin with the other he checked out the kid as he walked into the room clearly bewildered, his eyes fell on Jade for a moment before going back into that state. Jethro turned and searched the room before his eyes rested on his right hand man, he motioned to him then to kid who had just entered before throwing a look at Ellowyn. The man smiled and shook his head and walked over an poked Ellowyn who looked up as if she was ready to punch him in the face for disturbing her. He dropped close and whispered something in her ear before the girl sat up straight and looked around the room, her eyes rested on the boy then she looked at Jethro, raising an eyebrow she mouthed something he couldn't really see before getting up and following Moriarty. Scratching his chin once more he looked over at Jade. "Would you excuse me a moment?" he said smiling, he tapped her on the arm once before walking off sticking to the shadows so the boy wouldn't see him. He was supossed to make his rounds and talk to everyone but he wasn't really a fan off that so he went to the closest people. Markus and Draek, and who he could only assume was Draek's sister. He had never really talked to her, but he had seen her around. He couldn't really remember her name something with and A, Arianna, Adelaid, something weird like that. "Having fun yet?" he asked as he neared the group. - - - - Will was bored out of his mind, he was leaning against the wall taking a smoke. He looked over at his friend who was busy chatting up with that chick, what was her name again, Jade. He didn't really care he didn't talk to the girl much. He took in a long pull of his cigarette as he remembered when he was first recruited. At the time he was a kid from a messed up home, which the Trinity liked, they said he had no ties. But he wasn't the average recruite, he had the whole russian mafia after his ass, killing the leader like that. Revenge made a man crazy. He blinked his blue green eyes when he saw an unfamiliar face walk in. Moriarty grinned as he watched the guy, he looked so out of his element. Will remembered when he first walked into this room, he didn't walk around flinched from others. He kept his head up high, sizing everybody up, he marked every possible exit and who he could take on and who he couldn't. According to Jethro he was one twisted son of a b*tch. He snorted softly as he thought about how he got his ass beat that night coming in so high and mighty. His eyes left the newcomer and looked over at Jethro who signalled to him. Nodding in understanding he moved and walked over to Ellowyn sprawled across the chairs, he understood why Jeth called her a Princess. "Eĭ devochka." He said nudging the girl who ended up giving him a glare. "Jeth wants you to work over the new kid." Ellowyn glared up at Will, but once she saw those eyes she immidately softened, those eyes were unmistakably unique. They were blue, yet somehow in the center ther became green before turning blue again. She shrugged away from his touch and sat up she was always so tense and could no longer tolerate things such a poking anymore. That often ended badly, she broke Moriarty's fingers the last time he touched her. She sighed and looked up at the kid, he looked so freaked out, she could relate the people here were literally monsters. Slinking around in the shadows the way the did they were there yet they weren't. She looked over at Jethro. "Cute suit." she mouthed before shoving her phone in her pocket and following Moriarty. She was surprised he was dressed in his usualy attaire and not like Jethro. He was was a grey shirt with some sort of design, dark grey jeans and his usual leather jacket, maybe he was just supposed to look like the brawn to Jethro's brain. The two of them completed eachother in a non-gay way. Jethro the talkative jerk who was surprisingly good at chemistry and smooth talking, and Will the strong silent guy that stepped in when things got rpugh finding Jeth his buyers. With their connections the two of the basically ran the whole underground empire. Will motioned to Ellowyn and she noticed that they were behind the kid. She sighed and walked over behind him. "Hey." She said putting her hand on his shoulder. She smiled straight teeth showing, her oen blue eyes lighting up. "I would watch out, all the peoples here, they're eqiped with more weapons than you can imagine." As she said that she pointed to the shadows, that the others hid behind. Many careful not to be seen, memorizing the boys every detail incase he decided to turn. "C'mon honey don'tbe shy, take a seat." She motioned to the chairs that were set out. She shot a quick glance at Will who was just watching intently. My silent guardian, she thought sarcastically as the guy was giving the newcomer one of those creepy 'I'm watching you' looks.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:14am Jul 10 2011
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Ariskye looked up from her whispering shadows to face Jethro. Her pupilless crimson irises expanded slightly before constricting into smaller circles. The shadows around her hissed their slight distain towards the man in the pin striped suit before her. She had to calm them with a few soothing words. "Define 'fun'," she said. "We all have out own definitions. Mine is killing people with the shadows, Serpent's is freeloading off my hard earned cash -" that recieved a glare from her older, half-brother, which she shrugged off rather easily "- and honestly don't know what Taen does for fun." She crossed her arms against her chest and narrowed her eyes into a glare. This time, the irises had completely taken over the whites of her eyes and a thin, black, cat-like pupil appeared; cutting the crimson in half. "So, unless this shin-dig is going to start soon, I am going back to my apparment to attempt to finish the picture I need to complete." Draek watched as his sister give the leader's son a complete lecture on people's different definitions on the word 'fun', but he did have to glare at her for accusing him of being a freeloader. Which was partly true. Because he was partly looking for a job... Not. He loved annoying his sister to no end. But he felt like it would be the death of him someday. Turning to the albino Greek vampire, he asked the older man; "So what do you like to do for fun?" Markus turned his glowing crimson gaze to him and cocked his head to one side as he thought about that. His answer was reletively simple; "Continuing my mastery of the Wind. As is the duty of a Wind-bound." Draek nodded slowly. Markus had an odd way of putting things. The old vampire had different way of seeing things. Which was cool, yet slightly weird at the same time. Like Wind-bound. It meant Bound on the Wind... Or something like that. The vampire has known other Elemental-bounded people over the years. But each one had fifty years inbetween. Fifty or more. And Markus was roughly thirty years over two thousand years old. But the strange thing was, was that Markus had never heard of a person who can bend the shadows to their will until he met his sister and himself. Draek didn't think Markus knew that their father was a demon of the shadows; which essentially made them Shadowspawn. But they never showed any of their other demonic powers other than the control over Shadows. Which was highly wierd.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:34pm Jul 10 2011
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Jethro tried hard to keep a straight face as the girl want on a rant about fun. He had just asked a simple question, and he was being sarcastic, this wasn't on of the gangs fancy diners or rowdy parties this wasn't supposed to be fun. He rubbed the back of his neck as he listened to the girl before the conversation switched to the ablinos idea of fun, which of course replied bluntly. Once the guys were done talking Jethro let out a little sigh before saying, "You guys are really no fun, at all." He looked at them. "Well except for her point of view," he motioned towards Ariskye. "But really, we live forever. Killing people with shadows? Why do that when you can do it with your bare hands, see their fear and their life leaving as you feel their pulse slow as you strangle them." His blue eyes getting a creepy look as he saids that as he relished the thought. He did the same thing just the other night, he called a hit but decided to go through with it himself. After a second he composed himself. "Really plus we're young what about driving recklessly, making fun of those trolls at night clubs. Or getting caught in a police chase and getting away unscathed thanks to our increased speed. Or the thought of know you just ripped a guy off for a million bucks." He really was the wild child of the group, most times acting more like a eighteen year old kid than a twenty-five year old man, but once you lose the things you love the most you kinda stop feeling thing. Even after fifty seven years time doesn't dull the pain. How Moriarty delt with all his crazy shinanigans he didn't know, not to mention he was human, and he could easily die in the many shoot outs they got involved in due to Jethro's stupidity. He scratched his chin. "But really I guess thats just my point of view. Things get pretty boring after who knows how many years. Right Markus?" He looked at the older man, yes younger than him when turned but in living years he was older by thousands. But there was no telling with the man, how thinks worked in his mind was beyond him, always so quiet and by himself. He really didn't know all that much about him.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:10pm Jul 10 2011
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Markus turned his glowing gaze from Draek to Jethro before the ancient vampire blinked slowly; thinking about how to answer the younger vampire's question. His thoughts always ran in ancient Greek so it took a while to decode what he was thinking. "Sometimes," he stated before slipping his white hands into his jean pockets. He honestly didn't have anything else to say on the matter. Sometimes life was boring. But the only fun thing he participated in was the wars and conquests that happened much later. After he had been turned by his beautiful Shoni who had died by Spartan hands. His jaw clentch as his eyes narrowed. That was easily the worst and best day of his life; second only to the night he had been transformed into a bloodsucker. Worst because his maker/lover had been killed and turned to ash. Best because he destroyed half the city-state afterwards in his anger. On the night he had been transformed it was the worst because the woman his parents wanted him to marry turned out to have a con for a father who wasn't afraid to send his own parents to jail unless Markus married their daughter. Best because he got to kill the woman's father after his transformation. Unaware of his mounting anger and rage, his glowing crimson eyes grew brighter in the shadows until they almost looked like neon bulbs. A soft breeze played with his crimson hair as the voice on it mimiced Shoni's beautiful lilt in an attempt to calm him down. But it didn't work so much. He just shrugged it off. Ariskye cocked her head as Jethro basically dised her about using her shadows to kill. Her eyes narrowed into slits and she growled slightly. "You seem mighty sure about that, @sshole. But let me tell you this. Have you ever seen me kill? Probably not since you are too busy playing cop to even give a rat's @ss," she hissed angrily. But now, she was going passed the point of angry to being just plan pissed. Her anger even effect the shadows. They came out in corporeal points and grew in size, pointing towards Jethro as they grew closer to touch the vampire. Draek watched the three people around him with wary eyes. Markus who responded to Jethro with a single answer now looked extremely pissed off. As did Ariskye whose shadows were started to extend off the wall they clung to into corporeal points. And Jethro who had a mad glint to his blue eyes a short while ago. He said nothing, since he was not spoke to nor did he have something useful to say. He didn't want to be attacked by anybody at the moment. So he just leaned against the shadow-covered wall before glancing around the room; noticing other people for the first time.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:24am Jul 11 2011 (last edited on 11:25am Jul 11 2011)
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Jethro rubbed the back of his neck again when Markus replied with just one word, he shouldn't have been surprised, he was a man of few words. But maybe it was the look of building anger on his face that made Jethro feel awkard, it was just a simple question, he couldn't possibly be angry about that. "You seem mighty sure about that, asshole. But let me tell you this. Have you ever seen me kill? Probably not since you are too busy playing cop to even give a rat's ass," "Oh beleive me Sweetheart." Jethro said after the angry voice broke him out of his thoiughts. "I have seen your handy work, who do you think covers it up so it doesn't end up in the six o'clock news?" He looked at the tendrils hadows that were coming for him. He chuckled slightly, she couldn't do anything to him, not here, not ever. He had the whole Trinity behind his back they would all attack before she even had the chance to flee. "Listen Sweetheart, all the high ranked members jobs help our society. Being a cop allows me to cover up any of our messy kills or any of our bad dealings, I keep this whole little gang thing a secret." He had been doing that stuff for years, he was part of the force back in the forties although he was barely much help then it helped him learn the system so it was faster for him to move up the chain. "Other members have other jobs like heading my father fake company Micro Industries, all his favourit members are there. But seeing as technically your not even a member you wouldn't understand, not to mention you don't even need to be here." He looked back as some other people (Just imagin them okay we don't have enough characters XP) started to come in. He looked back at Ariskye. "Why don't you learn to be quiet like your brother and we won't have a problem." He dropped the cigarette he had in his hand and stepped it out before turning and walking towards some other member who was hidden in the darkkness in the corners of the room. ((That was a bit of a fail XP I gotta wait for Emmie And I also need to think of a super awesome speech for Jeth to say even though like one character will be hearing it XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:23pm Jul 11 2011
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OoC:// I shall edit this later with my post. Right now, I shall go play Assassins Creed.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.