Bruce puled his cloke tightly around him and walked forwards to the gate who will be garding it? he wondered as it came into sight.
Willow paced in front of the gate, the old gardian had left long ago and she had decided to stay and hope that someone would take her with them to the realm of humans.
Bruce scwinted to see what was paceing in front of the gate it was large and it looked as if it had wings.
Willow pused someone was coming. She shifted into a spinx the old gardian told me to give them a riddle, a spinx fits mostly for that she thought siting down and waiting.
Bruce looked at the thing, it was a spinx "great a riddle" he muterd and walked up to the spinx. "Let me through to the land of humans!" he yelled over the wind.
"Answer my riddle!" she hissed back fitting atitude for a spinx she thought.
"What is it?" he sighed.
Willow said the first thing that came to mind
Only one colour, but not one size,
Stuck to the bottom, yet easily flies,
Present in sun, but not in rain,
Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.
Bruce sighed in relief, he knew this riddle "a shadow" he answerd "now let me past"
Willow stayed put "on one condition" she asked.
"And what would that be?" Bruce asked gardians don't have conditions he thought.
"Take me with you" she said to the cloked person.
"Um, ok?" he said walking up to the gate and opening it "are you comeing?" he asked the spinx.
Willow folowed him through the gate and into the realm of humans.