10:02am Jun 10 2011 (last edited on 5:11pm Jun 10 2011)
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Private between Det, Loki, and I. No lurkers please. D; at least stay silent.. Taylor handed her ticket to the man that was seemingly collecting the tickets from the other trainers as they all shuffled on the boat. Well, that's kind of an understatement seeing as there aren't many trainers here. Honestly, where are the Champions these days, Taylor thought midly to herself as the man hole punched her ticket. He stuffed it in his pocket and waved her on. "We're finally aboard the S.S Tidal, Shay." Taylor said, gray eyes shining. The Pokemon to her right glanced at her with slight amusement, the clear blue depths of his eyes not awed by the boat. The blue pokemon's nose twitched slightly and Taylor smelled the cafeteria right down the hall. Both of their stomachs growled and Taylor chuckled. "Shay, it's all inclusive." she said and that was enough for the Pokemon to grab her wrist and wrench her down the hall. ___ ~Plot~ We are trainers going to the Battle Frontier for the first time. You are a champion so your Pokemon must be higher levels. We will most likely be battling each other throughout the whole roleplay and I have a system to choosing who wins what battles. *glances at random number generator* I'm guessing you don't need to know more than that. ~Battle Frontier~ When you arrive at the island, the S.S. Tidal will be deporting on the southern side. If you continue to walk north, up the docks, the first thing you'll meet are the Markets. Here are just places for more food, entertainment, and Pokemon Marts for all your Pokemon needs. If you continue go East from there, you will meet the Battle Square which is where leisure Pokemon battles are held. Sometimes, the battles get more aggressive when trainers are preparing for the Frontier. If you choose to go West instead, from the Market, you will find the Center Hotel. This is a Pokemon Center and a hotel layout for trainers that do not live on the Island or are just visiting. North of the Center Hotel are the homes for the residents of the islands. If you had continued to go North, however, from the Market, you'll find yourself at the Battle Frontier. Have fun. ;D ~Rules~ -- This is Literate. I shouldn't have to explain what that means. -- No need to keep gender ratios even; honestly, when is it like that in real life? :/ Try to keep them semi-fair, though. -- No legendaries. No iffs, ands, or buts about that one. -- One shiny per roleplayer; no, not per character. Per roleplayer. -- No repeats of Pokemon. I want this a small group and I want variety. -- Also, I really don't want any Gen 5 Pokemon in here. Seriously, I hate them. :< ~Skelly~ Name: Age: Gender: Looks: Persona: Region Champion: Companions: Number: {Choose any number between 1-50. This is so I can stick it in a random generator and chooses who wins a battle o3o} {Slight deion of Companions here} Pokemon Taken -- Lucario -- Arcanine -- Salamence -- Furret -- Ampharos -- Charizard -- Walrein -- Garchomp -- Ninetales -- Absol -- Swellow -- Gallade -- Swampert -- Vaporeon
hello my name is elder price
10:03am Jun 10 2011
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hello my name is elder price
10:26am Jun 10 2011 (last edited on 10:55am Jun 10 2011)
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Name: Cassandra Reed Age: Seventeen Gender: Female Looks:
Cassandra is what they describe as china-doll fragile. Despite the fact that she lacks the red lips and blonde hair to go, the rest of her is pale and almost breakable. Standing at 5’4” tall Cassandra isn’t short, but despite her average stature she still seems very small, a bit of a trick of the mind. She weighs about 114 lbs. and her frame is small, with delicate bones and long limbs. As said before her skin is very fair and she doesn’t seem to have any freckles or beauty marks on visible parts of her body. On the other hand she has her fair share of scars, including a small one in the hollow of her neck, a longer scratch just below her chin and three claw marks that have healed over recently on her left forearm. Cassandra’s hair is dark brown with hints of an even darker brown, almost black. She keeps it cut short to avoid getting it in her eyes and keeps it messy, mostly due to the lack of actual scissors to cut her hair with. Cassandra’s facial features are also dainty, with a small nose that perks upwards slightly, pale pink lips and high cheekbones. Her eyes are somewhat doe-eyed with a bit of a slant to them. The color of her eyes can only be described as electric blue. While not unnaturally neon or bright they do have a gray-blue color overall with extremely pale blue ‘wavelengths’ overtop. They are framed by long black eyelashes. Though Cass doesn’t really like showing off her body her normal attire is a plain white blouse with a slight V-neck and short, partially puffed up sleeves, and a black mini-skirt. The skirt’s not too short though, and has a red belt that’s somewhat covered by her blouse. This isn’t everyday attire, just her contest clothing. Everyday Cass wears a dark blue t-shirt and gray shorts that reach her upper thighs. On her feet she usually has flip-flops, for both outfits. Persona:
Cassandra is as quiet and thoughtful as they come. However, do not take this for being a wonderfully social person on the inside. Rather, Cassandra’s terribly awkward when it comes to other people and her reactions range from running away to accidentally flailing around wildly. Usually it’s former. Cassandra isn’t really sure if this is a blessing in disguise or just a way to isolate her further but she hasn’t been able to break past her social anxiety. Besides that she tends to act beyond her year simply because she’s seen quite a bit for a seventeen year. Her IQ is higher than most, though she rarely puts that into play when around others. Region Champion: Kanto Companions: Magnet the female Ampharos Incendio the male Charizard Gelato the male Walrein Jester the female Garchomp Number: 21 {Slight deion of Companions here} Magnet’s the calm one of the bunch. She’s got the level head that most of Cassandra’s other Pokémon lack and she puts it to play on the battlefield. Magnet is the type to utilize her special abilities and strengths wisely, attacking with huge barrages of special attacks etc. Incendio is probably the most brash of the bunch. On the other hand he’s also the one that looks over the others, sort of like their protector. He’s a power attacker that uses his brute force and little in the way of tactics. However, this usually works out for him. Gelato is the lazy Pokémon of the bunch. He’s perfectly able in battle but asides that he doesn’t like doing much and enjoys his beauty sleep quite a bit. When on the battlefield he’s a rock of defense that won’t back down no matter what. It’s a good thing he has a lot of health because Gelato has fallen asleep while in a battle more than once. Jester is seen as Ms Intimidation to the rest of the group, but she does her best. A playful kind of garchomp she loves to train with Magnet and Incendio, leaving Gelato out because he’s a lazy butt who doesn’t want to join in anyways. When she fights she’s all strategy and power, a very scary kind of combination.

10:34am Jun 10 2011
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Name: Taylor Sommers Age: 16 Gender: Female Looks: Shall go geet. c: Persona: She has a fiery spirit when it comes to Pokemon battles, but really, she's more of a tactic builder and watches other people's movements. She gets it from her Lucario, Shayde. Omg, I fail at personalities when it comes to Taylor in Pokemon roleplays. She pretty much decides for herself. ._. Region Champion: Johto. c: Companions: Shayde her male Lucario Solstice her male Arcanine Whiplash her female Salamence Spirit her female Furret Number: 17 Shayde is more of a quiet being and tends to stick to his own. He and Taylor have their own means of communication because he typically won't talk in the muted growls and barks that Lucarios speak in. Solstice is a bit full of himself, but he has enough knack for battling for that to be okay. He can showoff a lot which typically is the cause of his downfall... Whiplash is Taylor's sole companion that, whenever she needs to get away for a bit, the girl is there for her. Literally, they go into the sky and fly around. 8D Spirit's new so..meh
hello my name is elder price
11:37pm Jun 10 2011
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Cass let out a sigh and spread out her arms with a big grin on her face. Turning around at a dizzying rate she let out a small laugh, awed by the sight. Finally she had made it! The battle frontier! Putting her hands back on her hips Cass stared at the marketplace that began just beyond the docks, the bright colors and loud noises slightly bewildering after such a quiet boat ride. Shaking her head ruefully Cass walked into the market, looking around to see if she needed anything. Spying a Pokemart she headed in that direction, planning on getting some ultra balls and maybe a hyper potion or two. Gelato kept on using up her spares. With an exaggerated sigh Cass stepped into the cool Pokemart, a welcome relief from the hot sun that shone down on the island. Though dressed in summer clothes of a t-shirt and shorts Cass could still feel her body beginning to get hot. Walking up the counter with her chosen goods Cass quickly payed the cashier then stuck the potions and Pokeballs in her satchel, wondering what to do next. "Maybe the battle square," she said to herself. "Get myself prepared and all that jazz."

11:49pm Jun 10 2011
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When the boat had docked, Taylor had rushed off of the landing dock with Shayde hard at her heels. She pulled him through the various people that were pushing through the docking lines. When they were clear of the mass of people that were unboarding the S.S. Tidal, they found themselves able to view the Battle frontier for what it was worth. Various buildings and shop stands were scattered below her in an array of differing colors. Though it was to the East that attracted her attention most. She could hear faint battle cries and more battle sounds and she knew that was where the Battle Square was. Shaking out her light brown hair that was slightly damp from the salt spray that had sprayed up on the boat, she cast her gray gaze in the direction of the square. "We're going there, Shay." she said, gray eyes meeting his and amusement twinkled in her gaze when she saw his determined ex pression. "That's my boy." she said as she pushed back into the crowd.
hello my name is elder price
11:55pm Jun 10 2011
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Cass stepped out of the Pokemart and spotted a trainer seemingly near her age scurry towards the battle square. Though a bit tentative about meeting another person Cass hurried after her, wondering if there would anyone she would actually hit off with for once. Usually she stuck towards the sidelines until some idiot decided to get all macho on her. Then she usually just broke out Jester and beat them to the ground, not saying a word. Chuckling at the thought Cass passed by the other girl with long strides and was at the battle square in a few minutes. Around the area multiple trainers were fighting with their Pokemon, most of them just mock battles for draining off extra energy. Sensing that one of her own Pokemon was getting impatient Cass sighed and tossed a Pokeball in the air, letting out Incendio. The large charizard let out an earsplitting yawn and nuzzled her head fondly, wrapping a large wing around Cass's form briefly. "You big marshmallow," she said with a snort, rubbing his horned head fondly. Incendio only harrumped in return and turned his large brown eyes on the square, the longing evident.

11:43pm Jun 11 2011
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Shayde's blue eyes lit up as he surveyed the various battles taking place. There seemed to be dozens of different chalk lines winding around the open expanse of area. The terrain ranged from rugged rockland to grassy plains and the Pokemon were ever more variety. The type match-ups were amazing and Taylor found herself enthralled by the intricate steps made by most of the Pokemon. Battle frontier was a place for the best and these people sure showed it. "Hey, we're here because we're Johto Champions. How's about we strut our stuff, Shay?" she mused and the Lucario barely snuck her a glance before resuming his watchful gaze on the surrounding Pokemon. "Now we just need someone to battle," she murmured as she scanned the area.
hello my name is elder price
11:48pm Jun 11 2011
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Cass glanced to her side, where Incendio was pointing urgently, and her eyes fell slightly at the sight of the same girl she had passed earlier. She appeared to be accompanied by a lucario who was just as eager as Incendio for a battle, but the girl felt uncertain about approaching another trainer. Unfortunately Incendio did this for her. Ambling forwards the large charizard hooted at the lucario in a friendly manner. It was obvious he wanted to battle, and he deemed this lucario a good opponent. "Silly," Cass remprimanded with a frown as she poked her Pokemon. "You only want to battle that trainer because you have the type advantage." Ignoring the look from Incendio Cass smiled shyly at the other girl. "Sorry about that..." she apologized awkwardly.
11:59pm Jun 11 2011
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Shayde flicked his gaze over to his left just as a rather large Charizard approached, letting out a hoot as it approached. The Lucario tugged gently on his trainer's shoulder and Taylor looked up as the pair approached; both trainer and Charizard. "Sorry about that..." the girl said as she approached and Taylor grinned. She had heard the last statement from the trainer, "you only want to battle that trainer because you have the type advantage." Taylor grinned slyly and snuck a wink at Lucario. He chuckled softly to himself before sticking a paw out to the Charizard. "Odd. Shayde doesn't take to strangers so quickly," she said at the girl. "I'm Taylor and don't worry about it. Your Charizard looks extremely strong," she complimented, but it wasn't a lie. The beast towered over Shayde and herself, but something about its seemingly easy-going smile made it less intimidating.
hello my name is elder price
12:08am Jun 12 2011
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Cass shook her head with a grin. "Incendio's just a big softie," she commented, the shyness disappearing quickly at the girl's friendly smile. Incendio gave his trainer a hurt look and took the proferred paw with a competitive glint in his eyes. "And I suppose both of them want a go at each other," she added with a nervous laugh. Incendio nodded his big head in agreement and glanced back at the lucario, interest showing in his eyes now. "If that's alright with you, of course," Cass added uncertainly, wondering if the trainer would refuse. She knew that lucario's usually couldn't stand up to a well-trained charizard, though this one in particular looked very strong.
11:35am Jun 12 2011
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Taylor placed a hand on her Lucario's shoulder and cracked a smile at Incendio. Shayde shook the Charizard's paw and gave his own small smile to the trainer. "Are you kidding? Shay and I never turn down a battle," she said with a light chuckle. "Especially against fire types," she added mischeviously. Her gray eyes moved from the trainer to the rest of the battlefield. "I think there's an open spot over there," she said as she pointed to a bare patch of dirt with chalk lines singling it out. A nice, plain battlefield. Taylor towed Shayde behind her as she walked over to the field, wanting to claim it before someone else did. In fact, she stopped a few couples from coming up. She gained some glares, but they turned to easy-going smiles when they realized the show that was about to be played out. She grasped Shayde's forearm and he did so to her; like they did for every battle. Taylor gave a quick nod to Shayde which he returned before streaking off onto his place in the field. "Ready when you are," Taylor called with a friendly wave.
hello my name is elder price
12:07pm Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 12:09pm Jun 12 2011)
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Stepping onto the battlefield Cassandra felt a rush of the same nervousness that had accompanied her from day one, when she had first met Incendio as a tiny charmander. Day one had also been a spectacular failure in which her older brothers had taken turns pounding her and Incendio into the dust for a few weeks. Smiling at the memory of training in secret until she had beaten them (and all in one go) Cassandra steadied her nerves with a big breath and nodded at Incendio. The lumbering Pokemon took his position on the field, wings flaring in readiness for battle. Waving at the other girl Cassandra indicated she was ready. "Who goes first?" she called out after a moment's thought. "Coin flip?" Ooc; I suppose random number generator or something. lol
3:05pm Jun 12 2011
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Ooc; I put the numbers into a random picker and it chose 21. o3o Oh and this is going to be from Shay's view from now on. ._. Bic; Shayde watched Incendio saunter onto the field, the large Pokemon taking his place on the battlefield. It fanned out its wings and Shayde began his assessment of the beast; as he did for the first few minutes before every battle. The Pokemon was large so it had a lot to haul on those wings. Shayde would probably be more agile than the Charizard, but the flying lizard-like Pokemon could also easily turn the tables with a powerful flamethrow. Shayde figured that with Taylor's typical tactics, he would suffer from a few blows. He knew his trainer would late until the last minute for their final attack that typically won the matches because of the sole fact that Incendio was part flying type. He setted into his stance, crouching low to the ground with one palm facing up and stretched out before him. The other arm raised behind him with his paw wavering just above his head. His icy blue eyes burned with a light purple aura as he shifted his vision to better catch the Charizard's movements. Incendio became a bright white light in the midst of a field of purple. Shayde snickered to himself while Taylor pulled out a coin. "I got tails!" she yelled and after a few seconds, he heard a sigh. "You first," he heard.
hello my name is elder price
3:16pm Jun 12 2011
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Ooc; I'll start with Cass's view then Incendio's. :D Cass nodded and smiled encouragingly at Incendio. "You hear her! Let's strike hard and quick!" she whispered with a smirk hovering on her lips. The other trainer might have a trick up her sleeve but Cass hadn't become Champion without reason. "Incendio, Inferno!" Incendio's eyes narrowed as he watched his opponent silently. Though he disliked tactics and strategies the charizard understood the basics. Flaring his wings Incendio took the air with two quick pumps, floating a few meters above the battlefield. With this view he had a better chance of hitting his opponent with any move similar to flamethrower, simply sending it gushing out on the field until it hit the lucario. At Cass's command the charizard opened his maw and let out a shattering roar, rearing his back. Brown eyes pinpointed his target as Incendio took in a huge breath, readiying his attack. With a large 'whumpf' of hot air a large flame burst out of his mouth in Shayde's direction, boiling wildly.

4:12pm Jun 12 2011
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Shayde watched as Incendio lifted itself into the air on its powerful wings. The Pokemon was more agile than the Lucario had thought. "Incendio, Inferno!" he heard from the other trainer. His purple eyes looked up, his mouth slightly open, as he watched jets of pure flame approach him. From the air, the Pokemon had a major disadvantage, but since he was using a projectile of flame, he had to be moderately close. He already knew what Taylor was going to say as the jet spead toward him. With a slight snap of his wrists, he did a somersault into the air, body arching out as he flipped. The flames licked at his body as they seared his skin, but he kicked himself off from the air with a blast of aura. His blue body shot up to Incendio, side burning from where the flames had gotten hold of him. "Extremespeed!" he heard Taylor say as he shot like a rocket toward the Charizard.
hello my name is elder price
4:42pm Jun 12 2011
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Incendio let out a heaving breath as the flames disappeared, his small eyes roving the battlefield for any sign of his opponent. Alerted only at the last moment by a flash of azure light Incendio attempted to fling himself to one side, though he was knocked off balance by a powerful force. Roaring with pain Incendio flapped a bit higher, side aching from the lucario's attack. A high voice carried over the terrain as Cass shouted loudly, "Scary face, then double team!" Letting out a growl of satisfaction Incendio glared at his opponent, typically dark eyes glowing a bright crimson as he targeted Shayde. Letting out a ferocious snarl and moved onto his next move, dancing slightly higher to keep out of Shayde's range. Despite the burning fire in his flank Incendio's body blurred as he summoned multiple copies of himself. Numerous Incendios now ranged about the field, each of them growling and glaring at Shayde. As his illusions matched his moves the true Incendio landed on the ground, sending up many clouds of dust. Unable to fly now other than quick upwards burst due to the damage done by Shayde, Incendio settled for close-combat, something he preferred anyways due to his large size. He balanced on his feet, ready for whatever move the lucario threw at him
Ooc; I can only remember vaguely but I'm pretty sure doubleteam in the t.v. show actually did split up the Pokemon into a bunch of illusions. xD

6:45pm Jun 12 2011
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As soon as Shayde connected with Incendio's side, the aura Pokemon pushed himself back and did a backwards flip before landing on the ground in a kneeling position. His eyes were focused on his paw, the black appendages stemming from his head covering his eyes as he concentrated. Burning eyes from Incendio's Scary face entered his field of vision and the Lucario gritted his teeth. His appendages parted from his eyes and they returned to their icy blue stare as he glanced around the arena. He could faintly pick up Incendio's aura, but with his Aura Mode cut off, he couldn't be sure where the real Charizard lay. There was only one way to find out. Shayde steeled himself in the center of the battlefield with his palms out. "Shay, use Dark Pulse!" Taylor cried and the Aura Pokemon thrust his paws together before flinging them back out, a ripple of shadows exploding from his palms and scathing the battlefield. The illusions began to dissolve under the band of pulsing energy and though the true Incendio could easily clear the attack, it would remove all other illusions.
hello my name is elder price
6:53pm Jun 12 2011
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Realizing that his most recent move was useless the charizard leaped over the dark pulse and landed back down with a heavy thump, his illusions cleared like the fog on a hot summer day. Growling gently the charizard waited for Cass's next command. "Incendio! Use smokescreen and distract the lucario!" Nodding his head, though upset at the lack of actual fighting in this battle, Incendio parted his jaws and let out a belch of thick black smoke. Aided by the fanning of his wings the entire field was soon covered by a thick screen of smog. Blinking his eyes as a third eyelid slipped over them and cleared the smoke from his eyes Incendio surveyed the battlefield, stilling his body until he sat as still as a rock. Tucking his tail under his wing to cover the bright flame he waited for the lucario to make his move. A quiet voice nearby murmured in his ear. "When Shayde gets close enough hit him with fire fang."
7:02pm Jun 12 2011
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"Shayde, back to Aura mode!" yelled Taylor as the smokescreen quickly took over the field. The Lucario grunted as some of the smoke burned his eyes, but his appendages moved to cover the closed now purple eyes. The smoke was still thick so Shayde could barely get an aura reading as he scanned through the mass of black fog. He honed in his sights on a purplish figure that vaguely resembled that of Incendio and grunted softly. While he had been wandering around in the dark, a white light had been building up on his right palm. "Focus punch," called Taylor from the sidelines. The Lucario grunted again and set off at a sprint toward Incendio. Both paws were flung out behind him as he dipped his head down and ran with breakneck speed toward the Charizard. All of his concentration was unbalanced by a miscalculation of Incendio's placement on the field. When the Charizard had hid his tail, it revealed Incedio's low form on the ground. Shayde swung his paw around in a halfhearted, but powerful blow toward the Charizard.
hello my name is elder price