Name: Amirah/Mireille
Age: Young adult/Young adult (About five years old--still consired fillies by some)
Gender: Female/Female
Tame, Ill or Abused: Abused/Abused
Kid: Open/Open
Crush/Mate: Open/Open
*Personality: Amirah is defensive of both herself and her sister. They share a close bond and would do anything for one another. She stands up for both of them and acts as their leader and protector. She often more talkative than her sister, with a social personality and friendly dispotsition. She has a temper, though--especially when it comes to Mireille./Mireille, the quieter of the two twins, is very clever and knowledgable. She enjoys learning new things and likes healing. She hates suffering and traitors, but rarely sticks up her herself. She is not talkative except to her sister, and would do anything for ehr.
*History: Amirah and Mireille were born to be race horses. Not the type of Thouroughbred used in the Kentucky Derby, no. They were born to one of the finest Arabian sires and a good mare. They were trained hard from a yung age--too young. Their first owners, though somewhat ignorant, were kmind enough. They taught the sisters how to run as fast as they could but preserve energy. When they were two years old, they were sold to another ranch. These owners were not wuite as forgiving. They began competitively racing them, and when they didn't do qwell, retired them as brood mares. They were whipped when they shied away from others, and underfed due to the growing population at their ranch. They were relocated by government officials who closed down the ranch about a year and a half ago.
Other: They are twins.
Name: Firefly/Ember
Age: Young adult/Young adult
Gender: Male/Male
Tame, Ill or Abused: Tame/Tame (Partially abused for both)
Kid: Open/Open
Crush/Mate: None/None (Open for both!)
*Personality: -Eh, it might come later-
*History: -Eh, it might come later-
Other: They are brothers
Name: Ayden Westing
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Ill or Abused: Ill
If ill, what illness: Multi-Pesonality Disorder
Crush/Date: Open
*Personality: Ayden is often plagued with his disorder during times or stress or unease. His alter-ego, whom he calls Ailin, can be violent and snappy. Ayden has been recovering, though, and now knows when he can expect Ailin to come out.
*History: Ayden's many past counselors have come to one conclusion: after a very abusive step father, Ayden created Ailin to help him fight out against the abuse. He was sent to many boarding schools, where he did particularly well--except in social behavior. He now is seens as an antisocial "freak" and is labeled so by every school her goes to. he came to the camp in hopes of finally curing the last of his "disease"--which, by the way, is a term that he hates--and possibly making new friends.

(His eyes are green, though.)
Other: None
((Obviosuly, I don't have anything against people with this disorder. ))
[None of these pictures are mine. Full credit goes to the original artist(s) of these works.