Welcome(Trouble kid/horse)to Recovery

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9:47pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 10:33pm Aug 8 2010)

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Posts: 6,948

Name: Duskira 'Dusk' Winters

Age: 14

Gender: Female
Ill or Abused: Abused

If ill, what illness:
Horse: Violet
Crush/Date: Open
*Personality: She is timid because of her abusive past. She can be very pessimistic at times, but also optimistic. If she believes in something, she will see it through the that very end. This trait makes her hard-headed and sometimes wrong. If you give her a friend and she trusts you, she will stick to you and even give her life. If you betray her, she will not hesitate to do something bad.

*History: When she was 5 years old, her father started drinking. He came home later and later and then he and her mom would fight. When he was high, he would whip Dusk with all his might and with the hardest belts. She has sumerous scars from this. One day, a neighbor called the polie, hearing Dusk's screams. She was on the verge of Death and the police were forced to kill her father to stop him. Her mother died soon after of heartbreak.

Dusk was taken to an orphanage and sent to many foster cares. All of them gave her back after only a week or two. She was too much for them because of her blindness. Although she was kind, the orphanage just couldn't keep her. They sent her away to the horse camp to fix her.

Looks: She is around 5’4", short for her age and 95 lbs, very skinny, even underweight. She has no parents or siblings that she knows of. Her only sibling ran away and she never really knew her. She has cropped black hair that hangs down on her shoulders. Her dark purple eyes are unseeing for she is blind. One her left shoulder is a black dragon whose tail intertwines with the tail of the white dragon on her right shoulder. She is yin and yang, push and pull, good and evil. Dusk is usually seen wearing a purple kimono-like top and jeans. She never wears shoes.


Name: Feyth
Age: 14 seasons
Gender: Female
Tame, Ill or Abused: Ill

Kid: Open
Crush/Mate: Open
*Personality: Rp out
*History: She was born with a limp and her owners were going to kill her, had it not been for the camp that picked her up. She was raised there to be a strong horse which she turned into. The limp comes back every now and then, but is treated with the utmost care.




Name:Relis 'Rel' Winters

Age: 14

Gender: Male
Ill or Abused: Abused

If ill, what illness:
Horse: Open
Crush/Date: Open
*Personality: He is happy and bubbly all the time. He never seems to have a problem with other people being mean and constantly ignores

*History: Same as Dusk except that he is not blind and was only sent because he can't cope with other children.




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9:54pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835

Unique.jpg anime rainbow girl image by neonM

Name:PJ Lov
Ill or Abused:Ill and abused.
If ill, what illness:She has Autism.
*Personality:PJ is very hard to understand and be around for most people. She is quiet and doesn't like to be around people or loud noises. She doesn't really like light and would much rather be in a dark cold place then a warm light one. She likes animals more then humans because she feel more connected with animals, like they can understand her. She isn't use to being helped because her parents were always too busy
*History:PJ was born in a large family of ten children(Three girls and seven boys). Her parents were madly in love at first until her father started to drink and take drugs. His personality slowly started to change until he was violent and abusive to his family and other people. The relationship between her parents also change. She was five when things began to get really bad. her parents were almost always arguing and hurting each other and her mother finally moved away bring half of her children with her. She was one of the children that was left with her father. After her mother left her father became more and more worse. He even killed one of her brothers leaving her and her three brothers. She decided to run away with her older brother Sinne not too long after the death. Her other two brothers were too scared of what their father would to if they were caught so they didn't go with them.

silver.jpg silver anime boy image by xoxkakashixox
Name:Sinne(Sin) Lov
Ill or Abused:abused.
If ill, what illness:None
*Personality:RPing it out.
*History:Same as his sisters.
Other: Nope.

((Sorry, I didn't know that this had been reposted.))


10:06pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,291

(Okay. So we need one of the females to be a male for the genders to become even. So someone has to give up a female.

ssather-Oh, and who did PJ have again?

Feyth-Pick someone for Dusk to own. She can own Violet if you want, but we need someone to take Feyth too.)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

10:07pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((I can make a male.))

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10:08pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((Ok, Dusk as Violet and I am making another male.))

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10:10pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,291
(No, not make a male. We need to get rid of a girl, and add a male.)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

10:12pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
((Yukita was her horsey.XD))


10:14pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((I could make two males.))

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10:17pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,291
(We don't need two males, then we would have to make more horses, and we would have too many charas to keep track of.)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

10:18pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((Ah okay. Since I only ave one female, I am not giving her up. -hmph-))

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10:18pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,291
(Nevermind. I counted wrong. We need two males and two females.)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

10:20pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((Ok, I can make a male.))

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10:20pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,291
(Okay then.)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

10:29pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 10:32pm Aug 8 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((looks up))

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10:31pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,291
(Okay but one thing, did you read the rules? It says to edit your first bio post, so we don't have bios all over the board.)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

10:32pm Aug 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((Oops, sorry...))

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7:45am Aug 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,258
((So how is everything going? Sorry i had to leave so quickly.))


8:06am Aug 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

Name: Rain
Age: 6
Gender: Female

Ill or Abused: Emotionally abused from her father's lies, dares not trust anyone anymore.

If ill, what illness: NA

Horse: Any horse
Crush/Date : Plainly too young
*Personality:  Cheery and bubbly around certain people but keeps quiet when at very crowded areas.

*History: Coming c:
Looks: ta:image/jpg;base64,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*censored*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" alt="" /> (just not in a baby form :p )

Other:  None c"


8:08am Aug 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,258
((hey twinkitty, i cant see the pick... its a blank spot with a red X through it))


8:09am Aug 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,620

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos
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