Name: Duskira 'Dusk' Winters
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Ill or Abused: Abused
If ill, what illness:
Horse: Violet
Crush/Date: Open
*Personality: She is timid because of her abusive past. She can be very pessimistic at times, but also optimistic. If she believes in something, she will see it through the that very end. This trait makes her hard-headed and sometimes wrong. If you give her a friend and she trusts you, she will stick to you and even give her life. If you betray her, she will not hesitate to do something bad.
*History: When she was 5 years old, her father started drinking. He came home later and later and then he and her mom would fight. When he was high, he would whip Dusk with all his might and with the hardest belts. She has sumerous scars from this. One day, a neighbor called the polie, hearing Dusk's screams. She was on the verge of Death and the police were forced to kill her father to stop him. Her mother died soon after of heartbreak.
Dusk was taken to an orphanage and sent to many foster cares. All of them gave her back after only a week or two. She was too much for them because of her blindness. Although she was kind, the orphanage just couldn't keep her. They sent her away to the horse camp to fix her.
Looks: She is around 5’4", short for her age and 95 lbs, very skinny, even underweight. She has no parents or siblings that she knows of. Her only sibling ran away and she never really knew her. She has cropped black hair that hangs down on her shoulders. Her dark purple eyes are unseeing for she is blind. One her left shoulder is a black dragon whose tail intertwines with the tail of the white dragon on her right shoulder. She is yin and yang, push and pull, good and evil. Dusk is usually seen wearing a purple kimono-like top and jeans. She never wears shoes.
Name: Feyth
Age: 14 seasons
Gender: Female
Tame, Ill or Abused: Ill
Kid: Open
Crush/Mate: Open
*Personality: Rp out
*History: She was born with a limp and her owners were going to kill her, had it not been for the camp that picked her up. She was raised there to be a strong horse which she turned into. The limp comes back every now and then, but is treated with the utmost care.
Name:Relis 'Rel' Winters
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Ill or Abused: Abused
If ill, what illness:
Horse: Open
Crush/Date: Open
*Personality: He is happy and bubbly all the time. He never seems to have a problem with other people being mean and constantly ignores
*History: Same as Dusk except that he is not blind and was only sent because he can't cope with other children.