2:00pm Nov 13 2010 (last edited on 2:02pm Nov 13 2010)
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((^0^ Next page! Loki, remember that first rp I had with you, Ash, and a few other users who dropped out later? It was like, my second rp I had done in a long time. So I was having tons of fun doing it. And my sister wouldn't stop playing 'Down' By Jay Sean, so now every time I hear that song, I feel extreme happiness, but I feel like I just can't seem to find out why. And then after some serious thinking, I remember it was about that rp. xD *is playing the song again and feels like smiling* And now I'm gonna make more characters. ;D))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
2:17pm Nov 13 2010
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((You know, me and Ash were considering restarting that Roleplay on the Y Teigr Gwyn forums, if you're interested. :3 My charie coming in a minute. x3))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
3:06pm Nov 13 2010
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((Maybe. 8D I just finished doing karaoke. xD Wow, my voice sounded much better than I expected it to. I think my voice sounds fantastic. <3 Especially when I sang Down by Jay Sean. c: But my sister's voice just wrecked the beauty of it all when she jumped in. T.T" We still need more humans. :/ Pokemon isn't supposed to be all about magical creatures with extraordinary talent who do epic things for the world. We need trainers, nurses, and all the stuff Pokemon regularly have. ;c)) Name~ Professor Bloom
Gender~ Female
Age~ 21
Pokemon~ Twinkle (female Igglybuff)- (Moves) Pound, Sing, Copycat, Charm. (Looks) A dark purple Igglybuff with a red heart on it's forehead instead of a swirl.
What they do/are (like are they a nurse or something. Be sure to list the name of their group if they are part of an evil as.sociation. ;D)~ She's a professor who loves to give out pink starters. xD
History (optional)~ She wanted to be an idol, then a daycare lady, and then had this tempting idea to be a Pokemon ranger who throws flowers at good people, but when she found out that most professors were old and could give out starters to young trainers, she chose to be a professor because she wants to take advantage of the fact that most professors are old and she just adores children, so being able to give out Pokemon to children is probably one of the most wonderful things to her. Plus she thinks she can become famous this way, because she'll give the children beautiful and strong Pokemon, so they'll battle with them, and when someone asks them where did they get it, they would say it was their starter, and when they ask which professor gave it to them, they would say Professor Bloom, and they would spread the news thinking that she was the most awesome professor in the world.
Personality~ She's a bit too cheerful and considered girly. Shes obsessed with cute things and will fall completely in love with anything pink. She's younger than most professors, who tend to be old with white hair, and because of that likes to exclaim, "You expected me to be old, right!? But I'm not! I bet you think I'm as pretty as a blossom in bloom!" And then she'd twirl around, and wink. "Bloom is my name." Crush~ She probably won't be crushing on anyone anytime soon unless they are muscular and are willing to give her an extraordinary present wrapped in a ribbon on a daily basis. She's like that. xD
Other~ She's human. ((My other bios are coming. ;D))
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3:43pm Nov 13 2010 (last edited on 3:45pm Nov 13 2010)
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Name~ Sirocco
Gender~ Female
Age~ 15
Looks~ Pokemon Flygon (she is it) Famethrower, Earthquake, Ice beam, Dragon claw & a companion pokemon Dipsi the male Togatic: Ariel ace, Yawn, Dream eater, Hyper beam!
What they do/are Companions to Dachi Sirocco
History (optional)~ Sirocco was born human, but shortly after was 'lost' by her parents. All they could see was A small trapinch, scuttling along, so they left it in search if their daughter. She grew with the Flygon and Vibrava, until one day she was attempted to be caught by a resercher. This was when she reverted back to her human state at the age of 6, already at Vibrava stage. The researcher took her home and attempted to talk to her, but like all pokemon, she could understand, but not communicate back. The researcher had a son whom she grew fond of and he was of a similar age. They grew up together, and when He hit the age of ten. Two years later, she went with him. On their journey, She found an egg that contained a Togapri. The togati is now, along with the lad, her best friend.
Personality~ Sirocco Is a lively girl who speaks broken english due to her delayed learning. Crush~ nope
Name~ Dachi fujioka
Gender~ Male
Age~ 17
Looks~ Pokemon~ Pandora, Female, Umbreon: Shadow ball, Faint attack, Quick attack, Phychic Epsilon, Male, Flareon: Flamethrower, Will-O-Whisp, Lava Plume, Dig Omega, Male, Jolteon: Thunderbolt, Thunder wave, Discharge, Iron Tail Delta, Male, Vaporeon: Hydro pump, Aqua Ring, Muddy Water, Aurora Beam
What they do/are~ He is a trainer History (optional)~ Dachi had a normal child hood. his father was a resercher and his mother was a school teacher. It changed when he was 8. His dad brought home a green haired girl. She was different. But thats what he liked about her. at first he liked having a younger sister, but found it even more amazing when she turned into a flygon.
Personality~ Dachi is a Hyperactive lad who loves to mess around. he plays jokes on people. However, whenever a girl (besides sirocco) is around him he gets nervous,because he doesn't know how to talk to them properly so often stutters. He goes crazy if someone messes with his hat Crush~
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:11pm Nov 13 2010
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Posts: 4,685
Name~ Brian
Gender~ Male
Age~ 19
Pokemon~ Munch (male Munchlax)- (Moves) Focus Punch, Metronome, Rest, Sleep Talk
What they do/are~ He owns a restaurant in Saffron City. I need cooks and waitresses for the restaurant! D:
History (optional)~ Not important.
Personality~ He's a very shy and quiet person, and blushes often. Even the slightest insult could make him close to tears, and the second you threaten him, he'll get scared and start to tremble. But as quiet and shy as he is, if he gets used to you, he can be very sweet and talkative. Crush~ Open. ;D
Other~ Nope. ;c
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4:59pm Nov 13 2010
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Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
5:39pm Nov 13 2010 (last edited on 5:45pm Nov 13 2010)
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Posts: 41
((Join?))] EDIT:Never mind.
The user is ONLINE!
5:41pm Nov 13 2010 (last edited on 7:52pm Nov 13 2010)
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((I will let you join once you post the pas.swords. ;D Btw everyone, Chu is my younger sister. c:))
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7:52pm Nov 13 2010
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Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
9:19am Nov 14 2010 (last edited on 9:21am Nov 14 2010)
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((Bump. D: EDIT: Yes, the spammy post went away! ^0^ And I worked hard on this rp; it makes me sad to think it's gonna die. ;c))
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4:10pm Nov 14 2010
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((Bump. WAZZUP PEEPLEZ WHO IZ INVISIBLE. YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE. *goes on a search for everyone* D:<))
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6:11pm Nov 14 2010
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((Bump. You can run but you can't hide. ;c *hisses*))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
4:31pm Nov 15 2010
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((You guys are boring me to death. T.T" Since I'm so bored I'll just make more characters. AND NO, I WON'T USE THEM. I'M JUST MAKING THEM FOR FUN. D:<)) Name~ I'M BORED TO DEATH YO. D8
Gender~ He. Yeah, he's male. D:<
Age~ 84
Looks~ He looks like a toilet except pink with red hearts on him. And with a diaper floating in the toilet water thats filled with baby waste. ;c
Pokemon (be sure to list their moves, gender, nickname if any, and species)~ Diaper (male Diapereeshiosho)- (Moves) I SHALL FART RIGHT THERE, Super Dance, yo wut up, omg iz tat a pikachu yo.
What they do/are (like are they a nurse or something. Be sure to list the name of their group if they are part of an evil as.sociation. ;D)~ I'M BORED TO DEATH YO. D8 is a toilet at Mc. Donalds. Actually at Chilis (hint: beans make you fart and poop more... I think xD). History (optional)~ He was once a little boy with over 20 bottoms, but when he stepped on a magical polka-dot it zapped him and he became a toilet. ;c
Personality~ He tends to scream like a little girl every now and then (thats why people think he's a haunted toilet), but other than that he doesn't do anything and has no personality. Crush~ On a fake toilet thats part of a Barbie doll's house.
Other~ wut r u doin heer yo all.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
4:56pm Nov 15 2010 (last edited on 5:11pm Nov 16 2010)
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((Okay, maybe I might use this one. ^0^ She was one of my characters from a story in the writing sections of the forum (it's still there is you wanna read it; the one I'm talking about is the one that she's the main character in, and the other one she was just a regular character since there really were no main characters in that one). And yes, she was part of a Pokemon story I made, so I won't have to think of all her Pokemon and what she is. I already made it in the story; she has a baby Squirtle that a friend bred for her (with some strong moves because the moves from the father were pas.sed on to the baby), and had been stolen by an evil group of people. But there aren't any evil groups here since no one made one, so she's a regular trainer. xD)) Name~ Marissa
Gender~ Female
Age~ 14
Pokemon~ Squirtle (female Squirtle)- (Moves) Hydro Pump, Bubblebeam, Surf, Skull Bash
What they do/are (like are they a nurse or something. Be sure to list the name of their group if they are part of an evil as.sociation. ;D)~ She's just a regular trainer. But I might add the evil characters from the story so she'll stolen like she is in the story. c:
History~ Not important.
Personality~ Rp it out. Crush~ Open. ;D
Other~ .....
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:47pm Nov 15 2010
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((.... Did this really die? T.T"))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
4:39pm Nov 16 2010
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((Bump. ..... Where'd everyone go? D8))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
8:08pm Nov 16 2010
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((I've been cursed with a demanding father who expects me to go back to the no-life little nerd I was in elementary school. You know, the one that didn't know crap about the internet and spent all his time being bored with school work because it was so damn easy? Yeah. Most parents would appreciate a military child getting over the antisocialness that moving every few years can bring upon said child, but not mine. They care more about the kid's grades than the kid himself. /endrant I'll post a half-done bio in a minute. =/ I haven't had much time to develop a charrie other than history and appearance.))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:58pm Nov 16 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Here... and why is this Brian so adorable. o_O Vampire!Brian wouldn't even look twice at Sakura. >_>)) Bio:
Name~ Yoru
Gender~ Male
Age~ Unknown, looks 17
Looks~ ((Drawing this out because he's too epic for photobucket search))
Pokemon (be sure to list their moves, gender, nickname if any, and species)~ Akus - (male Sazandora) - Tri Attack, Flamethrower, DragonRush, Roar Zuto - (male Zubat) - Supersonic, Haze, Shadow Ball, Leech Life Sato - (shiny Male Minun) - Thunderbolt, Double Team, Gr*censored* Knot, Charm
What they do/are (like are they a nurse or something. Be sure to list the name of their group if they are part of an evil as.sociation. ;D)~ Experiment Created by Team Rocket. Currently works [loosely] for them.
History (optional)~ ((Similar to Max Ride slightly because I'm obesessed with the manga version right now)) Although the exact story is unknown, Yoru was fused with the DNA of a Choroneko while still inside his mother. Chances are that the a Team Rocket scientist was posing as a Doctor. When he was born, he was announced dead by the "Doctor" and taken to the Team Rocket base to be raised. Most of the other experiments died due to complications, but he survived. One scientist decided to inject him with Mew DNA and try to erase the Choroneko traits in him and replace them with the Mew DNA because he was most likely to survive. However, he only became a hybrid of the two and ended up with his fur and hair just changing color. However, when the scientist gave him a collar to amplify his powers and he gained the ability to teleport. Deamed (sp?) useful by the scientists, he was sent out in the field. Quickly rising ranks... ... And I dun feel like writing anymore. You get the gist of it. =/
Personality~ Meh, you'll see. Crush~ *tempted to make him crush on Brian* >w>
Other~ I'm allowed to get away with crappy bios like this. >D
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
2:56pm Nov 17 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((Choroneko! the manga adaptation is awesome aint it? Toilet paper X/ heh heh FTW ^_^ ))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:29pm Nov 17 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((I haven't seen the Manga adaptation. o3o))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr