6:07pm Nov 20 2010
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Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
8:29pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 3,426
Yoru stared down at the paper he'd been given only moments before. The heavy sheet was ed with his latest *censored*ignment. He'd been ordered to find and capture a female Salamence for a breeding project. The idea made him shudder a bit. Being half Pokemon made him see all the breeding projects as a little creepy. What if they made him breed...? He shuddered a bit at the thought. "Something wrong, hybrid?" The Rocket Executive in front of him barked, causing him to jump and flinch slightly. He hated the way he was treated here. Sure, the scientists loved him because he was like their son, and even Giovanni liked him a bit, but the rest of Team Rocket? Nooo, they hated him with a p*censored*ion. "No..." Yoru said quietly, brushing a bit of his feathered pink hair out of his face. Ever since they gave him Mew DNA, his brilliant purple fur had changed to a hot pink. He was used to it now, but it had been a shock to see the first time. "I'll just be on my way." The hybrid informed the other male, quickly turning on his heel and leaving the room. Once the automatic door slid shut behind him, he let out a sigh and checked his appearance in one of the gla.ss walls. The was in a simple Grunt uniform, the hat covering his ears and casting a shadow over his eyes. His tail, shaped like a Coroneko's but colored like a Mew's, flicked gently behind him. His skin was pale and his eyes were a light blue. He yawned and frowned. The black didn't totally clash with his fur, but he would certainly rather wear something else. Something cooler like some of the trainers he'd seen. Suddenly, his ears perked up under his hat as he heard some Grunts walking his way. Not wanting a reason to be punished by the executives for loitering, he pressed the button on his collar to teleport out the building and get ready for his new a.ssignment. ((Should Yoru have Crystal's Mew's DNA? :3 So they can like, sense each other and stuff? Might make things more interesting.))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:55pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Malachi hummed, feeling rather cheery today. He had his Buneary, Thumper, in his arms as he walked through the forest, vibrant green eyes soft and warm. His silvir fell into his face, his colorful wings fluttering lightly with his every step. After a while, he found a stump to sit upon, Thumper getting placed onto his lap. He stroked the rabbit Pokemon's fur, the Buneary cooing as a response.
A moment later, Malachi moved to touch the ground with slender, feminine fingerd, and from that spot a small berry tree sprouted up. The male, though he looked female, fae letting out a soft, chime-like giggle as Thumper immediately tried getting into the tree.
"Thumper, allow me to pick them first," he said, standing up to gently pluck a berry and give it to his Buneary. His voice was soft and slightly higher-pitched than most males, and it had a musical tone to it. He never noticed it before, however.
The fae looked up as a deer Pokemon stepped up, a smile crossing the male's face. "Bambi, there you are," he said, moving over to stroke the deer's head, the look on his face making him seem even more like a girl.
(Fail. -has a headache-)

9:02am Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 11
so now you started it over, and no i wasnt spamming i actually thought it was still going on, and id like to join, i love pokemon
Pokemon Lover and Anime Lover
Warriorcat for life.
Shorty Lynn
3:03pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((For one, you're in the wrong Roleplay, and two, you were necroposting from a roleplay that's last post was in JUNE. Please read the rules before you come and bother me twice. >_>))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
3:17pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((ShortyLynn, you're in the wrong rp. >.< And no, you cannot join. :/ Loki, fine. ;D Now I already know what to post when Yoru meets Crystal. Maybe something terrible could happen, and a wave of some powerful force takes over all the legendary Pokemon and they start to destroy every thing. Then the humans-- or whatever species I added in this rp-- have to find a way to stop all this. And maybe Yoru can try to save Mew and work with Crystal. 8D I got to go eat, be back soon to post. c:))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
3:32pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Yay. <3))
4:18pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 1,805
"Dachi... Dachi we have food now?" asked Sirocco, strolling beside Dachi, her green hair flowing gracefully underneath her hat. "Yea Sirocco, I think we should have food now too." He said, smiling down to his adopted sister. "What do you think Dipsi?" He asked the togatic enthusiastically, holding the peak of his cap. The small pokemon did a loop in the air before chirping in delight. Dachi laughed and ruffled the top of Sirocco's hat. "Dachi! leave hat alone." Scowled Sirocco, gripping her hat firmly to her head and running ahead of Dachi. Dipsi chirped again, flying after his friend, pas.sing her in a few seconds. "Hey, wait up you two." Chuckled Dachi, re-adjusting his bag so it wouldn't fall off, then started to sprint after his two companions.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:58pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((By the way, heres something that could give you ideas what to post when interacting with Crystal. ;D She's part-vampire, but it's almost impossible to find out since she is more faerie than vampire, and maybe she could accidentally reveal her fangs to them because she forgets to talk low. c: Even though she's the princess of faeries, none of the faeries know that she's part-vampire. ^0^)) Mew transported to the TR (Team Rocket) HQ, and looked around. It could feel some sort of connection, but it couldn't figure out what. Maybe it had something to do with the DNA TR took from it. It looked around, and spotted a computer. It floated over to it, and turned on the device. The device started to record, or download, the data. Then it sent it to Crystal's faerie-magic enchanted computer, which could not get hacked or have viruses due to the fact it is enchanted. Crystal heard two beep noises, and looked down at the device strapped to her wrist. On it the words, 'ODDISH IN DANGER. NEED HELP. OVER AT THE RAINBOW GARDEN. NEED HELP SOON.' Crystal read it, and then pressed the 'help' button. No, it doesn't mean Crystal needs help or doesn't understand, it means that she's coming and help's on the way. "Let's go, the Oddish needs us. We could play with the water types later," she said, having the kind of 'this is a serious problem' look on her face. Her tone... still dark. It was always dark. It never sounds sweet unless she's really trying. She closed her eyes, and her hair lifted up in the air, waving like there was an air conditioner below them. A bright pink light formed under them, and it stretched out until it engulfed them. Suddenly, a bright white flash covered the whole area near them, but it was soon gone. Everything was normal, except Crystal and Jewel, her Salamence, weren't there anymore. She reappeared where Oddish was, and it was crying badly. This one, unlike other Oddish, was a bright light blue shade, not the usual dark shade. And the leaf, or gras.s, growing from it's head was not actually gras.s or leafs. It was a whole bundle of roses; sweet smelling, bright red roses with their thorny stems. She ran over, and had a look of pity on her face. Oddly, her fangs were showing at the moment. Uh-oh... seems like she needs human blood. She had already went on for months without blood since she was part-faerie and didn't need blood as much, and now she needed it. Why at this moment? She tried to cover her fangs. "Everything alright?" she asked, looked sorry for the Oddish. It looked up at her, and took a step back, looking terrified. Crystal looked even more sorry. "It's okay," she said softly, sound sweet and not dark anymore. It sniffed, and seemed to try and sense if she was bad or not.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:11pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Hnn...How to make Malachi able to interact...? :I))
6:16pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Hnn. Instead of Crystal, Malachi might like Yoru because he's partially something that Malachi adores: A Pokemon. <3 The silly Breeder~ Cx I love mah fae boy. And ooh. Can I add in a human male? P:))
3:59pm Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 1,805
"Sirocco! Stop running so fast." Yelled Dachi, stumbling, trying to prevent himself from falling over. "You take hat again." She yelled back, still gripping it tightly to her head, now however, with only one hand. Sirocco spotted a log, so she let loose, just to annoy Dachi further, he wasn't getting food out, so she would make it hard for him. She hopped up onto a log then beckoned Dipsi to come closer, whispering to him her plan. By this point, Dachi had stopped, panting, looking from underneath his cap peak as to what the two where up to. In the split second he looked down, his cap was no longer on his head. "Hey! hey Dipsi!" he snapped, trying to grasp his hat, but missing it, due to it just out of reach. Sirocco was now rolling about laughing. She stopped an perked her head up, listening to a near my pokemon. It was an oddish. the oddish was communicating with someone, who, however, she did not know. Whilst Dachi was occupied with retrieving his hat, She went to investigate, discovering a pink haired girl. She had never met someone else with 'non-natural' hair colours, the ones Dachi had once discussed with her, on another being before. this was most odd.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

2:36pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((Rika, sure. ;D Lol, and everyone always labels Crystal 'pink haired girl'. xD Doesn't she notice she's a faerie or anything because of her wings?)) Crystal seemed unaware that another person was here. Her hand reached for the Oddish, but it flinched back. "It's okay," she whispered. "I'm only here to help." It took another step back, and stared at her for a moment. It seemed scared, yet at the same time had some hope in it's eyes. Crystal smiled at it, and reached for it again. This time, it hesitated, then hopped into her arms. Salamence was aware that another person was here, however. It turned around, and roared loudly. It beat it's wings hard, sending gusts of wind everywhere. It's eyes were glowing red, and it roared loudly again. This Salamence wasn't like any other. It was special. Pokemon that live and were born in the faerie forest tend to be powerful and have many powers and abilities others can't have. Crystal had found her Salamence's egg when she was only four years old, and a few days later it had hatched into a Bagon. It was pink, red, and white with a rose marking on it. Crystal was so joyed that she couldn't stop thinking and talking about it for days, and when she found out it was the only Bagon in the whole faerie forest, she literally exploded with joy. And there were no Shelgon or Salamence in the forest, either, so that meant that it no one else could have a Pokemon that is related to her Bagon. The egg couldn't have come from a two Salamence for this reason, so it must have been created by the faerie forest's natural magic like most of the other Pokemon and eggs.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
3:13pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Name~ Mordekai
Gender~ Male
Age~ 19
Looks~  ((Ignore the animal ear. He's in another roleplay I'm doing with my friends, loo. ouo)) Pokemon (be sure to list their moves, gender, nickname if any, and species)~
Bolt- Male silver Luxray with black stripes. Moves: Charge, Thunder Fang, Shock, and Bite.
((Yep. Just one. ouo))
What they do/are (like are they a nurse or something. Be sure to list the name of their group if they are part of an evil as.sociation. ;D)~ Trainer.
History (optional)~ Nope. P:
Personality~ He's usually pretty mellowed out, but can quickly become agitated if people do certain thins, such as abuse Pokemon or bad-mouth others just because they lost a battle. Crush~ Open
Other~ I drew this. In one day. Quickest ctual drawing I've ever done. Now, if I could just get around to fnish coloring him...xD
4:37pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 4,685
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
4:52pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((This is the reason why I'm leaving. Read my sig. My pals barely get on and all my rps die within a few days. Bye. ;c))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
5:02pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 6,165
( No, Sarya, don't lave. I miss you, and I wanna join your rps, I get on at this time every day! Just make an rp like that other one with the new world or a 1x1 with me!)
6:15pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I've been waiting for a way to get Malachi to interact with people since he's sitting on a rock in the forest. D:>))
7:55pm Dec 2 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((I'm waiting for Toshiro. *waits* D: Oh and I'm just visiting right now. I'll stay on for a while and then get off.))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
9:32pm Dec 2 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(I dunno what to do. XD;)