Well.. It seems I've fallen for Homestuck. :3

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10:35am Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104

Yeahh. XD I finished reading it and I luffered it liek seriouslyy! Haha and I wanna do a rp for it. :3

I might pull out playing Karkat, Gamzee, or possibly Nepeta or Terezi if needed. And if anyone wants to play the trolls, I'll be willing to pull in my OC for it. XD

I adore doing romance and action, so it should be fun. Anyway, hit me up with Rmail or on here if you ish interested. <3

Bahaha I've even started working on fan art for some friends on my DA account. :3

vocaloid Pictures, Images and Photos Online <3

11:26am Aug 4 2011

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I have like four OCs and a troll self, and I RP as Equius kinda, Gamzee, Dave, Karkles, Sollux...and Egderp AKA John.

I hve been trying to get a good Homestuck thing going too man! 


11:29am Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104
Lets do one together then! :DD We should probably do it somewhere else cuz if I decide to play Gamzee, things would be very vulgar. XD I've been told I would make a good Gamzee cosplayer, but hell. :3

vocaloid Pictures, Images and Photos Online <3

11:36am Aug 4 2011

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HeHe, Im AlL uP aNd ChIlL wItH iT mAn.



And Gamzee's very vulgar anyways. |D 


11:39am Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104

Then again so ish Karkitty. X3 He drops the eff-bomb so much it's funny. :P

I'm feeling like a human/troll romance cuz I'm a silly person. Besides, my friend's been bugging me to draw her and Karkat. o.o I got part of it done and colored atleast. :3

vocaloid Pictures, Images and Photos Online <3

11:43am Aug 4 2011

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I drew Karkles! 8D I'm about to redo my self-troll. o3o I've finally settled on her design! 8D

BY THE WAY. Did you know that you can download Pesterchum? ;D -has it-

And apparently SBURB is an actual game you can play. I need to find copies of it somewhere. >< -checks ebay lol- 


11:46am Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104

OHMIGAWWW!!! O.O Mickey must hass! o.o

I need to draw my OC cuz her design looks kinda weird. X3 I should show you the pic of Karkitty that I did. :3 I shall send in email! :DD

vocaloid Pictures, Images and Photos Online <3

11:49am Aug 4 2011

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Mine's on here. I did it realy fast though so it kinda sucks. AND. I drew troll!Dave's head, how I picture him to be. -just finished the lastest update-

Hnnng KArkat why are you such an idiot sometimes? :< 


11:52am Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104

Where ish it? :3 I'm trying to find it and I dun see it. XD

I'm thinking of posting that one part on DA cuz I'm feeling too lazy to post the actual full thing. Besides, the full thing was kinda... WOAH to begin with. :P

vocaloid Pictures, Images and Photos Online <3

11:56am Aug 4 2011

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It's in the art thing. Hold on I'll go get it. c: And I'm using a gmail account so yeah. What did you send it to? XD

I drew it for Loki for his birthday. I had to crop it to block out the words I wrote to go with it though. :U 


11:57am Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104
Bahh... Loki never replied to my rp.. He makes me sad sometimes. :c

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11:58am Aug 4 2011

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 Troll!Dave This is a two-minute quick-sketch done by the light of my laptop. :U


12:02pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104

D'awwww :3 Karkitty ish adorable! X3 He'd probably kick my arse if he knew I said that. :3
Oh yeah, I sent the pic to your yahoo. :3

vocaloid Pictures, Images and Photos Online <3

12:07pm Aug 4 2011

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For future reference, I'm barely on Yahoo anymore, so send crap to brittanysfowler@gmail.com please. c: 


12:11pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104
Okay :3 I has a gmail tew so if for some reason anyone can't reach me at my Yahoo or Hotmail, ish maycee.roga@gmail.com

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12:14pm Aug 4 2011

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I just discoveed that I had a Fanfiction.net account. XD


12:16pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104
I never made one.. o.o Oh well. Let's start this craziness! ;D

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12:17pm Aug 4 2011

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Oh yes. ;D


12:18pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104
I shall be playing my OC (human) and maybe bring in Nepeta cuz she's my OC's patron troll. :3 I dun have a picture so I shall be doing a deive! ;3

vocaloid Pictures, Images and Photos Online <3

12:21pm Aug 4 2011

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Okay. Is your OC a girl or a guy? C: I have all trolls atm so...yeah. xD NO WAIT I TAKE THAT BACK. I do have a human kid but I forgot  his name. o3o Evan I think. 

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