Well.. It seems I've fallen for Homestuck. :3

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12:24pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 12:34pm Aug 4 2011)

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Posts: 104
My OC is a girl. Her name is Esme Davis and she has a big crush on Karkat, but she gets kinda mad when he says he hates her. X3

vocaloid Pictures, Images and Photos Online <3

12:57pm Aug 4 2011

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I have...two female OCs, one being a true OC and the other being my troll-self.

My troll-self is Capela Mousik. Her strife specibus is fluteKind, her blood color is yellow, her lusus is a feathered dragon known as Dragondad, her land is The Land Of Music And Metal I think. Her horns resemble eight notes at the tops, and they match the horns of her lusus.

Her typing quirk is quite interesting.

She starts every line with a music note, AnD ShE CapitilizeS ThE FirsT AnD LasT LetteR OF EverY WorD~

So basically she's very sing-songy. 8D Her symbol is a music note. :U



Yes. I'm that thorough. c: 


1:09pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104

Bahaha! My OC is very catty due to her fancy for cats. Her sprite is (ironically) a dog plushie that fell off of the shelf. Her strife specibus is KnifeKind. She's human blood (red). She lands in the Medium in the Land of Little Cubes and Tea. Esme's typing quirk is very fun and energetic.

"Kinda liek dis."

Esme isn't one of the regular kids, she enjoys roleplaying. :3 And her trademark symbol is a kitty face. ;3

Haha I just got lazy. X3

vocaloid Pictures, Images and Photos Online <3

1:13pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 11,785

I also made a good-natured red-blooded troll, but he's already got a moirail who will eventually become hia matesprit sooo...yeah. xD And I'm fairly certain the ability to hate is not in his nature.

Beside Capela and Anarim, the redblood, the rest of my trolls are some form of blue. xD

Even when Capela speaks she's very sing-song-y. cx 


1:15pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104
Bahaha! What's Capela's pesterchum screen name? X3

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1:17pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 11,785


Brb food. 8D 


1:20pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104
Kk :3 My person's screen name is KnifeKitten. XD

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1:29pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 11,785


1. A lively piece of music, short and free in form.


1:30pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104
Latin rooting I'm guessing? :3

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1:33pm Aug 4 2011

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I dunno. xD


1:35pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104
But anyway, I'm ready to go whenever you're ready! :D

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1:36pm Aug 4 2011

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I've been ready. |D


1:40pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104
Alright! I shall start then, unless you wanna. X3

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1:43pm Aug 4 2011

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1:59pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104

((Okey :3))

Looks like it was just another day on planet Earth. It wasn't before long that Esme decided to get onto Pesterchum to see who was on, but the only people that were on were John, Dave, and Rose. She never talked to Egderp much, but she was always fond of talking about knives and swords with Dave.

She was about thirteen. Her hair was a deep brown, but often appeared black with a section of her fringe had a hot pink streak in it. Pale, almost ghostly skin was her thing. She never liked the outside, but tried to tolerate it. Her eyes were a golden yellow. She looked a little average, but she wasn't completely normal.

Her outfit mainly consisted of a turquoise shirt with a kitten on the front of it and grey pants with black shoes. She never wore any jewelry unless it was manditory.

No one really talked to her except for Dave and Rose. But after Rose convince her to play and download Sburb, everything would change..

((Bahh... FAIL!!))

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2:57pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104
((8ump :3))

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4:19pm Aug 4 2011

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((Trying to figure out who I should be. :U))


4:45pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104
((Bahaha you can do both Karkat and your troll. :3 I said I'd join in with Nepeta later anyway. X3))

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4:46pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 11,785
((XD With Capela?))


4:49pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 104
((Yesss!! :3 This will be quite funnay. ;D ))

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