((Okey :3))
Looks like it was just another day on planet Earth. It wasn't before long that Esme decided to get onto Pesterchum to see who was on, but the only people that were on were John, Dave, and Rose. She never talked to Egderp much, but she was always fond of talking about knives and swords with Dave.
She was about thirteen. Her hair was a deep brown, but often appeared black with a section of her fringe had a hot pink streak in it. Pale, almost ghostly skin was her thing. She never liked the outside, but tried to tolerate it. Her eyes were a golden yellow. She looked a little average, but she wasn't completely normal.
Her outfit mainly consisted of a turquoise shirt with a kitten on the front of it and grey pants with black shoes. She never wore any jewelry unless it was manditory.
No one really talked to her except for Dave and Rose. But after Rose convince her to play and download Sburb, everything would change..
((Bahh... FAIL!!))