1:54am Jun 21 2010
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2:05am Jun 21 2010
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Name: Lanen Kyler Age: Older than she looks. She was changed at 19 Gender: Female Species: Werewulf Appearance: Small and of muscular build, Lanen is frequently mistaken for a child...though she is obviously not. She stands around 4 foot, 11 inches with long blond hair with dark brown streaks running the length. It reaches almost to the backs of her knees. Her eyes are blue-green with a jagged gray streak running around the pupils. Other appearance:Though most wulves can reach 7 feet at the shoulder, Lanen just barely make 4. Her main body is light gray and her underbelly is brown-gray. Along her back, the hair is about a couple inches longer, forming a mane of sorts. This is brown and runs from between her ears to the dock of her tail. Her face is a lighter gray-brown than her belly and under her tail. Black marking like four fingerprints are on either side of her face, as if someone touched her face with sooty hands. Dark brown 'drip' markings follow the path of her mane on either side. I may include pictures soon. Personality: Extremely protective, but she loves to have fun. Teases and has sarcastic moments, but keeps it clean and harmless. Has compa.ssion for nearly everything except pigs. They can die. Loves trees and nature, but understands what needs to be done. Almost completely fearless, does dangerous things just for a rush. All you have to worry about is getting her mad. History: Born in the tail-end of the 1700's, she was changed at the age of 19. Lanen actually enjoys being a wulf. She was abandoned as a young child and crossed into many peoples lives. During these times, she was beat and otherwise abused, but that didnt stop her. She wanted out. At age 18, she still had not found a home, so she packed up and left, heading to the forest, were she was changed and has remained until recently, coming out to live among others every couple years or so. Weapons: Double blades or hand-to-hand. If she had to, though, she could probably make due with a spoon. A weak elemental. She had had magic before she was changed, but once she was bitten, she's had to relearn most of it. Theme-song: American Honey-Lady A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Bran Age: Appears 18, is actually older than Lanen. Gender: Male Species: Elf Appearance: Bran is tall and lithe, standing at almost 6 foot with black hair that falls to mid-neck. His eyes are a light chocolate brown with random green flecks. He usually is seen wearing a tunic, trousers, and A pair of soft leather thigh-high boots....though more recently, its jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers. I'll get a drawing up for him as well. Personality: Kind and with a mostly serious nature, it is very easy to like Bran; he hardly says anything. He isnt one to judge on past lives. He'll deal with almost anything besides downtalking and pain inflicted on others, and if he likes you, he'd risk his life to save your tail. If he doesnt....he'd still probably risk his life. Though it's hard to do so, if you get him mad, he'll come after you while you sleep. History: He leads an uneventful life....He had been an *censored**censored*in before turning around. This is one of the main reasons that he doesnt judge based on a persons past. Abilities: He can hear the thought of others...as long as they're being directed at him or about him. He's fast on his feet as well as his mind. Adept. Weapons: Sword, daggers, and bow and arrows. ((Hope they're okay. ^^))
Resident mounted archer
11:22am Jun 21 2010
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OoC: I like them. ^.^
Just call me Siri.
11:48am Jun 21 2010 (last edited on 11:48am Jun 21 2010)
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Name: Kana Age: 18 Gender: Female crush: open looks: coming

10:33pm Jun 21 2010
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okies, shall we begin?
12:20am Jun 22 2010
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12:45am Jun 22 2010
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Let's do this! xD
Just call me Siri.
12:48am Jun 22 2010
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I'll start. The three islands. The three seperations. Why would life end up this way? Akila was born in 1990. She had werewolf blood in her. She didn't chose it. Not until the vampires.
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1:09am Jun 22 2010
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((yea.... I don't know how to come in Dx))
1:10am Jun 22 2010
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((Lol. Just jump in.))
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1:12am Jun 22 2010
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((Lol. Just jump in.))
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1:12am Jun 22 2010
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((Lol. Just jump in.))
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1:26am Jun 22 2010
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((Sorry about the double posts!))
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1:31am Jun 22 2010
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OoC: I made an edit on Adrik's bio. He now has a picture. =) BiC With a cry of despair, Kyrian was ripped from the loving arms of his mother and little sister. Fighting with all of his strength, he was still no match for his father at the tender age of five. Now, thirteen years later, Kyrian was head of his household on Vampire Isle. His daily activities consisted of looking over the lower ranks, scouting the boarders, and listening to local complaints, but never far from his mind was his baby sister. “Kyrian!” The bark was from his father, an old vampire. An aging man, by mind but not body. Kyrian often felt pity for the old vampires. Your mind isn’t meant to last this long. “Yes, father, I know. I will check the stables before going to the library.” He replied simply. Pacing away, Kyrian knew that his father was probing his mind for the truth. Silly old man, I have far superior shields than you. But Kyrian understood the man’s concerns. I am leaving, he thought. I will be gone by morning. The night was still young, only five past ten. Zephyra shrieked with fear as pale monsters grabbed her brother. “No!” she had screamed, but to no avail. Crumpling to the floor, she hated her mother for such weakness. Her midnight-blue eyes turned black with fury, “How could you.” She accused with such venom that her mother wept. That had been thirteen years ago, but one of her most scarred memory. One she had yet to overcome, but Zephyra had left behind her weak kin. Never should a mother give a child away, never. Walking through the streets of “Werepire Isle”, Zephyra couldn’t stop thinking about her brother. “But he is coming, tonight he leaves Vampire Isle, so he will reach here by afternoon.” She whispered aloud. The two had found contact four years back, and had planned this event ever since. With a smile Zephyra murmured, “We will see each other again.” Thinking back, Zephyra toyed with her long, blonde locks. At fourteen she had found an evil were-man on Were Isle. He could shift into any animal he touched. Being that Zephyra’s, and Kyrian’s, mother had been human, the evil man decided to bite her. The pain had been excruciating, but in the end, Zephyra had come out the strong of the two. Killing the evil man, Zephyra iced her heart and became one of the strongest were-animals. Her beasts were constantly at war, so she often acted more animalistic than human.
Just call me Siri.
1:32am Jun 22 2010
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OoC: What do you guys think of Vampire Isle, Were Isle, and Werepire Isle? To name the islands...I know it's silly and not so unique, but yeah...Do you want to keep them?
Just call me Siri.
1:34am Jun 22 2010
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Akila was walking by the beach. Why are we all seperated. At least I want the next boat to the Werepire isle! You can say that Akila was mad.
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3:37pm Jun 22 2010
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((yus squishy ;D)) Kaname had just finished making his plans for the day. ((<- there we goes ;D I'm in now xD))
4:21pm Jun 22 2010
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((*bumps up deh page*))
4:32pm Jun 22 2010
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OoC: Which Isle is Kaname on?
Just call me Siri.
4:39pm Jun 22 2010
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((Whitch ever one Kaname wants to be on.))
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