2:47pm Aug 17 2010
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((omg mini lol, ok i will start then)) Yushara sat on a warm rock watching the clouds, her feet dangling off the side, A slight breeze shifted her golden brown hair over her shoulder. Her eyes, the color of her hair, were full of joy as she took in the fresh air. "Today is absolutely perfect. Not one vampy to worry about." She shielded her eyes with her hand as the sun peeked around a cloud. Yukita sat in the shade of the trees, covered from head to toe in dark colors. "I am so thirsty." She complained to no one, for she was alone at the moment. She picked up the book that was sitting by her knee, and began to read without any interest in the story. It was just another distraction until the sun went down and she could hunt.
2:47pm Aug 17 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Saryapink or Emerald has to start.>D))
2:48pm Aug 17 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((btw every one is excepted lol))
2:53pm Aug 17 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((I'm back. :D)) Crystal was in a dark cave with no light in it, for if she left the cave during daytime she'd get burned. She was hungry, but had to wait until night. It seemed like forever. "So.... hungry...." She said quietly.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
3:00pm Aug 17 2010
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Posts: 1,584
Kiona walked through the forest silently. She liked the way the forest sounded. She would walk through the forest during the day and at night when everyone was asleep. She knew that if Michael found out that she was sneaking out at night he wuld get mad. Even though he was her little brother he acted much older than he was and he was very protective of his older sister. The only reason he would be mad was because night was the only time the vampires could come out and he didn't want her getting hurt. Michael walked down the beach. The water lapped at his bare feet. He almost always walked barefooted just incase. Kiona hated to buy new shoes every day. He laughed at the thought.

3:23pm Aug 17 2010 (last edited on 3:35pm Aug 17 2010)
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Io walked around in circles in her room. She narrowed her eyes as a small beam of light filtered through the curtains. She walked towards the windows pulling the curtains shut tightly. She sighed going towards the bed and sat down closing her eyes. She turned around when she heard a knock on the door. "Iona! Are you okay?" She heard her cousin call at the other side of the door. "Yea...I am just erm...Resting. You know last night I was up late." She lied giving a fake yawn. "Do you need something?" She asked. "No...I was just making sure you were okay...You are always in your room." Her cousin said. "I just like to be alone sometime." Iona said opening the door and poking her head out of see her cousin giving her suspicious looks. ((Haha. I might make her cousin.XD))
3:58pm Aug 17 2010
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Posts: 4,685
((-braindead- Dx))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
4:38pm Aug 17 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((lol it would be funny if her cousin was human lol jk... well sary... now that i think of it, so am i. i will be poffing off again soon because i have karate clas.s))
5:01pm Aug 17 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Lol. Actually i was thinking about that...I think it would be more interesting if she had a snoopy cousin that figured out her secret and got into trouble.>D))
8:05am Aug 18 2010
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8:36am Aug 18 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Here is my fail at an intro XP oh expect spelling mistakes. I am on m iPod.))
Castor sat quietly under a tree, his back pressed close to the bark carfyl not to let any sun hit him. His eyes which were normally a warm chocolate brown were as red a blood. Which is what her craved. His throat felt tight and dry, his fangs that he had had for centuries were beging to throb in the way he was becoming used to. There was no used fighting the thirst. The pain was hard to ignore anyways. He turned his head to look on the forest floor around him. Animal carc*censored*es laid strunned, sucked of life and their blood but yet none had filled his thirst, or even brought it down just a little. He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, he would have to feed tonight. He looked towards something unseen in he forest, the city. He could hear the cars roam and the horn honking. He sighed wishing for the simpler times when he could just go to the tavern and grab the drunkest person and feed. You couldn't do tht nowadays, vampires did not exsist just a figment of the imagination. Now vampire were disired. They could go out into daylight, they attended school, had emotional problems. He chuckled at the very thought. The vampire of today are no more than fairies and mutated humans. He thought as he leaned his head against the tree. He had seen a movie about some guy who looked constapated, his name and the movie slipped his mind but it was the dumbest thing he had ever seen. The vampire, which he couldn't even be didn't have fangs, or drink human blood and to top it off he sparkled like the diamond in the display case at Carlos, the jewlery stor he had woked in back in Italy.
He felt his leg grown warm. He pushed his dark wavy hair, which he had let grow out, out of his face. the sun had chanted position and it
was slowly coming upon him. He got up and kicked the animal carc*censored*, a near by fox would eat them. That is if they flesh still tasted good without blood. He moved silently from the sunlight deeper into the forest.
(Do with that what you will XP)
- - - - - - - -
Karienne walked along the s*censored*. The beach was so realaxing today. Nobody
was there she stopped for a moment to pick up a shell. Shr smiled and twirled it in her hand as she continued. She honestly had no idea where she was going or why she was even on the beach. She sighed and sat down on the sand and looked at the waves. She turned qnd looked sideways and she saw someone coming up the beach. She squinted, she couldn't see who it was but whe *censored*umed it was a guy.
((Wow, I failed horribly at Kari.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:04am Aug 18 2010
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Posts: 1,584
Micheal walked with his hands in his pocket. He looked up and saw a girl coming towards him. He smiled when he realized it was a member of the pack. Kari was what they called her. He didn't know what to say to her so he just pas.sed her in silence and smiled slightly to her. He walked farther and farther down the sh.ore in silence. After a while he saw his sister running towards him. Kiona ran towards her brother. When she got close enough to him she stopped and started to walk in unison with him. "Why do you always walk alone?" she asked michael. He shrugged. "You need to find Yurasha and hang out with her." She told him nuding him with her shoulder. He smiled and looked back down a t the sand. "I'm surprised she chose you as a mate" Kiona smiled "You're to quiet." She shook her head. Michael laughed and just kept walking with his sister.

9:12am Aug 18 2010
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Posts: 4,258
Yushara yawned, stretching her arms out wide. "I was going to go and look for Micheal but a little nap couldnt hurt." She said to herself, lying out flat on the warm rock. She yawned againg befor closing her eyes and drifting off into a light sleep. Yukita grunted as the sun change position and the clouds thinned, forcing her to change locations. She froze when she caught the scent of another vampire nearby. (Can that be Castor?) She walked slowly not all that interested in company, but she didnt feel like being board anymore and with someone to talk to, it would take her mind off the burning thirst.
10:40am Aug 18 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Hehe. Aurora will make a nice snoopy cousin that gets into trouble.>D)) Io sat on her bed and watched as the sun went to the other side of the house leaving her cool, and sunless. She got up and opened the window wanting to get out of the house, and as far away from her cousin as possible. She sighed at her bare feet hit the shady ground below her window and began to walk towards the forest. Io could smell two other vampires but she decided to ignore them and just walk by because she wasn't in the talking mood. She could also hear faint foot steps behind her but she decided to ignore those too. Io quickened her speed as the noise became louder. She turned around about to attack the thing following her to only come face to face with her cousin. "What are you doing?" Io hissed having to hold her breath because her cousins blood smelt good. "I think the question is ,'What are you doing' because its obvious what I am doing." Aurora retorted. "I am just going for a walk." Io said glaring at Aurora. "Well, you could ha-" "Aurora, do we really have to have this talk? I mean, what is the point of it?" Io asked.

2:07pm Aug 19 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((bump?? i would post but i set out into the forest to look for someone lol, i guess i could come out of the forest and see you and your cousin snaky lol))