7:31pm Apr 16 2010
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(( awesome sauce :D start RPing! :D))
7:32pm Apr 16 2010
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Dust sat in the cover of darkness. She sat silently on on an old stone bridge in her cat form, her tail swishing below her, the rythm of the creek below filled her ears. She inhaled a deep breath, and sung a deathly tune Zure walked down the path in his human form, he kicked a few stones, looking for shelter in the brisk air
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7:35pm Apr 16 2010
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Rogue sat down in the middle of the other camp. in her cat form, she felt the ground. feeling vibrations she jumped up. she watched Dust from a distance and smiled. she scanned her, looking good and pranced over to her. " hello im Rogue. you are? " she asked still smiling.
7:37pm Apr 16 2010
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Dust sat continuing her tune, ignoring the presence of another like herself. She cut her tune short in the final verse and looked up at Rogue. Just staring with her deathly green eyes. She turned back to the creek and focused on the sound of the stream. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply..."Interesting..." she whispered
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7:40pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 7:46pm Apr 16 2010)
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suddenly Rogue jumped from her spot to the stream. " werewolves.." she hissed. " ive got there scent all over me from that last fight...." she m urmered. she jumped into the water and tried her best to get the scent off her. Calyx, now in her human form layed down and looked up at the clouds not noticing Zure. she giggled, but she cut it short. in a bl ink of an eye she was in her wolf form baring her teeth staring at Zure. she noticed he was one of her, and returned to her human form and layed down again." oops.." she thought
7:47pm Apr 16 2010
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(( bump..))
7:48pm Apr 16 2010
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(( fun...? where r u...))
7:48pm Apr 16 2010
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Dust stared... She looked at the sky. "Yes, some major damage caused..." Dust said wickedly. An evil glint in her eye. She turned to Rogue, "Dumb creatures, arent they?" she said calmly. Zure continued his stroll, not noticing Calyx until she bared her teeth. He laughed silently and ignored the female werewolf as he picked up the scent of two...cats. He growled and went quickly into his wolf form letting out a long, threatening, howl... Dust's head whipped around as she heard the howl. She let out a returning screech, daring the dog to attack...
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7:52pm Apr 16 2010
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" yupp." Rogue hissed. "what are you doing?! your going to lead them to our base camp!" she snarled. Calyx turned to her woilf form and smiled. she sniffed the ground and pointed out there location. " who are you anyway?" she asked as she ran to the direstion of the cats.
7:55pm Apr 16 2010
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"Thats the point...i know THAT wolf." she chuckled coldly... Zure stopped dead in his tracks at the anwsering screech. He turned back into his human form and touched his scar. He turned to Calyx, "I cant go in that direction.." he said slowly backing away. "Im sorry, my names Zure." he turned and ran in the opposite direction
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7:58pm Apr 16 2010
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"wait!" she howled but it was to late. "he`ll probrally meet up with StarFrost at the camp..." she thought " i can take on a little kitty!" she howled. she ran ov er to them. she smiled and stared at Dust. venom dripped out of her mouth waiting for the first move.
8:02pm Apr 16 2010
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Dust smiled unamused. "puppy want to play?" she chuckled wickedly flexing her dagger like claws, knowing they could strip flest from bone in a matter of seconds. She cocked her head, "Did u meet my old friend...what was his name...Zure?" she said coldly
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8:07pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 8:09pm Apr 16 2010)
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when Dust said Zure his face flashed in her mind. "the scar..."she thought " she cursed under her breath. " what did you do to him?!" she snarled. " ANSWER ME CAT!! " she howled. suddenly she lost control. her fur turned dark her eyes turned to a black void her fangs grew out with venom drippinf from them. her wings were bigger and stronger. " whats happening? " she thought. " oh no! im in blood form! if i stay in this for long im dead! but.. i cant control myself!" she thought again as she suddenly lunged for Dusts neck. she smiled as she heard the crack of her neck but.... she diddent bite Dust.. but Rogue! she slung rogue into a tree and charged for dust. but then in a few seconds she was in her normal werewolf from. she diddent care and continued to attack.
8:13pm Apr 16 2010
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8:17pm Apr 16 2010
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(( hello? O.O ))
8:20pm Apr 16 2010
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Dust shook her head, quickly dodging out of Calyx's range, slashing her side as she p*censored*ed, not doing enough damage to severly hurt her... "Careful pup," she called jokingly, cleaning her bloody paw. "Hmmmm, what DID i do to Zure?" she asked teasingly. "Have a soft spot for him, dog?" she hissed in the same teasing tone. "Run along pup, come back when ur more experienced..." she said unamused... She strode over to Rogue, nudging her with her head. "Your aim isnt that great? is it?" she growled. Dust hissed dangerously at Calyx, putting a paw infront of Rogue's unmoving body. "Run along, and go protect...Zure..." She said in a threatening whipser. "Before i decide, to pay him another visit..." she growled
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8:23pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 8:24pm Apr 16 2010)
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as much as she wanted to kill that cat, she diddent want her to hurt Zure. " ill be back kitten.... and i wont be alone. oh and your little rescuer has three days to live from my poison." she laughed then she bounded away. then she noticed her scratch it diddent cause her any pain btu she was loosing alot of blood. exhausted for some reason and layed down and started panting.
8:29pm Apr 16 2010
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"I'll be waiting...." Dust anwsered as she cocked her head mockingly. "And im sure Zure, will help me out a bit, with the healing..." she called teasingly. Zure kept running, somehow imagining that the little black cat was behind him, wanting to finish what it started. He stopped at a rock and hid underneath the outcrop awaiting the cat to find him
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8:32pm Apr 16 2010
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Calyx got up and paddeda yard from where Zure was hiding. " my blood form took alot out of me..." she whispered. she layed down and whimpered. " what is wrong with me? why did i stand up for that guy?!" she thought."im going crazy." she laughed.
8:37pm Apr 16 2010
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Dust chuckled madly..."yes pup, u better run..." she turned and stared at her fallen ally, I think we need a healer she thought....she let out a long hiss that sounded "Zuuuuurrrree!" Zure looked up at the hiss. His anger flared, as he saw his reflextion in some tree sap. "You've caused me so much pain," he growled angrily. "One day you will FALL." he snarled thinking of Dust. He turned and saw Calyx. He closed his eyes, and stitched up her wound. He opened them and stared at her. "Im going hunting," he listened as a second hiss fell upon his ears. He let out an anwsering howl that sounded "I challenge you!" Dust heard the challenge and chuckled. she whispered "i accept." and sat as padded feet approached her
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