10:13pm Apr 16 2010
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"I have my reasons." dust said mysteriously. "so why r u on our side? if im just as big a murderer as the wolf who killed ur beloved family?" Dust stated unemotionally. Zure put his paw on Calyx. "Is there another healer around?" he whispered
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10:16pm Apr 16 2010
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" werewolves killed my family so obviosly on not going to be on there side." Cinder said. " StarFrost....camp....." was all Calyx said.
10:19pm Apr 16 2010
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Dust cocked her head. "I dont think you know WHAT killed your family." Dust stated plainly. Zure whispered "I'll be back." before racing off in the direction of the camp. He had to find StarFrost, perhaps they would be a more experienced healer than he was.
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10:24pm Apr 16 2010
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((zozo, u there?))
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10:26pm Apr 16 2010
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Starfrost spotted Zure. " who are you?" she growled smelling Calyxs scent all over him." where is Calyx?!" she growled. Cinder layed down. " im tired.. im gonna..." Cinder was fast asleep.
10:26pm Apr 16 2010
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(( srry xD im going in a few mins so post veryy fast! :D ))
10:29pm Apr 16 2010
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Zure panted, his own wounds visible through his white fur, he panted hard trying to catch his breath. Zure returned the snarl but only in defence... "im zure....Dust.....fight....Calyx.....hurt b-badly....need.....more h-h-ealing...." he made out. And took off running back to Calyx "hmph," Dusk shrugged..."poor sap, dosnt even know WHAT killed his family." she grumbled. Dusk turned to Rogue. "Im sorry, i am no healer..." no stated
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10:33pm Apr 16 2010
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StarFrost found Calyx and looked her over. "what happened to her?!" she hissed as she tried her best to heal her. she helped ease the pain but she was not fully healed, at least she wasent bleeding anymore. "ugh i feel like crap this sucks"Rogue laughed. " ouch " she made a face.
10:39pm Apr 16 2010
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"Dont get mad at me.." Zure snarled. "I didnt HAVE to come and get you..." he growled. He turned so his back faced StarFrost, "A fight, Dusk and her fought.... Dusk used some shadowy curse power, and nearly killed her..." he said sympathetically. He turned and glanced at Calyx, "i've learned the ways of her curse, u cant do anything...wait for the pain to fade.... depending on the strength it usually takes at least 8 hours to fully heal, more if the power level was great." Zure said smartly to StarFrost,whom he did not approve her attitude toward him. Dusk turned "oh your up are you?" she asked Rogue not really paying attention.
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10:39pm Apr 16 2010
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((will u comment tomorrow?))
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7:15am Apr 17 2010
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(( u post mehh gots nothen xD ))
9:03am Apr 17 2010
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((lol, ok zizo xD whered det go?))
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9:05am Apr 17 2010
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" yea i got a headache ...and i slept on a rock." she laughed. StarFrost picked up Calyx then turned to Zure." you may come with us to camp. calyx growled to herself. she hated to be picked up.
9:06am Apr 17 2010
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(( mehh dont know D: can u try to get more ppl to join dis RP? :D ))
9:08am Apr 17 2010
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Dust smiled, "u missed me totally destroy a group of 'puppies'" she laughed coldly. Zure turned to StarFrost. "Ok, Im following." he said. He laughed silently as Calyx growled
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9:10am Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 9:12am Apr 17 2010)
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" i miss everything." Rogue laughed trying to get up. StarFrost layed Calyx down on a blanket in a small tent. " if you are staying you tent is over there." StarFrost said pointing to a tent beside Calyxs. " is there anything you need before i go Calyx?" she asked sweetly. " yea get me some freaken food im starving."she said smiling.
9:14am Apr 17 2010
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Dust chuckled soflty. "Next time, u should join me, it was two against one..." Dust was beggining to warm up to Rogue. Zure just turned and started walking in another direction...
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9:16am Apr 17 2010
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" i cant let you have all the fun anymore." she said streching her legs. " ouch! crap i cant feel my paw." she made a awkward face. " is that normal?" she asked she shood her paw." i think its asleep." she laughed.
9:19am Apr 17 2010
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Dust chuckled, "of course not! join me next fight, i bet their coming back...i suppose it is, u have been out cold for a while..." she smiled.
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9:22am Apr 17 2010
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" how long?" she asked." do i look old?" she laughed. " i hope they do come back." she smiled. Cinder woke up " what i miss?" he asked looking around." i see that your awake Rogue." he said.