9:25am Apr 17 2010
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"only about a couple hours, that Calyx pup tried lunging for me,but got u instead...We'll teach them a good lesson." she chuckled coldly. Dust turned...."so did u find what killed ur family?" she said unemotional
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9:27am Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 9:28am Apr 17 2010)
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" what do you think?" he growled " but i did kill something..... im not sure what it was.... it might of been a cat...." he smiled. " let me rember.... white fur....black paws..." he laughed coldly. " well you ok Rogue?" he asked turning to her. " yea no thanks to you. while you were enjoying yourself i was nearly killed." she hissed.
9:32am Apr 17 2010
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"Shame....u still have no idea WHAT killed them, how disappointed ur family would be." Dust said in a not caring voice. Dust snickered at Rogue's reaction..."Well cinder, why dont u join your own kind, i just took down a pair of wolves, im sure they'll accept u...." she laughed coldly
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9:36am Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 9:39am Apr 17 2010)
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" i DO know what killed my family I WAS THERE!" he barked. " im not a werewolf you idiot im a vampire wolf. " he`s telling the truth Dust" she sighed. " i was there too....me and Cinder are brother and sister unfortionatly. we were the only survivors. but Cinder took the most damage when tat mutt killed his pups and mate.the only thing i lost was my other brothers and sisters and parents."she punched Cinder." i hate it when you remind me of that crap!" she hissed.
9:43am Apr 17 2010
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"hmmm, u both dont know..." Dust sighed disappointed... She turned and swished her tail..."A murderer shares no label, and are not catagorized between wolf/cat..." she sighed. "Technically the only thing different from me, and the werewolf that killed your family, are our size, and color of our fur." she said. "Zure's families dead because of me, and your family is dead because of some wolf...i bet Zures feeling the same pain as you accept hatred toward a cat not a wolf..." she stretched. "Whos the idiot NOW..." she growled amused, her eyes sparkling with glints of evil and death. "Your siblings at least, you have each other...Zure has NOBODY..." she laughed coldly
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9:47am Apr 17 2010
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" neh still you." Cinder said. he sat down. " why do you care about Zure anyway. and why do you know so much about him....i think your a stalker." he laughed coldly. " oh shut up mutt! before i claw you face off!"
9:59am Apr 17 2010
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"As i said, i have my reasons..." she laughed evily. "Maybe i just killed, because its...fun..." she said sarcastically. "Think what you want, but calling me names, could get u in a heap of trouble." she winked and took off in the direction of the woods only to be met up by Zure. She hissed "Come back for more?" Zure sat, and went into his human form... "I just want to know why..." he said tears running down his cheeks. Dust cocked her head..." you know why..." she hissed amused. "Maybe u should go join those other orphans..." she nodded toward Rogue and Cinder. She turned and walked around him, knowing that prey was in her fingertips...
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10:03am Apr 17 2010
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Calyx suddenly lunged up from her spot in her tent. he eyes scanned the room. StarFrost stared at her. " what is it now?" she hissed. " Zure .. Dust..gotta go!" was all she said she ran into the woods starFrost running after her. " leave him alone!" she barked. " or you`ll get it!"
10:13am Apr 17 2010
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Dust looked back at Zure who just sat stunned... She came back... and slashed his back. Zure ignored the pain, he wanted to join his family, he wanted to die...Zure just hoped Dust would be quick, but it didnt look like she was. Dust turned into her human form, whom Zure has never seen before. Zure was stunned that this murderer was actually...pretty. He closed his eyes Dust grabbed Zure's neck and slammed him into a tree....his blood running down her human hands. "Fight BACK!" she hissed throwing him into a stone. Zure just layed there. tears running down his face Dust walked over to him, kicking hard. Dust's eyes went wide and she used her curse, she felt Zure's life being drained. Zure held his tongue wanting to scream knowing there was nothing he could do. He begged to die, the pain was to great. Dust stopped the curse, and kicked again, lifting Zure up by the neck so his feet hanged in mid air. "Your.Not.Worth.Killing." she said coldly, throwing Zure back into a rocks hard side, smiling as she heard the bones crack. Dust strolled over to Zure. "Im going to leave you with the tiniest bit of life, you can dream of ur dead family because i know their death has caused you more pain then any fate....even death." She smiled and went back into her cat form running off Zure curled up, already losing feeling in his body. He flinched and awaited certain death
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10:16am Apr 17 2010
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StarFrost leaned over Zure. " so that was dust..." she hissed " Calyx stay with him.. i got some hunting to do..." Calyx nodded and layed beside Zure. StarFrost ran after Dust and met up with her." leave them alone or you will have me to deal with kit." she was many years older than Dust and very strong.
10:22am Apr 17 2010
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Zure couldnt feel or see the precense of Calyx or StarFrost Dust cocked her head. "What ever you say grandma..." Dust said in a rude sarcastic voice. "awww poor pups, did they need someone to fight their problems FOR them? well i HATE cowards...plus i only DEFEND myself against them..." she said in a cold innocent voice. "Ohh im sooo scared..." Dust said paw over her mouth chuckling loudly.
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10:28am Apr 17 2010
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" yea right kit laugh all you want in a few minutes you`ll be laying on the ground with all your limbs tore off begging for mercy." she barked getting ready. orbs began to form around her paws.
10:35am Apr 17 2010
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Dust yawned...."fighting is a solution for all of ur type, isnt it...u bore me..." Dust said starting to walk away, "a little full of urself arent u..." Dust said as she winked at StarFrost. I'll be hunting, if ur coward friends dare to come after me, and she raced off...not really afraid of the new threat
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10:36am Apr 17 2010
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10:38am Apr 17 2010
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StarFrost growled. " shes the real coward running away from me... itty bitty kitty dosent wanna play?" she laughed and turned back. Calyx picked up Zure and ran back to the camp. she layed him down and walked out of his tent hoping he would be ok.StarFrost did her best to heal him.
10:48am Apr 17 2010
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10:53am Apr 17 2010
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Zure opened his eyes. He flew up to his feet... "DUST! where'd she go!" he collapsed, he was aching all over. He blinked and saw StarFrost and Calyx...."what happened..." he was dizzy and still in pain Meanwhile, Dust ran about the trees chasing a group of deer. She killed one with a single swipe and quicly drank its blood. Blood dripped from Dust's mouth and whiskers as she smiled darkly
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11:02am Apr 17 2010
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" you went crazy and tried to attack Dust... but naturally you lost." Starfrost said walking out of his tent. Calyx padded in. " are yiu ok?" she asked looking serious.
11:06am Apr 17 2010
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"Like you could do any better..." he growled at StarFrost with effort. He turned to Calyx "Im fine thanks." he smiled "Why does StarFrost hate me?" he questioned confused.
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11:14am Apr 17 2010
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"she dosent hate you." she said " she just dosent fully trust you yet." she added. " why is that kit after you anyway?" Calyx asked.