8:15am May 1 2010 (last edited on 8:20am May 1 2010)
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The Human Race. Okay, this RP is my attempt at making it to the big, really detailed RP's, the absic thing about this is, you make your charas, Demons, vampires, Lycans, psychics, mixed breeds, shifters etc and we'll go along with it as best we can, no posts below 6 lines. Plot: In the distant future, people have had to train them selves in fighting styles and mental ability, one day a mystical species of creatures came through the earth's crust and began an unmerciful attack on the earth, leaving very few alive, the fastest and the strongest, and these are the last of the human race, tasked with wiping out the force that has invaded, and re-populate the planet earth, a faster, stronger, mroe efficient breed of humans. Rules: 1) No God-modding 2) No Power-playing 3) Keep it literate, no posts below 6 lines 4) No taking the story in all different directions, run all idea past me. 5) No controlling the RP, all major decision will be made by me. Bio Skelly: Name: Age: Ability(ies): Personality: Appearance: History: Other details(If any):
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8:31am May 1 2010 (last edited on 9:45am May 1 2010)
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Name: Sumnor Pegagnyx
Age: 25
Abilities: Sumnor is a psychic, therefore his main abilities are his pyschic capabilities, but he is also well versed in many forms of marshal arts and weapon fighting techniques.
Personality: Sumnor has always been quiet and outright at the same time, he said what he thought and didn't care for the reprocussions. His family were slain in the first attack from the creatures, he is the sole survivor, therefore it is very important to him to find someone he loves and darry on his family legacy, the legacy of the Pegagnyx.
Appearance: ((Picture in siggy.))
History: Sumnor is american by birth, although half of his family was japenese, he grew up in america, learning any fighting styles he could find suitable trainers for, he quickly adapted all of these skills into his own unique style, this way he is unpredictable in combat and his reflexes are well honed, causing him to be a well oiled killing machine, the creatures he fought were the weaker ones however, therefore he had to concentrate on honing his mental capabilities.
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9:26am May 1 2010 (last edited on 10:03am May 17 2010)
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Name: John O'Reilly
Age: 46 Abilities: Keen eye, he never misses a shot. Personallity: John is a new yorker, or he was, before the creatures wiped out the entire city, nowadays he's a hunter, he works along side the rest of the humans to try and regain control of the planet that is rightfully theirs. Appearance: ((You've all seen it, lol)) History: John grew up on the street, he had to grow up quick, it happened when you were poor, if not the streets would eat you alive, he found a beretta one day and trained himself in using it, ever since his favoured weapon has been the beretta, he has not missed a single shot to date, he was a dark soul that didn't take anybody talking to him in an unappreciated way.
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9:28am May 1 2010 (last edited on 9:55am May 1 2010)
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Name: Noel/ Dh'agir Zourda Age: 22 Ability(ies): Noel suffers from an extreme case of schizophrenia where both her mentality and physical appearance change drastically. Her ‘split personality’, Dh’agir, is skilled with a blade, martial arts and can control various elements (Fire being her preferred choice). Noel herself has no powers.
Personality: Noel-She isn’t exactly the kind of girl you’d expect to see survive an apocalypse. She’s a rather frail, shy and nervous being. She never speaks even when spoken to, and will never voice her opinions. She likes making friends, but she’ll tend to keep a slight distance from them because deep down she’s afraid they’ll do something to hurt her and risk Her coming out, and killing them...Which has happened a few times since humanity started to diminish. She will open up to those she trusts, but no else.She’s very easily discouraged and scared, but also a little encouragement is all it takes her to do something.
Dh’agir-She is the complete opposite of Noel. She is fierce, violent and brutal, and certainly not afraid to show it. She speaks her mind as freely as the wind blows, and if someone disagrees with her, she’s ready to fight to prove she’s right, even if she is wrong. She is selfish and will do what it takes to survive. In battle, she is both rash and cunning, which can both get her in trouble and be of great help. On the outside she seems as cold as stone, but if you dig a little deeper,as.suming you survive, you will find she is loyal and (almost) caring
Appearance: Noel- ((http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs10/i/2006/085/5/3/Girl_by_osy057.jpg)) Her eyes are green/brown and her hair is a deep brown, almost black.Her clothes are a size too big becuase she needs the room when Dh'agir comes out. She wears a katana((http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs11/i/2006/219/4/e/Katana_Swords_by_DigitalFreelancer.jpg)) slung across her back, though she never uses it.
Dh'agir- She still hold some resemblance to Noel, but manything change as she it let loose;Her skin turns ebony and her hair silvery white.Her eyes turn a piercing red.She's also more muscular than Noel.
History: ((Will come up with later))

9:38am May 1 2010
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((someone has a page stretcher so i can't join XD))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
9:42am May 1 2010 (last edited on 7:08pm May 1 2010)
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Name: Illumay Shahn
Age: Unknown~ Though her current body looks around 17.
Ability(ies): Illumay is a Demon. She has an ultra sensative intuition, which means she can literally pick emotions from the air, making it difficult for anyone to hide much from her. Her main offensive ability is to control both pressure and darkness. She can manipulate darkness in any wish she wishes, creating weapons, trapping an enemy and literally just bending it into a useable substance, also using it a means of ultra fast travel. Her pressure manipulating ability is more favoured, seeing as she can land hits from a distance, and the "pressure" itself does a lot of damage to a beings inner organs with seemingly no damage on the outside. She can form "sharp pressure", which literally acts as an invisible blade, or whip, depending on how its used. Also, because Illumay's current physical wings are not powerful enough to lift her, she condenses the pressure in the air, which allows her to literally "stand on air" and fly when needed.
Personality: Calm, serious and somewhat cheerful. She never seems to lose her temper (Though she can get angry), and tends to be easily amused by most things. Despite the fact she is a Demon, she acts very much like a human, caring and worrying about those around her, especially her friends and comrades. Also, don't be fooled by her looks, she is far older than she seems, she acts far older than any child, going by her true Demonic age. She isn't immediately trusting, always wary of the danger of strangers, and will, if necas.sary, take steps to protect herself, violently if need be. Her Demon nature means she can kill with very little emotion, and every so often, is prone to fits of her true Demon nature, no matter how she may act in any other situation.
 This image was done by me. No stealing, thankyou. >3
History: Illumay was once seen as a dangerous and vicious creature, a rogue Demon in her home world. She was known a killer on both Earth and Demon world, heartless, cruel and emotionless. She lived her life on blood, until eventually, a number of creatures, human and non, banded together to trap her into a younger and more human body, hence the reason she looks so young despite her true age. She was then exiled to the world she currently resides, Earth, her power weaker than used to be, but still dangerous. After many years, of course, she learnt to appreciate life, becoming similar to the very creatures she used to slaughter and as a result, now harbours an entirely different view on herself. Currently, she fights alongside the remaining humans, feeling as though she needs to repent for all she had previously commited.
Other details(If any): None~
9:58am May 1 2010
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9:59am May 1 2010
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9:59am May 1 2010
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9:59am May 1 2010
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9:59am May 1 2010
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10:00am May 1 2010
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10:00am May 1 2010
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10:00am May 1 2010
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10:00am May 1 2010
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10:00am May 1 2010
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10:01am May 1 2010
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10:01am May 1 2010
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10:01am May 1 2010
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10:01am May 1 2010
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