10:01am May 1 2010
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10:01am May 1 2010
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10:13am May 1 2010
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Sumnor was stood in an abandoned haouse in the middle of a town, in the middle of nowhere, his bright, piercing blue eyes examining the area for creatures and supplies, he raised his arm and spoke into the small microphone in his sleeve "This place isn't worth my time, it seems barren, the creatures must have mvoed on a while ago." John was in a buliding a few streets away from him, his hand snapped to the earpiece he was wearing as soon as he heard the voice of Sumnor, "It looks that way, all i can see is bodies, and they're old, most of them are almost completely rotted." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor was beginning to get depressed with this work, he lived to fight, and the fighting was in short supply since the screatures had begun strategising methods to avoid the band of humans that had begun to hunt them, he glanced over his shoulder as he heard a short scurrying noise in the street outside the building, he began to walk towards the door, hoping this would be worth his time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John was walking through the streets, he wasn't paying much attention to the direction he was taking as Sumnor could teleport him with his psychic abilities once they had finished their search, he couls smell the stench of decay, thick in the air as it was in msot cities, "Sick o' wastin my time in crap holes like this place, I mean seriously, if there were creatures in this place they'd of ambushed me by..." John'sconversation with himself was cut short by five of the creatures scurrying out of an abandoned school bus that was a few feet ahead of his position, a smile broke across his face. THE CREATURES:-
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10:29am May 1 2010 (last edited on 10:34am May 1 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
Yawning, the violet haired girl carried on, walking across a seemingly endless expanse of rubble. This world, Earth... It was such a mess now, the buildings ruined, forests ablaze, and an entire carpet of people who hadn't made it through the last day. She felt pity for them... Most humans just weren't built to handle an onslaught like the one they had faced. Of course, there were the odd, gifted few who seemed to have developed an ability that allowed them to survive. Not to mention, all those "mythological" creatures that made Earth their home. Vampires, Lycans... All of them, they we're the only true survivors here.
She stopped, glancing over the fallen concrete buildings before sitting herself on a rather large chunk of broken wall, her eyes surveying a couple of people who were heading in the opposite direction, walking the way she had come. Again... She was surprised to know even some of the normal people had survived this long.... It was quite a feat indeed.
She sighed quietly. Her red eyes falling on the rubble beneath her. Pity really... She hadn't been exiled here in her true form, she would have been so much more help. Then again... She'd still be a monster, a killer, if that was the case... And what would be the point of that?...
Raising her eyes to the sky, her mind once again analyzed her own situation. Here, stuck in a world she didn't truly belong, trying her best to help a species she once despised. It was this form, this human form. It had made her more prone to emotions... As a true Demon, all she wanted to do was kill, kill those who she deemed a weak race... And now, well. Now she wanted to help them... She had never felt fear, not before she had been entrapped into this body. She remembered it all, all before this, that is... Her own world, where no-one dared approach her for fear of death. A carpet of red beneath her, creatures running from a mere glimpse of her. Her Demon life.
Illumay held a hand in front of her eyes. This form had changed her, made her more human than she would have liked. Not that she could help it, her emotions were so much stronger in this form, and she found herself weak to them. Naturally, a few years like this effected her. No longer could she picture herself killing heartlessly, with no reason other than to watch the suffering... No, everything she did now was for the humans... Thanks to her form.
She dropped her hand, silently cursing those who had trapped her here before standing, her eyes once again roaming over the ruined concrete landscape. Well. She wasn't doing much good here...
Jumping from the wall, she glanced back the way she had come only once, before turning her back and continuing to walk; No aim, no destination. Her only plan was to kill those creatures when she found them. That was all there was to it.
10:31am May 1 2010
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Posts: 1,943
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:34am May 1 2010
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((Ferret, if you can keep posts like Kuro's last one, yeah, you gotta be literate))
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11:10am May 1 2010
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Name:Alyx Wolfe Age: 16 Ability(ies): Alyx is a werewolf, not the traditional monsters, but simply a boy that can transform into a wolf. Stemming off of his main ability, he has a heigtened sense of both smeel and hearing. He has a margin of control over transformations, when ever he feels a strong negative emotion (Sorrow, fury) he shifts into his other form. He rarely tranforms voluntairily, as it is painful for him. Personality:Ohhhh...man. It honestly changes every time, but count on some unstability in the form of fits of violence/delusions. Appearance: I made an action sequence! -Points below- History: Also in the action sequence. Other details(If any):None. A small shape darted throught the darkness, lithe and swift. The figure, outlined by the moon, was obviously a boy, running as if a pack of wolves were nipping at his heels. Skidding to a stop under a small lantern, His body was illuminated. He wor a black leather top, cinched up to his neck with crimson thread. His pants were black denim, and were quite tight, leaving room for breathing and moving, but not enought to get caught upon a brach or protruding rock. His hair was black, a chunk of bangs flopped over his right eye. Lifting his head, his face was illuminated briefly, pale skin and mismatched blue and green eyes. They were slanted, and his thick lips tight in a frown. The tips of his raven hair was a snow white, and his eyes darted back and forth, his ex pression that of a cornered animal. He lowered his head and took a breath, taking off like a shot, feet dancing over the ground with almost inhuman swiftness. He cupped his hands around his mouth and howled, imitating the pitched tones of a black wolf, feared and revered in forests. As he lowered his head, he crouched down, baring slightly pointed teeth. His manner was much like a wolf's as well. The short time he had been forced to spend in a school, after his father had been convicted of abuse, had been torture. Always teased, always ostracized. He snarled to himelf, and backed farther into the house, sitiing down by the wall with a soft thump. His father....He sighed and closed his slanted eyes. Marvie had been the only one to take care of him, the only one not to run away... Of course, Marvie was not his real father, but better than that wine soaked idiot. He started as a thin shape slipped into the wreck, and he got to all fours and growled softly. THen he glanced away as the wolf, for of course it was, lay down near Dravius.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:14am May 1 2010
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Posts: 2,378
John drew the beretta in the holster attached to the right hand side of his dark leather belt, he fired off two shots, both bullets penetrating two of the eyes of the right most creature, spreading brains over the road behind it, "You're lucky my trigger finger's been itchin', that means I wont be causing you two much pain, head shots happen when I'm in the right mood." The creature at the left flank of the group growled and darted towards him, John threw his left fist into the face of the creature, the metal plating on his glove causing him to punch straight through it's head with ease. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor walked through the door of the building and looked to his right, and then his left, his highly trained eyes scanning the area around him, seeing that he couldn't see any creatures in the close vecinity, he turned to his right and began walking down the path, seeing an alley to the right of him, he turned the corner and a creature leapt out of the darkness and pinned his down to the ground. "You really didn't wanna pi.ss me off even further than I already am, this is for my family."At that Sumnor'seyes turned completely white, no veins or pupils were visible, only white globes sat in his eye sockets. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John re-holstered the gun he was holding in his right hand and used the free hand to slide four fingers under the main chest armour and lift the creature on his fist into the air, hurling it into the three creatures that remained, "Well, that idiot just ruined that whole, 'no pain' deal for you." John quickly drew both of his berettas and fired off multiple shots, knee capping all three aliens in two of their four legs, causing them to fall the the ground. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor stared straightinto two of the creature's sick eyes, and all six of them turned white as Sumnor's did, the creature stumbled back away from Sumnor, holding it's head in it's two clawed hands, cuts began to appear from nowhere on it's body, Sumnor spoke as if he was doing this with extreme effort, "Hypnotism is a given when dealing with a psychic, did you not know that? And you attack me on your own? Sheer idiocy, you creatures really do have no intellect whatsoever." The way Sumnor was doing this was deep hypnotism, he tells the mind that the body is being wounded and the wounds appear, this was not often used by Sumnor as he preferred to get in close and cut his enemies with his blade, but in special occasions like this one, the one year anniversary of his family's deaths, he made an acception. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John looked upon the three remaining creatures, all sprawled across the road, scrambling in a sorry attempt to get to their feet, "You see, I enjoy killing you mutated sons of bit.ches, so there really was no point in you attacking like this, you were all destined to die as soon as you began attacking the earth a year ago, so, today is the day taht destiny comes to fluition." John then fred off more shots into the legs og the creatures, causing bigger wounds, allowing more blood to leak out, making it definate that the creatures would bleed out, before standing and walking abck towards the co-ordinates of Sumnor's last transmition.
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8:29am May 2 2010 (last edited on 8:36am May 2 2010)
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Illumay yawned, stopping for a moment to cover her mouth with a hand, her face tired. She then stretched, allowing her wings to flare slightly, the blood red web stretching itself across each bone of the wing structure. She pulled them immediately back to her shoulders as she caught a faint scent of blood.
Without thinking about it, she starting walking again, heading in the very direction that scent was originating; Every step bringing her closer to a presence, one that she identified as a "special" human. A human who, like many of them, had developed an ability in order to combat the monsters of this world. There was a strange sense of alertness, but very little fear, which Illumay found rather intruiging. Anyone who showed a lack of fear usually ended up dead. Fear, afterall, was what kept many of the human race alive.
After a few minutes of walking, she came to a completely collapsed skyscraper, the rubble piled like a small concrete mountain, metal pipes and broken glas.s sticking out of the gray m*censored* of what had once been one of man's greatest examples of architecture.
She flared her wings a second time, allowing the air pressure beneath her feet to build, lifting herself off the tattered road and into the air, using her wings as a means of steering. Afterall, there was no way wing's that size would lift her, another of the many downsides of being trapped in a human body. Her ability to manipulate air pressure was what gave her flight, thank god. Flight was the one thing she enjoyed most.
She flew over the remains of the building, allowing her feet to touch the top of that makeshift mountain as her eyes scanned the destroyed streets below her. Now just where was that presence?... It was still there someplace... She could feel it, and another, a little further away. She sat down, her wings folding themselves against her shoulders as she kept her eyes on the area below.
9:00am May 2 2010
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Sumnor's eyes returned to their natural blue colour once the creature had died from lack of blood, he enjoyed killing the creatures, and he delighted in torturing them, a slight way to get revenge as they had tortured the human race some what. Sumnor went to the body, examining it, these were the third creatures up the ladder of power, "Why did she send you to guard an abandoned city for a few remnants? What a waist, you don't reproduce like the higher powered monsters, you take years to mature, similar to us, but, why would she waste you, the grunts are so much easier for her to send, and they can ambush so much easier." Sumnor had always enjoyed the sound of his own voice, and he enjoyed a good puzzle, this was a delight to him. Sumnor picked the carc*censored* of the creature up and looked into it's eyes, which had also returned to their regular colour, he noticed that there was a computer chip behind one of the eyeballs, "Oh c'mon, they're really genetic engeering you now? oh, this is delicious, another puzzle for me to wrap my mind around, genetic engeering may have bonuses, like you are a lot quicker to cart out, but the cons, I mean you're weaker, more maliable to damage." Sumnor unsheathed a small dagger from his waist belt and put the point to the eyeball, getting ready to retrieve that pesky microchip when he sensed something, in his mind's eye, something that nobody else would have sensed but sumnor, his psychic prowess giving him this extra something. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John had finished with his delight for today and had got into the alleyway and was stood behind Sumnor, the first thing he saw was SUmnor about to remove one of the creatures eyes, he smiled, Finally, he's come to the more violent side. he frowned as Sumnor looked up towards the cliffside that surrounded the city, what was he looking at? "Sumnor, you okay bud?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor's head snapped round at the sound of his friends voice, he looked him in the eye, a puzzled ex pression on his face, he spoke with a slight hint of intrugue in his voice, "There's someone up there, a female if my sense are correct, she's human but... at the same time she's not." "You think they've started makin' hybrids Sumnor?" "No, or at least I don't think so, we'll have to go and take a look, I'm sure she'll be happy to meet Dryac, he's human but not as well I suppose, it is definately a similr mental electrical signature but it is different in some way." John looked at Sumnor as if he had finally gone insane. Sumnor raised his right hand and closed his eyes, the wall of a large building began to crumble and then was ripped from the building itself, he then threw the entire wall to one side with merely his mind, he could now see the figure standing on the cliffside, "You're coming with me John." "Now come on don't I get a say in the matt--" Before John could finish arguing the point Sumnor grabbed him by the arm, using telekinesis to levitate them both from the ground and up to the cliff-side next to the figure, "Greetings, from one hundreth of the humman race."
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9:35am May 2 2010
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Name: Ulmar Phellan Age: 271 (Immortal) Appearance:  Species: Lycan Personallity: Ulmar is lycan by birth, he can morph into his wolf form whenever he desires, however it hurts in ways no ordinary human could belive, so he trained himself in the ways of the sword, he only morphs when completely neccessary. Ulmar is a ruthless warrior at heart, he would do anything to get what he wants, just like his only friend Dryac. History: Ulmar was born in early america, his father was a human and hismother was lycan, this would ordinarily make him half blood which would remove his immortality but a druid cast a spell on him when he was only a boy, damning him to eternal life.
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9:40am May 2 2010
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Name: Dryac Nol'gar Age: 307 Appearance:
Species: Vampire Personallity: Dryac is a pure blooded vampire, his father and mother were vampires, therefore making him immortal, a curse and a gift, however he is ruthless by nature, his main goal was to bring the improved humans back to full power as to agree a settlement so that Lycans and Vampries may live side by side with humans forvere, his only friend was Ulmar. History: Dryac was also born in early America, before it was discovered, his family had moved to the lands from another country that Dryac did not know the name off, since birth his main aim was to survive by any means neccessary, a handy goal to have in today situation.
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11:56am May 3 2010
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1:43am May 4 2010
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10:23am May 4 2010
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1:47am May 5 2010
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11:47am May 5 2010
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1:47am May 6 2010
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1:48am May 7 2010
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7:06am May 8 2010
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((what goes BUMP in the night?))
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