7:11am May 8 2010
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((Join....? -HOPE- Been up for over 24 hours now. No sugar yet and I'm still not tired! :D))
7:27am May 8 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Rika, sure, if you can keep up with the posts me and kuro have been doin))
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7:30am May 8 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Ah, as long as I have stuff to work with and I ca go the the Library every Tuesday and Thursday ad spend the weekends at my uncle's, I should be good. C': -makes bio(s)-))
7:33am May 8 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Lolol. Dryac reminds me of my friend Sabrina's boyfriend, Everett. xDDDD -srsly makes bio(s)-))
8:03am May 8 2010
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Name: Altair Esmiro Age: 18 Ability(ies): Can transform into a DRAGON. :D Personality: Can be quite blunt, but usually puts thought into what he says beforehand so he doesn't insult anybody. Most often, is a very kind, sweet young man, but at other times he can be quite beastly. But it's difficult to push him past his limit, so most people have yet to see him snap. Appearance: He is roughly 6 ft tall and is 200 lbs of muscle. Only 4% of his body weight is fat. |D As stated in my previous two sentences, he is very well built and not afraid to show it. He tends to wear short sleeves because he finds them very comfortable, and is currently wearing one that is colored red and decorated with a black dragon roaring. He wears black cargo pants that have two little strips of cloth cross-crossing in the front, attached to either side, though these black pants have a white Eastern Dragon swirling up the leg that Altair added himself. He wears a black choker that has a ruby hanging from it that has been carved into the intricate shape of a dragon and even has diamonds for eyes. He has long black hair that he keeps in a ponytail using a white hair-tie, but the strangest thing about him is his eyes. They're both totally different colors. The right is the color of honey and flecked with silver, amber, and forest green, while lined with hazel, while the left is a deep, ocean blue and flecked with gold, little bits of red, and, oddly, purple, and to top it off is lined in a striking, beautiful shade of goldenrod. His skin is lightly tanned, just enough so that he doesn't look like a vampire. And he has a black Eastern dragon tattoo curling around his left arm.
Dragon looks: Same bi-colored eyes, black scales that are swirled with silver while his tail is striped with gold, as are his black wings. Has the black choker still. History: Unknown. e.o Other details(If any): Um. He actually has two separate dragon forms. The one above is his normal form. If he gets extremely angry, the more...demonic dragon within him takes over. e.o Name: Akune, last name unknown. Age: 1151, but does't look a day over 18. ;3 Ability(ies): Ah, all the usual vampire stuff. Transforming into bats and wolves and mist, as well as summoning bats and wolves. Personality:She's a bit of a flirt and /loves/ being in control. She walks with an air of seduction around her, this also shown in the way she sways her hips when she moves. Appearance: Akune has long, straight blond hair that she keeps tied back in a ponytail, and her bangs are colored red to compliment her bright orange eyes. And, since her bangs are too short to be tied back, they just kind of...fall in her face. Her wardrobe consists of a strapless black leather top that is only big enough to cover her chest area, which is connected to a black leather miniskirt with fishnet that clings to her body,showing just how 'curvy' she is. Around her neck she wears a golden pedant that has words written in a dead language etched within it, given to her by her father. Oh yeah, she wears leather boots, too. History: UNKNOWN. Other details(If any): She's actually like....a Prussian descendant. HEr daddy was Prussian. :D Name: Eithen Michael Weathers Age: 24 Ability(ies): ....He's got claws permanently attached to hsi hands and multiple mental issues. :D Personality: He's extremely withdrawn at times, others he's psychotic, others he's perfectly rational, and still others he's sitting curled up in a corner like something's going to jump out and eat him. owo He will always instantly calm down when he sees blood, sitting still and watching it drip to the ground. Sometimes, he even goes so far as to cut himself just to see the thick, ruby-colored liquid fall tot he ground. Appearance:Eithen is quite tall, standing at exactly 6 feet, and has shaggy-cut platinum blond hair, the front reaching almost to his shoulders.. HE has very pale skin that is covered in scars from his own claws, which are steel-plated silver, that are attached to his hands and cannot be removed without amputation. He has pale blue eyes that seem to light up whenever he sees blood, a rather insane grin spreading across his face in an almost...child-like manner. His favorite clothing consists of a scarlet T-shirt underneath a pale yellow-white hoodie and a pair of old blue jeans that are strangely enough stained with blood, looking at if he had stood knee-deep in a literal pool of the stuff. His arms are pretty defined, thanks to him swinging around his metal claws all the time. History:Well, it's all a blur to him before he turned 16, which was when he attached the claws to his hands. He's seriously hurt quite a few people in those years. owo In fact, he's ended up in the hospital over 20 times in the past two years. owo Other details(If any): Mental issues: Schitzophrenia, Multiple Personality Disorder, adoration of blood, irrational behavior overall. ono All this is intensified when he's locked in a small space. owo

8:22am May 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,378
((Well then Rika, those bio's a perfect, feel free to introduce your charra's to the mix, minea nd kuro's are currently up a mountian, if you want to come to grips with Sumnor, Dryac, Jack, Ryac and Illumay, you may want to read what we've posted so far))
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10:14am May 8 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Reu, I'm so sorry, but I'm going to have to leave before I start, as I just have too many ongoing roleplays, I'm sorry for wasting your time. -Bows out-))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:46pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 2,378
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1:42am May 10 2010
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1:48am May 11 2010
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1:42am May 12 2010
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9:54am May 13 2010
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11:22am May 13 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Isn't this fun?
11:28am May 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Of course Matt, read what the first page says, lol, but this will continue like, tomorrow or the next day, I'm waitin on kuro, but please post your bio and a post to show were your charras are))
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3:16pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 3,557
(Okay. ^^)
Isn't this fun?
5:16pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 3,557
Name: Alexis Brimmings Age: 27 Ability(ies): Personality: Appearance: (Yes, yes, Malice Mizer era GACKT. But I didn't do it on perpose, he was the closest I could apperently get to my vision of Alexis) History: Other details(If any): ________ Name: Siren Age: Ability(ies): Personality: Appearance: History: Other details(If any): (My father is calling, I'll finish later. Dx)
Isn't this fun?
1:43am May 14 2010
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Posts: 2,378
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6:12am May 15 2010
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6:29am May 15 2010
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Posts: 1,789
There wasn't much to see, and Illumay was getting bored quickly. She sighed and looked up at the sky, watching a lone cloud float across that endless expanse that seemingly had no care for what happened to those on Earth.
She got to thinking about her home world, an ache in her heart at the mere memory of it. The place was quite literally a challange for survival, but that was how she lived; And she loved it. The body she currently had tied her to Earth, so there was no way she could return.
Sighing slightly, she pulled her eyes back to Earth as she sensed a power that was building. She could tell it was human, one of those who had developed an ability in order to survive. Her senses were tingling as she silently probed. It was a mind based ability, and a powerful one at that.
Illumay showed no surprise at the appearance of the being with the ability, appearing in the air before her grasping hold of yet another person. She raised her eyebrows at the two, it was unusual, for people to so easily approach eachother like this. Afterall, everyone was always in a rush, desperate to get back inside before the beasts showed.
Illumay remained exactly as she was, only replying once she'd finished probing the two who now floated in front of her.
"Hey... I suppose."
She flared her wings slightly, before lifting her own body off the ground, seeming to simply stand on air as she looked at them. Just who were they, and what did they want?...
6:44am May 15 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Sumnor smiled slightly before setting John on the ground of the cliff, he lowered himself down to stand next to his old friend, before glancing up at the being that floated before them, "Can we have a name? I mean there's two hundred recorde humans left, one hundred and thirty two of which have developed powers, I know all of those humans, I have never met you in the apst, therefore you are unprecidented, my mind is hard to spike interest in, for one such as you to do that is impressive." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John looked around the area, this area was even mroe barren than the town below, he began surveying the area for a possible camp for Sumnor and himself, and quite possibly their new friend, depending on what she wanted to do, he saw a few small shelters up ahead, *censored*uming that they had been abandoned long ago when the creatures began to push further forward, he turned back to the group, listening intently to every word that escaped from Sumnor's mouth, he had always enjoyed listening to his friend speak. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor was watching the girl's face intently, waiting for a reply when he sensed movement underground and all around him, he twirled on the spot to face the shelters a few metres ahead of their current position as dozens of creatures burst from both them and the ground, forming a semi-circle with a radius of 5 metres around the group, Sumnor frowned, sick of interruptions, he let his mind flare as a bolt of raw mental power burst from his forehead and caused one of the creature's heads explode on it's shoulders. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jack looked at Sumnor, a surprised ex pression grew on his face, "Yippee, Bud, I knew you were powerful but not THAT powerful, I mean there's brain everywhere, look at the rest of 'em, they're all stunned, time for us to have some fun!" Jack drew his twin berettas as Sumnor raised his hands, palms facing out, preparing for the battle ahead.
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